A Wolf's heart

Story by Daniel on SoFurry

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Jake stands on the cliff looking towards the ocean, his arms hanging at his sides, his clothes drenched with the fresh summer rain. His dark blue eyes staring into the darkness of the murky sea....and then steps back into his home... and takes his heavy coat off....and then slips into the shower. The hot water on his fur felt good, the young wolf was surprisingly thin due to his eating habits....and then brushes his thick locks back behind his ears....and then scrubs himself down....all the way down between his legs, and wipes slowly to clean his genitals...and then turns the water off. Stepping out of the shower he wipes his fur dry with a towel and then slips his clothes on.

' It's going to be another rainy day tommorrow as more showers come in from the south. The temperature for tommorrow will be a warm 80 degrees for the high and a chilly low for tommorrow night of 40 degrees...' , the weatherman said, and Jake turns the television off... and then sits down...and pulls a picture of a wolf to his chest....and then says," Oh.... Adam just to see you one more time..." , and Jake smiles a little...and sets the picture back down.

*Rings* The phone moves as the ringing continues....and Jake reaches across the coffee table and picks the cordless up and says," Hello?" , and listening.... " Hello....Jake...." , the voice says, and Jake's eyes widen..." Adam!?" , and tears swell up in his eyes...." Yes....it's me....I'm okay....my plane's flight was delayed..." , Adam's voice sound weak and tired. " Do you want me to come pick you up? " , Jake asked... wiping his eyes..." Yeah....I would really love to see you....I'm sorry for making you feel that way... I know you were crying...I just know in my heart that you were..." , Adam's voice strong and sincere..." Okay I'm on my way...which entrance will I see you at? " , Jake asked...excited...and nervous... " The north terminal entrance....", Adam replied and then said," I will see you then....good bye...", Adam spoke...and the phone cut off....leaving the familiar droll bing .... Jake hangs the phone up and then places his cell phone in his jeans....and then smiles grasping his keys off the table.

Jake runs to his truck and opens the door, trying not to get drenched by the rain again and then closes the door behind him. Turning it on and sets the air conditioner on, and then turns his lights on and begins to drive towards the end of his street...and then leans over on the wheel and grasps onto his heart....wanting it to decide if Adam was worth travelling 3 hours to the airport ...... and nods...and continues on...

Three hours later...., Jake pulls up to the northern terminal, and sees Adam standing in the archway waiting for him....he honks his horn at him and waves him over...and then moves down to get out and helps Adam place his bags in the back floorboard. Jake then hugs Adam deeply, and smiles, " I've missed you ...", he says...looking at Adam. Adam looks at Jake flabbergasted, havong thought that he hated him. " And I really missed you....", Adam replies holding him tight. Jake and Adam stand there for a few minutes and then move in the truck and pulls off heading home.

" So how have you been doing? " , Adam asks and places his head back against the seat. " I'm doing well, I got a new job with a local computer company, as a technician. I've also got a cat named Jerry...and live on the beach now....in a two bedroom house...." , Jake replies and says," So how about you? Are you still going to take the job...for that company?", asking quietly...his eyes concentrating on the road...." No....I'm not....I decided not too now....this will probably surprise you but I've fallen for someone....", and his hand reaches over rubs Jake's as he was driving. Blushing deeply, Jake stares at Adam and back at the road, " I feel the same way....let's finish this at home...the weather's really bad..." , and looks back at Adam, who nods quietly...

Another three hours later, Jake and Adam pulls into the drive of his home, and then gets out of the truck and carries Adam's bags inside. Adam watches Jake as he carries everything for him and then watches as they get inside and gazes at the beautiful insides of Jake's home. Then Adam smiles as Jake approaches, and hugs him," Come with me... I'm going to show you my room...", and rubs at his shoulders during his hug. Grasping onto Adam's hand Jake leads him to his bedroom, and shows him the velvet sheets and velvet pillows.

Adam then pushes Jake onto the bed, and giggles looking at Jake's surprised face, and begins removing Jake's pants...his fingers trailing in the fur from Jake's chest to the pants, unbuttoning the pants, and unzips them....his eyes locked onto Jake's eyes. Then move down to slip off the pants to realise that Jake wasn't wearing underwear, and smiles widely, and rubs his cock tip at the entry to Jake's rump...and then gasps feeling how hot and tight his pucker feels...

Jake is almost overwhelmed with all of the pleasure Adam sends up his spine, and gasps as he feels Adam's cock going into his pucker. Then moves his hips down and wraps his legs around Adam's back, and then smiles as he looks at Adam staring into his eyes. Both of the wolves now gasping and moaning... and then the rhythm of the thrusts get rougher as both push to and fro making the bed squeak and moan underneath their movements.

Adam cries out pleasurefully, "Oh God.....Jake....", and then pushes in deeper his cock flaring as his cock begins to pump pre into Jake's rear with strength lubricating Jake's rump. Groaning heavily he begins to moan Jake's name, and then howls, his cum filling Jake's rump with cum.

Jake howls as he feels the cum fill his rump, and his cock floods Adam's chest with his own seed...throbbing alittle as his orgasm eases off....panting as he feels Adam's cock leave his rump. " Oh....God...Adam I love you so....", and holds onto Adam, in which starts to cuddle....and both then drift off to sleep....

The End...