Floating in Space

Story by FrostySnowTail on SoFurry

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Floating in Space ~~SnowDragon

"When the Warrior calls, all ships heed its call." ---

The ceaseless black void of space was broken by a flash of orange shaded lightning.

It was like a tear in the emptiness, like a higher power had driven a knife blade through fabric, and the structure grew wider rapidly until it was a full circle, complete and perfect on its own. The edges of the horizon that had formed crackled with arcs of orange light, reaching out, trying to touch something, trying to touch anything. There was no noise, only utter silence, but the impressive size of the spatial formation, the arcing bolts of light, it was so easy to imagine just how noisy it could have been, how loud its roar might have sounded. From the very centre of that bright orange glow, came antennas. The long probes at the front of a capital ship, beginning to feed the ship they were attached to information about the surrounding area it was moving into. They were long, but they were nothing compared to the vessel itself as the black and white tiger striped bow began to slip free, wrapped in such an aggressively vibrant camouflage pattern. The nose was narrow, with a long shapely angle down and a slight flat spot at the very top front. It was taller than it was wide, dotted with circular structures and weapon hardpoints across its outermost facings. The camouflage pattern broken by a pair of eyes on either side like some ocean going predator, giving the vessel a fearsome appearance. For a hundred and fifty metres this shape continued before it grew twice as wide. Four long spires rested against clamps down the length of this wider section, the only part of the ship not wrapped in colour. When a hundred metres had passed, the ship abruptly came to an end with the massively bright blue glow of its engine units in the rear, four separate thrusters all burning to push the vessel through the emptiness of space. The outer hull almost seemed to ripple an orange bubble wrapped with a hexagonal pattern flickering in and out of existence around it, deflecting impacts from tiny particles that could rip a huge chunk out of the vessels protective carapace unprotected. Mostly invisible, it reacted in time to such impacts, flickering briefly.

When the ship was clear of the portal of its own creation, it snapped shut violently behind it with a flash of bright light and reminded the universe of its presence briefly with flickering arcs of lights flashing in all directions, slowly deceasing in size. The ship bristled externally with activity, weapon emplacements turning and connected spinning dishes sweeping the vast emptiness of space for anything they could start to shoot at. Blue strobe lights flashed rapidly at the corners of the ship three, four, five times before fading out for seconds at a time before repeating all over again. And deep within the carapace of the ship, there stood only one soul aboard. The green dragoness, her scales a combination of shades of the colour she was called, brilliantly hidden if she were in a patch of grass. She wore no uniform, only a loosely fitting set black and grey shirt and skirt that dropped below her knees. No shoes, only the sound of her toe claws clacking off the metallic grey surface of the plating underfoot. And she were not in the helm of the vessel, that great wide circular room where she would float to pilot the ship directly, but rather in the command centre, surrounded by massive ceiling high screens and displays which provided just, exactly the right amount of information to be overwhelming. On the big one in the centre though, too her right from the console she stood at, tapping down on the keyboard of, bringing information and readouts on the monitor it was attached to. Ahead there were three spherical objects. One was gigantic, a baleful orange and yellow colour, with storms so large she could see the flashes of lightning from even this distance on the display, the gas giant one of the largest she had ever seen in all of her explorations and escapes. It had two moons, one natural and one captured entity by the way they rotated in orbit counter to each other. The digitized voice of the ship's computer spoke her thoughts at that very moment. It was cool, crisp, a fake female voice, and with just enough programmed emotion to trick the mind into thinking it was a real person or something with real emotion and feelings behind it.

"Transition complete. Swordfish is reaching critical Sand build up levels. Only two jumps remain." it added to the end as a caution, screens around the command centre updating with information it had mentioned, and more that it had not. Her smile at the seemingly emptiness of this section of space was dampened a bit by the realization of what had forced her to Flash to this bit of space in the first place. It was becoming clear that this bit of space was all pirate controlled, like some sort of criminal cartel they were touching and taking over everything in sight, anything they could jump to. The stories she had heard out of the remaining independent survivor colonies were awful, people kidnapped and sold to labour camps to be worked to death or to brothels to be worked as slaves. Those they took never returned. They didn't just have numbers, they had access to older navy vessels as well, military hardware that gave them a massive advantage over any civilian populace they encountered. Worse still, her last job to in exchange for fuel she needed to continue on, one of their raiding parties had spotted her electronic attack frigate. She had to abandon the site without the fuel before they could track her. They wanted the hull. She had four generations of military hardware above them, but Swordfish wasn't a warship. She could disable civilian converts all day, but even an older military ship would give her trouble.

Five transitions later, and she was here now, with no sign of pursuit, in a completely empty planetary system. She had her next jumps already plotted out, the navigation drones were millions of light years ahead of her, scanning away and providing her information on a safe place to jump into. Her smile, prideful as it returned, thinking of how easily she had outrun them, evaded detection and finally slipped their space completely. She tapped on the keyboard, plugging in a new command line, and code began to scroll up on the main screen and the secondary screens around it. A line was drawn, indicating the new flight path and the ship began to burn towards the planetary formation with haste. But before she was willing to jump any further, she needed to vent the radioactive sand that was building up in the ship's propulsion systems, and she needed an strong gravity well to do it. She couldn't think of anything stronger than this giant right here in a very quiet bit of space short of perhaps an entire star. She looked up at one of the screens across the other room, looking at how long it was going to take, how long she would be stationary for. Twelve hours, the display said. Her tail wiggled a bit behind her as the time left gave her a thought, and she tried to rationalize it. She had plenty of time... She had the most advanced electronic systems known to her species... No one knew where she was... It had been so long, didn't she deserve something nice to relax and enjoy herself once in a while? All of that work and experimentation she had done was just sitting there idle, so much effort into programming that she so very rarely got to use. So much work figuring out how to render herself with such pleasure. She shook her head once or twice, clearing a few thoughts that were slipping into her head, and then with a soft little sigh, she agreed with herself. She would. Tonight, these twelve hours, would be for her. Not for Swordfish, for her. She purred a bit in her throat, tail whipping about slowly behind her. Now, instead of being something she could handle with draconic like patience, the ten minute trip waiting for the ship to pull itself into position in orbit of the gas giant, while hiding in the sensor shadow of the counter rotating moon was almost agonizing.

She sat down in one of the comfortable, padded chairs that were bolted to the floor, watching the display show where the ship was moving, how it was moving, what thruster bank was firing, what percentages the main engines were at, the attitude of the vessel according to its home gyroscope... it was all information that she studied because it gave her something else to do to take the edge of the weight, but at the same time, it was all information that she -knew-, that she had already studied a hundred times before this very moment. And it did little to take the edge of waiting. Space was pretty, and it was vast and by its very nature it was impressive, but to a seasoned commander like her in the end times, it meant little. It was nothing more than something to shift through to get to the next objective, the next point in space to continue on. She flickered her tongue out a bit, breathing a low, soft hiss, sinking a bit further into the chair, relaxing for once in weeks. She was alone. She wasn't concerned when she let her paws wander a bit over her clothing, tracing over fabric and green patterned scales, first over the underside of an arm all the way down to the palm, shivering with the sensation and biting at her lower lip gently. The touch was good, and she repeated it once more, but it was the wrong kind of good and she progressed on, watching the displays without focusing upon them any longer. Sliding a paw up the fabric of her shirt, and gently squeezing her palm around a breast, tail tip flicking and dragging on the cool metal floor while her head twisted off to the side. She did it again, and a third time soon after that, letting a weakened, and almost shuddered exhale slip from her form at the fabric covered gropes she was giving herself. Oh, it had been so long, she couldn't resist another, firmer squeeze until she gasped out a breath and had to let go. Letting her thoughts focus on the helplessness she planned to experience so very soon...

But only to switch hands, tracing the paw that had been squeezing up to her neck, letting her head roll back over the top of the chair's black leather padded surface while running her digit claws over front of her scaly throat, letting the other paw squeeze the other mound of sensitive flesh upon her chest through the fabric until she yipped out a little noise of protest against the treatment of her own body. In the command centre of her own frigate, no less, so many rules of the old world and old era she was breaking now. She pressed the claws of her hand a bit firmer against her own neck at the realization that she just didn't care anymore. Both paws dropped down her form, exploring her shirt, her skirt while her head lifted up, wondering if they were there yet. She looked, the forward display still showed the gas giant ahead of her, though it was much bigger than it had been before, dominating the view and leaving only a few well distant stars in view at the edges of the rectangular display. She almost stomped her feet on the metal floor in frustration. One of the lightest and quickest direct action ships the Navy had ever developed, and it was still too slow to get her somewhere quickly. The frustration simmered for a few moments before she came to see some kind of reason. If they were still in transit to the vent site, then she could keep exploring... A paw wandered down to the bottom of her shirt almost without thinking and slowly slipped within in, trailing her claws against the bare scales of her tummy, brushing against the bra beneath and giving that another squeeze, pressing her body back against the chair and sinking a little more with a very soft, yet vivid little moan. She could just imagine the naughty male creature, standing behind her chair, feeling her up, teeeeasing her right there at her station on the bridge with no one else looking or seeing what was happening. Trying to stiffle her own little gasp as she dipped the other paw up beneath her skirt and rubbed over the undergarment covering her subtle and sensitive mound. Oh, it was good...

Naturally, just as she was getting into it, the ship beeped some notification at her, and her head snapped up to the displays, seeing nothing but stars. "Flight path complete. Spatial anchor disabled. Orbit established." the crisp electronic female voice declared, completely and utterly unaware, or even of understanding, what it was it had just interrupted. She blinked at the screens for a moment, looking a little bit flustered with her hands up her shirt and up her skirt, a bit like a youngling caught with their hand in the sweet jar before she remembered that the voice was a -computer-, not a person, and it wasn't even able to comprehend what it was she was doing, let alone judge her for it! She shuffled up in the seat after a moment, reaching out to tap rapidly on the keyboard in front of her, punching in more lines of code and actions for the ship to take. The outline of the ship on one of the displays began to change as she continued with her work, the massive folding antennas at the ships centreline beginning to extend out in a massive cross shape, its electronic systems coming online to shield the ship from detection while it was in such a vulnerable state. The engines powered down, both to save fuel and to again reduce the chances of being spotted in the shadow of the moon. After checking to make sure that everything was in order, that her enhanced and quite powerful sensors hadn't picked anything else up worth nothing that she would want to check out for her safety before she began spitting sand into the gravity well of this gas giant, she rapidly typed again, giving the ship the command to slide and open the protective panels and begin venting the fine radioactive dust into a decaying orbit where it would be destroyed on entry. The countdown had begun.

Twelve hours of relaxation. Of holiday. She was out of the command centre like a shot without a second look back. Everything she needed was in her spacious quarters. Everything else could wait and it would wait.

Even the walk back frustrated her with just how long it took to navigate this ship for its size. At least she had been wise enough to make her home on the same level as the command centre, but it was still nearly seventy five metres out of the bastion to where she slept and rested when she wasn't occupied with other tasks keeping the ship running. The computer would handle everything else for the time being, her code ensured that. For twelve hours, for just this short amount of time, Swordfish would take care of itself. This was her time. The subtle hiss of the doors to her quarters unsealing and then shutting behind her was the greatest sound she could imagine hearing. At this moment, she was free. She dare not check the clock to see how much time the trip at fast walking pace at cost her, she didn't want to know. She looked around her quarters, just taking a moment to remember the last time she was in here, relaxed, without worry. Living for herself instead of just living and making do. This was still a warship, most of the quarters were small, cramped, designed to save as much space as possible. The captain's quarters, where she slept, was an exception though. protected within the vessel, large, spacious. Room to move, room to stretch. Floor covered in soft, thick carpet like material that was fire proof and due to that, very expensive. And, higher power did it feel nice underfoot. In the far left corner, sat a drone she kept on hand, a four foot tall metallic eagle look-alike, originally designed for search, rescue and repair operations, to be sent into hazardous areas and repair damage. This one, though, benefited from some of her custom code work. That was why it remained here on a charging rack rather than with the rest of the drones in stowage until they were required. A tablet sat on the bottom edge of the comfortable double bed and she walked over towards it... digits unbuttoning her shirt and skirt, letting them fall to the floor one after the other, leaving her almost naked, green scale marked only by her grey undergarments.

She tapped on the touchscreen to open it, accessing a few programs, tapping on some settings. She couldn't wait, she wouldn't wait or be denied any longer she hissed out a soft breath with her flickering tongue free of her snout, before biting down on it just a little to curb her desires down to more manageable levels. She had made the drone's interface as simple as possible... all she had to do was select her options from the drop down menus, and give the mechanical eagle it's activation order. Tapping on the screen, she shuffled to the bedside table on her knees on the soft carpet, pulling a few things from it. First, was a powerful set of shears to cut herself free when she was done struggling. Second, her Fleet ID card, because she could use its transmitter to override the tablet's programming and get the drone to set her free in case she lost the shears. It would not do to find herself trapped without being able to find a way out, no matter how much that thought made her imagination squirm. She shuffled back, carpet popping back up to full extension as her weight left it, setting the cutting device on top of the footlocker at the end of her back, handle slightly over the edge for her fingers to reach. Next to it, she set the ID card with it's extra long lanyard sticking up out of the carpet's surface, easily found and easily grabbed. Then, she stood up. And after closing her eyes for a moment, she thumbed the button and gave the drone its go code.

The mechanical construct hummed and beeped its way to life, eyelids opening to reveal blue camera diodes that it gained its vision not by optical nerves but by technology that she did not fully understand. How and why never really concerned her, they never got damaged or dimmed or lost their focus so she never had to fix them, and therefore she never had to care about them. But now, she stood there, just about naked, watching it spread its mechanical wings and test it's twin legs with powerful claws at the ends, each part of it originally designed for some role, some action in the field. Any wait, however short, was agonizing to her, each second that passed without being able to proceed was a second she was never to get back in what little time she had available to herself. But, she did not have to wait long this time, not at all. With a sharp snapping in the air, the scent of ozone from the crackling electricity as it disconnected from the charging station, and she wouldn't need to worry about the unmanned drone running out of power for at least a couple of days on lower power modes, especially since it would just be sitting there idle... watching her squirm about the floor, watching its handiwork. She shook her head as her imagination began to take shape and work properly again, a subtle little shiver running throughout her form at the thought. No, it was just a drone, and while, unlike the computer, it knew what it was doing, it could not comprehend what it was doing, no matter how she programmed it. The weighty talons of the large mechanical avian thunked the metal floor at the edges of the room before it got a lot quieter, a lot softer as the weight of it disappeared an inch into the material much like her. It was just as heavy as she was, despite being two feet shorter, and she knew what that weight could do when it--

"Nnnnnh..." she moaned out softly, open mouthed as the lead two fake metallic feathers on either side, equipment containers, fluttered and split open in two halves, and revealed a length of metallic cable which it slowly unwound. Like the rest of the ship and the drone itself, this was not simply a length of cable, but it was as strong as it was flexible, and a tiny amount of charge ran through it to make it mobile as the drone and its programming desired it to be, and in this case, the snake like cable had been slipped between her legs and slid backwards right up against her undergarments, the thin layer of fabric doing little to protect her sensitive, needing mound from the sensation it was imparting, which made her legs spread just that bit more, which the drone took full advantage of, biting her green scaled lips as the shudder was this time much more visceral now that she expected it, now that she were prepared and wanting for it. But it did not remain static for long, even if the flexible cable remained, pressed up between her legs, just applying a slight, soft and constant pressure. Her soft gasps, breaths in the air of her quarters was joined by the drone's subtle electronic hum as it began to hover off the ground, its wings little more than fakes to give an appearance while still being useful, blue glowing tips around its main body gave it the ability to fly, to hover, to float and flit about. This gave it the elevation, its fake feathery head staring almost at her breasts, beak ducking down, gripping around her grey fabric bra... and lifting, the cups sliding right up and off her breasts, lifting her arms to allow it to happen before the garment was accidentally broken, the cool air caressing the sensitive flesh with the movement and making her nipples stand hard and at attention.

The eagle's head rolled and released, flinging the piece of clothing that was merely in the way of its programming off into a distance corner of the room and then turned its attention back to her form. The talons attached to its toes were viciously sharp, one of the reasons she had elected not to program it for proper fondling of her form, but that didn't stop her from wanting and almost willing it to happen before the drone moved forth, that curved, hooked beak gripping the top of her underwear and pulling it down, not even spending half a second of wasted time teasing, the cable slipping up and over the grey panties while they were pulled down, the cold touch of the cable almost making her jump in surprise, pressed firmly up against her cleft. Again she bit her lip and had to suppress a sound while the drone stripped her completely naked, down to the bare scale before it would begin the rest of its programmed work. And that, it began straight away without a moment further of delay. With her clothing out of the way, the rope between her legs began to advance, extending from the internal spool within the drone's surface, hugging the curve of her behind, but more to the point, leaving her body squirming, and_panting_ as it rolled up past her mound without a care in the world, or perhaps more care than she cared to remember giving the drone at this moment in time. It wasn't bad enough that the sensation made her legs feel a bit like jelly already, but the teeny, tiny little amount of power running through the cables gave her nether regions a buzz that only made dealing with the soft rubbing so much worse. A second metallic rope soon joined the first, the two not just sliding against her mound now but pressing between the lips of her sex, creating a sound, a moan she could not hope to hide as they kept pressing forth, pressing up, coiling around the base of her tail, squeezing as they lifted the appendage, which wiggled in response. They coiled twice, three times, four times finally before resuming their assent against the curve of her back, slithering right up her spine and finally beginning to coil around her neck, a tall wrapping, six columns high across her green scales, the white material serving as a bright contrast to the rest of her body.

Her snout parted a little now that the sensation of moving had stopped, and the rope was left wrapped around her neck very gently, weight of her tail spread evenly so it wouldn't choke her, nothing more than a base to work from as the twin ends were tucked in underneath the coils and then left sitting on the top of her backwards facing horns, looped only once and left there to dangle for now. Another clicking, soft little whining noise in the air, two more faux feather compartments opening... and this time, two more strands of cable touched across her breasts, the tips arching like snakes tasting the air and looking for a meal, that oh so subtle vibration against the sensitive mounds made her fingers and toes clench against the air and the carpet respectively. They began to slither and coil around, over her shoulders, slipping in and out and in between the cable already between her back, working in ways she couldn't see and that she didn't want to bother opening her eyes for even if she could, just letting her thoughts and her emotions and the sheer enjoyment of the act take over her thoughts and her thinking. Left source of ropes and right source of ropes became reversed as they curled and hugged around her green scaled form, and the subtle buzzing returned to her sensitive scaly mounds as they slipped and pressed up right underneath as they continued to roll over her scales, passing one another and then slipping underarm on the next pass. Her wingless back arched a little bit more when, instead of simply repeating the act again, then rolled upwards, coiled in and around the rope around her neck and then began to work down her front, twisting around the two columns underneath her perky tits. Then, they seperated, twisting around, and around and around her breasts completely in several columns in a complete, secure harness that sat so tightly to her scales, leaving her chest perked out. It got more involved though, rope being worked down her tummy scales, shivering from the sensation all across her body as the power ran gently through the cables. There, it looped and knotted around the twin crotch ropes grinding between her sex, but it got much worse... When the pressure of the interact dropped off, and the ropes tightened considerably, the bundled steel knot was pressed right against her clit, and oh how she moaned out with the pleasure that brought her, the imaginings she could barely resist now, how it would feel to struggle and squirm with that pressing there, how much she would _ache_in denial.

She was so lucky the sheers could cut this rope, or the ID card could get the drone to deploy the catalyst that would make the cable dissolve, she couldn't even imagine trying to undo its knots, even when her body was free like this. But a short ka-chunk and the cables were detached from its body, leaving the harness around her breasts and her vent and her tail and neck completed. There was only a bit of slack left dangling from around the knots, the distance from her to the floating drone, but that seemed to concern neither for the moment. The wastage of rope of making a harness exactly this size seemed to bother them the same amount as well. The drone only paused for a moment to let its sensors examine the handiwork before it moved on, and apparently moved away. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment, only to see the humming and floating drone slip behind her form, the subtle little whining of its hardware working taking all of her focus and attention before something else had taken it in her entirety. Using its cable rope to work where its powerful feet graspers would not, a single piece head harness, and complete at the front with a large, bright red ballgag. The blush and discolouration across her snout was obvious, but nevertheless her jaws parted while the drone waited patiently for them to do so, ropes retracting back into its spools evenly to pull the big gag between her jaws neatly and securely, leather straps slipping down around her horns, behind her head and above and below and completely around her snout to make sure it was locked in securely. A cool metal strip sat in the middle on the exterior of the white shaded material, which matched the rope's surface so well, and it lacked any discernible sort of buckle or interface, save a sort of tiny box on the back where all the straps joined together... One peck of the bird drone's beak to that and power shot through the leather isolated from her scales and it tightened precisely to her head, trapping the gag within her jaws tightly, no way she could pull it away from her head or get the thick ball out of her snout. "Mmmmmnnf..." came the only sound she could make any more.

A press of a flattened out grasper was pressed to her back, talons very carefully eased around the knotted rope in the small of her back to press her down to her knees, and she obliged, balancing herself with her tail and her arms as she lowered herself down, "Mmmmnnn, nnnnf!" moaning around the gag as she did, the knot and the rope rubbing and teasing and slowly sawing over, through and against her vent as she re-positioned herself. The sudden touch of cold metal against her wrists made her stiffen, feeling how close those sharp talons were to her scales, how little her body's natural armour would offer in protection if she or the drone slipped. But its grip was perfect, unfaltering, its mechanical legs hauling her arms together and straight behind her back. But they didn't remain that way for long, first one leg lifted her right up, bending at the elbow as the drone pushed it as high up her back as she could physically reach, and then replicated it with her other arm, pressed up underneath the other, scales rubbing against scales as they were pressed against the columns of cool, now powerless cable hugging the form of her spine. The buzzing and subtle humming was quick to return though, the cold metal surface of the cable returning at two different points, one at her right wrist on the left side of her back and the other around her left wrist in the right side of her back, slipping and drawing long coils around both, pushing and binding her arms tightly together pressed into her arched back. A whimper slipped from her soundly gagged maw at how tight and strict it felt, limbs bound together in two places and she couldn't even slide them apart as the cable slid over her scales... but it got worse when the cable began to feed into its own loops and the loops of the rope already against her back, criss-crossing over and binding the six collumns of rope apiece together, not just to the existing harness. It let go with its feet and hovered to a new position somewhere around her while she pulled with her arms trying to separate them, but the rope didn't even creak, let alone budge while she knelt there on the carpet, sunken into the soft fabric strands that made this position not just bearable, but comfortable. If she bent down, and wiggled to the side, and arched her back, she could extend her fingers just enough to reach out, grip the shears or the ID card if she needed, even like this.

But, gods if it didn't feel secure and so strict! "Nrf, mnnnnrf, nn, nnnnn..." she moaned out, words denied to her, but she wasn't even trying to speak at this point. The feeling of her jaws parted and locked that way by the bright red ballgag and her arms totally restrained without a hope of slipping either of them free. And now that she were down on her knees, she was none to willing to stand up again with all of the pressure and movement the rope would impart directly between the lips of her sex, but it didn't matter because she could feel it "Nnnnnnnnnn," no matter what she did, just from her chest rising and falling from every little moan, breath, noise and sound past her completely gagged maw, the red ball standing out with such vicious contrast against her scales and the white rope wrapped around her form. But she had so little time to sit there and squirm on her knees alone, because the drone returned its attention to her ankles, pushing them both together, toes deep into the carpet and ankles lifted while the two, then four columns of rope from all of the drone's feather modules began to loop, winding and buzzing upon her ankles... four times... eight times, ten times, winding in upon each other in the centre, pulling the loops so inescapably tight. The sound of the floating mechanical eagle's hum shifted, over the top of her and she could then see it right there in front of her face, head lifted over the top of her own, sensor diodes in its head looking down over her back... And then her feet were lifted up off the carpet. She lost her balance, wobbling with only her knees the point of contact for her entire body, and with the weight shifting up, she wobbled and fell forwards like a wobbling worm, caught by the drone's body simply in the way. She could feel the rope knotted around those that had been left around her horns, not just tied to those, but also around her horns, keeping her head pulled up, pulled back, pressing against the rope around the back of her neck, and this was all while the drone lowered her to the floor, breasts pressed against the carpet with her entire weight and the ropes pulling and grinding through and over her cleft "Mnnnnnnn, nnnnnnrf!" The sensation was so strong she was dripping, drooling lust to the carpet below, the metal cable shining with how much being helpless was making her.

She tried to turn her head to see where she had fallen in relation to the footlocker with her escape methods on it, but couldn't even tilt more than a few millimeters in either direction because of the tightness of the ropes over the top of her body from horns to her wrapped up ankles, and as if she didn't feel restrained enough, rope began to work just below her knees in a much similar fashion as it had to her ankles... And the cutting noise didn't signal the end of its work there either, mirroring the exact same pattern of four columns above and wrapping around the centre to tie them off... And then the two were bound together over the existing middle line wraps, trapping them above and below the knee so she couldn't even bend her legs any more, any further. And the building anxiety of wondering where her escape tools were was only assisted by a blindfold being dropped down around her face in milliseconds afterwards, trapped around her snout and leaving her trapped in the darkness. There was one final thing, another final thing, higher power she hoped it was the last thing, she couldn't remember what else she had programmed but if there was any more she was certain she wasn't going to be able to take it. The mechanical entity spent a moment to lift her form up onto its side just a bit, a grasper pressing on her left shoulder to left, before the sharp press of clamps around her nipples, gripping tight, pinching securely, making her gasp. And then she was alone, for all she knew, left laying down on her front once more, as the humming off the drone went very quiet, floating out of range of her hearing or simply powering off altogether until she called for it or used her safeties to get out! She arched her back, breasts lifting just a bit out of the carpet, but that only let the slowly lifting strands of it brush and rub over her nipples, "Mnnnnn..." and while it let the rope between her ankles and her head slacken, allowing her to turn her head, she was blindfolded and gagged so securely that it was a useless gesture in the first place, and the rope that hugged her back didn't move in the slightest at all, not to mention the pressure raising herself up like this did to her sensitive mounds and the knotted cables pressing against her clit, "Hnnn, nnnnnh...!" a parting little whimper joining the fading off moan, escaping from the position as she gave up, letting her snout press into the carpet with a soft pant past the gag.

This time she did not wait, she were not to be denied any longer. Her thoughts ran wild and this time she let them, encouraged them, fanned the flames of her imagination, thinking of something, anything that would make this tight bondage that much worse of a tease... She wiggled her wrists in the tight rope, flexing her fingers, trying to feel for the knots but she couldn't even figure out where they were, let alone find the one that wasn't just a supporter but a main that would let her out. Wriggling her back to try and shift her arms, but they were firmly and quite tightly bound to the central loop in her back of the harness around her breasts and the cable wouldn't budge, wouldn't let her shift her shoulders, or extend her arms out backwards, and the continued wiggling put pressure on the crotch rope again which was quickly becoming a focus and taking all of her attention through her drooling lust and the pleasure and the torment and sheer ache of it that sent a wicked thrill throughout her form. How cruel whoever had done this to her had been to leave that there while they left her to struggle and squirm. Maybe she could get more movement on her side, wiggling much like a turtle might, left and right in the carpet before pushing her right shoulder down and using her bound tail as much as she could to gain the momentum to rock onto her side, left upper arm pushing down into the surface, stopping when her lifted feet did the same. Again she arched, squirmed, flexed, wiggled her fingers, her toes, her head, but she couldn't move an inch in almost any direction, the biggest freedom she had was to arch her back but that was exhausting and all it did was put her exposed and bound breasts on display, which she could only imagine earned her a series of rough gropes. "Mmmmnnnn, pmmmnnnn, nnnn, nnnnrf!" she called out loudly, pleading for help, knowing none would come. She was alone with her imaginary assailant and she couldn't even squirm.

She panted and she arched and she rocked and she tried to do something but the ropes held her firm in every direction and all she could really manage to do was compress her breasts in the rope and torment her cleft with the rope running through it and the knot directly over her clit which made the air thick with her scent and the cable soaked with her needy lust and there was nothing she could do but keep at it no matter how they began to ache or how much she needed to cum, she could do none of those things. The sound of her muffled, useless voice in her own ears past the thick gag didn't help matters of her own arousal either, not even her breath was spared to torment her. Maybe she could stretch the rope around the back of her head, allow her legs to straight, so she pulled, and she tugged and tried to wrench her ankles down straight but call she could manage was to pull on the back of her horns, "Nnnnnnnnmmmh!" in a way that made her clench on nothing but air and the rope not inside of her. Her imagination filled in the rest, breasts squeezed, clamps bounced around and there was nothing she could do, she couldn't escape and she was really trying but she couldn't get free of the rope work, couldn't free her arms, couldn't feel for the knots, couldn't use her teeth with this huge gag stuffed in between her jaws, couldn't even see, one of the most basic of her senses. She tried with her arms, her shoulders, but couldn't shift up, the ropes refused to allow her to rock her arms from side to side, and they didn't even tilt, which might have given her hope, they remained flat, not letting her move an inch. She moaned out her helplessness but this didn't help her either. She was trapped in the dark and she couldn't see.

Her tail was just as useless as the rest of her body with far less bondage, the wide columned loops of rope around her base prevented her from getting any sort of real momentum, they slowed down her ability to swing, or sway or wag, or even trip someone over with them if needed be. Maybe she could have used it to pick a knot around her ankles with the pointed green scaled tip, but with the base squeezed so securely and her thoughts in such disarray from the arousal of such tight and confining bondage she could barely concentrate on moving the appendage consciously, it just shifted into subconscious twitches and maintaining her balance and now helping her rock back onto her belly, clamps and breasts pressing into the soft carpet, not even the floor would stop teasing her restrained body. The strict bondage wouldn't let her out, wouldn't let her squirm, teased her, denied her, made her _ache_and she needed to get free but she couldn't and there was nothing she could do about it and there wasn't a single soul within a million light years to help her and--

"Attention all hands. An unknown spatial disruption has been detected. Impact in three minutes." the crisp voice of the computer announced, coupled with a short, repeating buzzing alarm lasting for a handful of seconds, signalling that the ship was moving up an alert state automatically, that crew should be running to metaphorically baton down the hatches while the command crew sought to get the ship out of danger. Her eyes snapped open wide, but there wasn't anything she could see past the thick blindfold! The ship should have set a course automatically to evade the threat automatically, but with the reaction shields open and sand being vented it couldn't relocate, and they couldn't risk a jump out with so few jumps left! If she couldn't get free then the ship would be hit and who knew what that would mean! She arched her back and struggled in her binds for a moment in sheer frustrated panic at how tight everything was around her body. She had to get free, get to the command centre, but every movement pulled on her breasts, pulled on the crotch rope and knot over that sensitive bundle of nerves, the humiliating arousal that she had been enjoying so soon before was now a additional frustration and distraction, she found it so hard to think and her foggy aroused thoughts were already wondering if she had just imagined it and how much worse this made her struggles. No, she couldn't have imagined it, she could almost feel the yellow alert lights spinning over her form, flashing through her blindfold even though she could see absolutely nothing through it. She arched again, leaning over to the right, panting and biting back a noise, failing, "nnnnnhnhhnn..." at the tension, the pressure, the ache that left her with, the denial and need all building within her glistening, aroused form.

She couldn't find the footlocker. She writhed from side to side in alarm, hoping that if she tried hard enough, she could free her arms in this emergency, but nothing gave. If the drone was still there, it just sat there watching her impassively, awaiting an order she had no ability to give to it right now. She moaned heavily past her gag, a useless and long noise! She must have rotated while she was rocking about on her side and trying to get her legs free, which meant she had to reorient herself to try and find the lanyard sticking out of the carpet. An experimental sway of the tail at ground level told her it wasn't in the 45 degree area directly behind her legs, but that didn't help her! She could be just a slight bit too far from it to reach and it was right there to her right, but she couldn't see to confirm it! "Nnnn, nnnnnnhf! Rnnnhrf..." she panted, trying to arch and wriggle herself just a bit further up, hoping she was just out of position, but when she tried again on her belly, arching and moaning and whimpering from the pressure over her mound,drooling lust helplessly onto the ground, she still couldn't reach it or find the footlocker! Her head was so foggy with lust she could hardly think straight, and she dare not still to take a breath when she couldn't see to try and identify where it had gone proper! "Hrnnnnnn, nnnn!" Higher power, the rope between her legs was so good, so awful, the way it kept her denied and teased and_wet_, she could barely describe it, it gave her such pleasure in denial but she couldn't just lay here and enjoy it, she had to do something before--

There was a rattling sound across the entire hull. She could feel a static charge building on everything around her, her binds, the carpet, the very air itself. The ship was shaking and that never happened! She had only experienced it once, when the shields had gone down and the ship started taking hits to armour, it was horrifying and she cried out a powerless moan past her gag, unable to tell what was happening, and the anxiety building in her body to a peak and well beyond as she began to struggle in every direction, no plans, no thinking, just thrashing about on the ground no matter how much it hurt or how it ached or how denied it made her feel, she had to get free, she HAD to get free, she must get free! Another alarm sounded in pitch, much higher, much more alarming, a long and warbling siren which was coupled with a rapidly beeping buzzer, her mind rapidly thinking and figuring out what that meant across the ship. The alert lights had surely changed to a flashing red, the ship had taken damage that was considered serious, and the blast doors were sealing off the ship in sections as a result. But without access to her sensors or readouts or being able to -talk- to the ship's integrated computer, she couldn't figure out how badly Swordfish had been hurt, and she still couldn't get free! Huffing and growling and panting and squirming and moaning out uselessly, but the ropes merely creaked and continue to hold her body so securely and she had to stop, she couldn't keep it up, the pressure on her clit and her cleft made her so sore after such intense struggles, the dull throb between her legs made her clench, and whimper at how good and awful it felt. She panted, breathing rapidly, trying to get control of her panic to think. What was she going to do, how was she going to get out?

It got worse, because there was some kind of explosion on the exterior hull, or maybe it was deeper inside the carapace, followed by several more, little rattling things that told her overfaults were blowing out to prevent energy spikes from critically damaging important systems to the ship. She muffled out a sharp, loud noise of alarm and utter fright when she lost all sense of weight. It wasn't just that, it wasn't fear of the damage making her stomach drop out in utter terror, the gravity systems had been damaged and were no longer working. Her blood ran cold and she stiffened considerably, beginning to float off of the carpet. Any struggle that was too strong or applied to much angular momentum could send her spiraling off into a spin she couldn't recover from, not to mention she couldn't see and had no way of knowing which direction was which. "Mmnnnnnnnnn!" she moaned out past the gag, a sudden realization hitting her. Not only did she had no idea where the footlocker was or had been in relation to her position before this had happened, now it would be floating as well, and not only that, her shears and the ID card as well! If she couldn't get a hold of them cleanly they would end up floating somewhere where she couldn't get to like this, like down the back of her bed, or... or, she thought with a shudder and a deep whimpered gasp, into the air vents at the top of the room which would swallow up the ID card without a moment's notice, never to return. Even if she could call for help, would she? Her ship was as powerless as she was at the current moment, helplessly stranded while the sand vented, protected and hidden only by its electronic systems that may or may not even still be working, she had no way of knowing! She was tightly gagged, blindfolded, bound, tormented, denied and there wasn't a thing she could do about it no matter how she squirmed or panted, moaned or begged nosily for help. No one was aboard who could help her, there wasn't another ship that could come to her assistance, or even would help if they found her helplessly bound up like this, unable to do a thing!

She arched her back, squirming left and as she felt the rotation begin to spin her to the left she rocked to the right to counter it, but it wasn't an even amount and she found herself drifting circular to the right now, only she couldn't tell how fast or how much, just that she was, and it was already destroying her mental picture of the room while she tried to get her arms free of the bondage that held her so utterly_secure. She was terrified that it was perfect, that she couldn't wiggle free at all, but she had to do something, she needed to get free, she HAD to get free before someone found her ship and "Nnnnn, nnnrf, nnnnhh nnnnhmmm!" The ache between her legs and in her breasts wasn't helping matters and she was so humiliated to be trapped like this at a time like this, to have been hit while she was down and relaxing and now there wasn't a thing she could do about it, all of her preparations and safety measures were useless! What could she do? She couldn't struggle without getting spun around... she could barely bend her legs or shift her arms in the massively tight and secure bindings, coils of rope interlinked, intertwined, impossible to tell which was the main knot and which were just there to secure limbs to another part of her body and wouldn't actually help her get free. She couldn't speak or make any proper sounds, she was trapped, helpless, powerless and there wasn't anything she could do but she had to get free. The feeling peaked again and she struggled to arch her back, and all she could feel was her tail tip dragging through the carpet which barely stopped her rotation and left her mostly still in the air again, but it was far too late, she had lost track of her precise location from the sawing of cable against her needing vent. "Nnnnn..." she needed to cum, her body desperately needed an orgasm but even that was denied to her, no matter how furious and how strong the touch of cable against her vent and clit was, it was far too fleeting and not enough of a sensation to get off too and she _whined past her gag.

What could she do? She couldn't get free..! And if the damage was worse than she suspected, without her intervention then the electronic systems might fail, leaving Swordfish vulnerable to detection by the pirates. If they found her, like this..! "Nnnnnnf!"