Silver Fur High-School

Story by Synvern moreas on SoFurry

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#1 of Silver Fur High

james a young wolf lost his friends and mate when he moved now he must adapt to his new loation and prepare for his arrival at Silver Fur High.

"mom why did we move, I lost all my friends and even had to dump my Boyfriend too". "because James I got a new job, ill need it to support a young pup like yourself" James was a slender male wolf, he was around 16 going on to 17 and two word to describe him would be emo looking although he didn't listen to their music but he did love anime to the point he was subscribed to anything that provided it and he only dressed in dark clothes and all was had a jacket on. James let out a sigh "I wont be able to make any friends and I'll be single my whole life". his mother picked up a box full of kitchen wear "Don't say that you'll do fine and oh you'll start school tomorrow ill finish the house while your gone" his mother carried the boxes inside James stayed put."I should of bought a phone so I could kept up with them" James then proceeded inside the house. the new house was at least the best thing about moving as it had 2 floors excluding the also had two bathrooms which James loved and his room was bigger than his old one and was up stairs. went straight to his room it was empty but full of possibilities it had a closet and right beside his room is the second bath room. James l then looked around the house even looked up in the attic after this his mother called for him so he went to the kitchen where his mother was. "did you want me", "yea here take this to your room you may have to sleep on the couch".James helped with setting up everything, at night the house was almost done all except setting up the beds but James and his mother were tired. "mom I think ill just go to sleep night". "goodnight James" James then laid on the couch and groaned at the thought of having to deal with school and its bullies, he already knew his life style would get him picked on. "maybe if I lay low I'll be safe" James then drifted off slow to sleep.