New Beginning

Story by Dragonborn3 on SoFurry

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#1 of Letters from Alola

I got Pokemon Moon today like a few other thousands of Trainers all across the world. To commerate this even(It's been ages since I got a new Pokemon game on it's release date) I decided to have one of my characters, the Fire Type trainer Aiden K, check out the new region and write home to his rather unusual family.

Dear Reiji,

Alola is a pretty exciting place so far. The trip here was kinda boring, but what could you expect from a plane? Wish you could've come here with me though, even if we could've only held hands on the flight. I trust you in the sky more than any machine, that's for sure.

Anyway, it's only my second night here and I already think something big is going on. I went out to find the Kahuna and get a Pokemon to live and met a girl named Lillie. Thing is she has this strange looking Pokemon(I think) with her that has a strange power. It kinda collapsed the bridge we were on at the time. If the Guardian Deity of the island hadn't saved us, I'd probably be unconscious downriver somewhere. I have no idea what her friend "Nebby" is yet, but I won't pry.

Oh, before I forget, they have a different way of giving trainers their first Pokemon here. It's kinda cool! You still get to pick one out, but if that Pokemon doesn't pick you in return you have to try again. I changed up my usual M.O and didn't try the Fire-Type, Litten first. Instead I'm gonna hang out with a Grass Pokemon! Strange, I know, but Rowlett looks so cute and fluffy I couldn't help myself. Besides, with the region being made up of four islands I can't help but think there might be a ton of Water Pokemon trainers like my mom.

Say hello to everyone, will you? I miss them already and I'm sure Junior must be having as hard a time being away from me as I am. I'll call as soon as I can.

Love, your little fire, Aiden K.

P.S.: Rowlett wants to say hello, so I got a picture taken. His name is Bipin. "A picture accompanies the letter, showing a little bird-like Pokemon waving happily with one wing."