Family Tree

Story by Taggart on SoFurry

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This story sat in my head for over a year, so I decided to hammer it out after a little too much gin. A wolf finds out that he might have had the wrong kind of chemistry with this fiancee.

Sometimes, you reach a point in your life where you have to just look back at the choices that led you to where you are. Like, for example, where I am: pinned on a bed, my fiancee's knees on my shoulders, with my nose stuck against her groin. She's in heat, and that always knocks my brain for a loop when I've got a snoutfull of it. So what, you ask? Do your duty! Well, funny enough, I don't have to, because in just a second, the other guy in the room is gonna bury himself inside her, right in front of my nose.

I guess I should explain those choices now, so that makes a little more sense.

My name's Matt. I'm a wolf, a proper Timber, if maybe a little on the skinny end. The gorgeous creature on top of me that has a diamond on her finger? My fiancee, Ayla; arctic and snow-white from ears to toes, with some long, beautiful black hair that she always keeps tied up in a chopstick bun. I remember every second I've spent with her, from first seeing her sling coffee at the shop down the street from my house. I'm a sap, and I know it, but I made sure I showed up at that cafe every day, just to see her smile and hear her voice. It didn't take long before we were on first names and chatting on her break; and not long after that, taking her out for dinner. Like turned to passionate nights on the couch where she would whimper and shake under me. Passionate nights turned to long days spent together in season after season. I fell for her, hard.

Now, if there's one thing that you should know about wolves, and the northern types in particular, it's that they're very, VERY stuck on keeping the bloodline strong. It's a cultural thing with them, and totally understandable when you look at it objectively. In harsh northern climes, you want the strongest pups possible, so imagine how flattered I was that she chose me! Well...sad to say, I didn't realize that she was on heat suppressants and birth control that whole time. There's a long discussion and a lecture on why that's important, but the short story is the birth control fools the body into thinking it's already pregnant, so the female doesn't have that uncontrollable urge to find the strongest male out there, and she can pick for love instead of biological need. The suppressants are just the icing on the cake, because when you haven't gone through a full-blown heat in a while, you forget how mind-bendingly powerful they are. And they are very. Fucking. Powerful. If you combine these two things, it becomes a perfect storm of lust and need when they're taken away, and the girl you thought you knew becomes someone else entirely.

I proposed to her in front of her parents and mine at a baseball game, landed it on the Jumbotron and everything. It was perfect in every way, and everything after that went beautifully. We set a date for about a year after that night, and started making plans. She wanted to start a family right away, and I can't say that I argued that point at all, and that's how Ayla stopped taking both the suppressants and the birth control at once, about three months before the wedding. She wanted to make sure she was fertile on the wedding night, after all. I should have known there was trouble when she hit her first heat a month later, and avoided me completely, locking herself in the spare room. She didn't even let me touch her, but I thought she was just making sure she didn't get pregnant before the wedding, with how hard it is to resize a wedding dress. It was a difficult week for both of us, but I just gave her space and stayed out of her way, offering comfort that she only snapped at. Oh, the apologies and make-up sex I got after that was amazing...

It couldn't have been more than a few days after that they started renovating her cafe, but kept it open for business. And then she met him. A HUGE Malamute, just brawn and bulk; one of the renovation crew. I was still visiting every day, kissing her on the cheek in greeting, chatting with her, and then taking my coffee to sip on and work on some crossword puzzles. That's how I saw her first speaking with him, elbows on the counter, her tail in a jaunty little wag whenever he'd smile at her. She's just being friendly, I thought. Good customer service. After all, these guys buy coffee here too, right? His name was Dhane, spelled the same way as Ayla's grandfather's name. In fact, their families were from the same area, so there was plenty to chat about. And I wish it could have just stayed there, but no. Ayla had to have her newfound friend over for genealogy and dinner regularly, which I cooked. I mean, I'm the better cook of the two of us, and we have a guest, right? It makes sense to offer up the best meal.

Fast forward to just one week before the wedding. Dhane and Ayla have been working on some complicated genealogy tree for weeks, and the living room is overtaken with documents and graphs, figuring out how far back their respective families go. Meanwhile, I'm the one left to lock down all the plans for the caterer, the chapel decorations, guest seating, you name it. In fact, Dhane helped out more than Ayla did on all those fronts. It's almost like she was avoiding thinking about it, in retrospect. But now, Ayla's locked herself in her room again, the scent of heat just permeating the apartment. It's a fine torture, I can say that. So all I could do was sit on the couch and go through the seating list one more time, my cock stuffed down the leg of my jeans and throbbing, half-knotted already. God, that ached so bad. I shook my head and tried to ignore those thoughts. Hopefully, Ayla would get a grip on herself soon after this heat, I thought. After all, she wanted a family right away.

But my thought process was interrupted by a knock on the door, and I groaned, set the chart aside, and readjusted my cock in my jeans to try and hide the lump. Upon opening the door, I found a mountain of malamute grinning down at him, bobbing his head in greeting. Shit. "Hey Dhane. Now's really not a good time. Ayla's not feeling good, and I've got a lot of work to finish up."

"Sorry, brother. I wasn't planning on staying, but I think I left my drafting gear over here when we made one of our charts, and I need it for work. Have you seen it?" he asks, poking his head in the door and looking towards the living room. I watched his nostrils flare as Ayla's scent hit him full in the nostrils, and his jaw kind of part. He was practically drooling all of a sudden. "Oh hey, I think I see it." he said, and sort of pushed past me to get into the apartment, with me following after him, a scowl on my face. "Dhane, seriously. Just...get it, and go." I growled, and he chuckled, picking up the small black case off of the floor. When he stood up...Jesus, the lump that ran down the leg of his pants looked like he was smuggling a can of Monster. "Okay, brother." he laughed, reaching over and patting me on the shoulder. "Where's Ayla at, anyway? I kinda want to at least check in on her research."

"She's in her room, but she's not feeling well, so you need to get go-NNGH!" And that's when he pushed right past me, dumping me on my tail and made a beeline for those two sliding wood doors that cut off the guest bedroom from the living room. But before he could even reach them, they both flew open at the hands of the most beautiful wolf I know. The same wolf who wasn't wearing a single stitch of clothing on her, half leaning out of the door and grinning up at the big dog. "Hey Dhane..." she said, her voice low and soft, but obviously excited to see him, dark nipples poking out through the snow white fur of her breasts, wide hips swaying their curves. "I was hoping you'd drop by. I was wanting to make some corrections to the family tree before the wedding." Something in her voice set off every alarm in my head at once... "Ayla, he needs to leave." I protested, as I got myself back on my feet and watching, wide-eyed when she reached out to stroke Dhane's cheek with her fingertips. "Nah, he's fine where he is. Aren't you? Come in! Come in!" she chuckled, reaching down to tug on his shirt and pull him into the bedroom and slid one of the doors closed behind him. "Get the other one." I heard her purr, and my blood ran cold.

One mad dash later, I managed to just miss catching the sliding door as it clicked shut, the sound of the latch like a gunshot to my ears. "Ayla! Open the door! Please!" I called to her, and only heard her giggle and the replying basso rumble of Dhane's voice, indistinct through the wood. There was a gap between the two doors, though, and if I wedged my head against it, I could just peer through. What I saw made me tremble: Ayla's fingers delicately tracing the thick pole of flesh trapped under Dhane's jeans. I growled and shoved at the door again, struggling, trying to break the lock, to pry it open a little more, anything. And somehow, I managed to just unseat it from the track, and the door came crashing down beside me as I barely managed to dodge it with a yelp.

"Oh god, Matt!" she groaned, and strode right up to me, grabbed me by the shirt and glared straight into my eyes. "Those doors are expensive! Fine, you wanna be in here, so bad, come in!" she growled, dragging me in across the threshold with a surprising amount of strength and shoved me back on the bed. "You're gonna pay for that door in more than money. Dhane's gonna have to fix it, now, and I'm gonna pay him up front." And with that, she turned her head to smile at the big snow dog over her shoulder. "About that correction to the family tree. I think it's fascinating that the two of ours never mixed." she said, crawling up on the bed next to me, and for a moment, normalcy returned.

"Yeah...about that..."

And the next thing I knew, there was a pair of knees pinning my shoulders to the bed, a pair of heat-soked pussylips resting just above my nose, hands gripping my wrists by my sides, and... The BIGGEST, meanest looking dick I had ever seen in my entire life jutting out from a black-and-white groin, with a pair of nuts that looked like someone had wrapped up a pair of giant chicken eggs in a furred sack resting over my face. They just looked...Swollen. Full. Aching to unload their burden. Into my fiancee. "Ayla! Sweetheart, you're in heat. You're not thinking right. Stop this!" I found myself pleading, squirming underneath her. Christ, when did she get so strong? When did she..."Mmph!" Right there? That little noise? That's the noise I made when Dhane laid the swollen underbelly of his cock against the top of my nose, nudging his pointed glans up one side of my girl's pussylips, and down the other, smearing thick, musky pre shot through with little milky streaks that had me dreading what might be swimming in that clear mess already.

"Heh. Matty, I'm thinking clearer than I have in a long time." she said, squirming softly on top of me and looking back over her shoulder at Dhane. "So, here's my offer. Dhane is going to fuck me. He's not going to pull out. He's going to tie me, and he's going to make me pregnant right here. That's going to happen, whether or not you agree. Now, if you promise to raise his pup as your own, I swear I'll never tell another soul about how I pinned you down and let a carpenter knock me up on top of you, and your family won't be the laughingstock of the town. You know how fast word spreads." I blanched. My family was pretty well-to-do, and something like this would kill them. They'd have to move. They'd never forgive me. God, what happened here?! All I could do was nod, which made my forehead bump those heavy, swaying nuts. It felt like someone was laying a pair of baseballs on my head. Dense, packed full, I just stared at them for a second, realizing that my hope that maybe Dhane wouldn't catch inside her was foolish at best.

"I think he should guide me in." Dhane interjected, still smearing my fiancee's cunt with that gooey preslime; thick dollops of it rolling down over her slippery flesh and threatening to drip on my face. I could feel this resonant thudding running through his cock, the underbelly of it bulging gently against my nose; a result of the force of his precum burbling through to smear Ayla's cunt. "Ayla...please don't...don't do this..." I remember whimpering, but all I could somehow see was this vision of my soon-to-be wife with a rounded belly that had nothing to do with me, and my aching dick throbbed under the waistband of my pants. How the hell did this nightmare start?! I didn't get much time to unpack that particular problem, though, because Dhane decided to add his own brand of encouragement to the mix. "Don't worry, buddy..." he chuckled, his voice low and rough. "All my pups have been healthy, strong little things! Handsome like their dad! Hell, most of them look just like me!" The pride in his voice was just sickening, and that feeling doubled when I realized that there's no way anyone wouldn't realize that I wasn't the father of whatever might come of this. "Should probably hurry up and get me inside your old lady, though. She's lookin' like she really needs a baby in her, and you're gonna help me give her one!" he added, his cock leaping firmly at what I assume was the thought of knocking up my fiancee. "At least you get to help!" And he shifted his hips a little, which just made those huge, heavy nuts drape over the bridge of my muzzle, forcing me to feel their weight, and feel them twitch gently while he jetted another gush of gooey, too-thick precum against Ayla's groin.

For her part, though, Ayla was just grinning from ear to ear and wiggling her ass slowly, dragging her clit across my lips, teasing the tip of Dhane's cock with slippery flesh and heat and sodden fur. "Quit stalling, Matty. You either get to help and be a part of this, or you can try to fight it, he fucks me anyway, and we make you watch. AND..." she added, her tail swaying slowly across Dhane's belly. "...I take a video of him fucking me while I beg him for a pup, and then put it all over Facebook." she growled, bowing her body down until her breasts pushed against my hips. "So get cracking!" she hissed, squirming impatiently. This was hell, I thought. I'd died somewhere, and this was hell. I'd heard stories about this kind of thing happening a long time ago, threats and whispered tales about husbands who wound up having pups who looked nothing like them, but I'd always thought it was just scary stories or porn. This was was no hell...this was real, and I had to make a choice. And, like a coward, I chose the easier option. Arms pinned, I had to use my nose to lift that thick, hot pole up along my fiancee's split, getting a drool of precum running down over my tightly-closed lips as it ran down his cock; the smell of him musky, masculine, aroused and ready. Every new pulse of it thudding along that urethral bulge against my nose. And after what felt like an eternity, I saw the pointed tip of his glans sink between Ayla's pussylips, and my fiancee barked quietly and trembled, her tail high. It looked like it wouldn't was too big. Dhane's cock had to be at least as big around as my fist, and that was before the knot...not counting the almost ten inches of length he was nuzzling up to her pussy...

I would find out that I was very mistaken indeed about what my fiancee could fit inside herself.

My eyes widened as the whole length of Dhane's bare pup-maker slid slowly along my nosepad, stretching Ayla's soft pink folds out wider...wider yet, her voice rising up in a sweet little howl, groin visibly contracting around the first third of the malamute's cock as it sunk into her simmering cunt. The next third brough his balls bouncing along my forehead as he crammed his hips closer and closer to her, gently thrusting to open her up in ways she surely hadn't experienced with me! And the final third of that huge lump of flesh finally disappeared between her thighs, which brought those afforementioned balls to rest against the top of my snout, eyes squeezed shut as I was forced to listen to my fiancee suddenly howling about how he was "IN her belly!" and how thick he was. "Goddamn, your girl's tryin' to crush me!" he gasped, and my eyes flew open. From my angle, I could see his hands almost encircling Ayla's waist, his hips crammed up against her ass, and every inch of the malamute's cock socketed up into my future wife's belly, right to the sheath. I'd seen that thing going in, and I swore he had to be shoved up under her belly button at this point. But most of my vision was covered with his balls, jumping gently while they pumped a few more streamers of white-tinged precum right up into Ayla's belly. I even got to see that spot behind his nuts pulse a few times, just to add some force to the crystalline slime being jetted into her.

"God...damnit...Dhaaane!" I heard her mewl out, her hips twitching softly, craning her head back while he leaned forward, and I heard the wet sounds of a deep, overeager kiss somewhere above me, followed by whispering. Even with my ears perked, I could only make out snippets.

"...sure you really want me to..."

"...your pup for a long..."

"...about him? "

"...make a good daddy..."

Whatever they'd talked about, it certainly spurred Dhane on. His balls leapt upwards, clenched tight for a second with a few violent pulses running from his taint to the base of his dick, where the waves disappeared up into my fiancee's belly, and the big dog shuddered violently. "God, I love bitches in heat!" he hissed, and yanked his hips back, giving me a clear view of most of his dick coated with Ayla's juices, the suction pushing a small lake of precum out of her to run down her thighs...and my nose. And then those black and white hips slammed into my fiancee's ass again, jiggling it, shoving her forwards and driving a yelp out of the snow-furred wolf, and a whimper out of me when his nuts slapped my nose again. There was nothing I could do to stop this. My girlfriend, my fiancee...the woman I loved, was going to have Dhane's baby and I couldn't stop it. I remember a whine rolling out of me, stuttered by Dhane's sack smacking my face while he fucked the daylights out of Ayla right on top of me. I'd never seen anyone get fucked that hard outside of porn; the wet noises, the gasping cries, the little panted promises I barely heard about "fucking a puppy into her right there swear-ta-god". It was feral, it was almost violent, and it surprised the hell out of me when Ayla started bucking and screaming wordlessly all of a sudden. Both of her hands grabbed my thighs, claws punching through my pants, and I yelped, curling up and getting my nose crammed right up against her clit, with Dhane's cock sawing across the top of it, his balls smacking me between the ears. An old reflex kicked in, and my tongue flicked out, washing the little hooded nub between her thighs with rough wetness, which just made her squeal even louder, buck, and then cram her hips back against the homewrecking malamute, shaking wildly. I'd grown used to the smell of her heat already, despite how it was affecting me, but a sudden new edge to the scent made my pupils blow open wide and a fresh stab of fear settle in my gut.

I'd just helped my fiancee ovulate while another male was breeding her!

"Ay-la-pl-eeze-don't-do-th-isss!" I yelped, my words getting mashed up by Dhane's thrusts hammering against my head, his nuts tightening up a little more and the bulb of his knot starting to make itself known. I remember clearly hearing that knob of flesh squelching noisily into her already-stretched pussy, only to get yanked out with a wet pop and a yelp from Ayla. Slrch. Pop. Slrch, pop! Slrchpopslrchpop... It was almost comical, the sounds beyond lewd, but I was being forced to watch it all happen right before my eyes, as the malamute's knot popping into my fiancee, and then coming out even wider each time! Maybe I'd get lucky, and he'd grow too big to push himself back in! It was my only, admittedly faint, hope in this whole mess of a situation.

"Matty..." she panted, shuddering under the violent knotfucking. "Matty...last...part of the deal..." And somehow, I felt a little more hope. Maybe she was coming to her senses? "You...have to help him...tie me. Hold his knot inside me." I gaped, already mentally broken by what was happening, and she expected me to just HELP? I was just opening my mouth to refuse, to draw the line, and then a clawed hand gripped my balls with the implicit threat of violence. "Help him...Make sure he gets deep!" she growled at me, and I stiffened and almost yelped. I did hear Dhane chuckle, though, and he crammed his knot against Ayla's cunt all over again, stretching...stretching...not quite pushing in. "Better hurry before I get much bigger..." he rumbled down at me. I could feel the smug in his words. Ayla's knees moved forwards just enough to free my arms, and I...seriously considered violence for a second...just for a second. If word got out about this happening, I'd be ruined, and Ayla would make sure it got out. My hands lifted almost of their own accord, hooking fingers behind his knot like a wineglass, and using other to gently pry Ayla's cunt open even wider, wrecked as it was... It would never feel right again, I was sure of it. I grunted, pushed, and got to watch Dhane's knot slurp into my fiancee one last time while he gasped and ground forwards, whimpering something about getting up into her womb. There was bulge above her mound growing bigger by the second; his knot pushing against her insides so massively that I couldn't miss it. I even remember seeing her belly muscles trembling just under her belly button, and I had a feeling that's how deep the dog was in her.

Ayla squealed in glee, wiggling her hips and tugging back and forth, pulling on Dhane's knot with wild abandon, subjecting me to the plunging, sucking sounds of her cunt getting absolutely destroyed while the big dog humped at her like an animal. "H-he's gonna cum!" she gasped back at me, as if I couldn't see the malamute's balls hiking up higher by the second. "You better help him make you a daddy." she hissed, and I almost had an aneurysm. Daddy...She was really going to let him put a baby in her, just before she married me! "Wha...?" I gaped up at her, and she shuddered, squealing again while Dhane grunted and started to tense up over me. That's when I knew what she meant by help. Dhane's hips dropped a little, just enough to settle his sack across the bridge of my muzzle again, pulled up tight but still resting its weight on my face. My nose pressed under the root of his cock, up against my girl's cunt. I sputtered and reached up, cupping the malamute's balls to get them off of my face...and that was all it took to set him off!

I heard him suddenly snarl, I felt his hips hunch, I heard my fiancee squeal some half-formed plea for him to cum -deep- inside her. But...what I really remember feeling was the sudden churn of his balls in my palm, and the violent flexing of his taint as it pumped the gooey, wiggling, dangerous contents of those balls along his dick and into my wife-to-be. I was forced to witness his balls twitching in my hand, the pump of his prostate behind them, and the massive yawn of the underbelly of his cock right at the base as a massive bolus of snowdog cum went gushing through it, disappearing up into Ayla's cunt and driving a squeal of stupid, genuine joy out of her when she felt it erupt through her cervix in a hot, viscid rush. I could HEAR him cumming; the liquid rumbling rush that roared up through his dick and the first few soft spurting sounds from her belly before it became too full to hear more. I couldn't help but take in every detail...the twitch of her hips every time another ropy geyser poured into her flat, trim tummy...dooming it to curve outward with another male's pup. The pulse of veins around the back of Dhane's knot as it locked him deep inside her. The pulsing of the underside of his dick while he poured a pup into her womb...the shaking of her thighs as he growled a sweet little "Welcome to motherhood." down to her, which she only replied with little panting gasps about how much he was cumming...why wouldn't he stop cumming? I was transfixed...defeated...unable to look away from the conception of a pup I'd be forced to claim, her cunt mouthing behind his knot, tugging and milking at it to get every drop of his seed deep between her hips.

"Oh god...Matty...You're gonna be a daddy..." she panted back at me, her hips still twitching while Dhane did his best to impregnate my girl. "You did so good...." she purred, and somewhere in there, things started getting fuzzy...overwhelming...and I must have blacked out.

I woke up on the floor still, covered in what must have been a quart of semen all over my chest and face...and the sounds of vigorous, hard rutting coming from the living room. I didn't even need to look. "Hey Matty?" she called, grunting softly with her legs over her head, Dhane fucking her into the floor. "Come help me get him in again. I wanna make sure." she crooned at me. I just didn't have it in me to fight it anymore, so I managed to get myself back to my feet, and as I was turning to walk towards the pair, something caught my eye. The huge scroll of Ayla's family tree... I traced the spot next to her name where mine was... And I do mean was. Someone had crossed a line through it and writted "Dhane" above my name.

I guess she finally updated that thing after all.