A Star Wars "Scientific" Journal

Story by Foxinahole on SoFurry

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_ A Report on the Non-Existence of Midichlorians and the Development of the Ysalamir Projector _

By Jedi Master Kytori, "Trooper General" of the Black Banthas, 13thArmy of the Grand Republic

The Clone War has provided an unexpected boon. While the galaxy is enthralled with conflict I have been given some amount of time to further my study of the existence, or as I consider, the non-existence of Midichlorians as the source of the Force. This report will be brief, due to an advancing army that has my own army pinned and slowly being driven back while requests for reinforcements have been ignored. For the past twenty years I have theorized that the existence of Midichlorians to be a falsehood in regards to how we first tried to identify the ability of an individual to have influence over the Force. As it stands, this is a fallible gesture to determine who is "stronger" in their connection to the Force. Multiple members within the Jedi Order, notably General Kenobi, and that of other Masters on the Jedi Council have all progressed their abilities over the course of their tenure. Each one have displayed a developed ,unique, ability pertaining to their focus. I am aware that the proof for the non-existence of Midichlorians is lean and any available evidence is locked away for only certain members of the Order that I, unfortunately, am not apart of. I find this not only a transgression to the further understanding of the Force, but to uncovering information on how the connections made to the Force by our opponents, the Sith, or rather the followers of the Sith ideology, can be just as strong, if not stronger, than we had originally thought. I include the Sith into this report for having come across a number of Force wielding combatants over the course of this war.

I understand that my popularity in the Order is null and my theories have disturbed quite a few members to shun my existence completely. However, since the Jedi are a required force of power in this war, and despite the efforts of some to silence my queries and investigations, I beg the question as to why Sith are involved? We have accepted the fact that Count Dooku has been identified as a Sith malefactor and leader for the Confederacy, General Grievous another, and the reports of his many agents has caused quite a stir back on Coruscant, behind closed doors of benefactors to our Order. Even in my remote location, I can feel a welling disturbance emanating from Coruscant. Has the Council not felt this as well? Or has the proximity provided blinders for our Order in order to not investigate things outside the Council's perspective?

Without support from the Council I have, openly admitting, started research on a device to perhaps provide a way to dampen, if not temporarily negate the ability to wield control or symbiotic actions with the Force. For some in the Order, I understand, it does sound extreme and the thought of such device in other, peaceful times, would be unheard of. These are not peaceful times however and I through questionable means have dug deeper than perhaps the Order or even the Republic have wanted me to go. I know this to be true for the very force attacking my army our desolate position indicates that whatever we have uncovered is worth silencing an entire army of ships, men, material, and our very existence.

What has held some of the stronger forces that wield the Force at bay is the device I have named after the creature I was intrigued and inspired by, the Ysalamir lizard. I won't bother giving details on where the creature is located but, I will focus on its ability to produce a "bubble", that can inherently remove one's ability to communicate to the Force and rely on the abilities provided. How does this matter with claiming Midichlorians as non-existent? The device works, much like the lizard, is that it produces a field spanning a diameter of a kilometer when provided enough power to do so. I digress for I must tie into this with the other points made in this report concerning the Sith, the Midichlorians, and the force assaulting my army's position.

Concerning the Sith; after numerous skirmishes and battles over the course of the occupation on this planet, Grunyis IV, my army commanders have identified three individuals who have Force-wielding abilities and worked in unison with a strike team that has been able to effectively delay or neutralize any military attempts on my or their parts to uncover information. Upon the deployment of the Ysalamir Projector, the three leading individuals and their entire task force were thrown into disarray, suggesting that the entire task force were made up of Force Sensitives. Their subsequent defeat shed little light as to who they were and were commanded by, but their equipment suggested that they did not originate in space controlled by the Confederacy, but within the Republic's realm of influence. I ask the Council again, how much do we know about the Sith in this conflict?*

Secondly, after the Projector had been deployed and I found myself cut off from the Force, I began experimenting upon myself to satisfy my curiosity. I must say, I understand now why the enemy task force was thrown into such disarray. Having been connected to the Force since my days as a youngling, the sudden, I dare say, emptiness and void, that I felt within left me in a panicked state for some time before being able to operate sufficiently of my own accord. With rudimentary materials and resources, I have discovered a number of things. First, Midichlorians are not affected by the Projector. Comparing blood analysis of myself before and after having been in the Projector's field of influence, I found that the microbian organisms still present, working in conjuction with my blood cells just like any other individual. Furthermore, I ran multiple analysis on members of the enemy task force that we had neutralized. The results shocked as I found only sparse amounts of Midichlorians in their blood system. I personally checked thirty of the bodies and had other members of my science team (civilians brought in without Council approval and of their own volition, knowing the dangers of working in a war-zone) check my findings and they two have come to the same result as I. This planet's system, located in the "Wild" zone of this galaxy was critical as it provided a safeguard for the only known stable hyperspace route from the farthest points of the galaxy's exspanse. Even so, there has been no hyperspace travel having come this way since the last resupply convoy, close to ten weeks ago. Where did this aggressive military force arrive from, could the Confederacy have access to unknown hyperspace routes? Or is there an ulterior force rising within the Republic. If these dead bodies I have examined are any indication, it is a wild, and disturbing, theory that these individuals have come outside the known galaxy and have not been exposed to Midichlorians before until their arrival.

This brings us to my final point of this report. The force assaulting my army and position have long since destroyed any vessel in the planet's orbit that could have run for support. Instead of destroying our position from orbit, which they are clearly capable of doing with the destruction of the majority of my aerial units, they instead committed to the use of land forces to advance upon my army's entrenched positions. It has become a battle of attrition and I am unaware of how the the oppossing force is maintaining supply. While our ships may have been rendered useless, our sensor probes along the hyperspace route have not been molested. The information the probes still transmit and that fact that our infrastructure hasn't been compromised leads me to believe that whatever this force is after, of which I have thoughts on, we obtain. The Ysalamari Projector is the first, and the most logical option. Second, our information network, and third, the amount of natural resources within our natural fortress of durasteel like rock and the mineral wealth we uncovered in veins beneath our feet.

I must bring this report to a more abrupt end than I would prefer. Once again the enemy force is launching an assault on one of our positions, another probe more than likely but, for too long have I been cooped up within my stronghold and carried out my research. I will don my army's armor, gather my shield, saber, and blaster, and join my troopers once more. Should this report manage to find it's way to the council, with or without the Projector, let this information serve you well and for the preservation of our Order and the Republic.

May the Force be with us all in these dark and questionable times.