A Succulent Halloween

Story by TorrentTantrum on SoFurry

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(Yes, I know Halloween was over a week ago. I wanted to finish this up, but got to it late. Still, no time like the present.)

A lonesome teenager foregoes the trick-or-treating of the pastime, and decides instead on indulging himself in other ways. Will this be a decision he lives to regret? Possibly.

Cory sat there, listening to the sounds of the car horn of his friends out front.

"Come on, Cory! If we hit the houses any later, there won't be any candy left!" "Told you we should've just went to the Boo Ball this year..." "Nah, that place is loaded with drunks! Come on, let's go; I doubt Cory's coming out." "He's probably asleep again." "Isn't his specie nocturnal, though?" "Let's just go already..."

They'd been waiting out there for him for 20 minutes; he would've thought them as impatient, if it weren't for the fact he deliberately made them wait. He was never much a fan of the Halloween traditions; dressing up in some tacky costume, hiding yourself behind a mask, and pretending to be scary enough that you can satiate your sugar addiction for one more year. No, he was more the solitary type; it made sense for the young aardwolf, at least in his own mind. Especially considering what he was up to that night.

With everyone out and about doing things in-tune to the holiday - even the rest of his family, as he told them he'd be off with friends - he finally found himself the time to try something he'd been wanting to do for quite some time, but never had an opportunity to himself to do such. He started rooting through drawers, searching for the wax candles he had bought some time ago for the occasion; 5 red candles, 5 more as backup in case he messed up. Remembering he had an old box of chalk, he grabbed one of the white sticks and placed it next to the candles. He makes a mental check for what else the ritual called for...

His concentration is broke from the sudden car horn blaring in the background again. Yes, his friends attempted one more try to get his attention, figuring he was either distracted or somehow asleep - which, of course, neither was the case. Failing that, he could hear the engine of the car as they drove off; likely was Michael's jalopy that he got handed down from his father. That thing was always noisy, the aardwolf thought to himself. At any rate, he was finally alone; he pulled out the book that detailed over the ritual, taking note of each step. It was time to get started.

Cory always found his own solitary nature to be his worst quality; while his friends dated, even mated, he would always find himself too shy or too disinterested to talk to anybody. As such, he had never once found himself with a nice girl to call his own. His parents would tell him that it's fine - "You don't need to be dating so young." - but he wouldn't buy that; he was 16, and he wanted to at least know what it was like. Of course, desperation can cause even people such as you and I to pull some dangerous stunts. A soul desperate for love is the worst kind in this regard.

The aardwolf had already been dabbling in the occult for some time in his life - one could call it a 'phase,' perhaps - so delving into summoning rituals wasn't much of a stretch. He had researched the one he was looking to do for some time: to summon a demon, one that he would be able to ask to do almost anything. Given his lonely heart, he was banking on that 'almost anything' to ring true. He took to chalking up the symbol, very precisely, and began placing the candles in their respective places. What was left was the contract; like anything, a written agreement is made between clients. Consequently, this tradition oddly translated to the summoning of otherworldly spirits, or so his research said. A well-tip pen and a pin needle was produced, to which Cory jabbed his index finger with the needle before placing the pen over the bleeding wound. Quickly, he wrote; his enthusiasm was getting the most of him, but he maintained a steady hand whilst writing the words on the parchment.

I, Cory Walden, in exchange for this blood, summon you to this world with great respect. I summon you to ask that you fulfill my one request: to experience sex. When this is done, you may return to your plane from whence you arrived from, and I will end this contract. I thank you for your time and willingness to heed my call.

With the legality finished, he squeezed the pin-pricked finger over the paper; a large drop of blood was asked for in 'signing' the contract. That being done, he quickly fished out a bandage, slapping it over his finger; he may have been summoning a demon, but he was not going to risk an infection while doing it. He took his father's cigarette lighter and began lighting the candles, one after the other. "With these candles," Cory spoke while lighting them, "I humbly ask that all other spirits drawn to this ritual leave in peace." With the candles lit, he set the lighter off to the side, outside of the circle. He kneeled inward, reading his contract aloud. "....I thank you for your willingness to heed my call," he finished.

3 minutes passed.

This is stupid, he thought to himself. Why did I think this would work? Cory groaned in frustration, not noticing at first the flickering from the candle in front of him. When the aardwolf looked up, however, he noticed that the light coming off of it took on a brilliant hue; a sort of purple quality to it, hints of green stemming off. That can't be right, he thought, before the chalk began to glow a faint red. Several objects in the room began to float; the lighter, the pen, some game cases, and most other things that weren't nailed down to the floor. What was more, the beginnings of a humanoid outline began to form, the very air curving around it. The young teen began to panic; he had delved into something he was not prepared for! He maintained his composure as best he could, though, following the ritual as instructed.

"I-I humbly welcome you here, great spirit! I strive to treat you like an honored guest!" He rested his head downward, bowing toward the faint silhouette taking shape. The air twisted around the circle, leaving the aardwolf out of breath, before it all suddenly stopped. All at once, everything went still, even the air. Cory pulled himself up taking in a long draw of oxygen, before seeing what he had summoned:

"Uh...h-hi there."

A soft-spoken girl stood in front of him. Her petite figure curved in a very mature way, even for how seemingly young she appeared. Her clothing was...well, calling it 'clothing' implies it covered anything worthwhile; instead, pieces of hardened cloth and what appeared to be...bone?...was adorned across her, accentuating her bare thighs and chest. A spaded tail flicked behind her in a nervous manner, whilst her head sported two short and gently-curving horns. Yes, everything down to the lavender skin and dark sclerae of her eyes provided all the trappings and hallmarks of a succubus. Albeit, a very shy-looking one. The one thing he noticed that seemed off: where were her wings?

"Umm, what's wrong?" She asked Cory, leaning a hand out. "Why are you shaking like that?"

"U-uuh..." Cory hesitantly took her hand, pulling himself up to her height. They stood at about eye-level with one another, even despite the aardwolf's shaking legs. "I...can't believe that worked.."

"Huh? Oooooh," the succubus said in realization. "That's why there was that weird portal-looking thing. I figured that was for my sis, but I, umm, got curious.." the young succubus looked away, likely ashamed she got herself into this. "I'm sorry..."

Cory stood there in confusion. This girl acted nothing like what he thought a succubus would be like. He figured they would look, sound...older. But something about her, she seemed just as young as he was, even a bit younger. He never expected such an awkward atmosphere. His head tilted slightly, he gave her a reassuring smile. "N-no, no, it's fine. You didn't do anything wrong." He wanted to assuage her discomfort, just as much as he wanted not to be on her bad side; he was worried if he didn't, he'd be struck down or worse by some unknowable cosmic force or something like that. The aardwolf took to thought, rubbing at his chin. "Uuh...do you...want some food?" He asked politely.

"Oh, umm...yeah. That sounds nice."

The awkward silence was at least mitigated by the sounds of the succubus stuffing her face full of food with glee, making off-suggestive tones of glee as she did so. Cory couldn't help but be amazed at the girl's stomach; maybe she had her own parallel realm where she keeps this stuff tucked inside her belly? He shook his head, chuckling to himself.

"MmmMM! These're so goood!" She exclaimed with her cheeks filled. After a hearty swallow, she spoke again. "What did you call this strange filling again?"

"Uh, peanut butter," Cory answered plainly.

"Peanut..butter?" The confusion on her face was nothing short of cute, her light-blue eyes atop black sclerae giving off a strange innocence to them. "So, peanuts that are...made of butter?"

Wait, so she knows about peanuts, and butter, but not peanut butter_? _The aardwolf looked at her with confusion of his own; whatever hellscape dimension that demoness was from, she looked to be a rather sheltered one. "Uh, not exactly," he answered, watching her forego bread entirely and scooping the contents of the jar out into her mouth with a soup spoon. "You, uh...wow, mind leaving a smidgen for my folks?"

"Uh, oh! Sorry!" She placed the jar back on the kitchen table, with what little of the peanut butter remained still inside. The demoness let out a contented little burp, patting her belly; maybe it was just his imagination, but he could swear he heard gurgling. Was she still hungry!?

"Umm...lemme grab you a glass of milk..." Cory got himself up from the table, walking himself over to the fridge to retrieve a milk jug.

"Your kitchen's very nice."

"Mm, thanks," he said with a nod. "So, uh, I don't think we ever talked names. I'm-"

"Cory, right?" The demoness interjected. "I, uh...read that contract you wrote.."

"Oh." He pulled out a tall glass from the pantry, bringing it and the jug over to the table. "So...you know about the.."

"Yeah.." Cory would've thought she would be ecstatic for this, but she sounded...hesitant, even fearful. "Um..sis finds the whole contract thing silly," she said to try to draw the conversation to another topic. "She says she doesn't get why mortals do it."

Cory sat himself back at the table, opposite the succubus. "Yeah, I thought it was stupid too, but that's what the page said to do."

"Oooh, that." He could almost see her roll her eyes. "Sis tells me the funniest stories about all those 'ritual' things mortals write. Like one that says you gotta kill a goat; who'd think of something that stupid? The funniest one is writing with their blood; I mean, eww!" She laughs softly to herself. "Mortals are silly."

A blush crept along the aardwolf's face. "Uuuuuh....eeeheheheh, yep. So, where'd that tradition of ritual circles even start?" He asked her.

"Oh, uh, I think it was after weird cult people got scared things other than what they ask for would appear. I don't think the circles do anything; anyone could just butt in if we wanted to, but we don't 'cuz we're nice like that!" She gave Cory a very genuine smile, her spaded tail twisting in an admittedly cute way.

Cory was impressed. Mostly because he'd been able to hold a conversation without staring at her exposed cleavage - as highly distracting as they were- but also because he was learning more about demons than he ever thought he would. "Wow. some people would kill to know this stuff."

"Some people have," she pointed out, a faint droop of her tail as she mentioned. "Sis thinks all mortals are selfish, but I know that's not true." Her smile returned almost immediately. "After all, there's you."

Cory's ears drooped to the side. "I'm...I'm not so sure...I mean, the only reason you're here is because.." The aardwolf started to feel very guilt-ridden all of a sudden. She was such a nice girl, and all he sent her here for was sex. What's wrong with him?

"I mean...we could still do it.." She said, a hand stroking away some of her dark hair from her horns. "I don't wanna go back..a virgin, you know?"

VIRGIN!? The one thing Cory never expected to hear out of the mouth of a succubus is explaining she's a virgin. "U-uh, yeah, I...I know the feeling, but...how are you..?"

"My, uh, my sis said she would train me, but she never got around to it.." She rubbed her shoulder with a finely-nailed hand. "Being a virgin's like a mark of shame where I'm from. The other girls all laugh at me, even while they're getting fucked by somebody." Cory swore he heard her mutter 'Sluts' under her breath. "Sis said if I can't seduce mortals, she might be able to hook me up with a nice incubus, or...3..."

"I..." Cory realized, all too quickly, how imaginary his own problems were. Here it was, he was worried about not being the in-person if he didn't have a girlfriend. But it was just him, more than anyone, that treated it like it like an issue. She, though, didn't even have a choice. The aardwolf got up from his chair, walking over to give the succubus girl a firm hug. Her b-cup breasts pressed against his shirt, but he didn't care, and she didn't seem to mind. "..sorry...I'm sorry..."

"No, it's..it's fine, it's how we do things. you can't help that."

"Well...I want you to practice with me!" Cory exclaimed.


"I-I could help you be more seductive! I mean...if you'll let me!" The aardwolf knew about as much about sex as she did, but he felt a strong compulsion to help. It couldn't be that hard...right?

"Really?" Her tail perked up, spaded tip tapping against his arm. The young succubus leapt up from the chair and hugged Cory back; he quickly realized she had a damn strong grip! For as lithe as she was, she was lean! "Oh thank you, thank you so much! Oooh, I knew not all mortals were jerks!"

"Nnngh...that...that's great..please let me breathe.." Cory pleaded meekly.

"Oh, my bad!" She recoiled from Cory, hands cupped behind her back. For the first time, he got a really firm view of the most alluring features of her body. The lighting of the kitchen shining onto her figure accentuated her narrow hips and full breasts. She was seductive enough just being in the room with him, but suppose it was important to walk the talk too, or however that saying went.

"So...I guess we should get started?"

"Wow...she's fitting the whole thing?" The succubus stared in wonder at the computer screen.

Cory figured what he didn't know about being seductive, the world wide web probably could help in that regard. Inbetween all the virus-loaded porn sites, a few articles about femdom relationships, and the occasional suspect website with servers full of smut, he was finally able to nab some search terms that were of use.

"Ooooh, what's a chastity cage?" She asked with beaming curiosity, before Cory immediately clicked out that tab. "Awww, but I wanna know!"

"Not important, let's try...this one, here." He clicked a link about seduction tips: lines to say, provocative poses, even a few sex positions. "Uh, wow..." Cory blinked in astonishment, eyes hung up on a peculiar sexual position being displayed in photos.

"I...didn't think mortals could bend like that," she chimed in.

"Umm...let's just stick to one that won't break my spine..." He tapped at the screen. "That one. The, uh, Lotus Blossom."

"Aww, it's got such a cute name." She clapped enthusiastically, leaping up from the chair. "Come on, let's practice!" Her earlier hesitance had faded away, or so it seemed; either she was more comfortable because of how she perceived Cory, or she was beginning to embrace her nature.

"Eh..eheh..." Cory nervously played against the waist string on his pajama pants, releasing the knot on it and pulling them down. "I'll want to get these clothes off first..."

"Oh, uh, let me help." She began moving her hands, slowly, downward across his hips and waist. "It...said this was sexy...do you like when I do it?"

"M-maybe you should...loosen your shoulders a bit.." Despite his critique, her movements certainly got the blood flowing in Cory's crotch. The aardwolf's boxers followed closely behind the pajama pants, revealing the furred sheath that the succubus pondered at in awe.

"Wooooh...I heard of these..." She prodded at the sheath, outright petting it at times. "It's so soft..uh...where is your.."

"Uh, it's...it's inside." He slid his hands against the strange clothing across her voluptuous figure, biting his lip. He couldn't seem to find any clasps, buttons, anything on it. How did she take her clothes off? Were they even clothes?

"So then...how do I get it out?" She asked with a strange innocence in her voice. She brought her hands up to Cory's shirt, sliding it up along his arms as her petite breasts pressed against the aardwolf's body. Cory shivered, a dark-red tip peaked from the furred skin of his loins. "Am I doing a good job?" She smiled with bated excitement.

"A-aah...amazing.." Cory wrapped an arm underneath hers, rubbing across her lavender skin. He was rather stiff himself; they were both inexperienced, though he had the excuse moreso than the succubus. "Let's lay down right quick.." He directed her back to the bed, gently sitting down with her. Her legs hooked carefully hooked around his waist, as his legs sit in the pose the photo explained. Their bodies sat comfortably, laying there together for about a minute like that. The aardwolf's shaft rose stiff, twitching between their stomachs.



"Rose. It's...my name." The succubus known as Rose gently rubbed herself against Cory's stiffening member. "Sis named me that, 'cause I remind her of a flower she saw once." Rose stopped herself for a moment. "But...she also says you don't tell mortals your name; because they don't live forever, we can't get attached...but, you're a nice guy."

"It's a beautiful name, though," Cory spoke, giving her a sloppy, amateur kiss on the lips - it's the thought that counts. "So...I guess we.."

"Hang on.." Cory helped Rose lean herself up enough to sit just above the tip of his penis. As the pose granted her more control over pace than Cory, the young succubus gently glided herself down along the twitching shaft, the soft lips of her loins hitting something large and pulsing. Curious, she moved a hand down to touch it, prompting an audible groan from Cory. "Ooooh, cool," she fawned, softly pressing her fingers in on Cory's knot. "Sis told me these feel even bigger inside you.."

"Rrrnngh...m-maybe we'll find out?" The aardwolf queried. He barely holds back the urge to press his hips into hers, a faint jolt of pressure going through her. The angle meant that even if he did, it was Rose that held all the cards. Realization finally struck, before he asked a question he felt was important. "Wait, I thought girls had a..."

"Oh, succubi don't have those. Sis said it's so mortals don't have to worry about hurting us." She shivered in delight at the warmth, bringing herself up and back in a slow rhythm. The pleasure was immense for Cory, but for Rose, it was indescribable. "Oouungh..AAaah!" The tip of Cory's prick squeezed deeply into her inviting folds, hitting just the right spots to make her squirm.

"Oah..f-faster.." Cory panted in need.

"Beg." Rose commanded flatly, however her shuddering voice betrayed her attempts to maintain an air of dominance.


"It-it said it's sexy if you make them beg for it. So, uh, beg!" The succubus didn't quite seem to understand how it worked to be in control. But she was getting the hang of it.

Cory let out a long-drawn moan, his body helpless to the new sensations he was experiencing. "Oooh, please, Rose, please go faster..."

Their bodies began to rock softly with Rose's repeated thrusting of her hips, pushing herself harder onto the throbbing cock beneath her. Everything felt so intense for Cory. He felt wracking pleasure, and something else; something he couldn't quite put his nose to, but it was a numb sensation. Still, it felt good; he finally began to see what he was missing out on. Their bodies continued onward, Rose whispering and whimpering into Cory's ears. "Haahh...in...incredible...m-more.." She doubled her efforts, glistening hips against furred ones, as her moans became more pronounced. The aardwolf was simply along for the ride at that point, panting happily at the fantastic pleasure coursing to every nerve ending of his body. "Aaah! I'm gonna...I...haaah! Aaah! Oh, yes! Yes!" Rose was finally finding her strides, embracing the endurance of her demonic kin. All too soon, she drove herself onto Cory, the two climaxing in unison. "HAAAH!"

"Nnngh! Nnnff..." Cory's knotted prick pulsated against Rose's demon pussy, jets of cream sticking inside of her and against her glistening skin as it drooled out onto the bed sheets. The extreme high that the aardwolf's mind went to he quickly came back from, feeling relaxed yet tense at the same time."That was...wow.." He uttered breathlessly.

"I didn't think it would be so quick.." Rose exclaimed. "I guess we're done practicing, huh?"

Wait, practicing!?

"I still wanna go, Cory, wake uuup.." She gently shook the half-asleep Cory, him shaking himself out of the shocked and exhausted daze he was in.

"B-but..I don't think I can go again..."

"But I waaaant iiiit!" Rose whined, bringing her hips up again, getting back into tempo. As much as Cory wanted to fall asleep, he couldn't; his cock remained stiff, his whole body at attention. What was going on..? He had a feeling Rose didn't understand either, but she also didn't care; all she wanted was to sate that burning, demonic lust that Cory'd sparked. What was more, that numb sensation began spreading further through his body. He was hardly enjoying it anymore, not when he felt so much like a dead man walking.

3 minutes passed.

Cory moaned softly along with Rose as she kept an even pace, never having once stopped or slowed in the slightest. "Mmm! Oh, keep going, Cory! Ooooaah, fuck!" If his muscles didn't ache, they were numb, the sensations switching whenever they felt fit.

"P-please, slow down a little, Rose.." Cory begged. "I don't think I can keep going like this.." He kept feeling a pressure inside; no matter how deeply he breathed in, it was as if something was crushing his lungs. His heart felt weak, his mind foggy. Whats going on...?

10 minutes passed.

"Aaaah! Fuck! Yes! Yeees, fuck meEEee!" Rose's timid composure was all but gone, rocking herself harshly against Cory's abused cock. Their Lotus Blossom position devolved into Cory flat against the bed, his body unmoving, as the succubus continued her endless sexual onslaught.

"Sss...stooop..." Cory's voice was meek, hardly able to speak up; hardly able to breathe. Even if Rose could hear him over her own shouting, he doubted she would've even cared for his pleas of mercy. It felt like he was being torn apart from the inside, muscles going stiff and unresponsive. All except for his throbbing shaft, continuing to pulse and cum as the night went on. Eventually, the sensations proved too much, the poor aardwolf blacking out. As he closed his eyes, it felt like the intense pressure had finally released, all at once...

1 hour passed...

"Oooh...mmmm..." Rose, finally, had worn herself out for as much as she could go on. She took a moment to breathe, feeling wholly satisfied down to her core. She pulled herself up from Cory's prick, the knotted member going limp as soon as it popped out. "Hooh, that was great, Cory, wasn't it?"


"C-Cory? Cory, are you...okay?"

More silence.

Rose began to worry. She looked down to take a good look at her friend; his body was entirely limp, his fur even looking pale. She shook his arm around, earning no response from him. "Cory! Cory, wake up! CORY!" She grabbed the aardwolf by his shoulders, shaking him furiously. "Cory, tell me you're just asleep! Please! CORY! PLEASE!"

And silence still.

"Cory...?" Rose had never known of a succubus that'd cried before, but if it were true, she would have been the first. Her eyes teared up in fear and regret, worried and guilt-stricken that she might have caused this. "No...what am I going to tell my sis!?"

"Tell me what?"

Rose had only just realized that a presence was standing behind her: none other than her sister, standing cross-armed inside of the crude summoning circle that Cory had made earlier. "Yeesh, what a cramped little thing this place is...so, had yourself some fun, huh?" Rose's sister asked.

"Lilith, I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have gone off without telling you, and I know that I-"

"Woah, wooaah, calm down there, Rosebud." Lilith smiled lecherously. "I already knew you left; I saw the whole thing."

"Wha? Well, n-nevermind that then! You gotta help, big sis!" She shook Cory again, picking his limp form up to show her. "I think he's hurt! Is he broke? Did I do something wrong?"

"Huh.." She gave a quick once-over of Cory's figure, blinking in surprise. "Yeowza." Lilith whistled at Rose's handiwork, walking over to hold the aardwolf's chin up, staring at his face. "Reminds me of _my _first trip to the mortal world..."

"Can you fix him!?" Rose asked in panic.

"Hang on, hang on, let me see something." Lilith brought her face close to Cory's. Slowly, she traced her hand along his throat, until out of his mouth came a pale-gray light. Licking her lips, she gave the pale light a sniff. Her face contorts in a sour manner. "Yech, you fucked him silly. His soul's got no flavor."

"D-did you just.." Rose screamed angrily, hitting her older sister in the arm. "Give it back, he's my friend! GIVE IT BACK!"

Lilith only sighed, grabbing her sister by the shoulder, holding the soul in her other hand. Cory's body fell limp beside them, Lilith staring intently at Rose with her dark-red eyes. "Look, it never would've worked out. This is why I tell you not to get too attached to mortals. I've been there..." She shook her head, looking back to her younger sister with a smile. "Besides, nothing that could've been done; his soul has no life left, he'd still die even with it."

"C-Cory..." Rose teared up in her sister's grip, trying to hold herself back from bawling her eyes out.

"Shh, it's alright. See, you should've waited until I actually trained you; we have a natural draw to the life force of mortals, and it's important to curb our appetites. We could've avoided...well, this." She looked back to the aardwolf's corpse, groaning. "Maybe we could make it look like ritual suicide..hmm.."

"No! Don't you dare just leave him here!" Rose couldn't decide if she was upset for Cory or angry at Lilith, her emotions flopping inbetween rapidly. "Please, you have to do something! Fix him, somehow!"

"Rose, I just can't...well, unless..." She thought it over in her head. She looked over at the soul in her hand, and an idea formed inside her head. "I do have some pull with good ol' Lucy...I wonder if he'd be willing to help out with your friend here...uh, 'Cory,' right?"

"Yeah, Cory." Rose very faintly smiled. "S-so you can help him?"

"Oh, he'll be better than ever, sweetie," Lilith assured...

Time passed...how long had it been? Hours? Minutes? Years? Seconds? Where Rose and Lilith resided, time had no guideline, no track. All that could be discerned is that time, indeed, passed. Rose ran up cheerfully to her sister, having just arrived back from her latest excursion. "Lilly, heeey!" She shouted in glee.

"Rose, you're back already?" The older demoness lounged comfortably on furniture of unknowable properties. "Ooh, and I see you brought a souvenir.."

Rose shook a jar full of peanut butter around ecstatically. "Woohoo! it's so hard to get a hold of this!"

"Actually, peanut butter's very common," Lilith corrected.

"Oh hush, you. Oh! Almost forgot!" Walking behind Rose was a vulpine woman, her whole furred body bare to the intense heat of the demons' domain. "She was such a sweetheart, she practically begged to come along with me! And I couldn't say no to such a sweet face." She tapped one of her exquisite nails on the enthralled vixen's snout. "She promised to be good, didn't you, darling?"

"Yes, mistress..." The fox droned with a glassy-eyed stare.

"Awww! Don't you think she'd look awesome as one of us, sis!?" Rose asked excitedly.

"Well, just know you're keeping track of this one, Rosebud," Lilith scoffed.

"Oh, would you quit calling me that silly ol' nickname? I mean, I'd say I'm not a growing girl anymore.." She wasn't wrong; standing proudly, Rose showed off her D-cup breasts, and long, powerful wings. Yes, it appeared that Rose had fully, finally, accepted her demonic heritage.

"You just love to show off, don't you? Well, you'll always be my little Rosebud," Lillith laughed, ruffling Rose's dark hair. Loud, lewd screaming could be heard from nearby the two succubi sisters, Lilith simply smirking. "Speaking of showing off..."

"Cory again?" Rose guessed, hoping she was right.

"Go see for yourself."

"Stay here, cutie," she said to her vulpine slave, as Rose quickly darted over to see where the sounds were coming from. Lo and behold, it was certainly Cory, having his way with another denizen of the hellscape while Rose was gone. She stood back, watching the demon-aardwolf give another of Rose's 'pets' a thorough rutting.

"Nnnf...grrnff..yeah, take that fucking knot, you whore...scream for me.." Cory was never one for words while balls-deep in one of the many trollops at his beck and call. Didn't seem like the husky underneath him cared all that much, not while her body was wracked with sweet, corrupting pleasure. The husky-girl's mortal coil twisted and snapped as Cory's knot plunged deep into her, orchestrated to the sounds of her lustful yowling.

"Man, to think you were a mortal before..." Rose reminded herself, admiring Cory's handiwork. "You fuck harder than a blue-balled archdemon."

Cory yanked his throbbing knot from the well-fucked husky, leaving her to admire her new horns, signifying her place as one of them. "She's all yours, honey," Cory stated, handing off the brightly-shining soul he got from the newfound succubus.

"Aww, thanks for the snack, my studly hellhound." Rose swallowed the husky's soul without a second thought, admiring the flavor. "Mm...she was quite the lively one. But you know I didn't come over here for her.."

"Oh? And what did you come here for? As if I had to guess..." Cory wrapped himself in close, lustfully staring down his favorite succubus with the bright yellow eyes that adorned atop black that expressed his intense, demon-blooded nature. "Should we get a bit more private..or do you want me to take you right here, right now?"

"Mmm...surprise me."

You can't say it wasn't a happy ending, right? Happy Halloween...