The Orc Bar

Story by travisbuchanan on SoFurry

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A group of orcs convince Vinden, a sorcerer, to transform into an orc for their pleasure.

Commissioned by ZigzagZiggy. Vinden belongs to them.

"Come on," the orc cajoled. He gave Vinden a wide grin, his lips pulling back around his tusks. Rhevin was his name, if Vinden remembered correctly -- it was hard to be sure, considering the way the orcs had all just sort of coalesced together to coax him into this bar. Now this orc had one hand around his shoulder and the other holding a leather harness that was just the right size for the sorcerer, and Vinden had to fight very, very hard not to blush.

He'd encountered a lot of things in his travels. He'd had people shun him for the nature of his abilities, of course; having magic that made your physical form inherently unstable would do that. Humans were always afraid he would handle the wrong artifact and turn into a demon, or something equally deadly. He'd had people want to use him -- there were many reagents that could only be obtained from rarer, mythical creatures, after all, and Vinden was to them an unending supply of those rare materials.

What he hadn't experienced until now was people wanting to watch him. Given the lewd glint in the orcs' eyes and the way some of them were only barely hiding a bulge beneath their clothing, he could guess exactly why -- and the fact that the thing they wanted to transform him with was a leather harness only confirmed his theory.

"What's the harm, aye?" Rhevin gave the sorcerer a nudge. "You put on a bit of a show for us, we give you free drinks and lodgings for the night. And we all get to have a little bit of fun, too. You can't deny that you like the thought."

Rhevin wasn't wrong. Vinden wasn't exactly used to exhibitionism -- he was the sort of man that had to get used to hiding, considering the nature of his powers and how much of the world tended to view him. He had to admit, though, the idea of it... the fact that he was standing in a tavern full of people who, for once, admired him for his abilities rather than shunned him...

He was tempted. Very, very, tempted, in fact -- and when he gave in, reaching out to take the leather harness, the orcs around him burst into cheers. He could almost swear he saw one orc in the back straight up chuck his pants off, but it was hard to tell in the chaos of lifted mugs and splashing ale.

Vinden told himself that this was just a good way for him to study orc society. What better chance did he have than to become one of them himself? Of course, this tavern wasn't exactly a representative sample, so he might need to try it in more than just this place...

The sorcerer shuddered a bit. It was possible that the atmosphere of the tavern was getting to him more than he realized. Objects were what usually caused him to change, given their owners usually inadvertently charged them with magical energy based on their importance, but when a place was frequented often enough, it tended to acquire a bit of a local mana well attuned to whatever species was most commonly found in the area.

And he was getting distracted. Again. Vinden let out a slightly embarrassed cough, looking around. "So, uh, should I just... do it here?"

"Do it against the counter," Rhevin grinned, winking at him. "You're not gonna care about bein' on display once you're one of us. You already look damn good for a human, if I do say so myself... I'd be pretty damned happy to have you in my bed, orc or not."

Hoots and cheers rose from the bar, and Vinden himself couldn't help but grin slightly at the compliment. "Maybe I'll join you in your bed a bit later, eh?"

"Maybe." Rhevin grinned, smacking Vinden's back and sending him towards the counter. "Go on, buddy, put on a show for us."

Vinden rolled his eyes, but leaned back against the counter. He'd never done anything like this before -- but he could feel the energy inside the harness, and it... helped, to a degree. It told him what its owner liked to see, what he needed to do to show all the orcs in the bar a good time. His cock began to rise a bit beneath his robe at that. Whoever had used this harness before had been... adventurous with it, to say the least.

He slipped out of his robe, the fabric sliding to the ground, and around him the orcs whooped. Several of them were massaging their bulges, sitting with their legs spread wide open and watching Vinden with blatantly lustful eyes; some of them were groping each other, and the sorcerer would have been lying if he said the sight wasn't a turn-on in itself.

"Goin' commando under there, eh?" Rhevin smirked at him, his own cock a blatant outline in the too-tight leather pants he wore. Vinden's eyes were drawn towards it -- and when he looked back at Rhevin, he gave a cocky grin in return.

"You love it," he said simply. He hadn't actually been walking around in nothing but a robe, of course -- it was just a trick he'd done with his magic, dispelling most of his underarmor to a pocket dimension temporarily. It did well for the illusion that he was kinky enough to wander around in next to nothing, and Rhevin seemed to love the idea.

"You know I do," Rhevin beamed. "Now put that harness on. I want to see what you look like in leather."

"Come help me with it, then," Vinden replied with a grin. He could already feel the energy starting to course through his body -- and how much better it felt when he wasn't fighting the transformation. It hadn't started yet, not quite, but it was enough to make him feel a little more confident with what he was doing.

And a lot more horny. There was that, too. Rhevin didn't hesitate at the invitation. He hopped over his stool eagerly, ignoring the all-too-interested gazes he could practically feel on his ass, and helped the sorcerer strapped the leather harness on his body. He was just a little too touchy -- casually trailing fingers through the mop of hair on Vinden's chest, grabbing the man's bicep when he thought he wasn't looking... He pretended it was all a part of putting on the harness, of course.

Vinden didn't complain. If his dripping cock was any indication, in fact, he enjoyed all the attention -- and so did all the orcs watching him. Some of them had completely abandoned any pretense of drinking; their mugs of ale were left untouched, and had been for the past several minutes.

"Mmf..." Vinden groaned. He could feel a warmth travel through his spin. It was the first sign that his magic was changing. It reacted to the residual energy contained within the harness, changing itself to match, but his power was so intrinsically tied to his body that it was forced to shift along with his magic.

Normally, the change was unpleasant -- but then normally he was fighting it, forcing his magic to go against itself. This time, he let it flow freely through his body and do whatever it wanted, and there was a joy in it, an ecstasy. It was almost like the magic itself had come alive within him.

Vinden couldn't help his wide, toothy grin, eliciting a cheer from the crowd as his lower canines started to expand and elongate, his jaw widening to accommodate the larger set of teeth. If he'd felt even a little shy before, standing naked with a bunch of horny orcs watching him... Well, all of that was gone, now. In its place was a quiet confidence, even a thrill in the fact that he was allowing others to watch a process normally so intimate to him.

The sorcerer grabbed his cock with his right hand, letting out a shuddering breath as he gave it a single, harsh stroke. He'd never done this before, but if he could do this right -- if he could direct the transformation, rather than allow the magic to change him as it pleased... he might be able to put on a little bit more of a show for these fine orcs. And wasn't that what he wanted to do?

This time, the magic leapt to his command. Every time he changed, it seemed to fight him, yet when he accepted his changes it seemed almost eager to obey him. He pushed it down to his cock, letting his tongue hang out between his two tusks, a bit of drool dripping down on his chest.

He was rock hard. The magic throbbed in his cock, pulsing eagerly, waiting for his command. Vinden grunted, gave himself a harsh, teasing stroke.

The changes began where the precum that leaked out of his cock touched his hand. He could feel it coursing through his veins, and he nurtured it, spurred it on. Vinden felt his fingers becoming thicker, the skin changing its hue from a healthy pink to a forest green. He could even feel the changes internally -- it had always been a source of discomfort, before, but now...

Vinden could feel the bones in his right hand becoming stronger, more durable. The muscles in his arm seemed to expand, and he could feel his skin stretching, tightening around the growth. It wasn't a significant change, in itself; Vinden was already a spectacular specimen of a human being, having pushed his physical body to its limits. With his body changing so often, doing that was what allowed him to have a sense of identity, a sense of control over his body.

Still, it... made him feel stronger. There was a rush that came along with it, a confidence that made him smirk and gesture carelessly for the cigar that Rhevin had dangling between his fingers. The orc handed it over with a look that seemed somewhere between hunger and reverence, and Vinden smirked as he took a long, slow drag.

With the scent of tobacco and orcish musk lingering in his lungs, the change accelerated. He could feel a tingle on his chest that felt almost like a dozen hands caressing his pecs, admiring the muscle -- and no wonder, considering the hair on it seemed to be growing thicker. His right leg had joined his right arm; he could feel the bones in it strengthening, growing wider. He saw the skin darken and turn into that beautiful shade of green, and he let out a moan.

To his own surprise, however, the moan was more of a harsh, guttural _growl_that shook his chest and made his cock throb with arousal. It was a rough, manly sound, the erratic breathing of powerful specimen of masculinity. The beard on his face abruptly grew as he growled, turning into a thick layer of hair that outlined his jaw and gave his smile an edge.

"Damn," Rhevin muttered. He'd long since pulled off his pants, leaving it a discarded pile in the corner. The orc sat at a nearby table with his legs splayed wide open, cock standing between his legs and resting against his belly. His hand gripped at his shaft, stroked it, but not quite as fast as he would have liked -- he didn't want to cum before the transformation was complete, after all.

The green continued to spread. It had begun on the right side of Vinden's body -- anyone entering the bar right at that moment would have been in for quite the surprise, considering the centerpiece of attention seemed to be a half-orc in the most literal way possible. The magic was spreading, however, and Vinden was slowly losing his grip on its pace. It raced ahead of him, eager to change. Rather than try to hold it back, Vinden instead let go of the metaphorical leash he used.

The effect was obvious and immediate. The spreading green immediately accelerated, racing across his chest and up his left arm and leg; Vinden groaned, his muscles reflexively tensing in response to that strange, otherworldly sensation. His bones popped as they shifted into position. The green climbed up his face, and Vinden could almost feel the way his features compressed together -- he was still recognisable, but his features were distinctly orcish.

Strangely enough, his cock was the slowest to change, despite carrying the largest concentration of his magic. Even with the rest of his body changing rapidly, the sorcerer putting on pounds of muscle and looking very much like an orcish beast, the tip of his cock still maintained that pink, human hue. The change in color had only travelled halfway up his shaft, and Vinden was sure he knew why.

The magic was waiting for him.

Letting out a soft grunt, the sorcerer wrapped a thick hand around his cock and gave it a single stroke, teasing stroke. Vinden growled as he did so, the pleasure centered around his cock abruptly intensifying; his cock throbbed, almost seeming to grow in his hands... and yet the green only sped up marginally.

Vinden was frustrated. The one time he wanted to change, to completely transform, the magic seemed to be resisting him. His fingers stroked and teased at his cock, the orc almost completely forgetting about the audience that was watching him with rapt attention. Sticky, thick precum coated his fingers, making each and every stroke slick and smooth. The faster he moved, the faster the transformation climbed up his cock, and yet...

It wasn't fast enough. He could feel the energy in the harness that he wore coursing through his body, could feel his magic working to complete the change, but there was some component of his powers that wanted more. He wasn't sure what it was -- couldn't identify it -- at least, until Rhevin approached him, and he felt warm fingers wrap around his shaft.

"Let me." The orc's voice was warm and husky. Vinden didn't protest. Instead, he leaned back against the counter, showing off the way his new muscles were bulging against his harness; all around him, he could see the orcs watching with rapt attention, many of them no doubt wishing they could take Rhevin's place. The green spread rapidly up his cock, now, and he could feel the flesh stretch and grow ever so slightly with every stroke of Rhevin's hand, could see the color change from pink to blue to green.

"Mm..." Vinden smirked, taking yet another puff from a cigar. A puff of fire magic kept the dying embers lit; the smoke filled his lungs, fuelling his magic and his psyche. The sorcerer's hips thrust idly into Rhevin's hand -- and if the way the orc was frantically stroking his own cock was any indication, he was enjoying himself.

He could feel his orgasm slowly building. Vinden relaxed, letting out a pleasured sigh -- he had no intention of speeding this up, not now that the transformation was completing at a decent pace. He could see the green had finished climbing along the length of his cock; it was done now, really, but the final touches would be put in place by his orgasm. All he needed to do was to let himself cum...

And that happened quickly enough. Though it was just a handjob, Rhevin knew what he was doing -- the orc's fingers teased at the head of his cock, brushing along the underside with almost professional ease. Every drop of precum was carefully spread along the length of his now orcish shaft, and with his other hand, Rhevin reached down to fondle Vinden's balls.

Vinden grunted.

He could feel the rush of his orgasm. He didn't tense -- not enough for his cum to spurt out of his cock, anyway, and splatter across Rhevin's face. Instead, he forced his muscles to relax so that his seed came out as a flow of orcish cum, trickling down Rhevin's hand. The orc grinned at him, tusks flashing, and leaned down to give it a slow, teasing lick.

That was the final trigger for Vinden's transformation. Perhaps it was the sexual energy contained within the act, or just the fact that he'd accepted his new form enough to orgasm; either way, the changes were subtle. It was a thickening of his hair, a slight lengthening of his tusks, an increase in his muscle density -- all of that was barely visible, but made all the difference. Instead of looking like a human that had been changed into an orc, Vinden looked like he'd been born an orc. He felt like it, too.

Grinning, Vinden reached down to toy with one of his nipple piercings, shuddering at the sensation of pleasure that rippled across his body. Orcs, it seemed, had far greater of a libido -- despite having just climaxed, he didn't feel any sort of reduction in his desire. If anything, he wanted more. More time to spend in this new form, more orcs to enjoy it with...

And why not? All of the orcs he was surrounded by seemed very, very eager -- and Rhevin, in particular, still had his mouth wrapped around his cock. Vinden took a long drag from the cigar, puffing the smoke out into the air. "Satisfied?" he asked with a smirk. It wasn't a question, but it was answered anyway, in the form of loud cheers. He tugged at the harness he wore. It was nice and snug around his new, orcish form, and showed off all his muscles in just the right way...

"Tell you what," Vinden said, grinning down at Rhevin. They'd offered him free board and drink for doing this, but... it seemed like it would be more fun if he spent it in the orc's room, instead. "Why don't we spend the night in your room, eh?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Rhevin chuckled. He stood up, hooking a finger through one of Vinden's nipple piercings and giving it a playful tug. "Sorry, folks, looks like I'm getting this one to myself for the night."

Vinden smirked, clapping Rhevin on the ass. "Damn right you are."