Some Fun of Our Own

Story by zakfett92 on SoFurry

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Alright, I guess I was wrong when I said I wouldn't post anything else. Like last time, this story kept nagging at me until I put it on paper, so to speak. So I'll revise my earlier statement. If I think of any stories, I'll post them here. This is mainly for me. I'm bothered by the fact that there's such a lack of MILF stories that don't involve some weird fetish. I still don't do requests or commissions; I write what I want. If you like it, that's great. If not, read something else. And don't ask me when the next story will be. Even I don't know. Maybe there won't even be one. And feel free to do whatever you want with this story (write a sequel, draw fan art, make a comic, etc.,). As long as you're not making money with it, its fine.

Anyway, the idea for this story came from seeing this piece of art:

In my story, she's meant to be in her late thirties. Also, in my story, her breasts are a bit larger.

Here, we get the story of a teenage wolf who gets more than he bargained for when he goes to his friend's house and finds himself under the attention of their mother. Will things turn out good? Read to find out.

Some Fun of Our Own

It was starting off as a usual Saturday morning for Lawrence. Having gotten up around eight in the morning, the sixteen year old wolf had spent it mainly watching cartoons. He didn't have to worry about much else. His sister, Laura, was spending her time on the computer, while their parents were away on a business trip. Plus, the local forecast had called for a downpour and the clouds outside seemed to confirm their theory. It was a great day for doing a whole lot of nothing.

The monotony of the day was suddenly disturbed as Lawrence's cell phone went off. Judging from the fact that it was filling the air with the tune of "You've Got a Friend in Me", he could tell it was from his pig best friend, Harold Orville. Picking himself up from his bed, the scruffy wolf reached a dark-furred arm towards his night stand and answered.

"Hello?" he said, knowing full well who would answer.

"Hey, Larry," replied Harold. "Enjoying your morning?"

"I always enjoy a morning I don't go to school."

"Same here. Listen, I wanted to ask you something. Since your parents are out of town, I was wondering if you guys maybe wanted to come over and spend the night."

Larry and Laura had known Harold for years. Not only were Larry and Harold best friends, but Harold and Laura had recently started dating. So it was no surprise why Harold would want to spend time with them both. They had been to his house before, usually sleeping in a guestroom with two full-sized beds in it. His house wasn't huge, but it was nicely spread out.

"I think we can arrange that," said Larry. "I'll have to check with Laura though. Five o'clock sound good?"

"Sure," said Harold. "I'll set everything up and see you guys later."

"Sounds good. See ya later."


With that the call ended. Once it was finished, Larry headed to his sister's room to let her know what had transpired.

As Harold hung up the phone, he was aware that someone else had entered the living room.

"So, are they coming?"

Harold turned around from the couch to see his mother, Jody; a pig woman in her late thirties. She had an expectant smile on her face.

"Sounds like it," said Harold. "They'll be here around five."

"Good. That'll give us both time to plan out our evenings." Her smile grew wider.

Although Harold and Laura had been dating for a while, they had not yet gone to the next stage of their relationship; i.e. getting into bed. However, they had planned to take that next step and tonight would most likely be the night. Unfortunately, while Larry was ok with the two of them dating, he probably wasn't going to be pleased with the commotion they'd cause in the night. Luckily, his mother had come forward to offer herself up as a distraction.

"And you don't mind me and Laura going through with this?" he asked.

"You've both been raised right," said Jody. "So I trust you both to act responsibly. And what about me? You don't have a problem with my plans?"

"I don't really have a problem with it. What you two choose to do is your business. Besides, if he isn't interested, I think he can keep you at bay."

"When I'm done, he'll be anything but uninterested."

"Alright mom, that's enough," Harold replied, annoyance in his voice. "Like I said, it's your business and I don't need to know the details."

"Spoilsport," she said. "Well, you get ready for your friends. I'll be in my room planning for later." With that, she left the room to make her preparations. While she had a feeling things would go the way she hoped, she needed to consider a way to make certain her efforts wouldn't be for nothing.

This is gonna be an interesting evening, Harold thought.

The downpour that had been called for was steadily flowing as Larry pulled his car into the driveway of the Orville residence. Quickly grabbing their bags, he and Laura rushed from the car and headed for the front door. After knocking a few times, the door was soon opened by Harold.

"Hey guys," he said. "Glad you could make it."

"Never mind the niceties," Larry said with urgency. "Let us in and shut the door!"

Without wasting any time, everyone piled into the house. As she placed her bag down, Laura shook her body to help get the damp off. This succeeded in only soaking both Larry and Harold.

"Thanks a lot, sis," said Larry annoyed.

"Sorry, bro," she replied.

"Don't let him get to you, babe," Harold chimed in, smiling. "I like the way you pull off the wet dog look." He cupped her chin and kissed her on the lips. She smiled in turn.

"Flatterer," she said. Unlike her brother, who was dark-furred and scruffy, Laura was white-furred and much more sleek.

"Yeah, yeah," said Larry in mock disgust. In truth, he was happy for them. "You're both in love; we get it. Now, what are the plans for tonight?"

"I figured we'd maybe heat up a pizza and play some video games."

"Sounds good to me," said Laura. "Hope you guys enjoy the whoopin' I'm gonna give ya."

"Puh-lease," said Harold.

"As if," said Larry in agreement. "Anyway, you guys get things set up. I'll get the pizza going."

"Alright," said Harold. "See ya in a bit." That being settled, Harold and Laura headed down the hall to his room to set up for tonight's entertainment. The room she and Larry would be sleeping in was right across the hall.

Having been here before, Larry knew right where the kitchen was. On entering the room, he proceeded to grab a frozen pizza from the freezer and shove it into the oven. He just turned the oven to the right temperature when he heard someone behind him.

"Well hello there, Lawrence," said a female voice. On turning around, he saw it was Harold's mother.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Orville," he said with a smile. He had always been fond of Jody. She was always sweet and thoughtful. She was also one of the few people he let call him 'Lawrence'. But to be honest, his attention towards her right now pertained to something else.

As she leaned against the kitchen counter, she wore tight fitting jeans and a white tank top that was just as tight. She had a head of long dark brown hair and shining, green eyes. For a woman of her age, she had kept in good shape. She wasn't a stick figure like the girls Larry knew in school, but she wasn't chubby either. She was a woman of curves in all the right places. He'd be lying if he claimed he didn't find her attractive, but she was his best friend's mom; it wouldn't feel right thinking of her that way. Besides, he wouldn't stand a chance.

"Lawrence," she said, bringing him back to the present. "There's no need for that 'Mrs. Orville' stuff. You're old enough to call me Jody now."

"If you say so, Mrs.... I mean, Jody."

"That's better," she said, walking up to him. Her face was right in front of his as she stopped. "I'd like to think we're close. Wouldn't you?"

From where Larry was standing, he thought they were quite close indeed. "I... uh...," he stammered.

"Milk, please," she practically whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"I need milk. You're blocking the fridge."

As realization hit him, he quickly stepped out of the way, stumbling to apologize. His face, if not covered in fur, would have been seen to be bright red. Having grabbed the gallon of milk from the fridge, she grabbed a glass from the cabinet. As she filled the glass, she held it right up against her tank top. Suddenly, the gallon became unbalanced in her hand and splashed milk all across her front. The tank top soon began to dampen. Before his very eyes, Larry saw Jody's tank top proceed to get tighter around her very generous cleavage. Against his will, an erection slowly began to grow in his pants, causing them to feel as tight as Jody's tank top looked. As he tried to concentrate on making it go away, Jody, unbeknownst to him, gave a knowing smile.

"Ooops, clumsy me," she said. "I better go to my room and change. You mind cleaning up the spill, honey?

"Sure, no problem," Larry blurted out, still trying to will his erection to go away.

"Thanks, darling. Sorry I couldn't stay and chat. But, who knows? Maybe I'll... see you later."

With these words, she gave him a wink as she walked out the kitchen towards her room. As she walked, her firm rear wiggled to and fro for Larry to see. As this vision unfolded, Larry was left dumbstruck.

Was she... was she flirting with me, he wondered. No, no, she couldn't have. Don't be silly.

Trying to put it out of his mind, he leaned against the counter waiting for their pizza.

As Larry waited in the kitchen, Jody was in her bedroom changing her wet top. As she changed, she sighed to herself in minor shame.

That was ridiculous, she thought. I sounded like some slutty porn actress. Still, I needed to do something to check his reaction.

Unknown to Larry, Jody was fully aware of the effect her stunt had made on him. Now she had all the information she needed and she could prepare for the last stage of her plans. All she had to do now was wait.

It won't be long now.

It was around ten in the evening as Larry lay in his bed in the guestroom. The three friends had had an amusing evening of eating pizza and playing video games. Things slowly came to an end as they ended their evening watching a new anime movie. When it reached its conclusion, the siblings quietly wandered to their sleeping quarters. Since they had spent most of the evening in Harold's room, there had been no sign of Jody since her meeting with Larry in the kitchen.

Larry was slowly beginning to doze off to sleep, when he heard the door to their room open. Turning to his sister's bed, he saw that she wasn't in it.

Must've gone to the bathroom, he thought, not giving it anymore consideration.

He had managed to get a few minutes sleep, until he was slowly awakened by a strange noise. At first it sounded like an ongoing squeak of a bed frame. Next, he began to hear thudding. But the noise that brought him to full wakefulness were the moans that slowly started to come; what sounded to be moans of pleasure. Having seen a few pornos and read a few erotic stories, he quickly put together what these noises implied.

You've got to be kidding me, he thought in annoyance. You had to do that when I'm here and right across the hall? Jerks.

Feeling he would not be able to go to sleep if they kept this up, he decided to give them a piece of his mind. First, however, he needed to answer a call of nature. Without bothering to put his shirt back on, he walked out into the hall in just his pajama bottoms. He walked past their door, their moans getting louder, and headed towards the bathroom connected to the living room. Sitting on the toilet, he pondered how he was going to deal with Laura and Harold. He was supportive of their relationship and didn't mind them doing what most couples do. However, he was a bit annoyed that he had been invited to stay the night so he could spend it hearing them fuck each other's brains out.

His train of thought was interrupted as he heard what he thought was someone walking through the living room. His thoughts were confirmed as a saw a flicker of light creep under the door. Thinking it was either Harold or Laura, he quickly finished his business so he could speak to them while they took a moment from their night of passion. On opening the door, however, he saw that it was neither of them.

In the dimly lit living room, standing near the sofa, was none other than Jody. While she had seemed quite lovely before, she appeared even more so now. She was dressed in a tightly tied lavender robe. Her breasts appeared to be straining the confines of her attire. As she saw Larry in the bathroom doorway, she gave him a warm smile.

"Evening, Lawrence," she said. "Having trouble sleeping, honey?"

"Uh, just a little," he replied, doing his best not to stare and failing miserably.

"I'm not surprised," she said. "With the racket those two are making, I'm surprised the neighbors don't complain."

"You know?" Larry asked surprised. "And... you're alright with it?"

"They're both grown enough to know what they want. As long as they act responsibly, I don't mind." She slowly made her way to the entrance to the kitchen. "Listen, I was about to put on some hot chocolate to help me relax. Would you like to join me and chat for a while?"

At first, Larry thought of refusing because he was worried she would catch him ogling over her. But, then he thought of how the lovers and their cries of ecstasy down the hall would not be letting him get any sleep anytime soon. Besides, he enjoyed Jody's company.

"Alright, sure," he said with a nod.

"Wonderful," she replied with a grin. "I'll be back in a minute. You just make yourself comfy on the couch."

As she entered the kitchen, Larry took a seat at one end of the couch. A few minutes later, Jody returned with two mugs of hot chocolate. After handing one to Larry, she took her own and sat in a recliner chair across from him.

"So," she said, "did you kids have a nice evening?" She took a sip from her mug.

"Yeah," said Larry, sipping his own drink. "Most of it was spent with Laura whooping our asses in video games."

Jody chuckled. "She certainly gives you boys a run for your money," she said. "So, Lawrence, how's life treating you?"

"Not too bad. Me and Laura pretty much have run of the house while our parents are away. My job at Wal-Mart pushing carts is giving me decent spending cash. My grades could use a little improvement, but they could be way worse. Overall, I can't complain."

"Well, that's good to hear. And, how about your social life?"

"It's alright. I've got Harold, and a few other friends I hang out with. We're gonna see that new Marvel movie next week."

"That's nice. But, what about your... love life?" She put great emphasis on these words.

Larry adjusted in his seat. "Well, I guess I don't have one at the moment. I'm not really interested in any of the girls at school. They're not bad or anything, it's just that a lot of them are a bit immature for me."

"Ah, I see," she said, crossing one leg over the other. It showed a great amount of the pig woman's bare skin to the young wolf sitting across from her. "You want someone with a bit more... maturity. Is that it?"

"Uh, yeah. I suppose so," said Larry, feeling a blush begin to burn in his face. This conversation was starting to make him feel uncomfortable, in more ways than one. He decided to turn the tables on her; hoping it would get her to change the subject. "And how about you, Mrs. Orville? Any interesting men in your life?"

"Unfortunately not," she replied with a slight frown. "I haven't had a man in my life since Pete left me seven years ago. Wasn't good enough for him anymore, I suppose."

This made Larry feel bad. It wasn't his intention to bring up sad memories for her. She and Pete had been married for twelve years when he decided to walk out on her and Harold, who was only ten then. He remembered Harold had been miserable for days. Jody would barely leave the house. Luckily, with a little support from their friends, they managed to pick up the pieces and move on with their lives.

"Don't say that," he said. "You're a very lovely woman. I'm sure plenty of men would love to get to know you."

She gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you, Lawrence," she said. "Sadly, I've yet to meet them."

Now's the time to reel him in, she thought.

"It is a shame, too," she continued. "After all, even a woman of my age has...needs." She tugged slightly on the top of her robe, giving the wolf a better view of her cleavage. "You know what I mean, Lawrence?"

This only caused Larry to blush even harder. However, as he continued to squirm in his seat, a familiar noise returned from down the hall with renewed enthusiasm. He had almost forgotten about them as he spoke with Jody.

"Man," he said in irritation, "I wish they would give it a rest already."

"Yes," Jody responded, in a tone that was no more amused than he was. "They are rather shoving it in our faces, aren't they?"

Alright, Jody, time to spring your trap.

"Then again, there's no reason we should let them spoil our night while they have their fun."

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Well, honey, we're both responsible adults too. Even if we let them have their fun, there's no reason we can't have some fun of our own." She gave him a sultry smile.

"I'm not sure I follow you." Actually, part of him felt he did, but couldn't bring himself to believe it.

"Need me to spell it out for you, big boy?" Without another word, she rose from her seat and approached Larry. Before he could wonder what she was doing, she was facing him sitting on his lap with a leg on either side of him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked right into his eyes with a seductive glare. "I want to fuck you."

To say Larry was flabbergasted would have fallen short of reality. He could not believe what was happening. He was in his best friend's house, with his best friend's mother sitting on his lap, saying she wanted to fuck him. Surely this had to be a dream. After a moment, he spouted out the only response his mind was capable of forming.

"... what?"

"You heard me, big boy," she said, rubbing against his lap. "I want to fuck you. Now the only question is, do you want to fuck me?"

One part of his mind, or at least his body, knew exactly what it wanted to do. However, another part of his mind was doing its best to convince him this wasn't right.

"Mrs. Orville, I..."

"What did I tell you earlier, hon? Call me Jody." She slowly ran her hands over his bare chest.

"Mrs.... Jody, I... I can't... we can't..."

"Why not, honey? Aren't I mature enough for you?" She lowered one of her hands and placed it against his crotch. "Besides, I think the dent in your bottoms would disagree."

"But... Harold..." he stammered, slowly losing control.

"Never mind Harold, sugar," she whispered. "He has his own fun tonight. He wouldn't care about what we do anyway. Can you honestly tell me you don't want this?" With these words, she pulled the top front of her robe open. In a motion, her full, bare breasts were visible to the world. Larry gasped at the sight of them. "C'mon, honey. I told you I have needs. Help a lonely mother indulge them for the night."

Before Larry could give any answer, Jody leaned her face forward and kissed his lips. It was chaste at first, but slowly she became more forceful, her tongue demanding entry. Any reluctance Larry had was quickly thrown away and he kissed her back with equal force. He gave access to her tongue, and soon both of theirs were engaged in an erotic dance. As they continued to kiss, Larry began to massage her breasts, which made her moan. After some time, she broke the kiss for air. While she did, Larry kissed against her neck.

"Oooh, Lawrence," she moaned. "Oooohh."

As Larry continued to pleasure her, Jody began to rub herself against his crotch. As she did so, Larry noticed that he began to have a damp feeling in his lap. She must be really turned on to soak through her panties that fast, he thought. This only served to arouse him even more as he began to kiss against her cleavage.

"Ooooh, Jody," he grunted. "You're so beautiful."

"Ooooh, that's it, sugar," she replied between moans. "Make mama feel loved."

After a period of continued foreplay, Jody began to feel that the time had come to move to the main course. As they began to kiss each other again, moaning all throughout, Jody slowly moved her hands to the hem of Larry's pajama bottoms and underwear. Without breaking their kiss, Jody slowly began to tug at them to bring them down. Realizing what she was doing, Larry slightly lifted himself up to ease her attempts. In a moment, both bottoms and underwear were around his ankles.

Breaking the kiss, Jody looked down to observe her lover's equipment. She purred at the sight before her. From what she could see, it was at full mast and ready to go. She raised herself over his stiff shaft, revealing her lower body to Larry. As he took in the scene before him, he realized why his crotch had felt so damp. Her dry-humping, or rather her moist-humping, had been done with a total lack of panties.

As she stood over him, she gave him a sultry smile. "Hope you're ready, stud," she said. "Mama's gonna make you a man."

Without any hesitance whatsoever, Jody slowly lowered herself onto his manhood. The experience was the greatest thing Larry had ever felt. As she came to full hilt, they both cried out in extreme pleasure. They took a moment to get used to the feeling, and then Jody slowly began to raise herself up again. Before Larry's erection was fully released from her pussy, she proceeded to lower herself down again.

"Ooooh, Jody," he moaned. "Oooooh, I've wanted this... for so long."

"Aaaah, I know, big boy," she replied, deep in ecstasy. "And now, I'm all yours. Aaaaaah."

After a few more times, their lips soon connected once more. As they began to pick up the rhythm, Larry began to feel a stirring in his crotch; one he was all too familiar with.

"Ugh... Jody... I'm... I'm gonna..."

He tried to pull himself out as he felt that was what she would want. However, as he tried to free himself, he found his erection was being clamped tight by Jody's inner walls. Also, as he cried out, he felt her press herself harder on top of him. She knew what he was thinking, and was not going to have it. She had been too long without a man's shaft inside her and she was not going to lose it at the height of her passion.

She brought her lips close to his ear. "Don't even think about it, stud," she whispered. "Mama wants you to fill her up. Give mama everything you got."

These words, rather than scare the young wolf, only seemed to arouse him more. With a renewed vigor, he pumped himself hard into the pig woman's pussy, grabbing her behind and pulling her close. They didn't have to wait long for a release. In a matter of seconds, the pressure had grown to such heights that Larry could no longer contain it. With a final, orgasmic cry from them both, Larry shot his load into her womb.

As the pressure began to die down, Larry fell back against the sofa. Jody collapsed on top of him, her body fully exposed and spread against his with her robe wide open. Each of them struggled to catch their breath. Out of the two of them, Jody was the first to regain her strength.

"Mhmm, that was good," she said. She ruffled Larry's hair. "Thank you so much for that, sugar. Mama's been wanting to do that for so long."

As she spoke, Larry continued to find his strength. He had never felt so good in his entire life. Believing that the wolf had also been fully satisfied with their encounter, Jody decided to ask him.

"So, lover," she continued, "you still have any reservations concerning our little rendezvous?"

Finally having composed himself, Larry gave the best answer he felt he could give in response. "Hell no!"

Jody chuckled at his enthusiastic answer. It was one she had hoped for, as she was not planning on being done so soon this evening.

"Glad to hear it, handsome," she said, massaging his chest. "Because the night is still young. We still have plenty of time to enjoy each other's company." Without another word, she raised herself up from his lap and stepped back from the sofa. Slowly she began to walk around the sofa towards the door to her room; all the while Larry sat watching her. As she reached the door, she turned back to look at him. "If you think you can go another round, come join me." Before crossing the doorway, she shrugged her shoulders and let her robe fall to the floor.

Having had a taste of the pleasures this mature woman was capable of giving him, he'd be damned if he was going to miss out on any chance he had to continue their night of passion. With a moment barely having passed since she crossed the threshold, Larry sprang from the sofa and ran through the doorway, kicking it shut with his foot as he entered.

A quick look around the room showed him where his passionate pig was. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, totally in the nude; a true vision of experienced femininity. Her legs were spread wide with her womanhood for all the world to see. Her emerald eyes were full with enticement as she stretched her arm towards him, crooking her finger in a 'come hither' gesture.

"Come 'ere, big boy," she said, licking her lips. "Mama wants to play."

No other encouragement was needed for Larry. Within a bound he was at her side. Rather than join her on the bed, however, he decided to play with her in another way. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he lunged his face directly towards her twinkle cave. Within seconds, Jody was feeling waves of pleasure ripple through her body, shrieking with joy.

"Oooooh, Lawrence!" she cried out, arching her back. "Ooooooh, don't stop!"

Larry, of course, had no intention of stopping. As his tongue lapped away at her pussy, he slowly went through a checklist in his head. A... B... C... Judging from the moans she gave him, he could tell his technique was working. Thank you, Sam Kinison, he thought to himself.

He got the feeling that he probably could've convinced her to give him some head if he asked, but decided not to. Oral wasn't really something he was into. Still, he knew women loved it, so he was happy to oblige the older pig woman splayed out in front of him.

By the time he got to the letter Z, he was pretty sure she had climaxed at least twice; probably around G and R. As he finished his oral alphabet, he felt her hands grab him by the shoulders and pull him up to face her. When he looked into her face, he saw a combination of need, lust and authority.

" Get up here and fuck me!!!" she practically growled.

Feeling no desire to do otherwise, Larry repelled himself from the floor, plopping them both onto the bed. Without even taking a moment, the two lovers began another make-out session. As they proceeded to explore each other's mouths, Larry slowly began to align himself with her moist pussy. When he was prepared to take the plunge, he slowly pulled away from the kiss and looked lovingly into her eyes.

"Are you ready?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

" Yes, yes ," she replied with urgency. " Take me now, you stud!"

Without any more words, Larry plunged his manhood into her waiting pussy. The warm, sweet sensation he had felt earlier came back to him in an instant. Moans turned into cries as they both went back and forth in their passionate rhythm. After what seemed like minutes, they each felt as the pressure began to build up inside them.

" Ooooh, Jody ," cried Larry. " I'm gonna... I'm gonna come!"

" Oooooooh, Lawrence!" she cried out in response. " Don't stop! Give mama everything you got! Make mama yours!"

As these words came, the lovers could hold back no longer. As one, they both achieved climax, soaking each other's crotch with their juices. As they came, they both let out a cry of passion that rang out throughout the house.

As the slowly climbed down from their heights of pleasure, they both collapsed against the bed; Larry draped over Jody, still inside her. In a matter of seconds, their exhaustion led them into a deep sleep.

It was around eight in the morning when Larry slowly began to stir into wakefulness. At first, he remembered nothing of what had transpired last night. All he had was a feeling of great pleasure coursing through his body. As he became more aware, however, he noticed that the bed he was in was not the one he usually slept in when over at Harold's place. Suddenly, he became wide awake as he felt the feeling of another body next to him. Looking to his side, he saw Jody, still asleep, cuddling against him with a satisfied smile on her face. In an instant, everything came flooding back.

Damn, it wasn't a dream, he thought. He laid back and looked up at the ceiling towards the heavens. Thank you, God!

Feeling someone stir against her, Jody slowly began to awake herself. As she opened her eyes, she took in the view of the young wolf laying next to her.

"Hmm... morning, cutie," she said with a smile.

"Morning," he replied with a smile of his own.

"So, sugar, did you have fun last night?"

"That was... the most amazing night ever!" he blurted out.

Jody slowly chuckled at his response, as Larry looked at her in confusion. "Sorry, honey. It's just that it's been so long that I've had such an enthusiastic response from someone your age. It's kinda cute."

Larry chuckled to himself. After a minute or so however, his thought began to process everything that had happened. He had just spent the night fucking his best friend's mom. What would Harold think if he found out? Hell, what would Laura think? He didn't regret what they had done, but now he wasn't sure how things would play out.

"Uh, Jody?"

"Yes, Lawrence?"

"Uh, what happens now?"

Slowly, Jody sat up in the bed, her body covered by the white sheets. "Well," she said, "I for one thoroughly enjoyed last night. I don't see why we can't have other love-filled nights like this one."

Needless to say, the idea of spending more nights such as last evening thrilled Larry to no end. "You mean that?" he asked with enthusiasm.

"Sure thing," she answered. "I don't know if either of us wants a relationship right now, but I'd love to keep what we've started going and see where it takes us. What do you think, handsome?"

"I think," he said, "that that would be absolutely wonderful."

"Good to hear," she said with a smile.

"But, what about Harold? Won't he get angry if he finds out about... us?"

"I doubt he doesn't know, after the ruckus we made last night. Besides, since he's now fucking your sister, I doubt he's in a position to complain. Either way, it's a completely moot point... since he helped me get you in the first place."

"He what?!" Larry cried in shock.

"Yes," she continued. "When he planned to have a romantic encounter with your sister, he was worried that you would interrupt their evening. Realizing this, and already being fairly attracted to you, I saw this as an opportunity to finally get my hands on you. So I offered my help to my son, stating I would keep you occupied while they had their fun. Since he didn't seem too put off by my plan, I assume he's not bothered about you and I getting together in the sheets... or on the sofa."

"Wait," said Larry, "so my best friend brought me here as an offering to his mother so he could fuck my sister?"

"Pretty much, sweetie."

"... that's gotta be messed up somehow," said Larry, a bit annoyed. He quickly got over it however. "Still, I suppose I can't complain." He placed a hand against Jody's cheek. "After all, it led to one of the best experiences of my life."

"So happy you feel that way, sugar," she replied. "And will lead to many more beautiful experiences, I hope." She leaned forward to kiss Larry on the lips. He pressed forward, leaning into the kiss.

Slowly, they broke apart. "Speaking of experiences," she continued, "I think we've got enough time to have for one more before we have to greet the day." She lay back down against the bed, slowly pulling back the covers. Once again, she was laid bare before her young lover, wearing a seductive smile and nothing else. "Come down here, big boy. Show me again what a real man feels like."

Without any encouragement, Larry brought his slowly hardening erection up against her waiting pussy. On reaching its proper firmness, he slowly dipped himself inside her.

"Ooooooh, Lawrence..." she moaned.

"Are you serious?!" muttered Laura, laying against her own pig lover.

"Yep," said Harold. "We had worked out a whole plan and everything."

After spending hours last night exploring each other's bodies, the two young lovers had eased into restfulness. As they fell into slumber against each other's naked bodies, they could barely make out the cries of ecstasy that came from another part of the house. When Laura had asked about it, Harold claimed he would tell her in the morning. Having been up for an hour now, Harold had slowly explained the scheme he had developed together with his mother. On hearing it all, Laura let out a bemused chuckle.

"Boy, that is just rich," she said. "I've known for a while that your mother had a crush on Larry, but I didn't think she would try to do something about it. And I definitely didn't expect anything like this." She rubbed her hand against Harold's chest. "And you're not angry about this?"

"Like I told my mother," he said, "whatever they decide to do with each other is their business. As long as they don't try to scar me with details, I'm fine with it. Besides, Mom deserves to be happy after the crap Dad did to her."

This conversation was cut short as the two of them began once again to hear moans coming from across the house.

"Well, looks like they're up," said Laura, chuckling to herself again.

"Yeah," replied Harold. "Wish they wouldn't shove it in our face though. For all they know, we could still be asleep."

A smile came to Laura's face. "Well," she said, "there's nothing to say we can't beat them at their own game." She raised herself up and hovered over Harold, a smile creeping onto his own face. "After all, we can always have some fun of our own.

The End