Taking A Cabin Boy

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A young mate on a captured ship finds himself under the regard of a brutal captain who has a use for him, and not one that he's willing to participate in.

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The creak of the ship was familiar, the feel of it riding the water was comforting, but the sight of the men on the deck of the ship were anything but. Sarock kept his head down, trying not to look at the blood of his fellows spreading on the deck, he tried not to feel the ache in his shoulder or the nausea rising in his gut as the pirates moved through the ship with a quick and brutal efficiency. These waters were supposed to have been safe, somewhere that they could travel through with relative ease to make their way to port to sell their goods in good time. They had been promised an escort, but the escort had never come, they had gone on alone. The captain had been sure that they had cannons enough to rate passage, after all, they were a ship of the line. They were well armed. That was before the attack in the night.

His lips wanted to curl back in disgust as the lean reptilians working their way through the barrels and crates that had been stored below decks. Most of them were lizards of some sort, crude creatures with little in the way of brains, but they had brute strength going for them. They were all the same muddy color, not even a hint of elegance to them. When he had been young he had looked down on them, he still did, they were pitiable comparisons to dragons. Whereas his scaling was a brilliant shade of indigo shading into sapphire, they were muddy looking. Whereas his scales were elegantly shaped and filed so that each one fit neatly against his hide, theirs were pebbled and bumpy, much like warts.

_Vain, how dare you even think of them. They bested you and your crew, and now you're going to die. _ He thought in disgust, folding back the fine ear fins against the sides of his head.

They had attacked in the night, coming upon them in a low ship that had been blacked out entirely. He suspected their watchmen had been bribed to ignore them, how else could they board with so little struggle? He had woken up to the call to arms, and by then it was nearly already over. They had lit into them with a violence that had been terrifying to behold. They had savaged them, brutally killing and maiming any in their path. The only reason there were prisoners had been Sarock's surrender, and that left a sting of shame to him. The dragon deliberately spat at one of the lizards that passed by him, the heavily armed creature stopped and glared at him in affront.

The kick that came his way sent him curling forward with a groan, wheezing out slightly as a few of the survivors snarled a protest. The captain was dead, as first mate he was the only one they could follow, but there was little hope that he would lead them anywhere. The pirates were unloading the cargo onto their own ship, which meant they had no intention of taking the ship with them, they were going to sink it. The dragon flinched slightly and tilted his head down, looking at the few that were left alive. They were all mammals, but they were his crew, his people, he would die for them if he thought it would save them.

"Get that dragon up on his feet!" A lizard hissed out from the side of the boat. "Captain wants him! Kill the rest and set the fire!"

"NO! You have our parole!" Sarock surged up onto his feet as one of the massive granite like creatures grabbed his shoulders and yanked him back. "You can ransom us!"

"You have no say here, wyrm!" The lizard who had spoken glared at him. "Get him off the ship, kill the rest."

"NO!! YOU CANNOT!" Sarock struggled and threw his weight forward, but the sailor that held him was massive and clamped down with a powerful hold that nearly crushed his elbows.

The survivors screamed behind them, their shouts reached his ears while he bucked and tried to break free. The brute holding him brutally drew his wings back, forcing them to tighten right against the line of his joints so that he snarled out in pain. He tried to throw him off, but another soon snagged against his legs and gave him a rough shove, throwing him forward as the sounds of chaos erupted behind him. He couldn't look behind him as he was held pinned, he couldn't do anything to escape except for writhe and twist about. He struck out, snarling like a beast as they hauled him over the edge of his ship, a fist casually hitting right against his stomach to drive the air out of his lungs.

He tried to find the air to protest more, but they forced him across with a toss that sent him stumbling and falling chin first onto the deck. He hit hard enough to see stars, the breath knocked out of him and was nearly shuddering. He tried to get back up, scrabbling as there was the sound out shot gun fire erupting from his ship. He couldn't get up, he swayed before a foot struck out and kicked roughly against his stomach, lifting him up and sending him splaying across the wet deck. He choked and gasped, his jaws working open and shut, his uniform hung partially open as he heaved himself up and tasted blood on his lips. He looked around blearily before something large and white flashed into view.

"You didn't lie... my my, you've earned a prize." The voice rumbled, and that was all Sarock heard before something struck him again.

It was a careless strike, but that was all it took before darkness took him entirely, pulling him down with brutal efficiency so that he was shuddering to try and stay awake. He was only dimly aware of his limp body being hauled up by the tail, and then there was nothing.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"So, captain?" The white dragon loomed above Sarock like a nightmare, the pale red eyes fixated on him. "No, not even a captain. You followed an otter. A disgrace."

Sarock remained silent in the face of the drake that had appeared the moment he'd awoken. It had been a long time since he had seen one of his kind on the open sea, it was unusual work for their kind, but this was no welcome kinsmen staring down at him. The large drake had a head with long curved horns that covered his head, capped in gaudy gold and silver, bits of jewels that caught the light. His head was scarred with a heavy cut that had healed wrong, leaving one side of his lips twisted up in a smirk that looked all wrong given his features. He was large, full grown, several centuries old so he had begun to put on real weight. It took a drake nearly two hundred and fifty years to reach full adult size, and this one was even older. Sarock was only just breaching a hundred years, this had been his first foray into the adult world, but he tried to hide his inexperience from his captor.

Captain Dulsin led the band of lizards on the sea, the fact he was a pirate seemed to bother him not at all as he sat amidst the prizes of the capture with an obvious enjoyment, even when personal pieces were brought in covered in the blood of those that had fought to keep it. He was heavily muscled with a thick chest and a tail that had been chopped several inches too short thanks to a newer injury. His scales were painted and dyed in a wild pattern that made him look alien, as far away from the refined drakes and dragonesses of the city as one could get. None of them would have such symbols painted in red and blue, nor would they have stood naked with only thick gold jewelry on them, with nothing to hide their shame.

He flinched and turned his head as the older male moved around him, stalking him with a predatory ease that rolled the hips and shoulders slightly, the eyes twinkling in the candlelight. Sarock had woken up stripped of his own clothing, though the dried blood and salt water remained behind, which made it more disturbing to have the primitive creature staring at him. Dragons were supposed to be genteel, creatures that valued a wealth of information and luxury over the harder lives. His own position as first mate on a vessel had been something that made others raise their brows, but being an officer was an honorable position. Unlike Dulsin, who flaunted his barbaric ways and practiced piracy. The idea made him sick to his stomach.

"What's wrong, boy? Do you think that you're better than me?" Dulsin barked out a laugh and gave him a rough push. "Do you think your fine young scales are somehow make you above me?"

"Not succumbing to a life of piracy makes me better than you." Sarock snapped, bristling as the hand reached up and grabbed his throat, the thick nails squeezed down against his neck. "Go on! Kill me! You have cared nothing for my men or their parole, why not add to your blood, or will you ransom me for the sake of my scales?"

"Ransom you?" The drake's twisted mouth slurred the words. "I have no need to ransom you, what I do have need of is a new cabin boy. And you will serve."

"The bloody hell I will! I am a member of His Majesty's Royal Navy! And you will by God release me!" Sarock snarled, his lips twisted back in a violent grimace as the white drake let out a rough laugh.

"You mistake that for a question, boy." Dulsin growled and dug his claws in harder, squeezing with a brutal hold, making him wheeze as he grabbed the broad arm and tried to drag it away. "You will serve. And you will do so even if I must break your jaw."

Sarock stared at the man, not sure what was being implied, but he didn't have time to pause and wonder about anything. The white drake dug his fingers down in a brutal hold and then the other hand came up. It was a blur, but Sarock felt the sickening hit of flesh on flesh before pain erupted along his jaw and he stumbled backwards. He felt as if he were seeing double while he shuddered and gave a shake back and forth, but he wasn't given the time to recenter himself as the dragon advanced on him. The broad heavy wings flashed in the air, spreading to show rings of steel ringing the sails, catching the light in a dizzying pattern before he was flung to the ground with a casual throw and the thick tail slapped out to crack around his hips and pinned his wings down.

Sarock snarled and tried to rise again, his hands rising to strike out, but the rough slap came again and struck right along his cheek to make him squeal out. The sound escaped him before he could stop it, humiliating him so that his indigo scaling darkened and he flung himself up against the hold on him. The claws raked him, digging down in painful degreed that forced a rough cry from his throat. Degrading as it was, it was nothing compared to the casual violence of the monster above him. The larger dragon had muscle and weight that forced him down as the twisted muzzle showed every last tooth and the creature moved over him to pull something from the wall.

"Do you truly thing that you're going to be giving orders here? I have broken better dragons than you, boy, older dragons. Perhaps you will last. I've never had a fresh drake." Dulsin said and dragged thick heavy links of chain right over his shoulder. "Learn to serve and I might leave you your drakehood."

The cold kiss of metal and the words worked together, and a horror Sarock had never contemplated came to mind. The captain wasn't speaking of having him slave away on the ship as another hand, he was speaking of something far more foul. The disgust rose up in him at the very idea of raising tail to the drake, or to any male for that matter. It was disgusting, it was wrong. It went against every teaching he had known since the time he had been hatched, it was a savage idea and he threw his weight up. He struck out, trying to break free, his wings flaring open wide to try and foul up his attacker, but Dulsin was ready for him. The chains slapped down hard around his neck, sliding up with a rattle that tugged his neck hard before the foot kicked out and drove him back to the ground. He couldn't get up, not in time, not before the heavy clawed foot drove down along his shoulders and wing arms to force his chest down to the ground.

He snapped his tail, struggling with everything to get free, but Dulsin had no compunctions about hurting him, and hurting him badly. His wings were wrenched and twisted, forced back onto his body with a pressure that forced another squeal from his throat. Both wings were shoved to his back before cold iron cuffs were snapped right around the folded wing hand and fingers, squeezing down and bruising as they were forced down below his double hooked fingers. The chain was heavy with thick links that struck against his back as he shoved with his feet, clawing furrows in the ground as the captain snapped the chains tightly, squeezing down on his throat as the cuffs were clipped onto the main chain.

"Struggle all you like, do you think you are the only one who has struggled?" Dulsin's voice was thick with laughter while more weight was placed on the foot.

"I would rather die!" Sarock twisted about, writhing to one side, only to have the claws dig down against his back while his arms were grabbed.

"Do you think I care what you want?" The white roared at him, dragging his arms back until he squealed out again, the sound more like a hatchling than a grown male. "Do you think I will ask you what you feel like doing? I will break you, boy, break you until you are sobbing just for the chance of my touch."

His arms were pulled back to the base of his tail, the wrists grabbed in one large hand as the foot moved off him and he was left struggling to get back up while his hands were held tight to the base of his tail. They were squeezed together, pinching muscle and ligaments to bone to keep him under control while he let out a snarling cry. The pain was sharp and immediate as chains wrapped around his wrists and pulled tight, looping beneath his thick tail base. He jumped forward, trying to break out, but the captain only pulled the chains harder and hauled him backwards. The brutal grip around wrists and tail crushed his scales down, bruising the hide beneath it as the foot paw shoved right down against his ass and dug the talons down.

Something hot and wet splattered down against his hide, he felt it spilling down and hitting along the base of his tail with a wet smear that had him twitching forward. He swung his head back, trying to curse, but as he did so he felt the heat flooding his face. The male was showing off a length of dark purple-black cock flesh that was parting the thick genital slit and spreading it open wider by the moment. The swell of it was obscenely large as it jutted up from his loins and right up along his stomach. The thick series of ridges that ran along the underside of his length traced all the way down to the wide base. The slimy precum was coated over it with a heavy slathering that made it glisten in the light as he made a disgusted sound low in his throat and shrank away.

He had his legs free, but his movements were hampered by the fact his arms were pinned behind his back, his wings locked in place as he struggled to get away. The precum that splattered on his tail was disgustingly warm feeling as Dulsin's eyes narrowed down to slits. He was grabbed the wrists, pulling upwards, dragging him back so he sputtered out in disgust. He was forced backwards, his back arched slightly while his shoulders were forced against the scaled upper legs and the cock pushed roughly right against his head. He tried to get away, yanking roughly, but the grip on the chains kept him in place as the large hand wrapped around his muzzle, forcing his cheek right up against the glistening prick. He was choking on the scent of the male, trying to break away, but the grip only tightened down further.

"It's time for you to meet your new master." Dulsin hissed out and Sarock choked roughly, twisting back and forth as the foot pressed down against his bent legs, pinning them to the ground.

"Burn in hell!" He spit out angrily, but the fingers gripped down harder and roughly dug against his muzzle.

The thick thumb pushed up, the claw slipped right into his jaws and hooked against him roughly as the cock rested right along the edge of his cheek, disgustingly warm as it pressed against him while his jaws were opened. He tried to bite down, but something slipped into his mouth before he could stop it, a thick heavy ring was driven into his muzzle. The hard curved edge stuffed itself right against the roof of his mouth, pinning his tongue down as he gagged and struggled to jerk backwards. The drake didn't stop, he forced the metal ring further back into his muzzle until his jaws ached, prying them apart with a brutal demand that had him shuddering in place. He wanted to be sick, he was going to be sick, and still the pressure forced his jaws to the point that he couldn't shove the ring free.

He gagged and let out a series of harsh noises, choking on the thing while the captain brought up two slender chains to hook into either side of the ring. His lips were drawn back painfully wide, drooling saliva along the underside of his chin. He couldn't even snarl a threat as his head was pulled to one side, the white drake padded in front of him. Dulsin moved a hand beneath his chin while the other hand grabbed the base of his cock, the fingers flexing slightly as the tip was dragged away from his lower belly. The thick precum was welling out and he tried to break away, twisting his neck and jerking against the chains with violent tosses of his head. His eyes bulged, the anger and fear growing while the cock tip dropped down and smacked him right on the muzzle.

"NNNNNNF!" Sarock tried to surge up again, but mocking laughter filled his ears before the cock pushed down and suddenly drove right along the swell of his tongue.

He couldn't escape it, not even as he bit down tightly, the hard foul tasting metal bruised the roof of his mouth as the cock tip pushed forward. The syrupy precum drooled out onto his tongue, spilling down in a hot rush that made him choke at the salty taste. He gave his head a few shakes, but the hands were already moving to grab his horns, yanking him forward. All he could do was lash his tongue out in an attempt to shove it out, but that only earned him a thrum of pleasure from his captor. The heavy swollen length pushed forward easily into his forcibly splayed maw, driving inwards with a sound thrust that drove up and over his tongue. It pushed against the metal ring locked inside of his maw, choking him slightly as he gave his head a few wild shakes back and forth.

It was useless, the hold on his horns refused to release him, they gripped down hard enough that he could barely budge backwards as the thick hot taste of the precum that was spilled out over his taste buds. He couldn't concentrate on anything except that taste, there was no real distraction as the swollen tip glutted his maw, stretching right past the metal ring that was bruising the roof of his mouth. It plunged inward, forcibly stretching the back of his throat while he was left choking out rough noises. His stomach twisted and turned, it was an affront he had never experienced in his life and he didn't want to experience again. One that he was forced to endure as the hips gave a powerful plunge forward and gaped the walls open wider.

It was a brutal assault that stuffed past the ring as he choked on the heavy twitching flesh that drooled precum down his throat. He tried to spit it out, his throat contracted and rippled painfully, but nothing worked, instead he was humiliated to find himself drooling on his chin. The messy slurry of fluid was pushed outwards as the captain drove himself forward. The tip scraped right through his throat until he was gagging on it, choking and convulsing with his throat closing down tightly and squeezing along the length. His breathing turned ragged while there was a drag backwards. It didn't really go much further out, but the drake rubbed himself right along Sarock's tongue. The taunting strokes pushed over the edges as he shuddered and flattened his ear fins tight to his head.

In all of his years, even in the navy, he had been treated firmly, but never with any real cruelty. The pains he undertook in his training and upbringing had been carefully measured to give the best results for what his teachers wanted from him. Now he was forced to endure the violent impact of the cock plunging into him and deliberately cutting off his air flow until he was bucking in place to try and get free. The movements earned him a croon of approval, and something about being given approval for the act caused a twinge of pure shame to mellow him. He wanted to look away, he didn't want to think about what was violating his muzzle. He choked roughly, his throat contracting down roughly before he jerked backwards. The inches soon pulling backwards, shifting the metal ring in his forcibly splayed muzzle.

The cock tip trailed right along his writhing tongue, decorating his chin with the precum so that he could feel the droplets falling downwards and sliming down the underside of his chin. His breathing was harsh, thick and heavy as he tried to clear his senses from the drake's scent and taste. It had smeared part of his nose, leaving him staring at the thick heavy length before the hand moved to curl around one of his curved horns. He tensed immediately, ready for the violent movements that he was coming to realize was natural for the creature that controlled him. He didn't have to wait for long.

He was flung onto his stomach, his chest hit the floorboards and he muffled a sharp cry as his chin hit the ground. The grip flexed against his horn, but the other hand gripped his chain wrapped tail and wrists, heaving him upwards with a jerk that sent a shock running through him. He had to scrabble with his legs against the ground, taking some of the pain away from being hauled ass up, dread starting to spread through him as the drake leaned over him with a low possessive rumble. The breath was hot as it spilled against the nape of his neck, the rough pants making him jerk in fear before the teeth snapped out against him. The rake that ran down the length of his shoulder had him arching upwards as the hot weight of the cock pushed against the side of his ass. It marked him, slathering wetness against him with a thick dribble of hot precum, the spill of it ran down against the crease of his ass.

_No, god no! This can't be happening, he's a dragon! _ He thought, denial making him snarl out, his words slurred and muffled into rough bursts as the cock tip seated itself right against the crease of his ass.

"Shhh, you can scream if you want, boy, but it won't change anything. My crew will only know I have made you my toy, and you will have to look them in the eye when I send you to the deck to sleep." Dulsin whispered in his ear, the voice rough as the cock tip pushed up against his virginal pucker, making him ball his bound fists together tightly.

There was no pause to give him time to consider his options, the brute began to drive forward and pried his walls open with a force that made him choke out a ragged noise. He wanted to scream out in pain as he felt the impossibly large glans shoving its way into his narrow passage, prying the anal ring open wider and wider so that he was being forced to swallow up along the swell of the length. He had nothing he could do to fight it except make his muscles clamp down tightly in a vain attempt to push the cock backwards, but the drake only pushed himself forward, the weight nearly crushed his chest down against the deck as the hand against his horn kept his muzzle shoved against the hard filthy floorboards.

Stars danced in front of his eyes in pain, the burning ache began to grow worse as he panted and shuddered, his nostrils flared wide as he gasped down a breath and cried it out with a ragged snarl. The cock that drove into him was prying him open deeper, he could hear the white grunting above him, the rough sound of the voice filled his ears. The girth bowed under the pressure as it tried to claim inch after unwilling inch, the hot slime of precum and his saliva worked to give him some lubrication, but it wasn't enough. He could feel it sinking deeper, his muscles twitching and spasming in the passing of the heavy violet-black flesh that sawed backwards a few inches before the next plunge forward. His taut anal ring was drawn around the length, pulling outwards before being forced back in on himself and leaving him breathless.

The next few inches that crept into his passage began to force it's way further, slipping through the narrow channel as the walls gaped wider and wider. The aching strain made him scrabble as a new burst of pain hit him, his stomach cramped while he felt a thick hot stream of precum welled up from the tip and spilled out in a hot slimy spill. It was forced in and around the cock tip, helping to wedge him in further, creeping ever deeper as he was kicking his legs out. He had to spread them wider to try and ease the pressure as soon nearly half the length had seated itself inside of him. He was being split in two, the pause doing no good for him as the throbbing pain was beating in time with his heart. He fought the urge to scream out, retaining what little dignity he could before the drake began to put the pressure against him again.

"NNNF!! NNNMMMF!" He tried to plead with the white dragon, but the male only snarled in answer and gave a brutal buck forward.

The force strained him open just that much wider, splitting him to the point that the world was going dark around the edges as the creature forced forward deeper into his channel. He felt every ridge being squeezed into him, the slow pop and slide of it moving deeper while he squeezed his eyes shut, his tongue hanging out of his forcibly open muzzle. He was molded around the powerful length, feeling how it dug in against him before the white drake yanked backwards with a caress that made him buck his stomach upwards and his eyes flashed open wide. He muffled a squeal, he couldn't stop it, the ridges pulled free with a wet suctioning sound as his body was forced to give up the too large length. He didn't pull out all the way, he wasn't given that relief, instead Dulsin only pulled out to his tip before driving home again.

Sarock's chest rocked against the ground, his back arched at a painful angle as he was force fed the cock again, his walls sliding up and swallowing the dark length. The small twitches and quivers spilled yet another oozing eruption of cum that smeared through his body. His walls closed and tightened, the movements working along the length as his body tried to push it back outwards. The white drake refused to let him as the hips plunged forward and drew backwards, sawing the ridges in and out of his painfully gaping ass. His eyes squeezed shut, trying to ignore it, struggling to find some way to escape it as the apex of each thrust forced him open just that much wider. The sharp explosions of pain hit him as the cock tip dug deeper and deeper, refusing to give up even an inch of the heavy twitching cock.

He twisted himself, throwing his weight forward again by the grip on his tail yanked him back as the last few inches squeezed into him. He couldn't imagine just how far he must have been stretched around the dragon, but the ridges were soon pulling free with a lewd wet noise. Precum was smeared all through him, the only bit of help he had that worked to help ease the weight inwards at the apex of each thrust. Dulsin hissed down roughly in pleasure as the hips cracked against his own, hitting hard enough to shove his ass up high before the next drop down. It hurt, his entire lower body felt torn and bruised, and still the dragon continued to plunge the tip in deep inside of him. The tip squirted out another wet slathering of precum before it was smeared over his passage, marking him in the most intimate way possible.

Sarock's choked noises became ragged, his throat aching as the brutal strikes built up speed against him, the strike of his body against his own sounded incredibly loud as the wetness was pushed out by the sheer size of the shaft plunging through him. He felt his claws digging into the palms of his hands as he gripped down and twisted his muzzle back in a silent snarl of pain. He kept his eyes closed, feeling his body moving back and forth as the thrusts became rapid, only a few ridges were pulled out of him before being plunged back into his body again. The tip dug in deep and scrubbed through his tender inner body until he gave up trying to contract his muscles to push the creature out. He was helpless, there was nothing he could do to stop the older drake from ravaging him.

It was a brutal efficiency as the hands moved to his shoulders, pushing down roughly and squeezing down hard enough that he felt the claws raking against his scales. The added pain was nothing more than another torment as the driving of the hips began to hit a breakneck pace. The rough breathing above him came in bursts, delighted and eager while he felt the stomach starting to tense. Sarock managed a cry, the sound twisting from his aching throat as the ridges began to thicken inside of him. They stretched him wider, prying his walls further and further apart by the moment. He couldn't get away, couldn't think, couldn't do anything except feel the sting growing until he struggled beneath the powerful weight of the white drake.

The last few inches sank home, pushing through his torn aching passage with a fiery pain that had him choking out weak noises before the snarl rang over his head. It was loud, too loud, it made him flinch as the ridges caught along his passage and began to twitch and pulse. It was an intimate sensation, feeling the drake working himself up to the point of orgasm, but it became horrifying as the first hot rush of cum flooded his violated ass. He tried to get away from the feeling that only a dragoness should know, but the hips only pushed forward harder as rope after sticky rope poured out of the tip and flooded his bowels. It was pushing in deeper, the pressured waves of it making him choke in disgust, his eyes flashing open while the captain shifted along his back, the weight deliberately sawing the cock backwards several inches before the push forward that squelched the hot cream from his abused body. His walls twitched and quivered, the movements useless to push the monstrous shaft out, useless to protect himself.

"That's right, boy, get used to it. Perhaps you will even learn to enjoy it." Dulsin hissed down at him, the voice thick with pleasure.

Sarock shuddered and closed his eyes before a hand gripped the side of his ass and the white hips jerked backwards. He squealed out loudly as the cock pulled free, the ridges raking over the ring of his pucker as cum spilled out of him and he heard the obscene slurping noise as it pulled free. His passage didn't close, it remained gaping and drooling spent cum as the drake stood up and wiped his cock right along the side of his ass. The captain didn't unbind him, or help him up, instead the drake moved away leaving the cum rolling down the indigo dragon's inner thighs. Sarock shuddered and dropped onto the floor of the cabin, his body aching and throbbing so badly that he wanted to be sick. He couldn't even drop his tail down as Dulsin moved towards his desk.

He watched as the creature settled down, still entirely nude, the mess of his cock starting to retreat as he dragged out any number of charts and papers to spread over the top of the desk. He didn't even look up, he began to work as if Sarock wasn't lying in a violated pile on his floor. The former first mate swallowed, feeling the ring driven into his muzzle as the motion was clumsy and painful. There was nothing he could do to get free, there was nothing he could escape to. The open sea surrounded the pirate ship, where would he go even if he did break free? He hadn't been spared to be ransomed, he had been spared for Dulsin's pleasure. The thought made him shudder and his eyes squeeze shut in the crushing realization. This was his life now. He wasn't even a sailor here, the white dragon made it clear exactly what he was, something to be fucked and violated, a break in the monotony of his work. A toy. He was nothing but a toy.

_God above help me. _ He prayed and closed his eyes, feeling his body trying to squeeze itself shut once more, but it was hopeless. He would never be the same again.