Chapter Sixteen: Bonding

Story by The Roseblack Dragon on SoFurry

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#17 of Tales of Ippon

Understanding comes in many forms...

"Kya!" Kasumi yelped as she landed on her backside, wincing from the impact.

She sat there a moment, grousing over her sore bottom. It was not the first time she had

greeted the ground in such a way that day.

"Again," Shuji commanded softly, "Remember; your asset is not power, but

speed. Do not seek to defeat your opponent in a single blow, but rather attack their less-

guarded weak points."

She grumbled and stood slowly, picking up the wooden sword and shifting tiredly

back to a ready stance, "Yes, Sire."

He nodded, "Attack me."

She took a breath and then paused before starting her charge. Why should she

attack him if he's expecting to be attacked? If he knows she is coming he is prepared for

her, but she cannot figure what he will do to counter her. She shifts her weight back from the

preparation to charge and steadies herself solidly, watching him intently.

Shuji blinked at her hesitation and then smiled as she stood her ground. In the

week since they had left Kyudo, she had been learning swordplay at an alarming rate. She

still hat yet to land a solid blow on him, but she had been getting closer to that each

day. "Better. You understand that facet. Defense will always be stronger than offense. You

expend less energy, and it is far easier to throw off your foe's rhythm," he shifted his own

weight, turning his wooden blade to attack, "however."

She flexed at just the right moment and snapped her sword in to parry the strike.

The swath of oak nearly grazed her cheek even after parrying and she twisted under it,

bending backward as she loosed her lower hand from the grip and grabbed Shuji's belt

swinging herself down between his spread feet and up past his tail. With her legs around his

chest and her arm over his shoulder she pressed the ‘blade' against his neck and

grinned, "Do I win?"

He laughed, impressed at her creativity and athletic prowess, not many could

have managed such a stunt. He smirked and held still, caught, "That depends..."

"On what?" she growled, pressing the wood tighter against his neck.

"Can you still feel your arms?" As eh quipped, he snapped his hand up and

gripped the handle of her blade, wrenching it from her grip and twisting out of his dogi,

making her slide down to his feet, where she once again plopped onto her battered backside.

"Ow!" She hissed, "That's not fair."

He chuckled and crouched, checking her for any serious injuries on her wrists

and arms, "Combat is rarely fair, Hikamori-san. How are your hands?"

"Numb, you hit too hard." She pushed at him.

He held his ground a bit, "it was an improper block. And that twist was

dangerous. Had I kept pressing through you would have been crushed."

She nodded, "I thought of hitting your groin, but that wouldn't have been fair."

He blinked and laughed, "True... but as I said, combat isn't always fair."

She perked up a bit, "So I'm allowed to hit you there?"

"I would prefer if you tried not to, you know."

A light giggle and she stood up on tired legs, "how do you do all this and not be

sore in the morning?" she whined, trying to stretch the tightness out of her body.

"I've been doing it for a long time," he chuckled, "but I do get sore."

"What do you do when you're sore?" she queried, gathering her things and setting

them near her tent.

"I bear with it until I get back home." He smirked.

She frowned, "Mmm, I bet you have some kind of secret medicine there."

He laughed, "Mmm... Matsui, Riina, Kaede, and Genryu..."

"What?" She blinked, blushing hotly and astonished as his brazen openness

about his harem.

"My personal masseuses," he chuckled, noting her blush, "What were you

thinking I was meaning?"

She gasped and huffed, looking away, "s-stop baiting me, sire... you know I don't

know much of your lifestyle."

He nodded, "my apologies... No, I haven't done that since the time when Eizu fell."

"Natsumi?" she head tilted at him curiously as he pulled his dogi back on.

Shuji blinked at that, "h-how do you know that name?"

She hung her head, "I... I'm sorry... at night... sometimes... you talk in your

sleep... I think... nightmares?"

He sighed and slouched a bit, "memories... she was... she was the closest I have

ever come to being truly in love. But, she was foreign and married."

Kasumi blinked, astounded as she listened. Shuji continued softly, "Her husband

was injured by a samurai who thought her hideous enough to kill her... I stopped him and

saved her, and she... we became very close." He rubbed his eyes, "while travelling, her

husband was taken by the enemy, and then turned into... something monstrous. I think he

wanted revenge but... in his fury he killed her. I lost everything in that moment. I didn't want

to be Lord of Rokkotsu any more; I didn't even want to live. I dedicated myself to keeping

others from having to suffer at the hands of this enemy... I swore I would see this evil brought

to ruin, even if it destroyed me to do it." He gripped the towel in his hand tight enough to

make the cotton creak. But then he loosened his grip as two smaller hands touched his.

"Sire... please do not say things like that," She looked at him intently, "if you die

now... everything you have given me means nothing. Everything you've set yourself to do is

lost. Who will fight for those who cannot do so, if not great samurai like yourself?"


She took a slow breath and looked at him, "I may not be as wondrous as your

lost love... but I can promise that there are feelings I have for you that I probably should not

have." She blushed and bit her lip, hiding her face under her cropped hair.

Shuji felt as if someone had broken a temple bell against the back of his head. He

could not believe that the girl before him was feeling in such a way for him. He muttered a

partial protest but she gave an odd sound of annoyance and cut him off by pressing her tiny

lips to his. He froze a bit at the contact, but he didn't fight it. He simply sat, stunned as she

kissed him and then backed off slightly, looking at him for his reaction...

"Is it so bad for someone like me to be attracted to someone like you?" she

asked softly, leaning against him lightly.

"It can be," he returned quietly, "it would be seen badly by some."

She sighed and leaned on him, "what if I don't care?"

He perked an eye ridge, "you wouldn't care if those opposed sent assassins to

kill you, or me?"

"If they send them after me, you would kill them," Kasumi stated matter-of-

factly. "And if they come after you, I'm sure you have guards and all who would stop them?"

Shuji sighed and looked at her sternly, "that isn't the point."

She looked right back, "So I'm forbidden to love you?"

He set his jaw and nodded, "Yes, you are." He lied.

She watched him for a minute and then stood, "I request a duel, sire. If I win, I

wish to be allowed to be affectionate with you."

"And if you lose?" he head tilted, eyeing her.

She thought a minute and nodded, "I will accept your decisions completely."

He nodded, "Very well. A duel then." He stood and hefted his spear.

"Sire, should we not use swords?"

"You did not specify the weapon," he chided her, taking a ready stance.

She gave herself a mental smack and nodded, "Understood, sire... please... a

moment?" she quickly dashed to her belongings and sighed, pulling out a long swath of teal

silk she had purchased before they left Kyudo.

Shuji perked again at that and wondered what she was planning with the sheet of

silk. The fabric was unpatterend, simply dyed, but it was a rather abnormal length, even if it

was to be an obi, it was far too long. She unrolled it and draped it loosely over her shoulders,

her stance changing to something that might be used for combat, but Shuji had never seen

its like. "Are you prepared?" he asked in honest curiosity, as her sword was still sheathed.

"Yes sire," she nodded, eyes on him as he shifted his feet, looking for an

opening... he didn't have to look far. The way she stood left her open to attack from all

angles, but that alone left him thinking of how many of those ‘openings' were false...

She watched him study her a moment and smirked slightly, "is something wrong


He did not reply. He changed his weight to defensive, something was wrong with

her stance. Not just one thing, but everything. She was trying to goad him into attacking.

Kasumi nodded a little, "Well, if the fish won't leap up into the falcon's talons..."

her weight changed and she was in motion, her right arm coming up and across. Shuji saw

her reaching to draw her sword, so he lunged. A stab with the wrapped head of his spear that

could still split lightning, but she was gone. She hadn't been that fast in sparring. She was

inside the spear's full reach, and her right arm was moving in an odd way when he saw the

silk twirling from her hand like a dancer's ribbon. As her hand completed two full circles in

front of her she then lashed forward with a palm strike into the swirled silk, and then next

thing Shuji felt was the force of getting sucker punched in the gut as he staggered back, teal

silk trailing back from his struck midsection.

Kasumi did not stop there, another spin, this time with both arms spread out

brought that silk cutting across his view, and when it smoothly connected with the side of his

face, it was as if someone had hidden a powerful roundhouse kick behind the silk. He shook

his head to clear it and shuffled out of her range... both attacks had been blisteringly fast, so

he decided to increase his aggressiveness. Without waiting for her he struck a rapid series of

spinning sweeps with the blade of his weapon leading. She swung her arms about, the silk

waving from her hands like liquid fie from a torch that's been swung too fast. Each time silk

met spear, the spear was deflected! Another lash of the fabric across his chest left him

stinging as he turned into the blow and jabbed with the back end of his weapon, aiming to

return the shot to the midsection he'd received. He felt the impact, but when his eyes flicked

to check the blow, all he had hit was the silk, spread between her hands and blocking the

reversal perfectly.

She let the silk go with one hand and executed an elaborate move that looked as

if it would have been on a dancing stage. The length of silk shot form her fingertips as a flag

flies in a typhoon, and as he went to step back, he found the silk had pierced the fabric of his

hakama, and actually pinned into the ground. Off-balanced, he could not avoid the second

strike, a kick to his shoulder coupled with a jump that knocked him back onto the flat of his

back, with the smaller girl straddling his chest and she'd somehow wrapped his wrists in the

silk and had him neatly tied and pinned.

"Do I win?" she smiled.

He frowned, "that was rather backhanded, using magic tricks on me..."

"It's not magic, sire... it's the art my teacher showed me," she smiled and leaned

over him, closer to his face, "Do I win?"

"If you tell me what that was," he nodded.

"She calls if Fuso-do," She nodded, "it was designed as a way of self-defense for

geisha and courtesans... they can carry a length of silk with them anywhere, and it can be

their sword, shield, spear, whatever is needed."

"A powerful art," he nodded, "I am impressed. I have one order before you can

claim victory."

She blinked and nodded curiously.

"Carry that silk with you at all times?" he smiled and nodded, "and... untie me?"

She smirked and shook her head, "Sire... that was two orders... not one."

"Hikamori..." he growled a bit, struggling against the snugly tied silk on his wrists.

"you don't need your hands right now, sire... you have mine," she purred at him,

blushing hotly as she slid her smaller fingers under the front of his dogi, caressing his belly

scales as she explored within his clothes.

He growled and squirmed, "Hikamori... seriously..." She paused and lifted her

head. His eyes met hers and she gasped at the ferocity in them as he spoke calmly, "you

need to untie me before-"

"RAAAA!!!" The bandits burst from the bushes and surrounded them, spears, and

pitchforks and various improvised and stolen weapons all pointed at the pair.

Shuji sighed, "Before they surround us."

Kasumi held still, but she tugged the silk slowly, only to have a spear pressed

against her neck, "Hold it missy, don't be untying him... We're gonna have some fun with

this one first see?" she shrieked as two grabbed her and pulled her off of Shuji holding her

back as the others gathered around him. One spoke, "remember us?"

"Of course," he hissed, "I could smell you following since yesterday..."

One of the bandits hissed, "I â€"told- you it was a bad idea!"

"Shut up!" the ‘leader' smacked his accomplice, "this is revenge, damnit! For

humiliating us!" he snarled and kicked Shuji in the side, doing more damage to his toes than

his target.

Shuji snarled a bit easing from the impact, "you forgot what I warned you, though,

didn't you?"

"Hah! Yeah, so what? I don't see ‘many samurai' I see one little girl who can't

even defend herself..."

"WHAT?!" Kasumi roared, flailing in the grip of the two burly bandits.

Shuji sighed, "So what are you planning to do then? Beat me up and rape the


The bandits all looked at each other and nodded, muttering approval before one of

them mused, "That's a good idea." Shuji was in motion however, and with a wide sweep of

his tail and legs, he was spinning on his shoulders, and the bandits around her were

knocked off their feet. His back tensed, legs kicked, and in a serpentine motion, he uprighted

himself on his feet, hands wrapped in the silk in front of him. The burly bandits drew their

swords and held them to Kasumi's neck, who froze instantly. A hard blow to the back of

Shuji's head made him stagger forward, hissing and snarling as the bandits got their feet

under them again.

"You bastard... you're gonna pay for that."

"Not half as much as you're about to pay, wretch!" a voice shouted from the trees.

The bandits turned as a cloaked blur dropped from the nearest tree, a flash of steel and a

solid impact on the ground as the leader's spear was cut in two.

"Who the hell?" they all clamored, surrounding the new arrival as Shuji turned to

see. The figure stood up, shorter than most of the bandits, with a blade easily as long as he

was tall. The cloak came away and Rihatsu grinned to Shuji, winking.

"Miss me?" he smarted.

"You little punk!" The bandit on his left attacked in a wild overhand with his

hatchet. Rihatsu flicked his arm and the blade in his hand sang through the air, taking the

head of the weapon off the handle effortlessly.

The others lunged, but Rihatsu leapt over them, stepping on one bandit's face as

he did. Landing by Shuji he reached down and pulled the silk off his wrists, "What happened

to beating on scum like this?" the young samurai laughed as his tail lashed out smacking

one of the bandits who was approaching.

"Later," Shuji hissed. "Deal with those five, I've got the girl."

"What? I was going to win her over so we could find an inn and-"

"RIHATSU!" Shuji boomed at him.

"Yeah, yeah..." He sighed and set about thrashing the other five bandits while

Shuji glared and stalked at the larger ones. "I'm going to give you gentlemen to the count of

three to let her go, and then I'm going to tear your eyes out and make you eat them."

Kasumi's eyes went wide, as did the bandits' at the sight of the Rokkotsu lord

approaching. Gone was the smiling, smooth, calm gentleman... only to be replaced by a

terrifying creature of teeth and scales that invoked images of the dragons of legendry. The

larger guards gave a shudder, but then set themselves and pressed their blades against

Kasumi's throat again.

"Three." Shuji hissed and struck with that reptilian speed she had seen. Two palm

strikes, one with each hand to the tip of each kibajin bandit's snout. They both yelped in

unison and dropped her, staggering back with hands clutching their noses and bawling like

scalded babes. Shuji helped her to her feet and smiled, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, confused and a bit frightened by the change in his demeanor. She

looked to the fight behind him and blinked, "who is that?"

"A friend," he laughed a bit, "something of a student, but don't tell him I said that."

He called out, "Rihatsu! Time to go!"

Rihatsu blinked and absently back fisted the last bandit standing, "Eh? Already?

Okay!" he dashed over and smiled, "So, are you going to introduce me?"

"No," Shuji replied flatly, grinning. "I don't need you slobbering all over my retainer."

"What?! Why do you get all the cute ones?!" The red jirajin whined and stamped

his foot.

Kasumi blinked and blushed as she picked up her silk and they gathered their

things. As she folded her pack, Shuji's hand came to rest on the small of her back. She

jumped, but he kept her still and whispered, "When we arrive at a proper inn, if you are still

thinking as you were, come speak to me. But leave the silk behind." He smirked and patted

her back, hefting his pack and turning to talk to Rihatsu.

"So what now, foreigner?" Hikeno Gonji grinned, leaning back in his chair, "first

your beasts, then your traitor, and even you... three failures is three more than any of us

would dare to remain alive for." The large Nezujin growled, his green-black armor glimmering

in the firelight of the assembly area.

Gul'brekh was bound, stripped to his underclothes and bruised in far more places

than he could ever remember being in his life. His breath came in rasps, due to cracked ribs

and an injured windpipe. Half of the Gasaran army had been allowed to hit him. The other half

simply spat curses... or some just spat.

"Oh? No fancy words? No silver tongue?" Gonji sneered, "In the end you are little

more than a pompous bag of hot wind, capable of nothing but empty promises and threats. I

will enjoy making an example of you to my men."

The feline hawked and worked up enough spit to get himself to talk, albeit very

hoarsely, "L-lord Gonji..."

"Oh, now you beg? Come then, let me hear your pleas of mercy, and maybe...

maybe, I will use a sword instead of a saw to remove your head."

Two samurai lifted the feline to his feet and dragged him closer, but as they set

him to his knees again, Gul'brekh hissed weakly, "Согни‚е ноги в дˆ ко мне, и г€Ðµ‚ в

да€ ‚емно‚е дал вам."

Gonji blinked as the two samurai grabbed their heads and hunched over

screaming and roaring... armor and cloth ruptured under bulging and shifting cords of

muscle, bones broke and reformed as the changes took hold, and the two once-samurai

towered over their companions, eyes a balorous green as then snarled and looked around,

gaining their bearings.

Gul'brekh lifted his head, and glared through his eyes at Gonji, "Kill them all."

Gonji was on his feet, but the first Nezujin-monster snatched him up by the neck

and squeezed, cutting off his life in an instant. As their lord's body hit the ground the other

samurai broke and fled, but the monsters were among them, tearing limbs off and obliterating

the terror-stricken army. Ran began to fall and the bound feline tilted his head back to drink.

With a parched throat soothed, he began to laugh, roaring his amusement to the thundering

sky amid screams of death.

Usuyami gasped in fright as she sat up, waking from a nightmare of

marching Rasagan feet, sudden ambush and bloody slaughter. She gripped the coverlet in a

crushing death-grip, panting and taking a moment to remember she was safe at home in her

own bed.

"Shidomori-sama?" a voice queried from the right. She twitched and almost

struck, but brilliant aqua-blue eyes cut the darkness with a soft expression of concern.

"Ah... Kanohime," She sighed, "I'm alright, just a bad dream."

"The fourth in four nights, my lady. Please forgive me, but I'm not so sure you are

alright..." The blue Kyujin trailed off apprehensively, scooting closer to take a seat at

Usuyami's bedside, the collar and hem of a hastily-tied sleeping robe barely clinging to her


"Perhaps," Usuyami sighed, turning her gaze thoughtfully to the heavily-shadowed

latticework of the ceiling, staring off into space as her pounding heart slowed, taking a

moment to collect her dream-addled thoughts before speaking again. "These last few days

have been a lot more trying than they were supposed to be. Since leaving Eizu behind, I'd

looked forward to our return here as the one chance for a desperately needed rest..."

The young maid returned to a sitting posture and followed Usuyami's gaze to the

ceiling sympathetically. "But just as you were finally returning from Ikito you encountered

those Gasaran scouts that wounded Aoi-chan..."

The Lady of Tetsumo nodded her head and heaved an unconcealed sigh, turning

to look again at Tsukiko. "Yes, Aoi-chan. There's more going on with the Gasaran Clans than

I think anyone's realized... We need to find out what it is before it's too late."

"Shidomori-sama... I pledged myself to serve you in Aoi-chan's place in any way I

can. I'll follow and support you wherever you go without fail." The cobalt-furred Kyujin bowed


Usuyami softened at that and smiled. "Calm yourself Kanohime, I'm not going

anywhere tonight..." She laughed a bit and sighed, "The Gasaran will get what's coming to

them, I refuse to let myself lose sleep on their account... I'm probably just having trouble

adjusting to sleeping alone again... Too used to having Aoi beside me."

Silence pervaded a moment until Tsukiko broke it in hesitant tones: "Shidomori-

sama if... if it is not too presumptuous of me... perhaps I can be of assistance to you?"

"Huh?" Usuyami blinked.

The Kyujin squirmed a bit avoiding Usuyami's gaze, "I can... sleep at your side in

Aoi-chan's place... if Shidomori-sama requires the comfort..."

Usuyami blushed and smiled, "Kanohime... I appreciate what you're trying to do,

but I think I should...?" she blinked, pausing as the azure woman silently rose up to a kneel

and scooted back in retreat, ears revealing deep embarrassment by their sudden change of


"Of course... Please forgive my indiscretion lady, I have no right to... after

everything that has happened..."

"Wait-wait-wait," Usuyami chirped, throwing back the blanket and reaching out to

grasp her new maid's arm, "I meant no insult..."

"Shidomori-sama, you needn't make excuses... I know I am abnormal, it was

foolish of me to think you might wish to bed with me..." Tsukino rambled off in a wild rush,

deep crimson rising up on the brightly hued Kyujin muzzle, a sheen of tears welling up in the

bright eyes.

"Abnormal?" Usuyami blinked, "because your fur isn't a common shade, you

are ‘abnormal'? Have you lost your senses Kanohime, or I am still dreaming?"

Tsukiko's head shook, "No, lady I... I -am- abnormal... I am not like Aoi-chan... or


Usuyami blinked and perked en eyeridge, "not like Aoi-chan how?"

Tsukiko's head continued to shake fearfully as the Kyujin stood and began

backing toward the open sliding panel, "Oh, Shidomori-sama... it is more shame than I can

bear... please don't ask me to explain..."

Usuyami set her jaw and spoke firmly, "Tsukino Kanohime, you -will- explain

yourself this instant. I will not have secrets kept between myself and my maids!"

Tsukiko froze in place at the commanding tone of Usuyami's voice, sharp upper

canine teeth biting into her dark lower lip. Raising bleary eyes to gaze at Usuyami, Tsukiko

shrugged lightly causing the loosened sleeping robe to slip to the floor with a softened rustle.

As the garment fell away Usuyami's eyes fell upon bright blue patterned shoulders and hips,

dark nippled breasts, and a twisted undergarment of bleached white cotton. Blue paws

slowly untied the cotton wrappings and started to unravel them as a deep-hued flush of

humiliation crept across Tsukiko's features. Several minutes and more than a few meters of

linen later, Usuyami's breath caught in her throat in shock!

Between Tsukiko's toned thighs, where Usuyami expected to see a neatly kempt

slice of young femininity typical of the house's maids, Usuyami instead found herself gazing

upon the fuzzy protrusion of sheath and teste-pouch normally reserved to Kyujin males.

"You see? I am a freak... I'm not suited to take her place..." Tsukiko sighed and

looked away, shamed. The lack of response from Usuyami cut deeper than any katana, and

Tsukiko wished at that moment she could vanish into the depths of some cave for all

eternity... until suddenly she felt the sensation of fingers wrapping gently around that part of

her body that no one else had ever touched, eliciting a whimper.

"You are... actually a boy? But how have you..." Usuyami boggled, slipping out of

bed and creeping closer to touch and examine the strangely exciting oddity before her.

Tsukiko groaned, trying to pull away, "No lady... errr... not exactly..."

Usuyami reached quickly, gripping the vixen's hip and pulling her back into reach,

continuing to examine the Kyujin's endowments carefully. "You have the smell of a woman

about you though, you..." Usuyami lifted the organ in her palm gently and gasped again, "you

have... both!"

Tsukiko nodded low, sucking in a breath at the contact, "Y-yes lady... ever since

birth, I have always been..." she trailed off suddenly as fingers grazed over her sensitive virgin

parts in a heavy caress. "L-lady... if you do that I'm going to... ah!"

Usuyami grinned wickedly as the sheath before her eyes stirred and split and an

inky Kyujin male organ emerged proudly from its confines, dark as the purest Tetsumo

charcoal and twitching in time with the maid's racing heart. Usuyami blushed hotly and

glanced up at Tsukiko, "You are... enjoying the feel of my hands... are you?"

"No lady! I mean... yes ma'am... a little... I just... I've never allowed anyone to

see before... much less touch..." she whispered back, blushing brilliantly and fidgeting.

"What about in the baths?"

Tsukiko nodded, "I... I always wait until, ah!" she tensed, toes curling as a soft

scaled finger grazed the tender hood behind her hanging pouch, "until everyone was gone..."

Usuyami nodded and took her hands away at long last, smoothing them across

the folds of her sleeping robe. Even left alone, the kyujin's burgeoning erection continued to

expand and lengthen. "Kanohime... no... Tsukiko... do you know what I am going to do now?"

Tsukiko dropped weakly to her knees and lowered her head with a sigh of

melancholy resignation, "Please give me until morning, Lady? I have to thank Aoi-chan and

the others for everything they've done for me, but then I will leave the city..."

"Leave? I should hope not!" Usuyami laughed, causing Tsukiko to raise her head

suddenly in surprise! "You've been here three years and in all that time, you've managed to

keep a rather large secret in the midst of dozens of maids and samurai trained in the art of

gathering information... If anything, I will be giving you a commendation."

Tsukiko blinked and shivered in shock and confusion, "Commendation...? You are

not disgusted... by my physical condition?"

Usuyami laughed warmly, "Not in the least!" She smiled and caressed her unique

new maid's trembling shoulder, "If anything, I am curious," she purred heatedly and smiled,

tracing fingers up the side of her maid's cheek and touching behind her ear, "As I'm sure you

already know, the relationship I have with Aoi-chan isn't exactly traditional. It would be

outrageous for me to turn you out of this household for being different... Besides, being

different can be... exciting." Pulling Tsukiko closer she started to caress the Kyujin's white

belly soothingly, slowly finding her way to the maid's towering phallus, thick and straining

past the girl's bellybutton, a tiny pearl of moisture glistening at its twitching peak.

"B-b-b-but, this is not right... We can't!" Tsukiko struggled weakly in the jirajin's


Usuyami shifted back a bit, "You don't want to with me? I sincerely hope that isn't

what you mean..."

"N-no! No lady! It's just... I... it's hardly been three days since Aoi-chan... and

you and she are... and I have never, not even once..." Tsukiko rambled frantically as hand

gently caressed her inner thighs, avoiding direct contact with her charms.

Usuyami lifted her hand from the maid's shoulder and cut her off gently with a soft

finger across the lips. "Aoi asked you to take up her duties did she not? She expects you to

develop a close bond with me, and to serve me in every manner? Then stay with me,

Tsukiko, and think of tonight as the forging of an unbreakable bond between us."

Tsukiko clamped a hand to her mouth and froze, eyes wide and

glassy. "Shidomori-sama..."

Usuyami smiled and took Tsukiko by the hand, drawing the trembling Kyujin

hermaphrodite down to the softness of her warm bed. "Shush. You know very well I don't like

formalities among my maids..." she whispered, leaning forward to kiss the maid's softly

trembling cheek. "And I do know that Aoi asked you to share my bed too."

The cobalt female gasped, "y-you knew? How did you know?"

"Once you are comfortable calling me by name, I'll share my secrets on that with

you," the pearl Jirajin smiled softly, caressing Tsukiko's side.

Tsukiko blushed brightly and nodded, leaning against the larger woman's body,

gazing deep into her eyes with a look of virginal apprehension. "Usuyami... san?"

Scales clicked a bit as Usuyami shrugged, "It's a start." She giggled and nudged

Tsukiko to lie back, letting a hand graze down over the girl's lush curves, making her gasp

and shift on the bedding.

"Shido- Ah... Usuyami-san... I'm still not certain we should."

Usuyami put her finger to the vixen's lips again with a warm smile. "My father was

very wise... he said: ‘Don't think. Feel.' What do you feel Tsukiko?"

Tsukiko paused a moment to reflect taking a deep breath, her bare white breasts

with their large chocolate-tinted nipples rising and falling gently. "Nervous, a little afraid... a

little excited..." she blushed as she openly confessed her arousal.

"Mmm... Me too," Usuyami smiled and stretched out beside Tsukino, cupping a

perky breast in her palm and kneading its soft elasticity. She nuzzled close to the Kyujin's

pointy blue ear as the hand stole down the maid's body. Usuyami's fingers wrapped around

the fuzzy fold of male sheath, fingering its compressed softness before moving up to grip,

and slowly start stroking, the maid's twitching cock shaft, eliciting a moan and a roll of the

hips from the girl. "You're so hard Tsukino... I've known enough males in my time to see how

badly you want to. Will you give me the honor of being your first?"

Tsukino lay back across Usuyami's pillow, panting softly and turning her glassy

eyes to her mistress, swallowing hard before speaking: "Yes, Usuyami-san... I would be...

ahhh... honored... and very happy to share my first experience with you."

Usuyami smiled with satisfaction and slid down against the body of the

whimpering Kyujin, finding the maid's lips with her own and kissing the girl slowly and

passionately as she stroked the vixen's energetically throbbing member. "Just lie back and

relax for a few minutes, and let yourself feel it Tsukiko-chan. I'm right here with you, I'll show

you the way..."

She kissed her way down Tsukiko's trembling belly, teasing with her tongue and

nibbling at the white fur with her teeth, ever so slowly finding her way down between the

muscular thighs, lashing out with her tongue to tickle the drooping ball sac, making the

Kyujin squirm and sigh.

Usuyami teased the straining shaft with her tongue, eliciting a symphony of sighs

and moans from Tsukiko as she fluttered her tongue against its surface, lovingly laved its

contours, and wrapped her tongue around its throbbing girth, squeezing it gently. Pungent

honey with the scent of heady male musk dripped from the tip of the trembling phallus,

coating the surface of Usuyami's tongue with its flavor and texture. Tsukiko squirmed

beneath the larger woman's ministrations, breathing irregularly and whimpering "Usuyami-

san..." softly again and again in pleading tones.

"Mmm... so big Tsukiko-chan... you put certain samurai to shame..." she giggled

knowingly, licking her lips as she raised her head to wrap them around the pointed tip of the

erect organ, wrapping a paw around its root for support as she gently sucked and began

bobbing lower and lower on the rigid stalk of flesh. The Kyujin beneath her cried out and dug

her fingers and toes into the bedding as Usuyami took the thick rod into her mouth, the solid

core of love muscle at its center tensing powerfully against her fingers and tongue as a fat

knob of flesh started to expand at the base of the shaft as Tsukino groaned long and loud.

Reading the signs perfectly, Usuyami pulled away completely letting the swollen

spike tremble and throb in the air before her eyes. "This close already...?" she asked, to

which Tsukiko could only whine pitifully and whimper soft pleas of mercy, making her


"I guess it can't be helped... Mmm, and you make sure enticing little noises, don't you Tsukiko-chan? Mmm, so excited, I couldn't possibly let this end without feeling you

inside..." Usuyami purred, tugging her sleeping robe off and throwing it in a heap as she

straddled the maid's stomach, arching down against her so their breasts pressed tightly

together, and the cleft of Usuyami's sculpted buttocks pressed firmly back against the thick

fleshy spike of vixen cock.

Tsukiko growled unsteadily and ground her hips up against those pinning thighs,

reaching out with unsteady hands to explore the front of her mistress's body in a tentative

caress. "It won't stop twitching Usuyami-san... I feel like I'm going to explode," Tsukiko

whispered blushingly.

Usuyami chuckled softly at the Kyujin's lust and pressed tightly forward against

her body, reaching back confidently to position the squirming member against her moist

folds. "Let's explode together then, Tsukiko-chan... ahhn..." she trailed off with a groan as

she forced herself down on the maid's thickness, its tapered girth spreading the petals of her

sex as she took the throbbing spire in carefully. With a pause she raise dup a abit and sank

down more, working the shaft farther in, making sure they would fit together.

Overwhelmed by mating instinct and unable to hold herself back any longer,

Tsukiko dug her fingertips into Usuyami's thighs and began pistoning her hips upward into

her partner's surrounding heat, thrusting hard with short plowing strokes into her tightly

squeezing channel. Each thrust caused both lovers to cry out as the deeply buried tip of

Tsukiko's length massaged and stirred Usuyami's depths while the ball of knot-flesh at its

root ground hard against her pleasure pearl and pubic bone with each deep thrust.

Usuyami panted softly and purred as her maid's delicately shifting rhythm brought

on that exquisite tightness in her chest much sooner than even she had expected. Raising

herself up, she tilted her head back in pleasure and let slip a long and pleasured moan, using

her own weight to help Tsukiko's drilling organ burrow deep, working all the sweet spots in

one magnificent undulating motion.

"Usuyami... san... you're squeezing me so hard... it's about to happen... I'm

going to come..." Tsukiko whimpered breathlessly, but Usuyami was too far gone to hear

her, engulfed in a roaring wave of climax that was just crashing over her that made her vision

flicker and torrents of fire and ice cascade up and down her back. Bucking violently with her

climax, Usuyami accidentally slipped free of Tsukiko's flexing shaft just as the young maid

shrieked her own climax.

Juicy jets of thick Kyujin cream arced wetly through the air from the tip of Tsukiko's knotted

flesh, bathing the bellies and breasts of both lovers with sticky wetness that never seemed to

stop coming. Usuyami could only stare in awe as Tsukiko kept shooting and shooting,

digging into the bedclothes madly with her hands and feet as she showered herself with

every last drop of sticky, heated, male essence her body had stored up.

After the passage of what seemed like minutes, the flow ceased and Tsukiko

dropped to the sheets like a stone, rolling her head back and sucking for air frantically,

muscles trembling and twitching erratically. Usuyami sat stunned in the aftermath, twitching

and staring down at Tsukiko's glazed, half-dozing form. Her eyes passed down farther to

herself, nothing she was quite well covered in the panting maid's spend, stiocy strands

dripping from her still-perked nipples as she breathed hotly, calming from the wildness of the

act. After a few moments she nudged the creamed vixen, "Tsukino... Tsukino..."

"Mmmm??" she replied dazedly, taking a moment to notice the mess, "Oh no! I...

I'm sorry!" she fumbled into a bow, hanging her head low.

"It's fine, it's fine. But we need to go to the baths and wash off, and we'll definitely

need a different futon." Usuyami nodded, smiling as she lifted the apologetic Tsukino's chin.

"ah, y-yes ma'am.. I'll start on that now."

Usuyami smiled, "Allright. Meet me in the baths. I want to see what else you can


Tsukino gave a startled squeak at that statement, but Usuyami was already out

the room...