Flush a Fuck Ch. 27 Halloween Special 2016 1/5 Ghostly trip down the Bowl

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#27 of Flush a Fuck

Happy halloween all here it is the first flush a fuck of the halloween 2016 season. Read and enjoy if you dare and have a happy halloween. the special guest for this chapter is the wonderful kitsu fox who is here on sofurr and on FA as well as that name go give him some love.

Flush a Fuck Ch. 27

Halloween Special 2016 1/5

Ghostly trip down the Bowl

"Oooooooooooooph hurry hurry Aleck I really gotta go like now dude" the smaller red fox moaned as he gripped his groin.

"I'm going as fast as I can Kitsu we are almost at the office and then you can go while I'm getting the keys to the cabin.

"Just hurry please I can feel it leaking out" Kitsu moaned as he rolled in the passenger seat.

Aleck just chuckled as they turned off the congested main highway and onto a little gravel path leading up to a small rustic building. As soon as Aleck had the car parked Kitsu jumped out and rushed into the building asking for their bathroom. Aleck followed along after locking the car. He got into the building and was impressed by its setup. It was a log cabin fake or otherwise and was single room office space with a few doors off the main floor. Aleck proceeded to a curved front desk where a smiling female squirrel was seated. She looked up as he approached.

"Oh hello are you the husband of that fox who rushed in needing to and I quote "Pee as if the ocean had crawled inside my bladder"?" she asked

Aleck chuckled again "Well I'm not his husband but I am his good friend and we are here on a fall vacation. I'm Aleck Wuff we are here for one of the rustic cabins in the hills."

She typed his name in and a small frown replaced the pleasant smile. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this sir but it appears we overbooked you and that cabin is already claimed for the week. We do have another building closer to the town that we can put you in but many people don't want to stay in the place."

"Hmm well we planned this trip to New England so we could enjoy the nature and fall color but I suppose if its all you have we will just have to take it." He said.

She looked up at him in slight alarm "Even if I told you the place was haunted?"

"Haunted? Are you for real?"

"Unfortunately so, in fact there are forms you have to sign if you are really interested in it otherwise I can put you into a lovely hotel downtown. There's no color there but you wouldn't have to go far or deal with other things" she said as she pulled out a brochure.

"I'm sure we can deal with any ghosts or other things that may arise" Aleck said pushing the brochure aside.

"Well if your sure but here as a gift let me give you a little literature on the place" she said as she pulled out a thick folder filled with papers and set it on top of the contracts and the keys to the house. "We have stocked the kitchen and you will be the only two in the place, you can arranged grocery deliveries and supply deliveries and if you would like to stay longer just phone and we can arrange to have your trip extended."

Aleck nodded and said "Thanks we might do that I'll just wait over here for my friend."

"Feel Free to do so" she said then produced an emery board and began to go over he claws.

Aleck stood calmly by the door and waited for Kitsu to return. After a few minutes, a nearby door gave a flush and opened shortly after, producing the fox who sighed happily then went over to Aleck and gave him a hug.

"Phew, that was close I almost didn't make it" he said

"Well I think you would have" aleck said as he steered Kitsu out the door and to the car. "Now lets go check out the place see if we need any thing special for our stay."

"Oh you got the keys already huh?" Kitsu asked

Aleck nodded as he fished for the car keys and let them into the car. He got in and closed his door as Kitsu looked around absently before climbing in. Aleck had put the address into the cars GPS system and started the engine. Once Kitsu was in buckled up and fiddling with the radio, Aleck pulled the car out of the lot and began to follow the directions. They drove through the downtown area, and then a more built up area of suburbia. They were soon heading to an older area of town with its own little square. The area had once been built up but time and tide had worn down buildings. Now only a few old homes and small shops stood round the square. They turned down a small lane and then came to a set of gates.

Aleck had to climb out and force the rusty gates open. Then he got back in and drove them up the tree-lined driveway and to an older but stately house. The place was a bizarre combination of well kept and rundown. Somehow, it looked like it was only in need of paint and some dusting. The screen door was unlatched and banged in the autumn breeze.

Aleck parked the car in the drive and turned the engine off, "We're here" he announced then opened his door.

Kitsu followed suit and they stood before the old house. "I don't really think I like this place" Kitsu said quietly.

"Oh don't worry its just a house" Aleck replied, "I mean the lady at the center tried to tell me this place is haunted but I really think she just wanted a place in reserve for other higher paying customers who might show up this week."

"Wait you mean she said its haunted and you still wanted to come here anyway?" the fox said letting his jaw hang open.

"She gave me a packet about the place I don't think there's anything too it though I mean come on why would she even have let us come here if there was any danger?"

"Well that's true" Kitsu said as he dug his show into the ground, "Okay lets go inside see how much needs to be done."

Aleck nodded in agreement, collected the papers and the packet with the keys, and climbed up to the ancient porch. The wood creaked as they made it up but Aleck could see that it was nothing to worry about simple disuse. They got to the door and Kitsu held the packets while Aleck opened the keys and slipped one into the door lock.

The large red door creaked on dirty hinges as Aleck pushed it open and began to paw the side for the light switch. He found an old fashioned snap switch and turned it till the lights overhead blinked on. He then led the way into the foyer of the house. It was dusty but grand, a large stair case led up and to a set of French doors that apparently led to a balcony. Several doors seemed to divide the house into an old fashioned grid. Aleck led Kitsu through the first floor. The first door they tried opened into a very dated sitting room. The second was a hallway to the north wing the door after it opened into a formal dining room and when the two tested the doors down the north hall they found they opened into a side washroom and the kitchen and pantry.

They returned to the foyer and tried some of the doors to the back. One lead to the arboretum and they found the upstairs balcony opened there as a small place to rest. Another led to a medium sized library. A third was a very small music room. The south side had similar designs. A living room that had a dated television set and couch and chair set. Another hall this time lined with bedrooms and bathrooms for guests with a study at the farthest end.

Behind the main stairs was a door that obviously led to the cellar. For the time being they left it alone, Kitsu expressed a wish to leave it locked but the key to it strangely wasn't amongst the others. They left it alone and made their way upstairs. The doors up here were few off the foyer but it was obvious why. To the back of the house were of course the French doors that let one enjoy the arboretum happily, another door led to one of the portcullis while the third let them into the second floor of the library. The north wing contained adult's bedrooms and bathrooms they left it alone after looking briefly into each bedroom and instead went to the south side where they found rooms that could have been nurseries but some that were also every day rooms. There was a room with two twin beds and really old toys. Across from that was a play room with more old toys and books. Further along were art rooms and music rooms and more sitting rooms. There was even a nannies room but nothing really more.

Having explored the entire house they returned to the kitchen to check the stores. The kitchen was pretty clean despite disuse. In the fridge they found a few basic things some beef a little chicken and stuff to make stew and soup. A carton of milk and some juice, no real soda which was expected, how could a travel burro know what the customers would like would be high on the list of improbablities. On a magnet was the number and address of the local grocery.

"How about we go on over and pick some stuff out for meals?" Aleck asked when he finished the initial survey.

"Sounds good to me" Kitsu said as he closed a cupboard "I still don't know what bedroom I want though"

"We have time to decide though I will say I don't want that master bedroom it's too dark and a little creepy" the wolf said as he slipped his jacket back on and checked for his car keys.

"I know" Kitsu said as he followed the wolf down the hall "Plus that bathroom is really dark but I think that room next to it shares that bathroom"

"It's a weird setup for sure but it's all clean and that's what we want most of all" Aleck opened the front door and let Kitsu out then locked it "Still there's only one other place we need to look and that's the basement after all its gonna be chilly and I'm sure they put wood down there for us"

The fox frowned at this from the passenger side door, "Do we really need to I mean basements are pretty creepy?"

"Yes we have to after all we don't want any surprises" Aleck said as he got intot he car and closed his door then started the engine. They pulled down the drive never noticing the brief glow in the window of the master bathroom in the north wing.

"Besides you never know we might find a wine cellar not all basements are dark and dank dungeons" they turned onto the main road and stared for the store, "They just seem that way, don't worry Kitsu it won't hurt us I'm sure of it"

The rest of the ride proceeded in quiet and a great deal of the shopping was mundane. Kitsu helped select meat for the week and vegetables and snack foods that they could have on hand. Aleck got some supplies for s'mores so they could enjoy the fireplaces together one night. The overall trip seemed to calm Kitsu down about the basement adventure but as they left to go back to the house his nerves returned.

"Are you sure we need to go down there?" he whined

"Yes Kitsu it's gotten pretty cold and a nice warm fire could help a lot." Aleck said as he set the bags of food in the kitchen then began to put them away.

"Urgghhhh, oh alright I suppose if I'm with you I should be safe" the fox said as he helped to put cans of soup and boxes of crackers in places.

They put the food away then before Aleck made dinner they got flashlights (in case the lights in the basement didn't work) then headed down the door behind the stairs.

The basement was broken up like the upstairs, a small landing/foyer was the place where they first wound up. The flashlights turned out to be redundant as the lights were extremely bright and well placed. One door lead to a coal/wood room where ricks of wood and buckets and bunkers of coal were stored for fires, another door opened into a game room, another was an old gym. There was a nice room where the original owner had worked on model trains and the set still ran despite not being used for years. A wine room complete with racks of wine (all local cheap varieties) was the next to last room. The last room was odd it was a bathroom complete with ancient overhead toilet tank commode, claw foot tub and pedestal sink.

The weirdest part of the basement was the bathroom. For one who had ever put more than a washroom in a basement, for another the toilet was chained shut and had a very old and oddly designed padlock holding the chains in place. A note had been placed on it telling people not to open the chain or lid and not to use it. There was no reason given for not using it just not to touch it. Aleck gently put a finger on the pad lock and as he did he noticed that the age of the lock had corrupted the chains and the lock which fell to dust at the slight touch.

Aleck shrugged at this but decided to obey the note for the most part he did peek into the lid and shook his head. Old rust stains plagued the bowl and the water was turned off so long ago dust was caked in the bowl. He let the lid slip closed and then left the bathroom to join Kitsu who was playing with the train. The two went up and made a nice dinner together still deciding on sleeping arrangements.

Unbeknownst to Aleck the as soon as the door and light were turned off in that small bathroom things quickly changed. The quiet returned but shortly after a squeaking began that the two furs wouldn't' have heard. The squeak continued until the sudden sound of rushing water was heard filling the toilets tank. After a period the lid slammed up and a faint glow could be seen and shortly after a flush occurred filling the bowl with glowing red light that filled the room then was all sucked down the bowl which the lid slammed over shortly after.

Kitsu and Aleck enjoyed a simple supper and then they went up to the second floor north wing and looked the bedrooms over again. The Master bedroom was dark, done in maroon velvet curtains and dark charcoal paint the entire room screamed power and fright. The bathroom that it had off it was also dark. A huge claw foot tub stood next to a massive toilet with overhead tank. The toilet was dark stone and seemed to have been made for a dragon based upon size. It creeped the two out and they both gave the bathroom a wide berth as they looked into what was easily the mistresses room. It too was dark and powerful and creepy. Both agreed to just give up on those two rooms and they went across the hall.

The rooms across the hall were painted in subtle brown earth tones. The curtains were nice forest greens and despite dust were well preserved. The beds were twin four poster beds complete with curtains and were well padded. The room was instantly the one the two decided on. The only thing that unsettled them was then they went into the bathroom and found a toilet as large as the one in the master bathroom. The thing was clean but with odd scratches on the rim. In the end they just let it go but for a house that was sized for normal sized furs those toilets were a little more than odd.

Kitsu chose the bed closest to the window which put Aleck close to the door. They both took baths in the bathroom and got ready for bed then collapsed into the beds. Aleck had previously started a fire in the fireplace and that combined with the good food created the cozy atmosphere needed for sleep. Sleeping didn't happen instantly but that was only because Aleck pulled out he packet of papers to read and Kitsu was tired but still excited.

"Aleck?" the fox said after a time

"Yes?" was the reply

"Thanks for suggesting this trip I really am enjoying myself"

"You're welcome Kitsu I'm glad you wanted to come and don't worry I'm sure that the lady was only joking with us"

"Yeah.......I'm sure she was too but just in case maybe we should do something........"

"Like?" Aleck asked as he turned his head over to the fox, but Kitsu had fallen fast asleep. "Heh goodnight sleepy fox"

Aleck turned back to the papers and dug deeper. For the most part it was innocent stuff. House built at the end of the revolution, burned during the civil war and then rebuilt with modern amenities shortly after. It was the period of the first owner of the rebuilt mansion that began to catch the wolf's eye. The owner had been a larger fur to be sure he was an anthro great white shark who had been married to an orca.

They had apparently been happy on the outside and well respected citizens of the town. They adopted children and raised them with love. At least that was what the town had believed but as Aleck shifted a paper he found a news clipping. The clipping was old and incomplete but the synopsis of it was about the shark one Articus Weembly. The paper covered the capture, trial and ultimate release of the shark after his family disappeared one night never to be seen again. Another clipping from years later showed that a bizarre crime had taken place where the deceased Articus Weembly had been dismembered and flushed down a toilet located in the basement with no fur being tried for the crime.

Aleck shivered as he read those clippings and the next ones where they opened up the houses cavernous sceptic tank and pumped it out. The place had been acquired by the town at that point and after the discovery of the sharks body parts in the bathroom they had decided to clean out everything and retrieve the bones of Articus. They had found most of his bones accordingly but when they kept pumping and pulling out hard masses they had finally found bone fragments and skulls in the tank not belonging to the shark. It had been the consensus at that point that Articus had murdered his family by either eating them whole and alive or by cooking. Whatever the feelings had been before the planned grandiose headstone and place of honor changed to barely marked grave on the farthest side of the graveyard for the shark, his victim's remains were never completely recovered, and the burial for them was somber and sad.

Aleck finished reading all this and began the process of trying to absorb it. He flipped open more papers and found even more unsettling records. Kitsu shifted in his sleep and snored which startled Aleck. He looked over at the travel clock he had packed and saw it was well after one in the morning so he briefly looked at the headlines. Most of it was about sounds and lights appearing at the old house. One caught his eye of a similar gruesome murder of a new owner with parts appearing in all the houses bathrooms and strange lights forcing people out. The papers ended by reporting the sale of the house to the rental agency and that after a spiritualist had visited the place had been relatively quiet but unused except for the cleanings it received.

Aleck put the papers back into the folder and set them on his clothes. Then he paid a quick trip to the toilet and used it flushing it warily, "I certainly hope none of the old guys children went down this one since it would be such a one way trip" he said before he headed back to bed.

Aleck slept uneasily that night, dreams of glowing lights forcing him down toilets had him tossing and turning and the alarm going off at eight was a welcome relief as well as the pounce of Kitsu giving him a hug.

"Urg get off me" he groaned

"Aww I was hoping you wanted to have a little bit of fun together" the fox replied.

Kitsu looked at the fox's toothy smile and sighed "alright get the lube out of my bag but you have to make breakfast now" the wolf relented.

Kitsu held up the bottle of lube and smirked more. They were both naked shortly thereafter and rubbing each other in all the right places. Kitsu was speared on Alecks wolf cock riding it with the hard thrusts his friend was managing. They moaned and groaned and finally Aleck forced a wolf knot deep into the fox's hole and began to throb as he shot his load into the fox's bowels. They panted gently together after this and when Kitsu went to get up he found he was trapped by the still tight knot.

"Heh guess I'll have to carry you to where you want to go" Aleck said as he wrapped his arms around Kitsu and lifted the fox up. "So where do you want to go?"

"Hmmm" the fox said as he pondered the question, "I think we need to clean up so to the bathroom please"

Aleck chuckled and then carried the fox into the bathroom. They were overwhelmed by a strong smell as soon as the door opened. It was both sweet and bitter cloying but not enough to make you sick at the same time.

"Umm Aleck did you flush last night?" Kitsu asked as he wrapped his hands over his nose.

"I'm sure I did I mean all I did last night was piss" he said as he walked over and lifted up the toilet lid. In the bowl they were shocked to find amber water and a bouquet of dried flowers with a rusty red ribbon wrapped round them that flecked off bits of its color and stained the water. The water rustled as they looked into it and fish head bubbled up. Aleck was tensed up but he felt his knot deflate quickly so Kitsu dropped down to the floor. The fox wasn't sure what was going on.

"Wh-what does this mean Aleck?" he asked as he rubbed his face gently and stood by the wolf.

"I think it means we need to make sure the doors are locked better" Aleck said as he reached for the pull chain then flushed the mess down the bowl watching it all swirl in the muddy red and disgusting fishy slime, to be replaced by clean fresh water. "Your throne good fox sire" he said giving a mock bow so Kitsu could climb up and get the cum out of his system.

Kitsu accepted the seat and plopped his ass on it letting the wolf, who had strolled over to the tub and started to fill it with water hear him release the remnants of their love making. Aleck cocked an ear towards Kitsu and chuckled as he wagged his tail and made sure the water was the right temperature. Inside he was worried about the discovery after all he had locked the doors and he had flushed the toilet he was even sure the doors to the bedrooms were locked at least the bathroom entrance was.

Aleck was lost in his reverie and wasn't paying attention as Kitsu finished up his morning need and flushed. The smaller fox came over and leapt into the tub splashing Aleck with water and soap giggling as he did this. Aleck slid into the tub with him and dunked him in the water. They splashed each other clean then got out. As promised Kitsu made breakfast, two bowls of cereal and juice.

The two furs enjoyed the day, they drove to a nearby nature preserve and hiked a trail. They also went and bought jugs of cider. They visited a couple of local shops so Aleck could look at the antiques there. They got back late that night and had a quick supper before going up to the bedroom. Aleck woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom. He got up, started to the door, and stopped at the door.

A pale green light shone under the door and Aleck took this as reason to pause. Kitsu sat up as Aleck stood there and noticed the light.

"What is that?" he asked

Aleck shrugged, "I'm not sure but I'm freaked"

Together they reached out tentative paws and opened the door. The door creaked open and steam rushed out to meet them. The light was coming from different places but was diffused by the steam, the bathtub was the major source of the light and within Aleck spied a formless mass, at times he could almost see bones at others he could only see blob of what might have been a young horse or wolf. The sink shone and inside was an indistinct shape that looked like a severed head or the skull underneath.

Kitsu looked into the toilet and found a mix of odd and formless shapes, some looked like paws others looked like heads and skulls, bones, and tails, the stuff shimmered and shaped and eventually looked like the remains of a trip to the toilet.

"What is all this what's going on?" the fox asked as he looked in the toilet and it began the cycle again.

Aleck shook his head "I don't know I just don't know I mean I read some stuff in the papers but I really thought that took place in other places"

"What did you read Aleck?" Kitsu asked looking up at the wolf.

"Allegedly the man who rebuilt the house ate his family and let nature take its course into the septic tank, then they found pieces of him in the basement toilet. Come to think of it that might have been why it was chained shut" Aleck said as he put a paw to his chin.

As they discussed this, the wispy light started to shine and became blood red. The sink and Bathtub went out and the toilet was the only light remaining. Both furs backed away from it not sure what was going on. As they watched in terror, the bathroom door slammed open and the translucent form of a male shark with a huge gut stumbled in and proceeded over to the toilet.

"Ahh not long now my love not long now and you will be where your cheating has earned you" it said in a hollow voice.

They watched it seat itself on the toilet and groaned. Hollow empty splashes were heard below it and before long it reached over brushed the toilet roll and reached beneath itself. They then heard the hollow sound of liquid being released before the shark stood up and looked into the bowl.

"You earned this you did this sleeping with our son and don't worry" it said as it slapped its still distended gut "He will join you shortly"

The apparition then reached for the chain and flushed and the light dimmed as it flushed and went out. The shark became another indistinct blob, then went out. The too stood in the now dark bathroom and stared at the place where the thing had been then as one they made a mad dash to the bedroom locking the bathroom door on the way out and slamming it shut then leaping into Kitsu's bed closing the curtains and holding each other till they passed out.

Kitsu woke up first the next morning and wanted to tell Aleck all about his weird dream until he realized the fur holding him in the dark bed was aleck. Aleck woke up shortly after and was going to do the same thing till he also realized that Kitsu was next to him they looked each other in the eye and shook their heads.

"Did we....Did we see what I think we saw?" the fox asked after a time.

"NO" Aleck said forcefully "No we did not there was nothing in that bathroom there couldn't have been we just had bad seafood"

"We didn't eat seafood yesterday Aleck"

"Okay maybe we did but seriously we just can't have seen it" the wolf said blankly

"But we were there and we saw and if what you told me yesterday is true then the guy was only guilty of punishing two of the family members so where are the rest what happened?" Kitsu asked as he peeked out of the curtains.

They both got up and peaked into the bathroom before Aleck said, "Well if he only punished two then yes that is gonna be questionable over what happened to the rest?"

Finding the bathroom just a bathroom they took turns cleaning up and then had a quick breakfast before heading out just to escape the house. Aleck stopped at a small shop as they went round and bought two charms that were supposed to ward off bad spirits. When they got back that night they had a quick but worried supper and then took the time to relax in the living room watching some TV.

Aleck had to flip the stations for a period before they found a program with some happy feel good vibes and no horror. They watched till the local news came on then they went up to the bedroom and climbed into Kitsu's bed to sleep. They each laid there that night listening to the creak of the house and gentle whisper of wind round eh chimneys.

Around midnight the clocks chimed gently through the house and a faint glow attracted the furs startling them into full wakefulness. Aleck opened the curtain first and found a glowing wisp of light in the center of the room. He got out of bed and quietly Kitsu followed him. The wolf gently reached out a paw to touch the light but it suddenly floated away towards the hall door.

The pair followed the light as it crossed the hall and punched through the master bedroom door like it was water. Aleck opened the door and followed it. When they got in the wisp waited before them in the center of the room and when they were in the door slammed behind them and locked shut. The wisp then began to glow brighter and brighter until the room was swamped. When it receded they found themselves standing in the same room but it was much less dusty and a large Orca and Shark were there arguing.

"So you had sex with him and when the others caught you, you just ate them?" the Shark shouted at the large whale.

"Yes dear and if you aren't careful I may do the same to you" She spun from the place where she was standing and Aleck and Kitsu could see her face. She was not a pretty person her eyes were actually glowing red and her face seemed almost skeletal despite her body being plump and slightly wriggling.

"So what does this mean for us am I just gonna be you weekend fling or do I get to alternate sleeping with you?" he asked her

"No dear I think we will leave things as they are when I'm board and you aren't here I'll get Jackson to do stuff."

As the two watched the scene began to become less distinct. They watched it end but shortly after the bathroom began to glow and they followed the light into there. They watched as the Orca seated on the toilet was berated by the Shark.

"Are you happy now people are asking questions and they noticed the weight?"

She looked at him and made a rude gesture "Yes I am I only wish the cramps would stop"

They all heard the phantom splashes and grunts as waste was deposited in the bowl. She glowered at her husband and said, "If you aren't careful dear I will do to you what I did to the children" she then reached over and flushed before standing and walking into the bedroom.

The shark followed after her growling "No! I don't think you will get the chance" he grabbed her from behind and pulled her head into his maw.

She screamed and fought back trying to escape. He growled more and dug his teeth into her but without really hurting her just letting her know this was happening no matter what. Defeated she began to put up the barest sense of resistance. She still fought and struggled but ultimately she was forced down the shark's throat.

The scene began to fade but before it did the shark looked at them and said, "I didn't want to do it I too had eaten a fur or two but what she was going to do would have destroyed the town" then he and the light faded and went out.

Aleck and Kitsu were both terrified of the whole thing and they spent that night in the car. The next day they spent as much time away as possible too scared to return. Aleck even called up looking for a place to go so they could get out but all the rooms had been filled at the local hotels and motels. Defeated they returned that night but they noticed a change in the house. The lights would turn on but it was darker somehow.

They ate a quick supper and then went up to bed and snuggled in the dark together. Kitsu was woken up at one point in the night when Aleck went to pay a trip to the toilet. The fox followed him and blushed finding him seated upon the bowl.

"You scared me I was worried the ghost got you" he said

Aleck Shrugged "Well when you gotta go you gotta go" he reached for toilet paper but for some odd reason couldn't reach it. "Strange I could reach that yesterday" he struggled for it again but was caught even shorter.

Kitsu looked at the whole scene and felt his fur bristle "Aleck you need to get off it now" he said.

Aleck looked at him and puzzled briefly before the bowl widened open more. The bowl and tank had changed. It no longer had a white color they were now a dark gray and the tank had deep depressions that took on a glow as the fox watched. As he watched the toilet gave a loud flush and swallowed the panicked wolf down the bowl. Kitsu bolted from the room and ran down the halls towards the foyer.

Doors snapped at him as he ran and the carpet tried to knock him over. Chairs and lamps and tables blocked his way. He finally made it to the foyer and to the front door desperate to escape but the door refused to open. The wood groaned and changed before him scaring him more. He scuttled backwards across the floor away and looked up as the lights began to go out. He was still laying there when the ghostly Shark appeared before him.

"Come with me I know a place where she can't get you I hope though she got me there" he formed into a ball and lead the fox to the basement.

Kitsu followed along scared as the stairs turned into a slide and he was shot briefly into the billiard/games room. The balls on the table began to float and raced after him as he scrabbled along after the glowing orb of light. The ball lead him into the small bathroom and the Shark reappeared.

"She caught me in here but I don't think she remembers it not since that spiritualist sealed me in the commode for trying to save people." he said

They rested there for a minute before Kitsu watched in horror as the toilet began to morph and change. The Shark grabbed the fox up and swallowed him before he knew what was happening.

"You can't get him now dear he's mine and he's safe."

"Burghhh ha hah hah hah hah." The toilet gurgled, "You only think he's safe but what about you?" it asked as pipes ripped out of the floor and grabbed him.

The shark struggled and fought against it all but being immaterial the iron pipes were too strong and the bowl was able to take him and Kitsu by extension easily. The commode lid bared down and Kitsu and the shark were left in the cold bowl for short period.

"I'm sorry I really am I helped so many before I was sealed in this thing and I didn't have enough energy to save you and your friend" the shark sighed.

Kitsu whimpered as the water began to rise and the evil eyed toilet swallowed them with flushing glee. The glowing eyes went out and the sated creature let things settle down as Kitsu and Aleck were united in the septic stomach below.