Dragon Storm: Chapter 19: Lazz's Desire and Rio's Feelings!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#19 of Dragon Storm

Arthur's Note:

Hello again! I think I will stop with the dragon artwork for now until I can figure it out better. Ah! Isn't this time of year nice! It's fall! It's nice and cool. Lol Anyway, enjoy the chapter! XD


"You...have to...remember..." Lazz said and then collapsed once more.

"Lazz? LAZZ!! Huh!? Is this...me? This picture...Lazz? Did you do this?" Rio asked and then ran over to where Lazz was and kneeled down to pick him up some.

"Lazz?! Wake up Lazz! LAZZ!!!" Rio shouted.

".... Rio." Lazz whispered.

"Lazz!" Rio said while a tear running down his face.

"I... tried...Rio." Lazz whispered.

"I'm so sorry...Lazz." Rio said.

"It's ok." Lazz whispered.

" I couldn't control my actions, oh, but god I was still aware. Forgive me." Rio said.

"It's alright. Listen, I'm going to be all right, I just need some time to heal. You need to stop him Rio." Lazz said.

"I can't just leave you here." Rio said.

"You have to. This is your only chance! If Rock Lizard succeeds, his secret weapon will be a global threat! Millions will die!!" Lazz said.

"Lazz." Rio said.

"I'm not out just yet!" War Wolf said.

Just then War Wolf reached out in front of him with his left arm and forced Rio to grab his handgun that Lazz was holding on to and loaded it with a bullet and pointed it at his own head.

"What? No! I can't stop it!!" Rio shouted.

"Rio...stop! I'm too weak to move...RIO!" Lazz said.

"Haha! I win, now die!!!" War Wolf said and laughed.

There was nothing Rio or Lazz could do, but watch as Rio pointed the gun to his head and slowly pressed the trigger.


I guess I'm just trying to thank you?

Revealing only little bits of honesty.

As days go by we run away, by blaming someone else.

For starters, I'm sorry...goodbye!

I want to hold you even when you're gone.

Please tell me what love and friendship mean!

Someday you will present the key to my heart.

I want to hold you even when you're gone.

Please tell me what love and friendship mean!

The door to my heart is shut.

Waiting for you.

That's good enough for me.

Believing in tomorrow!

Dragon Storm

CHAPTER 19: Lazz's Desire and Rio's Feelings!

As Rio slowly raised the handgun up to his head he took a moment to look around the room in it's destroyed state. There was debri everywhere and red and black flames cover the ground, making everything have a dark red glow to it. There was still smoke that hovered above the room. Everything that was in the room was just about destroyed, nothing was left unharmed. Rio also noticed that everyone's cloths were damaged. Rio's was ripped to shreds, exposing parts of his red skin. War Wolf's armor was cracked at some parts and destroyed at others. Lazz was not wearing anything at the moment. Rio quickly gazed back over to the handgun pointed at his head and closed his eyes as he thought it was going to shoot.

"Nooo....." Rio said.

"Rio." Lazz said.

"Just...a little...more...almost there..." War Wolf said out of breath.

Just out of nowhere something snatched the handgun out of Rio's hand and landed on all fours in the smoke. Everyone gasped for air in shock. Rio and Lazz were relieved and gazed into the smoke to see what it was. War Wolf yelled and also looked into the smoke. When the smoke cleared up they saw what had saved Rio. Everyone was amazed that it found them when it did. If it had been even one second later it would have been too late.

" Oh...what the hell?! Whose dog?" War wolf asked.

"AMY!!" Rio shouted.

" It's a wolf...not a dog!" Lazz said.

"bark!" Amy howled.

"DAMN IT!! That was the last of my quintessence...looks like you guys win." War Wolf said annoyed.

"Rio? Could you bring me my gear?" Lazz asked.

"Sure!" Rio said and dropped Lazz on the ground.

"Ouch!! You bastard! You didn't have to drop me!" Lazz yelled.

" Sorry! AND I'M NOT A BASTARD YOU RETARD!! YOU HAVE SEEN MY DAD!!" Rio yelled back as he dropped Lazz's gear on top of him.

"Ow! You're so short tempered." Lazz whispered.

"What was that?" Rio asked as he turned around walking toward Amy.

" Nothing." Lazz said.

Lazz then got his gear on and began to treat himself with first aid. Meanwhile Rio was seeing how Amy was doing and began to pet her. She was happy to see him after all this time and she handed Rio back his handgun. Rio unloaded it just to be on the safe side and then got tackled by Amy who in turn began to lick his face with her slimy tongue. Lazz then used his codec to link with Rio's and called HQ.

"This is Lazz, come in... anyone!" Lazz said.

"I'm here Lazz what's wrong!?" Quicksilver asked.

"Nothing. For once something good has happened. Rio! Your son is going to be ok!" Lazz said.

"Thanks Lazz I owe you one... is he linked with your codec right now?" Quicksilver asked.

"Yes." Lazz said.

"Rio! Can you hear me?" Quicksilver asked.

"Huh!? Dad? Where are you? I can't see you anywhere! I know I didn't use my codec... so where are you?" Rio asked.

" Hahaha... bright as ever I see." Quicksilver said.


"Nothing! I'm just glad to hear from you!" Quicksilver said.

"Oh my god!! Did Amy eat you?" Rio asked.

"Umm...who's that?" Quicksilver asked.

"The thing that apparently ate you! How do I get you out of there?" Rio asked.

"Are you asking me or the "thing"?" Quicksilver asked.

"Allow me sir. Rio has found a wolf and has named it Amy." Lazz explained.

" Umm...Rio how could something smaller then me eat me whole?" Quicksilver asked.

" At this rate it will take Rio another five years before he figures this out." Eubanks said.

" I would say more like ten minutes due to the smart drugs I injected him with." Kilala said.

" Huh!? There are more of you inside of Amy? Hey! I know your voice!! You're that one crazy lady that also caught me skipping classes and gave me detentions. I will never forgive you for giving me those detentions after school. If I ever see you again..." Rio shouted.

"You'll do what? Huh? I was only doing my job you know!" Eubanks said.

"Hey!! I hope your not having a No-pants party inside of Amy without me!!" Rio shouted.

Just then War Wolf began to laugh so hard that he opened up his wounds even bigger and bleed to death even faster. He began to cry and flail around rapidly on the floor.


"WHAT"S SO FUNNY?!!" Rio yelled.


Just then Kilala and Eubanks looked at each other and then to Quicksilver.

"What's a No-pants party?" Eubanks asked.

"I can explain..." Quicksilver said.

"On second thought... I don't want to know..." Kilala said.

"No Rio I'm not. Don't worry. When I get some time off again I'll take you to the beach...how's that sound?" Quicksilver said.

"Alright!! Ok! I'm holding you to that!" Rio said.

"Alright everyone calm down." Quicksilver said.

"Ahem...if I may. Now that War Wolf is beaten, Rio's brainwashing should wear off right Kilala?" Lazz asked.

" Yes....but.... Why did you go so far out of your way to save him? I thought you had chosen to kill him?" Kilala asked.

" I don't want to see anyone younger then me die right in front of me." Lazz said.

"Oh really? Since when did anybody's death bother you so much?" Kilala asked.

"Kilala! It's true that Lazz has killed a lot of living things...that doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart." Quicksilver said.

"It's okay Quicksilver. She's right. Anyway...this conversation seems to be heating up so I'll take my leave for now." Lazz said and unlinked Rio and himself from them.

"Noo. I was...unable...to read the future." War wolf said.

Lazz got up and walked over to War wolf and placed his concrete helmet on War wolf's head to block his G.O.N. completely.

"A strong warrior doesn't need to read the future.... he makes his own." Lazz said.

"Perhaps so... but I will read your future...aha...so you want to get to where we are keeping our chimera? Go through that door to get to the communications towers and from there take the elevator all the way down and proceed east until you arrive at the maintenance base... that is where we are keeping it." War wolf said.

"Why are you telling me this?" Lazz asked.

Just then Rio and Amy walked toward War Wolf and listened in.

"I can read everyone's mind. In my lifetime, I have read the pasts, presents, and futures...of thousands upon thousands of males and females...but each mind that I peered into...was stuffed with the same single object of obsession. That selfish and atavistic desire to pass on one's seed.... It was enough to make me sick. Every living thing on this planet exists only to mindlessly pass on their DNA. We're designed that way! And that's why there is war! But you...Lazz...you are different...you're the same as us. We have no past, no future, we live in the moment. That's our only purpose. We weren't designed to bring each other happiness. From the moment we are thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other pain, and misery! The first mind I dove into was my father's. I saw nothing but disgust and hatred for me in his heart... My mother died in childbirth ... and he despised me for it... I thought my father was going to kill me. That's when my future disappeared, I lost my past as well. When I came to, the town that I lived in was engulfed in flames..." War wolf explained.

"Are you saying that you burned your town down to bury your past?" Rio asked.

" I see that you both have suffered from a similar trauma. Hahahaha...cough, cough...we are all the same. The world is a more interesting place with Characters like your selves in it... I never agreed with Rock Lizard's revolution... His dreams of world conquest do not interest me... I just wanted an excuse to kill as many things as possible!" War wolf said.

"You monster!" Rio said.

"Let him talk! He doesn't have much time left." Lazz said.

"I've seen true evil. You Lazz... your just like Rock Lizard. No. Your worse! Compared to you I'm not so bad! I read your mind to...Rio." War wolf said.

"Huh?" Rio said.

" I saw you there Lazz." War wolf said.

"Huh?" Lazz said.

Just then Rio looked away and tighten his fist.

" You have a large place in his heart Lazz." War wolf said.

"A large place?" Lazz asked.

"Yes. A large place... but I do not know if your futures lie together." War wolf said.

Lazz looked at Rio and Rio looked back at Lazz and blushed and then shrugged.

"I have a last request..." War wolf said.

"What is it?" Lazz asked.

"My sword... said to be darker then a starless night...take it with you. It is my pride. I want my pride to go on living. As for me...I want to be alone...I just want to be by myself..." War wolf said.

"Ok." Lazz said and nodded.

" I want to be left alone in my own world!" War wolf said.

Just then Rio picked up War wolfs pitch-black sword and swung it twice before returning to where Lazz and War wolf were talking.

"I will open the door to the next room for you." War wolf said.

"Ok..." Lazz said and took off the concrete helmet from War wolfs face and let War wolf use his power to input a code and opened the door. After that Lazz placed the helmet back on him.

"This is the first time I've ever used my power to help someone. It's strange.... It feels..... kind of....nice....." War wolf said and then passed away.

Just then Lazz got up and used his fire breath to light a cigarette.

"To honor the fallen." Lazz said as he inhaled it and then let out a puff of smoke.

Suddenly, Rio smacked the cigarette right out of Lazz's mouth and then stepped on it.

"Smoking is bad for you! If you're going to honor the fallen...then find another way!" Rio said.

"There is no other way! This isn't some child's dream where you can just magically find another way-" Lazz said but was interrupted.

"No!! Your wrong! Your mission... our mission, was to rescue DARPA Chief Kazuki Takahashi and the president of Dragon tech, Takeshi Obata. Well, we failed in doing that, but our mission as a whole is not a failure! YOU FOUND ANOTHER WAY TO DESTROY THE CHIEMRA DIDN'T YOU?!" Rio yelled and held out Lazz's pack of cigarettes and set them all ablaze.

" Hey! When did you... you sneaky little. Hmph...well, we just got lucky that's all. Good luck doesn't last forever." Lazz said.

"This is not good luck Lazz...this is fate! So please find another way to honor the fallen." Rio said firmly.

"Yeah, keep dreaming..." Lazz said.

"Here we go again! My dream is to protect my friends! So stop smoking and move on already!!" Rio said.

" ..........So you're just trying to protect me by you stopping me from smoking huh? Interesting to say the least. Anyway, let's get going Rio... we still have a mission to do and don't forget that sword." Lazz said.

"I won't! Don't forget to find another way Lazz!" Rio said.

"........................" Lazz remained silent.

"And also...I'm sorry..." Rio said.

"For what?" Lazz asked.

" How could I let War wolf control my mind like that?" Rio asked.

" If you're going to doubt yourself...I'll leave you here." Lazz said.

" Your right!" Rio said.

"Never doubt your self! Just let it make you stronger! Learn something from it!" Lazz said.

"Ok... but can I ask you something?" Rio asked.

"What is it?" Lazz asked.

" What's your last name?" Rio asked.

"Names don't mean anything on the battlefield." Lazz said.

"How old are you?" Rio asked.

"Old enough to know what death looks like.... But if you must know I'm 20 years of age just like you." Lazz said.

"Any family?" Rio asked.

"Classified." Lazz said.

"Is there anyone you like?" Rio asked.

"I've never been interested in anyone else's life..." Lazz said.

"So you are all alone..." Rio said.

" Others just complicate my life...I don't like to get involved." Lazz said.

"I see... Come on we should get going Lazz." Rio said and with that Amy and Lazz followed behind him into the next room.


Suddenly, Aisu hurled ice shards at the large creature standing in front of him. The large creature was half squid, half alligator. Just then it caught the ice shards with all of its tentacles and blasted a gust of wind at Aisu. This sent Aisu flying away, but he used his lance to ground himself.

"So you have a wind G.O.N. huh?" Aisu said.

Just then Aisu created a wall of ice to block the incoming ice shards the creature threw back at him. However the creature also sharpened his wind and it then became more concentrated. It then started to chip away at the ice wall and cut through it. Aisu was shocked to see wind being used in this way. Aisu tried to make his wall of ice even thicker, but it was no use. The wind cut through it in no time at all and cut through Aisu's skin.

"Hah! I got you!" The creature said.

Just then four mid-sized ice creatures with wings emerged from the ground of deep snow and began shooting ice shards at the large creature. The large creature was surprised by this and got stabbed by some ice shards before he used his G.O.N. to blow away all the ice creatures. Suddenly, A giant spike of ice formed from the ground and stabbed the large creature in the torso from behind. The large creature screamed in pain as he was lifted off the ground and into the air. Just then, the large creature freed himself by cutting the spike of ice and landing on the ground. Just the, another ice creature came from nowhere and stabbed him with Aisu's lance.

"Arhgrhrgrghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" The large creature screamed.

Just then the large creature plucked the lance out and tossed it. Suddenly, there was a light tremor and then thousands of ice spike's emerged from the snow. Each one was sharp and jagged in it's own way. However the large creature jumped up to avoid this and blasted a gust of sharp wind down to cut the ice spikes flat. He then landed on them and noticed the ice creatures were back and all four of them hurled ice shards at him. He began to use his wind power to push him along while he ran so he could out run them all. However, more ice spikes began sprouting from the snow right behind him and he proceeded to run. Suddenly, the large creature turned around and made a tornado with his wind power. The tornado swirled the blizzard thunderstorm around and vacuumed the four ice creatures. Just then Aisu blasted a gust of wind at the large creature and cutting the large creature up.

"AHHHHHrggg!!!!!!! Unreal!! It's...just...one...thing after...the other!" The large creature said.

"Hah! It's over!!" Aisu said and pointed his lance at him.

Just then the large creature fell into a sedated state. Aisu then reached out and stopped the tornado. And finally, when Aisu walked up to the large creature he touched him. He slowly began melting away, his skin and tentacles liquefied. Just then, Aisu froze the puddle of liquid and walked away.

"It seems my sedation and melting G.O.N. combination was to much for him... what a weakling. Well, at least I can add wind to my collection." Aisu said.


"............." Necro remained silent in his cell looking out the window.

He could see bad thunderstorm outside. This made him sad, as he liked to view the stars of the night. Besides May, he considered the starry night to be his friend. He lost all his friends once before and he didn't want it to happen again. He would often find himself daydreaming about the all the times he spent with his friends and comrades in the brotherhood.

(Flashback: Necro's past)

"What are you staring at pup" he asked in a not harsh but not particularly kind voice.

"How you woke up" I stated.

"Why were you doing that" asked curiously.

"I was watching you through out the night."

"Again why were you doing that?"

"I wanted to know you better" I said matter of factly.

"Oh, and what pray tell did you find out?"

"When you wake up there is no delay in your reactions, you have at least seven blades on you, you have all black fur, one red eye one blue eye, and you're a Shunned" I listed.

"Oh very impressive but what makes you think I'm a Shunned?"

"You have a small ridge above your eyes."

"Well you have impressed me Demon. Not many can spot my eye ridge." After that he looked toward the sky and said, "After we eat a little something then we will continue on to the Hall."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Shade."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we entered the room it looked like it was in complete chaos, but Shade was looking there everything like he had memorized the room. He came back with cloths almost exactly like his. The only difference was that these had a maroon dragon on them. The tail started at the left heel, wrapped around the shin, went across the knee and then up the back leg to cross the buttocks, wrapped around the stomach and then rested its head on the right shoulder, with the left fore paw on the left shoulder the, right fore paw on the right bicep, and the hind claws resting on the hips.

"Here try this on," he said.

As I put the cloths on I noticed that they didn't get cut when my dagger bones crossed them. They also had holes in them so that the daggers were exposed. The outfit was all one piece that included tough leather soles on the bottom. The suit carried sheaths all over it for small to medium daggers and a slot for a sword on either hip.

"Now, Necro, this garment is special. First is that it will grow as you do. Second is that you will never have to take them off for you simply have to think about removing them they shall sink into your body. Third is that they will imbue you with powers when you most need them.. Also the suit is supposed to have a spirit dwelling within them he will help you and be a companion to you" he explained.

He then turned around and picked up some black gloves with half of a silver fox on each and if you put them together they made a whole. He then turned to me and said "Also take these gloves, Luna will explain what these are for. Now let's get you some blades."

(Flash forward: Griffin stronghold cell)

"..................Shade.........Luna........" Necro whispered.


"Hey! Aren't you..." Wild Horn said.

"What to you want?" Rock Lizard asked.

" I simply want to talk." Carl Kurotsuchi said.

"About?" Rock Lizard asked.

"The pseudo chimera adult." Carl Kurotsuchi said.

" So you figured it out? What it's truly for?" Rock Lizard said.

" Yeah, as such...I quit." Carl Kurotsuchi said.

"Haha...very funny. I'll kill you where you stand." Rock Lizard said.

Just then Carl Kurotsuchi engulfed himself in lightning. Wild Horn pulled out his revolver, loaded it, and fired at Carl Kurotsuchi's head. However, the bullet was blocked. Next Rock Lizard snapped his finger and nothing happened.

"It's no use. Nothing can bypass my G.O.N. of electricity. Not a bullet and not your G.O.N. Rock Lizard. Now as I said before I quit." Carl Kurotsuchi said.

" What the?" Wild Horn said in panic.

"Interesting. So you had this power the whole time huh? Your power negates mine? Fine! I don't need you anymore anyway!" Rock Lizard said.

"I would kill you right here and now, but I lack the power to do that. However, if you hadn't noticed...War wolf's quintessence just vanished with out a trace. It looks like Rio overcame War wolf's grasp and killed him. Now that two members of BLACKFANG are dead surely you must feel worried." Carl Kurotsuchi stated.

"Huh!? He-He's right boss!! I can't sense War wolf's quintessence at all!! That big surge of quintessence we felt earlier must have done him in!!" Wild Horn said in panic.

"Damn it. Quicksilver...everything is going exactly how you want it to huh?" Rock Lizard said.

With that said Carl Kurotsuchi left the hallway and disappeared into the darkness.


Quicksilver was seated at his desk and had an evil grin on his face. He then knocked a chess piece over.

" Now that the bishop is out of the way...." Quicksilver said.


"Man we don't get a break for nothing do we?" Lazz said.

Suddenly, hundreds of griffin soldiers appeared out of nowhere and surrounded them.

"Leave it to me just take care of Amy ok?" Rio said and with that Rio dashed with insane speeds at the griffins and one by one knocked them all out.

Lazz was shocked all one hundred of them collapsed on the floor in mere seconds. All this while avoiding all the gunfire. Rio returned to where Lazz was and out of breath.

"Ok let's go!" Rio said and followed Lazz down an open door. It led out side and the storm they saw brewing earlier was now here.

"Hold on!" Lazz said.

"What is it?" Rio asked.

"Landmines. Be careful." Lazz said.

As Rio and Lazz and Amy avoided the landmines, they finally reached the other side of the area they were now in. They could see the communications towers up ahead.

"Look Lazz there they are!! We are almost there!!" Rio shouted as he ran in front of Lazz.

"Woof!" Amy barked.

However the storm was too bad. It was so loud that Lazz could not hear a word Rio was saying. Just then Lazz noticed a red dot on Rio's vest.

"RIIOO!!!!!! GET DOWN NOW!!!!!!" Lazz said and with out delay Lazz grabbed Rio and pushed him back.

Suddenly, Lazz got shot in the leg. Rio began to panic and grabbed Amy and hide behind a wall. Rio peeked his head to see Lazz bleeding heavily on the floor. Just then, Lazz was shot again in the torso.

"LAZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed.

Lazz's dog tag flew off of him and landed by where Rio was hiding. Lazz tried to reach for it when suddenly, he got shoot once more in the left arm.

"ARGHGHARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lazz let out a battle cry.

Rio also tried to reach for it, but he was afraid of being shot and hide behind the wall again. Not one second later did Rio hear a bullet hit the other side of the wall he was hiding behind. Lazz was in pain on the floor and bleeding massively.

"Rio...uh....stay...there.....she's....trying.....uhag....to.....argh.....lure you......out." Lazz said over his codec.

"What do I do Lazz?!" Rio asked.

"Leave...me....and....run...."Lazz said.

" No!! I want to help you!! What about my dream!! I have to protect you Lazz!!" Rio said and dashed out to help Lazz.

Suddenly, a gunshot was fired and blood could be seen flying into the air.

To be continued................

Arthur's comment:

Who did the sniper just shot?

Will our hero's be ok?

What will Rock Lizard do now?

What is Quicksilver planning?

Stay tuned in.

Thanks for reading! XD