The Pokemon War: Part 3-4

Story by Chakat Tailswisher on SoFurry

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#3 of The Pokemon War

The Poke'mon War

Part 3: The First Incursion

Story is © DragonLover

The alien army continued their march towards, what had been only two hours ago, Pallet Town. Gary and Pikachu had just finished removing what debris they could away from the ruins of what used to be Professor Oak's laboratory. Gary found the small hatch that led to the basement and climbed down the ladder. Pikachu kept watch above for the aliens, who were, by now, about ten minutes from their current position. Gary found what he thought were the best weapons of the collection, his now dead uncle had somehow come into possession of. He called out to Pikachu from down below, "Look out, here they come," and with that he tossed the weapons up one by one to the ground next to Pikachu with thumps and clinks. Pikachu barely took notice of this because he had just spotted the head of the army approaching.

Gary grabbed some grenades after a last look around the dimly lit basement and threw them up as well before climbing up himself. By the time Gary had reached the top and grabbed an HK45, the aliens had spotted them. The aliens raised their blades in a sudden blood crazed frenzy while others readied their guns. Gary hurriedly grabbed a sheet of metal from the pile of debris nearby and set it up in front of him and Pikachu in a sort of barrier. They didn't know if it would even protect them from the enemy weapons, but it was better than nothing. "Let's do this," Gary said as he and Pikachu looked at each other and nodded. Gary cocked his AK45 and stood up behind their shield and trained his gun on the first alien he saw.

The alien first to charge at them had a blade in each hand. Gary pulled the trigger and braced for the resulting jolt of the bullets being fired out of the gun. Gary's accuracy was surprisingly good, this being the first time he had ever shot a gun. Most of the bullets even hit the alien, the only bad news was that the alien had some sort of energy barrier around itself. The bullets that did manage to hit the alien just bounced off its shield, managing to only slow it down a little. "Oh, shit!" exclaimed Gary as he quickly ducked back down and noticed that Pikachu was gone. He grabbed a crossbow and stood up again and targeted the alien who was almost in striking range and pulled the trigger. A single short arrow flew out towards the alien and hit it right in its chest. The arrow had gotten past its energy barrier! The alien fell forward with a look of rage still on its face. Gary looked back at the crossbow and realized it didn't shoot arrows like most, but shot small pieces of metal that were charged with electricity. "A bolt launcher," said Gary in slight realization, "electricity...that's it!"

He looked around a second before he noticed that Pikachu had run forward and had sparks flying from his cheeks in anger. Then Pikachu shot an immense bolt of lightning straight at a group of charging aliens. The lightning hit them full force, frying them to a crisp as they fell down to the ground only to be carelessly stomped on by another group of aliens. Gary shot down most of the aliens, while Pikachu, yet again, shot a bolt of lightning charring another throng of aliens. They had disposed of the first battalion of aliens, apparently the ones with blades. The aliens apparently had superb military tactics. Pikachu, from his relentless bombardment of thunderbolts, had used most of his energy and had clambered behind the makeshift wall with Gary. The next line of aliens were ones with guns.

They aimed their guns at the piece of metal behind which they were hiding. Gary knew that Pikachu was spent and that it was up to him. "We made it this far, we aren't going to die now," Gary said patting Pikachu's head, "These should do." Gary picked up a handful of grenades and stood up to face the gunners. He reared back his arm and threw a grenade right into the middle of the large group. A second later, after he had ducked back down, they heard a blast and saw a cloud of dust blow past them. Gary stood up again to see if the grenade had any effect on the aliens. "Oh, yeah!" yelled Gary as he saw a big chunks of aliens go flying threw the air and land, with a thud, on the ground. Suddenly Pikachu's ears perked up. "Pi!" he said as he leaped up and took off running in the opposite direction as the aliens. "Huh, hey where arrgghhh..." said Gary when he had turned around to watch Pikachu, but he didn't see the alien shoot a beam from its gun, hitting Gary right in the arm. The laser beam went straight through his arm leaving behind a very painful hole! Gary dropped to his knees in pain.

Pikachu hadn't noticed what was happening behind him because he had heard a now familiar sound coming from behind their little "bunker." Pikachu ran to the edge of a clearing and stopped dead in his tracks. Before him was another group of aliens, some with guns others with swords. Pikachu just glared at them as they, too, stopped and stared. Then Pikachu shot off with such speed the aliens were momentarily distracted, but soon recovered and were on the offensive again. Pikachu was dodging lasers left and right while simultaneously dodging blades. Pikachu ran circles around the aliens shocking them one at a time, picking them off. Pikachu was fast, but the aliens were faster. Just as Pikachu had dodged another blade that was thrust at him, one of the alien gunners shot him taking off his right ear. Pikachu crashed high-speed into the ground a few feet away from the aliens, doubled over in pain. The aliens, thinking he was dead, turned back towards where Gary was.

Gary had recovered, somewhat, from the shock and was now clutching his arm in pain. "Pi...Pikachu...where are you?" Gary yelled in the direction Pikachu had bolted off to. The aliens drew closer to where Gary was. "It looks like I'm all alone then..." Gary said picking up a handful of grenades. "Alright, you ugly, sons of bitches," Gary wincing at the pain in his arm, "It's payback time!" And with that, he let loose with grenade after grenade. Bombarding the aliens over and over again. Gary never noticed the small group of watchers from the tree line behind him.

The End...for now.

The Poke'mon War

Part 4: The Past

Story is © DragonLover

It had been about two years since Ash and Brock were frozen in the mountains. The aliens had almost completely taken over Earth. The powerful beam cannons the alien mothership had fired, near the beginning of the attack, had caused a chain reaction that was slowly deteriorating away the Earth's atmosphere. Thus global warming had occurred. That is what caused the unfreezing of the two trainers. The mountain had been relatively unscathed by the attacks due to the fact that there were no towns or civilizations of any kind on or around it until you reached Blackthorn City.

The Aliens had done terrible things during those two years. They had abducted poke'mon from all over the planet and had experimented on them and had soon created a super race of poke'mon cyborgs. The last few people remaining gathered together and assessing the new enemy decided that they, too, would have to "evolve" to the next level to beat this powerful force, and so they began tests on those poke'mon who volunteered for the program. After a while they had finally found the answer they were looking for.

They created anthropomorphic poke'mon, or poke'mon who could talk, walk on two legs, and act just like humans. The first poke'mon to survive the procedure was a female dragonite. She still looked like a poke'mon in every way, but she stood more easily on her hind legs and her breasts and vaginal area became more easily noticeable and then she spoke. For the first time in her life she had said something other than her name. "H-h-hello," she said shakily. They gave her the name Kestral. They soon began to "evolve" all of their own beloved poke'mon into anthros. Soon there were enough of them to make an army and after that it is all history.

"Oh, please, James, tell us more stories!" the little children gathered around the pikachu pleaded. "No, it is late and you young ones have heard enough my tales." There was a collective sigh from the children, but with a bit more nagging and a promise to tell more stories later he got the children to leave. "I wonder if we will ever know the whole truth..." the old Pikachu thought as he walked to his bed where he picked up a small box that was resting on the headboard. He opened the box and pulled out an old picture of a young boy and a small non-anthro Pikachu. "Dad...was it really worth it...," he said, a small tear trickling down through his cheek-fur. He carefully placed the picture back into the box and replaced it on the headboard before climbing into bed and falling into a restless sleep.

The next day, he awoke to the sound of a knock at the front door. He pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a white button-up shirt. He opened his door to find a middle-aged female vulpix. "Hello James." "Heather, I...well...uh, what brings you here so early? Surely you didn't come all this way just to see an old friend?" "You're right I didn't and would you mind letting me in? It is a bit chilly out." "Oh, by all means, come right in," he said moving aside to let the beautiful vulpix inside and out of the cold. "Would for anything? I can get you some coffee?" he said motioning towards the kitchen. "Yes, thank you," she said sitting down on a black couch facing the fireplace. "I see you're doing well for yourself, James," she said looking around the large living room.

The house was an old one and had to be fixed up to even be livable, but it was a part of history, a history that James so desperately wanted to forget. "Oh? And why do you say that?" he said coming out of the kitchen with two steaming cups in his paws. "It seems that your storytelling has made you famous around here. I mean imagine my surprise when I arrive in town and ask the first person I see if they knew where a James Ketchum lived and they look at me like I'm an idiot!" exclaimed Heather taking her cup and taking a whiff before taking a sip. "Well, it's not storytelling actually, but it seems that that's all that history is now...just a story. A story no one wants to hear, except the children, that is. They're the only ones who keep coming back to me asking if I'll tell them their favorite parts again."

He sat down on the couch next to her. "That's why I'm here, James. I have a proposal for you." "What kind of proposal?" he inquired with a curious look on his face. Heather took another sip of her coffee before setting the cup down on the table in front of them. "James, you know that I would never lie to you, right?" "Yes, but I don't see where this is going?" "You will, James. Now, what would you say if I told you I had a way to go back in time, hmm?" "Since when have you been smart enough to build a time machine. I mean you're smart, but not that smart." "Did I say that I built it? Let's just say I know someone as dedicated to history as you, it's just they took their obsession to the next level," she said smiling at him. "I don't believe that it exists! Not even in this day and age could anyone build a time machine." "Come with me and I will prove it to you. Although, you might want to get a bit more properly dressed." "I still don't believe this nonsense, but since you are my friend, I will trust you on this."

With that he got up and walked to the bedroom where he dressed in casual clothes and went back into the living room to find Heather standing at the door waiting. They walked outside into the busy streets of Verona. Although Verona was a small, out-of-the-way station it was still one of the best places to get certain items in the vast bazaars. Heather and James walked as all poke'mon do; they had never quite developed a taste for vehicles. "Where is this person we're going to meet?" asked James as he waved at a young pidgey boy he knew. "Oberon," she said. James stopped and looked at her in astonishment. "Oberon! B...but that station is only for the Heads of the Council, the Peacemaker, and, not to mention, the best military force in the galaxy!" "That's exactly why we're going to make a few stops first," she said in a slightly mocking tone with a sly look on her face that James knew all to well.

They eventually found themselves at the ship bay. "So which one is yours?" James inquired, looking around. Heather walked over to stand in front of a giant, archaic-looking ship painted to look like a searing flare from a sun. "She's called the Solaris. The fastest, most powerful ship short of a battle cruiser. She's also got the strongest armor made." "I take it," he said walking up next to her staring at the ship, "that we're not going to just talk everything over peacefully." She gave him another one of those sly, yet playful looks as they walked onto the ship. The ship's first officer was a rough and tough looking female raichu who welcomed them onto the ship. "Welcome back Heather. And you are?" she asked walking up to James looking him up and down. " name is James Ketchum," he managed to stammer before regaining a little of his composure, "and you are?" "I'm the first officer of this ship and you'd do well to remember that," she said pushing him aside and walking off. But not before she yelled back over her shoulder that her name was Vasquez. "Nice lot you have here, Heather," he turned around to see her walking off towards the stairs leading up to the captain's quarters. He quickly followed her up the steps...

The End...for now.