If Everyone Cared

Story by Sylvr on SoFurry

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If Everyone Cared

If Everyone Cared

Disclaimer: If your under 18, keep it in your pants and don't read this, well don't read the last part anyway, but I know you will, so to keep from giving your grandma a heart attack, lock your door.

He drove on, pushing the little Mopar 318 powered Jeep CJ-7 across the plains of Kansas, southwest towards his apartment in Oklahoma. On The Road Again played on the radio, the wind from the open top Jeep blew through his dark rust fur and one by one, the miles and power lines alongside the road, ticked by. His name was Dustin and he was on his way home for the week after a successful two weeks spent on the road chasing storms. You see, he was a storm chaser studying the conditions that twisters commonly formed under, in hopes of designing a better warning system.

Hours later, the Jeep rolled into the small town of Wakita, stopping under the carport attached to his apartment, he shut it off and rolled the soft top over the roll bar, strapping it down tight. Walking inside, he tossed his wallet and keys on the table, grabbed a can of beer and dropped down on the couch, tired after driving for seven hours. Taking a swig of his beer, he could hear arguing from the apartment that made up the other half of the building, one of eight on the premises. The arguing was between Alicia, a pretty arctic fox and Brad, a human who was constantly drunk it seemed like. Dustin didn't know Brad very well, only meeting him once or twice. On the other hand, he knew Alicia quite well, he helped her move in before Brad was part of the picture and she would occasionally have a beer with him. The truth was, at the time, she liked Dustin, but he had a girlfriend. Less than a week before Alicia met Brad, Dustin's girl broke it off, leaving him heartbroken. As much as Alicia liked Dustin, she knew that he needed time alone to sort himself out. She met Brad at a new year's party, at first he seemed like a good guy, but after a few months, he started drinking. When Brad started getting drunk, Dustin knew he had to talk to Alicia about it, she always said he was trying to quit, but Dustin knew better than to believe it. That was all a year before the current time of the story. The arguing started elevating, it sounded like it was about to get real ugly. Thinking quickly, Dustin unlocked the gun safe bolted to the under his bed, he grabbed his .44 Magnum, already loaded. Hearing a bone shattering scream, he bolted up and ran out and across the pavement towards Alicia's apartment. Kicking open the locked door, he expected to find Alicia either seriously injured or dead. What he saw shocked him, Alicia's pure white fur was bloody, but what really shocked Dustin was Brad, he was lying on the floor, a large carving knife jutted out of his neck.

"Holy shit, Alicia what happened?!"

"He was drunk and tried to force himself on me, I refused and he went for the knife."

"And you were faster?"

"Yes, oh god what have I done" she said, starting to cry.

"You protected yourself Alicia and you're alive because of that. I'm going to give the police a call, we can report this as self defense, I mean he did try to harm you. Go take a shower and get the blood out of your fur."

"Shouldn't I wait for the police?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll explain everything, ok?"


Alicia headed off to the bathroom to take her shower while Dustin placed the 911 call.

"911, what's your emergency."

"The tenant in apartment 5 at Prairie Point stabbed her boyfriend in self defense."

"Are you the landlord?"

"No, I live in apartment 6, attached to 5, I heard it all from my apartment, I heard a scream and ran over here to make sure she wasn't dead."

"Assistance is on the way sir."

The connection closed and ten minutes later, there were 3 police cars outside the apartment. Just as the cops walked inside, Alicia came out of the shower, a silk robe covering her otherwise nude form.

"I take it you were the fellow who placed the call?" asked one of the cops.

"Yes, I called it in."

"Why are you armed sir?"

"When I heard the argument elevate, I grabbed it, just in case."

"When you say it elevated, how bad was it to begin with?"

"From what I could hear, it sounded like a simple argument between a dating couple, but, you'd have to ask Alicia here, she would know more than me, all I know, is, when it elevated, it really got ugly, to the point I was starting to worry about Brad, the dead guy, hurting or killing her."

"Ok thank you. Is what he said true Alicia?"

"Every word of it, Brad came home slightly buzzed and opened a new bottle of Jack. He continued to take shots of the drink. He started getting angry with me, yelling at me to clean the place up and what not, but he cracked when he tried forcing himself on me, I obviously refused, that's when he went for the knife. I was just slightly faster and grabbed it. He still came at me, I did what I did in pure self defense. I am sure he was going to kill me, as drunk as he was, he most likely wouldn't have even known what he'd done" Alicia said, as she started crying again.

Dustin walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug, just trying to give her some comfort.

"Alicia, we just need you to come down to the station to make an official statement."

"Alright, just give me a few minutes to put some clothes on."

"Of course."

"Officer, if you don't mind, I'd like to go along with her, you know, for emotional support" Dustin said.

"Yea, just put that cannon away first, which reminds me, can you give me the specs on that thing?"

"Yea, I can, I'll be back in a minute, just gotta lock it back up."

Dustin walked back to Alicia's apartment, his .44 locked safely away. Meeting the cop outside his car, the two of them waited for Alicia

"So, about that cannon you carry?"

"Oh that, well, it's a S&W .44 Mangum, 6 inch barrel, walnut hand grip, Dirty Harry gun more or less."

"Nice, how'd you come upon it?"

"Gun show, got a deal on it."

"Wow, fun to shoot?"

"Hell yea, accurate for a handgun too."

"Cool, cool."

Alicia came walking out, wearing a pair of blue jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Alright, let's get this done with."

"Ok, miss, if it's alright with you, he's coming along."

"Thank god."

The car left the apartment complex and made its way to the small police station, the other two officers staying at the apartment, waiting for the coroners to bring in a meat wagon and a body bag. After the statement was made, Dustin and Alicia were returned to their apartments, Alicia finding the door of hers taped off.

"You can stay with me for the night Alicia" Dustin offered.

"Thanks Dustin, where am I going to sleep though?"

"Don't matter to me, what do you want, couch or the bed?"

"Oh, the couch is just fine, thank you."

They walked into his apartment, he locked the door as usual and pulled a spare blanket from the closet. He also tossed a pillow at the couch and missed, instead it caught Alicia on the back.

"Hey, not nice!"

"Sorry, I have bad aim."

"Oh, thanks, you tell me that after you blow down my door, carrying that cannon."


"Well, good night Dustin and thanks for everything, I am eternally grateful" she said, hugging him tightly.

"You know I couldn't just sit idle while you were in need, oh and good night" he said, smiling warmly.

Alicia curled up on the couch, pulling the blanket over her lower half, Dustin simply flopped on his bed, nearly asleep by the time his head hit the pillow. She lay awake, unable to sleep for some reason.

Knocking on the door frame between the two rooms in the apartment, Alicia asked, "Hey, Dustin, you still awake?"

"Whaa? Yea, whatcha need?"

"Any chance you'll share that bed, I can't sleep."

"Yea, sure."


"You know, if everyone cared as you did, imagine what the world would be like."

"Less violence and more love?"

"One can only hope."

She climbed into bed and snuggled up to Dustin, giving him a light peck on the muzzle.

"One more thing, Dustin, I should have done this a long time ago" she said, kissing him passionately, their tongues finding each other and dancing.

The kiss broke several seconds later, only to be replaced by another. Dustin wrapped his arms around her back, finding the clip on her bra and undoing it. The discarded item of clothing was tossed on the floor, soon followed by her panties and his boxer shorts. Positioning himself over her, he carefully guided his now hard cock to her waiting pussy and ever so carefully, hilted himself within her tight folds. Working up a good rhythm, he steadily mated her. Feeling his knot starting to swell, he picked up the pace, wanting her to cum first. Before he would no longer have a chance, he gave one final thrust, tying them together. Just as he tied them, she came, hard, at the same time, offering her neck to him. Dustin, out of instinct, took hold of it, but not hard enough to break skin, in doing so, he declared them mates and showed dominance. The real truth though, he didn't feel dominant over Alicia, instead seeing them as equals, which is why he displayed his neck for her. Like he did, she took hold of his neck.

Letting go, she said the three words that melted his heart, "I love you."

"I love you too."

One Year Later

Alicia and Dustin stood on the altar, she was dressed in an incredibly elegant wedding dress and he was in a snazzy black tuxedo.

"Dustin, do you take Alicia to be your lawfully wedded wife and to love and cherish her until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Alicia, do you take Dustin to be your lawfully wedded husband and to love and cherish him until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Dustin pulled her in close, kissing her as passionately as possible. Then in classic style, he picked her up and ran towards the waiting limo.

9 months after their honeymoon cruise in the Caribbean, Dustin sat in their hospital room next to Alicia, who was holding their newborn son, Marcus, both mother and child were asleep, Dustin, looking at his new family, simply felt like he could conquer the world, now that his was complete.

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