Stricken City

Story by Chezmarine on SoFurry

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This is a gift I received ages ago, but the author didn't want published because he thought it was a bit too extreme. He agreed to let me publish it so long as I left him as anonymous. This means no posting guesses of who wrote it in the comments.

The wail of sirens permeated the air, the rumble of heavy machinery shook the ground, and if one listened closely, they could hear the cries of a stricken city. It was the scene of a disaster. A city of concrete and glass towers crippled by the impossible, and the survivors had to pick up the pieces.

In all his years, Major Lambert had never seen devastation like this. The old human soldier looked out the passenger window of the dump truck, the lead vehicle in a convoy, and watched as the city passed by. Countless people were scrambling over debris from stricken buildings, frantically sorting through it for anyone that could have survived. Some tried to hail the military trucks to stop, but the vehicles kept going. They had a different zone to tend to.

Lambert pulled a cigarette from the pack in his breast pocket and stuck it in his mouth. He flicked open a zippo and tried to hold it steady as the truck drove across the shattered road, it's big tires and strong build the only thing keeping it from falling apart or getting trapped in a rut. The man managed to get it lit and took a deep drag as he watched the driver navigate around massive footprints left in the road. A glance out his window and down into one showed a horrid sight of the flatted husks of cars and trucks as well as the pulped remains of a number of people he didn't even want to think about. It was still up in the air what to do with these. One of the leading ideas was to get a few tankers out here to pour gasoline into them, torch them, and turn them into funeral pits before they started to stink. It wasn't like any of those poor souls would be identifiable.

"Turn left here," he said to the vulpine driver after a glance down at the map in his lap. With a short 'Yes sir' the vehicle turned into the intersection. He took it too short, however, and the big truck clipped an abandoned car and shoved it aside, slamming it against another one. The driver looked at him warily, and the human simply shrugged. The convoy headed down a street without those footprints, but still it's fair share of damage. It looked like a bulldozer came through and shoved all of the cars out of the streets and off to the side, clearing a path for emergency vehicles. So it was at least a straight shot to their objective now.

As they approached another intersection they had to go straight through, the truck came to abrupt stop as a massive bulldozer, possibly the one clearing the streets, started to cross. It was a huge thing, obviously one of the machines rushed in from a quarry. Lambert felt the cab of the truck shake as it clunked by with a bunch of cars being pushed along by its tremendous blade. Unfortunately, a bunch of them were falling off the side and just landing right in front of them. The officer growled angrily and leaned over to honk the horn a few times. An equine standing on one of the walkways outside the cab, probably navigating for the operator, looked down at them. He waved and shouted an apology.

When it finally passed, the convoy was presented with a few cars in its way. None of them were very big, though. However, any time spent moving them was wasted time. "Ram through," he ordered to the fox driver before taking another drag of his cigarette.

The soldier nodded and shifted the vehicle into fourth and accelerated. The major squeezed the top of the door his arm rested just before the truck slammed through the first couple, then again as it crossed the street to break out the other side.

The convoy hurtled down the road now, only a few blocks away from their designated search zone. The man flicked his cigarette out the window and traced the map as his truck passed through several intersections. "Right here," he finally said as they came to their turn.

Lambert saw some of the images from the briefing. He thought he was prepared for this. But the real thing? The real thing was utterly devastating to look at. The convoy came to a slow stop as the hustle of the disaster area blocked their way.

"Holy shit..." The driver muttered as he bent forward to look up at the massive rubble pile. It was the financial district of the city. The tallest skyscrapers were located here, but no longer. That giant animal had a hell of a time knocking them down. Right in front of them one of the buildings collapsed onto itself, creating a pile of debris numerous stories high. Another building down the street had a huge gouge torn out of it and it leaned precariously to one side. It would probably come crashing down soon, but that didn't stop firefighters from pouring into it and scouring it for survivors. Another building had teetered over and propped itself against its neighbor. That one at least looked stable enough.

However, most all attention was focused on the rubble piles of several buildings. The damaged buildings at least didn't have the potential of survivors trapped under a mountain of debris.

After a couple minutes of waiting, someone that looked like he knew what he was doing, an old rabbit firefighter, approached the lead truck and climbed up on the driver's side step and looked in the window. "About damn time you lot got here!" he hollered over the sound of the ruckus around them. He pointed ahead. "Go straight then make a left around this rubble pile. They're clearing debris over there faster than we can get trucks."

"You shittin' me?" The human officer said back. "What, are they using an excavator?"

"Something like that." He scratched the back of his head. "Seriously, though. Some huge ass lady is moving rubble with her hands and throwing it into trucks. And I mean huge. Don't shoot her, she's already pulled a few people out." He was about to drop back down, but stopped himself. "I mean it. She's big. Obviously not from around here, but she's helping."

He finally left the truck and ordered the way cleared for the Army rigs, shouting and waving. The driver got the truck going. Here, the damage from footprints was terrible. A few bridge layers from the engineers had to come out and set up crossings so vehicles could easily get around the perimeter. The smaller ones had to be filled with an unreasonable amount of dirt.

Once the convoy made it to the other side, it was damn obvious what the firefighter was talking about. He wasn't lying. She was big. All around. She was at least fifteen feet tall, probably past sixteen. That was ridiculous, who the hell was this woman?

He had his driver pull off to the side and let the rest pass to separate and get to work. "Get this thing backed up for her to use," he said to the fox after both men briefly watched her grip huge clumps of concrete into her gloved hands then hurl them into the back of an overfull civilian dump truck. He then hopped out and went around the front to approach. He waved for the other truck to get out of here and make room for his own as he approached the huge canine. As it started to drive away, the woman turned around and threw one last piece sailing through the air to crumple in with the rest.

Now without a truck to load, her attention shifted to the man approaching her. The human officer had a smattering of thoughts come to him. All of them had to do with how absolutely /wrong/ she was. Unnatural. She wasn't from around here, just like the monster that attacked. He could feel it in his bones. She pushed seventeen feet tall for sure. She was fiendishly well endowed, that black bikini top of hers held back breasts easily large than his entire chest. Her jeans were tight to her form, with kneepads that could probably be armor on an APC. He couldn't help but notice that her crotch bulged outwards with obviously massive male parts. So there was that too. He'd never heard of someone so obviously female, but not. Well, obviously female for the curves of her figure. The fact that she had the muscle mass of a special forces heavy weapons operator wasn't very womanly. Then, as if all of this wasn't enough to show that she just wasn't supposed to be here, a glance down showed digitigrade paws clad in combat boots. No anthro has digitigrade paws.

At a glance he figured she was a hyena or a wolf. But she was just... off. There seemed to be a collection of species in her. Surely some vulpine, then the rest he wasn't sure. Maybe some shepard, considering the brown fur and lighter belly fur. The purple stripes on her upper arms and on her odd almost lizardly shaped muzzle were just beyond him, though.

He met her green eyes as she brushed a lock of her red hair aside. "Where you from?" he casually asked.

"Florida," she said back and looked away to watch that dump truck start getting into position.

Florida his ass. "What brings you all the way to Manhattan?"

"Sight seeing."

"The Manhattan on your world isn't good enough?"

She looked down at him now. Her tail twitched behind her. "No. I just like to see how other worlds are doing. Yours seems to be having some problems."

Well, that confirmed it. Unless she was screwing with him. But he doubted it. If that monster could come through a portal, then so could she. "Yeah," he said softly and looked down for a moment. "Never seen anything like it."

"I have," she stated. "A lot. If they come back, I'll tear them to pieces."

"Uh huh..." He cocked his head. She was big, he reminded himself again. Hell, he came up to her thighs. He had to look ridiculous in front of her. Considering all the looks they were getting, he didn't doubt it. Or perhaps they were all wary. The only reason she wasn't getting a plethora of attention was because everyone had more important work to do, and they saw something much bigger earlier today, anyway. But really, as big as she was, she couldn't hold a candle to the thing that tore through here. "And how would you do that?"

She shrugged. "Maybe you'll get to see."

They both looked to their side as the truck slowly backed up to them. The big woman immediately got back to work, grabbing huge slabs and just tossing them into the back of the truck. Not one to just sit around when important work had to be done, Lambert joined her. Though his movements of little pieces was significantly less impressive. "Maybe," he finally said. "So what's your name?"

"Ash," she casually said as she heaved a particularly big slab up and dropped it into the truck - she was tall enough to just delicately place things over the edge. It was actually rather incredible seeing this cleared cut into the rubble pile where she was working. It was like she was just eating away at this impossibly huge mass.

"Major Lambert," he said back. She glanced at him and offered a quick little salute, which he returned. "Any reason you're tearing into this section instead of starting from the top?"

"There's people down here."

"What? Are you sure?"

"I heard them."

The major stopped what he was doing and climbed up the rubble to where Ash was digging and bent his head down. He heard nothing, but that didn't mean much. He thumbed his radio and said, "Kimmel, get over here."

"Uh, sir?" There was clear hesitation in the vulpine's voice.

"That's an order," the human said back more sternly. The cab of the dump truck opened up and the soldier hopped down. To his credit, he didn't hesitate to approach, but his low hanging tail and slightly folded ears showed his wariness for the huge woman. "Get up here and tell me if you hear anything." The private complied and climbed up past Ash to put his keener ears down to the rubble. Lambert then yelled down into a crack, "Is anyone down there? Hello!"

Almost immediately Kimmel's eyes widened and he pulled back up. "I heard a groan!" he said excitedly. "Someone's down there!"

Lambert immediately started to say into his radio, "We've got at least one live one on the north side of the alpha site, next to the giant lady. Get me some wreckers over here!"

"No, cancel that," Ash said with a small growl.

"What?" The human asked incredulously.

"Everyone will get in the way, like you are now. Let me work." The two men looked at eachother, then Lambert motioned for his underling to get off the rubble with him and let the giantess get back to clearing.

While she dug deeper, the Major took control of the situation and started to get trucks and medics ready. The fox got back into the twenty ton dumper and it rumbled off with a full load while another truck replaced it immediately. Other rescue workers started to take areas around where Ash was digging, with the more keen sensed anthros listening closely for any other signs. A wrecker truck waited nearby, just in case the huge canine needed any help. But that looked like a pointless use of a truck as she hefted concrete slabs that could very possibly bend the boom. Some of them couldn't even fit into the dump truck. But it hardly mattered. She simply broke them apart.

When it was clear the truck was wasting time, Lambert sent it away, and had to yell at some men gawking to get them back into action. The human himself was in the middle of lifting a slab with a few others when there was a sudden call for attention. Ash found something.

They finished moving their concrete debris then immediately joined the forming crowd around the woman. He arrived in time to find the towering creature crouched down gently holding the broken body of a rabbit woman, offering her to the medics. It was clear she was dead. Half of her skull was crushed, as if the rest of her ruined remains wouldn't be able to prove it.

Once the medics took her Ash turned back around to her work and started to slowly lift more rubble, as if she was worried she would cause more harm. She moved two more, then reached down and when her hands came back out holding another rabbit, judging by the dangling ears. When she around, she was cradling his form with one huge hand supporting his head while the other held his legs. But the rabbit was holding someone, too. A smaller rabbit, clearly a child, likely a girl with that pink shirt, was turned with her face buried in the chest of what must be her father.

Both didn't look too bad. So when Ash lowered them down for the medics, everyone watched with baited breath as they checked their lifesigns while the big woman simply went back to work. "I've got a pulse!" shouted the medic with the girl, prompting a cheer from the crowd, but it dulled slightly when the other shook his head no for the father.

It was a truly bittersweet sight to see rescue workers crowding around the girl, getting her onto a stretcher and setting her up with oxygen. While just a few meters away, only a couple lifted her father into a body bag right next to her mother's.

More cheering tore Lambert's attention away from it as Ash pulled out yet another person. This time with one hand while someone clung to her glove with their tiny ones. It was a rabbit once more. A whole family. This one was an older boy, an adolescent, it looked like. The woman shifted her hold to carry him down the rubble pile while holding his chest in both hands. The boy blinked tiredly and wiped away dust from his face. When he was placed down, Ash supported him with one hand to see if he would walk. He leaned heavily against it, but before the rescue workers got to him he pushed off of her hand and marched shakily forward. He forced his way through the clamoring people and went straight for his sister, only sparing a brief glance to the two bags. When he reached her stretcher he fell to his knees with his head resting on it. He gently nuzzled her side once before medics pulled him up and got him into his own stretcher.

As they loaded him up, Lambert tore his eyes away to look at Ash, who was standing there watching with what has to be the first sign of emotion he had seen from her. She had a sad look in her eyes.


Why couldn't he hold out for just a little longer? Just a few more minutes. Maybe these mortals could have saved him. But he didn't. He died.

She spoke to him, through the mind. She reached out to him as she dug. He cried to her, pleaded for her to get to him and pull his daughter, Bethany, out. To save her. He begged for her to rescue his son, Daniel. After she promised him she would, he thanked her. It was then she felt him start to fade. It was her turn to plead. She urged him not to go. His children needed him. She begged. But it didn't help. She felt him die. She felt William Donnelly join his wife, Victoria.

Her eyes focused onto those two body bags. Memories of a horrible past danced in her mind. Why did this feel worse? Was it because it wasn't her? Was it because there were some left behind to mourn? She wasn't sure, but there was no time to dwell on it. She met eyes with the human major for a brief moment, then turned back around and started to clear more rubble, hoping to find some others down here. If that family was there, maybe a few others were with them.

She ignored any conversation as she just worked. Lambert tried to speak to her once, but he got the hint. Less aggling, more work. She went at it for another hour, burning through truck after truck, cutting a huge swath into the rubble. She found more people. Quite a few more. But they were all gone. All perished. But she didn't let it slow her down. Dead or alive, everyone was going to be rescued from this ruin.

That was the plan, anyway. But plans seemed to enjoy crashing and burning. Her ears perked up as a new sound reached them. A new siren. She was very familiar with this one. She heard it many times when she was younger and wrong. The drawn out, rising wail then fall of numerous attack sirens bellowed out through the city. She stopped what she was doing to listen more closely. Was it happening again?

She turned around from her work and approached Major Lambert, who was listening to his radio. He looked up at her with wide eyes. "They're back," was all he said.

A growl rose up in her throat and a snarl crossed her muzzle. "Give me details."

"Estimated five hundred feet, snow leopard, male. Different from the last one. Jets are scrambling and the navy is readying cruise missiles." The ground beneath their feet started to rumble.

"Call it all off," she demanded. "I hate getting shot at while I'm trying to help. So call it off."

"What should I tell them?"

"Tell them the one with huge tits is going to fix your giant problem." She turned and took off down the street where the army dump convoy came from. Her powerful digitigrade legs carried her quickly as she slid around a turn with hardly any loss of speed. People clamored to get out of her way when they saw her huge form coming. She made small leaps over anyone too slow to move, and even gracefully hurdled over ambulances and trucks.

She kept her footing when she felt the ground shake more violently as she neared her target. She ran against a crowd of fleeing civilians as she streamed out of a street ahead. She couldn't keep leaping over them, especially as they started to stop in surprise upon seeing her. So she just went right through. She shoved herself into the crowd, knocking many out of the way with her powerful legs. A few found themselves with a heavy boot from a multi-ton woman coming down onto them. They should have felt their bodies break, but it just didn't happen. Many were left blinking in surprise, feeling like a child just stepped on them, leaving them perfectly unharmed.

She came to a stop at the mouth of the street and stared down it as people flowed out on her left and right. Down the wide road was the macro. A huge leopard as expected, clad in gear that made him look somewhat military with cargo pants, boots, a vest and belt full of pouches, and a jacket. To top it all off, he had a handgun on his hip. This set Ash on edge. So this may be a bit more than just a 'beat the shit out of the asshole' moment.

The leopard had what looked like a camera as he was crouched down filming the crowds. She immediately started her march down towards him when he reached a hand out and dragged it through a building, spilling rubble into the streets and onto people below. That confirmed it. Whatever he's doing, he's hurting a lot of people. That just wouldn't stand.

As she moved she began to grow. With a thought her boots vanished into nothing right off of her paws with her gloves following suit. One hundred feet, two hundred... her growth was rapid, only taking seconds. People below stopped dead in their tracks as they realized they were caught between giants, then scrambled to try to get into the buildings on either side. Three hundred, four hundred... she didn't stop. Her bare paws came down on scores of people, but as before... nothing happened. She didn't leave a crushed crate full of stains that once were living people. Instead she left them flat on their backs or faces, now feeling like they were just... snugged, rather than crushed. But cars were crushed easily, except for a few. Any that had people in them dented only slightly as her paw came down, as if she just walked on a solid stone.

Five hundred feet now. The leopard finally noticed her as he panned down the street with his camera and saw her paws approaching. His eyes widened in surprise as he lowered the device and stood up from his crouch.

Six hundred. He watched her grow. Then she stopped her growth, making him only breast height with her, with the buildings around only about thigh high at most. He took a step back and reached down for his gun. He pulled it from its holster and almost had it raised, but it was too late. Ash lunged forward, gripped his forearm in one hand and jerked his hand away from aiming at her, while her other hand balled into a fist and with a vicious punch she drove it forward into his gut, lifting him up off the ground with its force. He keeled over, coughing, and she pulled his gun from his hand as he fell to his knees.

She smoothly twirled the weapon on a finger as she looked down at him with a passive look on her face. When he looked up at her after regaining his wits she stopped the spinning and pressed the barrel to his forehead, between his eyes. "Pick up your camera," she said to him.

"What the hell?" he drawled out with another cough.

"Pick up your camera," she repeated, now with a snarl. He looked up at her confusedly, but didn't react. She pressed the gun tighter to his head, prompting him to finally pick it up off the ground. "So you want to see something interesting then, is that it? Film me."

She took a few steps back with the gun still aimed at him. Shakily, he got to his feet and raised the camera at her. It looked she may shoot him straight through the device, but instead she lowered the weapon and her other hand came up to wrap around the barrel. Then with a small tug, for her, she simply tore the weapon in half. She smirked when she saw him flinch in surprise. But she wasn't done. With both halves of the weapon still in hand, both of her hands suddenly burst into flames, superheating the metal parts almost instantly. The powder didn't even get to explode in the shells as it all turned to molten slag that poured out of her hands to drizzle onto the now barren street below.

He slowly lowered the camera and his mouth bobbed open and closed, as if he had no idea what to say. Ash spoke first, "You better have a very, very good reason for hurting these people."

He swallowed hard. "Uh, hum... collecting data..."

"Didn't I say a good reason?" She growled and took a step toward him, prompting him to take a step back.

"Wait, no, stop!" He shouted with a hand raised. "Data, I mean it! Everything is so small here. Test the physics, see how the smaller lifeforms move, collect samples, see how their structures stand and if they break apart as expected. We think the physics are different, so we need to collect data! It's just science..."

That was the wrong thing to say as her eyes lit up with rage and she lunged forward, wrapping a hand around his neck and lifting him up off the ground to bring him to eye level. His hands tried to tug at hers, but it was like trying to pry open a vice grip. "Science?!" she roared at him. "You're doing this shit for science?!" She hiked him up higher, above the buildings around them. "Look around! You see all that?! People made that! They're not just 'lifeforms,' they're people!" She lowered him back down to her eyes and almost touched nose to nose with him as she gave him a death glare. "And I really hate it when some morally fucked monster hurts innocent people."

He started to choke as he grip closed on his throat, but then she caught herself. She looked down at the camera he dropped. She had a better idea. She had to send a message. Her grip relented and he fell back down onto his knees, coughing once more. She collected her demeanor into something much more calm as she asked, "Did you collect any samples yet?" He shook his head no as he rubbed his throat. "Did your predecessor collect any samples?" This time he nodded. He was probably lucky that he didn't look up and see that silent, vicious snarl on her muzzle when he confirmed that. "I'm not going to kill you," she finally stated, prompting him to look up at her, almost thankfully. "But, you know... you were basically making a snuff film, and I stopped you! How rude of me. We can't send you back home without a finished snuff film! But you're not going to be murdering anyone for it. So hmmm... what shall we do?"

He looked up at her, perplexed. "Uh... I can just cut the expedition short..."

"Nah," she shook her head. "I hate seeing a good movie unfinished. We can't have killing in your snuff. So I suggest rape."

"What?" he asked flatly.

"Rape," she repeated and patted her bulging crotch.

He looked down at it. She was hardly a small herm. Practically everything she wore had a meaty bulge. Especially tight jeans like this. But apparently this guy reacted as if he hadn't even noticed it yet. "Holy shit!" he cried and jumped to his feet.

Ash followed after him as he back pedaled away from her. She expected him to just keep going, she figured he didn't have that much fight in him. But to her delight, he did! He stopped backing away and instead tried to kick her in the face with a surprisingly perfect high kick. She easily moved her head to the side, feeling his booted paw brush right by.

She responded with a jab with enough force to make him stagger sideways. She winced as his legs met the building next to him, causing him to fall down, his rump smashing through the structure and crushing it flat. She reached down and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to pull him to his feet. A glance down at the ruin showed, to her relief, odd pockets with terrified people cowering inside them with the rubble piled up harmlessly around. Right, collateral damage... she was still getting used to this gift.

The leopard snarled and tried to punch her in the stomach. She grunted when she felt his fist connect against her toned abs. Seeing little effect, he tried to pull away from her grip. His hand pressed against her chest, trying to push off her iron hold. She smirked and let go, causing him to fall backwards onto the street... with a bikini top in his hand. He looked at it, then up at her now bare chest with massive breasts, bigger than his head. "Aww!" Ash cooed derisively. "Helping me get undressed. You're so sweet."

As she approached him while he was still on his back, one of his legs kicked out to strike her in the knee. He obviously had more strength in his legs as his knee buckled under her, but she used her momentum to fall forward onto him. She bared her fangs as she settled atop him and readied another punch, this time for his face. Her fist came hurtling down, but he moved his head to the side, making her punch right into the already shattered pavement. She made a crater, and she felt water wash up onto her furred limb as a water main seemed to burst beneath her fist. She growled at him and used her other hand to try to wrap around his neck to hold him still. However he managed to get some leverage with his legs and he put all his strength into rolling her incredible weight off of him, sending her falling over into a couple of large buildings on the opposite side of the first ruin.

She coughed as debris and dust fell on her and expecting him to follow up with another attack, she rolled further into the building, destroying the rest of it and kicking up a huge dust cloud that concealed her. She came out onto another street on the other side. She felt a bunch of little forms under her, obviously more people getting harmlessly 'squished.' She paid them little mind, they'd probably like it, anyway, and shot to her feet. She then lunged through the forming cloud to come whipping out the other side with a roar.

She careened into him as he was fiddling with some kind of little device. It went flying out of his hand as she smashed him into yet ANOTHER building. Dammit, enough damage! Enough! She had to stop this. She wasted no time as she started to repeatedly punch him in the side and his gut, knocking the breath and fight right out of him. She then dragged him out of the new ruin and threw him to the ground. "Enough of this fucking fight!" she yelled angrily as she turned and picked up his camera and the device he dropped. Whatever it was.

Still recording, excellent. She pointed it at him and made sure her hand was in view as it became consumed in flames once more. She casually cast a small, potent fireball at him as he struggled to get to his feet. But rather than immolate him, it instead washed over his form in a seemingly cool flame that burned away at his clothing, but left his body and fur perfectly intact. He watched with shocked eyes as the cinders that was his clothes flitter through the air.

Ash licked her muzzle as she scanned over his now nude form. She figured he was fairly strong, a bit above average for sure. Toned, too. Though she still had him beat in both regards. Perfect.

She strode up to him as he tried to crawl away, her own clothing fading out of existence, finally revealing that plump, fat sheath and massive orbs. Her dark gray, pointed tip was already peeking out, eager for what was to come. She gave him a swift kick in the side that made him cry out and fall onto his stomach with a pained groan.

She then bent down and hefted him up by his scruff. She turned him around to look at him contemptuously. "I think the camera got that. Great! A good rape needs a good fight." She smiled cruelly at him and her hand holding his scruff lit aflame, but it still did not burn him. "But I'm getting pretty horny. So fight some more and I'll roast you alive, then fuck you."

He mewled pathetically as she started to walk, still carrying him by his scruff. She navigated through the streets, heading straight for Central Park. So... no airstrikes yet. Did they actually decide not to attack her for once? She scanned the skies. Jets were flying around, but keeping their distance. A glance out at the water showed the warships in the distance, without streaks of missiles leaving them. Well damn. Very well done, human.

She made it out into the park with her prize. Ah, nice, green and open. A perfect bed for this. She carelessly tossed him forward into the park, sending him crashing into the earth, barreling over grass sized trees like they were nothing. She then stepped out of the park for a moment to set the camera down on top of a building that would offer a good view. She fiddled with the zoom for a moment, then returned to her lover to be.

She stroked her sheath as she approached him. He was trying to crawl away. Again. She shook her head. Mortals were stubborn, that was for sure. Instead of kicking him this time, her hand left her crotch and grabbed the back of his head. She forcefully turned him around so that was muzzle to groin with her. "If I feel any biting..." she growled out, but said no more as her pyromancy kicked in again, wrapping his head in flames. She turned the heat up just a bit, not enough to burn, but enough to get the point across. He nodded weakly up at her. "Good," she purred, a disconcerting gentleness on top of a lot of disdain and hatred.

Without any further delay, she shoved his head forward into her sheath. She didn't give him a chance to do anything himself as she just used his muzzle to coax out the rest of her cock. His eyes looked helplessly up at it as it slid from her sheath. As expected, it was massive. If she had a ruler for a 600 foot macro, she'd blow past a footlong, and that scared the hell out of the leopard. Her hanging balls were each bigger than his fist, he realized as he glanced down at them when he felt them touch his chin. He didn't have much time to wrap his head around just how hung she was as the canine moved his head up to feel his lips brush along the underside of her shaft.

He felt her hand leave his head, apparently giving him the reigns. She looked down at him and said deceptively sweetly, "I'm going to fuck your ass. So... it's up to you to make me nice and ready for that." She shrugged. "I didn't bring lube." He just stared dumbstruck up at her, not doing anything. "Well come on! I'll start singing fur."

That got a reaction out of him as he tore his eyes from hers to look at that monolith before him. If she knew guys, he was probably trying to figure out HOW she was going to fuck him with that monster. But he didn't think about it long as he leaned forward and tentatively licked it once. His ears folded. That was probably the shame hitting him. But all that hit Ash was a soft little moan of delight.

Then he licked again, and again. Lapping at it typical cat fashion. She gently rubbed the back of his head in feigned appreciation. She'd rather just throat fuck him, but it wasn't easy stopping that without orgasming. She wanted to save it all for his nice, toned feline butt. "You can do that the whole time," she said to him with a toothy grin. "But it's not going to make it very slick."

He let out a small whimper as she grasped the back of his head and lifted him up a bit to rub his lips against her tip. "Come on now, little cat, open up..." She squeezed his head when he refused, making him open up as he gasped in pain. She then pulled him forward, shoving her tip into his maw. She forced him down deep enough for her shaft to just barely enter his throat. He sputtered and tried to push himself off, but her iron grip didn't budge an inch. She could crush his head like a grape if she wanted. "Now now," she cooed cruelly, "Stop fighting it. You really don't want me to guide you through this."

He didn't stop trying to resist. Ash smirked and pushed his head down and forcing her huge cock into his throat. Her growing knot did little to slow her down as it simply pried his jaws open wider and squeezed it in. She felt his lips touch her sheath with her massive balls pressed up against his chin.

The chimera sighed delightfully as her cockholster's hot throat squeezed and swallowed her cock. The leopard was aggressively pounding on her thighs now, trying so desperately to get the huge blockage out of him. She let him thrash and panic for a few long seconds, delighting in the pleasures of his terrified movements.

She reluctantly pulled him off in one quick motion, her saliva dripping shafting slipping free with a wet slurp. She clutched him hard by the ear as she jerked his head back to look up at her. As he coughed and sputtered, sucking in precious air, she growled with a wild look in her green eyes as she said, "You like that? Then keep struggling. I love how it feels." She leaned her head down to look a little closer at him and her demeanor abruptly changed to sarcastic sweetness. "Or suck me like a good boy. I'm a lot gentler to good boys." She grinned toothily at the tears running down his cheeks and when he started to babble, begging for her to stop, she suddenly jerked her hips to the side and thwacked him across the face with her meaty shaft, instantly shutting him up. "Good boys don't say no," she warned him with a purr.

They stared at each other for a few short moments. The leopard's mouth bobbed open and closed as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out and he looked back down at the throbbing length right in front of his nose. With quivering lips he finally opened his mouth on his own and slowly lowered his head down onto it. Ash moaned very lightly when she felt her flesh slide in and she released his ear to let him get to work.

He was a terrible cocksucker. His motions were clumsy, he wasn't using his hand, and he wasn't even trying to go deep. Even through all the desperate unwillingness she could tell he's never even touched a dick other than his own in his whole life. Oh she did love a cock virgin male. He was going to be wonderfully tight.

Now with both hands free and she no longer had to pay the male much mind she was finally able to check out this device of his. She brought it up to look at, cupping it in both hands, and looked it over. She couldn't for the life of her tell how it worked, her own transdimensional powers were innate, but it looked decently simple to operate. Based on the readout it looked like it was already set to open a portal. But that wasn't all that caught her attention. It also read 'shield status: 100%' on the same display. A shield? She had no idea he had a shield. That must be how the military couldn't even scratch the last one. It must only work against fast objects, as her physical attacks worked fine. This was perfect. A lopsided smirk broke across her muzzle as an idea panned out in her mind.

"How does the shield work?" she asked the leopard, prompting him to pause in his dicksucking.

He hesitated with answering her, as usual. All it took to get the answer out of him with a short little growl and he blurted out, "Start a new profile and keep it on you while it loads and for it to keep protecting you!"

One of her hands pushed his mouth back onto her shaft before she started to fiddle with the machine. She quickly found the profile section, which had four different profiles already, and set up her own.

Immediately after she started it, an orange bubble formed around her. A bright, horizontal beam moved up and down the bubble every second. With each pass the shield started to shrink and conform to the shape of her body until it looked like a second skin a small distance off of her fur. When it was done she conjured up a wristband with a few adjustable clamps. She attached the device to it then went back to the portal function and pointed it just to her left and activated it.

With an anticlimactic 'fwop' she was abruptly looking into an oval shaped, blue rimmed doorway into another dimension with a bunch of surprised looking anthros on the other side. Her other hand slammed down onto the leopards head and shoved him down to her root when she felt him pulling off in a panic, pinning him once more with her hilted in his throat.

The few labcoat looking people were very quickly yanked aside as a squad of soldiers poured into the room and trained their weapons on her. They wasted absolutely no time as a couple of shots rang out and hit her in the side, perfectly placed.

The shield flared up for a moment to stop the projectiles, which harmlessly fell to the ground, squashed flat from their own velocity. She grinned at them and casually took a few steps sideways, turning her thrashing oral toy in place, so that the leopard was between her and the portal.

She was just about to speak when the portal flicked and she felt its integrity rapidly begin to decline. So, this thing couldn't make a very long last portal. No matter. She flicked her wrist and a couple of fingers then the oval abruptly stopped flickering, which apparently surprised the hell out of the soldiers as they backed away a few steps.

Ash was about to say something again, but was rudely cut off by some old shark marching up towards the portal. "What the hell are you doing?" he roared angrily.

The chimera looked down at the leopard, whose struggles were starting to get very sluggish. Oh right, oxygen. She pulled him free and he immediately took in deep lung fulls of air. She almost failed to stifle a chuckle when her cock throbbed and spurt out a thick blob of pre right into that hyperventilating maw. She shrugged at the apparent officer and said, "Getting my dick sucked." She forced the feline back onto her shaft, slamming into this throat again, but this time she started to do the work for him as she pulled him back only to push him down to her balls again, repeating the motion as she spoke with the shark.

He was forced to speak over the gagging and choking slurps as he growled out, "Release Doctor Lavius this instant or we WILL open fire! That shield will NOT last long!"

"Oh, it'll last long enough for me to strengthen it with a meat shield." Judging by the hesitation from him, she assumed correctly. "And Doctor Lavius is it? You know, I didn't even get his name. What is his first?"

"Nederick," he said, still trying to sound strong.

"Nederick Lavius..." She looked down at the leopard, who had fallen into a daze by now. "Names make something important. Do you know what this city is called?" She didn't wait for an answer. "It's called Manhattan. A family was here. They were just visiting." She scowled and yanked Nederick off of her shaft. She didn't want to talk about that family and do this at the same time. As he gasped for air for the third time, she went on, "It was just a nice family trip into the big city, something the children had never seen before. They were taking pictures on top of a skyscraper when a monster came through. The building was taken down before they could get out. The father of two young children, William Donnelly and the mother of these same two, Victoria Donnelly, died. Victoria died instantly while William died with his daughter in his arms. Their little six year old girl, Bethany Donnelly is now barely clinging to life while their teenage son, Daniel Donnelly, cries for both of them."

She was met with silence. Good. She could get off of this distressing topic and put her plan into motion. She held up her hand and started to move it like she was twirling a handgun, but there was nothing there. Until there was. A large revolver popped into existence, spinning smoothly in her grip. That visibly set the soldiers more on edge, if it was even possible, and she could clearly see the shock on the officer's face.

Instead of pointing it at him, she instead lowered it and pressed it against the side of the good doctor's head, who was starting to register what was going on. "Your friend here," Ash started to say, "Told me your last monster to come here collected some 'samples.' I want them brought to me, by the monster that took them. If you don't, I will kill him. If it's not delivered by the one that took them, I will kill him. And when I open this portal again and I don't see that animal waiting to hand them over, I will kill him. Understand?" She stressed the last word by pressing the barrel of the gun harder against Lavius' head, tilting it heavily sideways and making him yelp.

"Wait, what do you mean again?" asked the shark.

Ash smirked and twisted the leopard around and shoved him down onto the ground. "I don't like weapons being pointed at me while I fuck an ass." She caught the satisfying look of his eyes widening just before she waved her hand and the portal instantly vanished.

She dispelled the gun as she got down onto her knees and wrapped her hand around the leopard's hips as he weakly tried to crawl away. She yanked him back, smacking his toned rump against her cock. She spread his cheeks and tucked her cock in between them then let go, wrapping her length in warm, firm ass.

"Oh gods please no!" he pleased loudly when he felt her hotdogging him. If sucking her off somehow didn't already, this truly hit home just how massive she was. Anyone could see she wasn't going to fit, especially not in a virgin ass. But that was never a problem. Ash always made it fit. "Stop, stop, oh my god please stop!" he continued. "I-if you do this you're just as much of a monster as us!"

That brought no pause to the chimera. Instead she slid her shaft down so that the tip was kissing his opening. "I never said I wasn't a monster."

The next sound out of his mouth was a loud, pained scream as she thrust her hips forward. Her saliva soaked, pre drooling, tapered canine tip had no trouble piercing that little hole and prying him open for her fat cock.

She shoved herself halfway in then suddenly stopped herself. She grabbed him by his head fur and yanked his head back as she bent over him to say into his ear, "I am a monster, and this monster is going to tear your ass to shreds." She kissed him on a tear soaked cheek before shoving his head back down and returning her hold to his hips.

She stifled his next protest by pulling his ass back and shoving forward, burying herself to her knot. She growled when her knot stopped her. That fist sized cockflesh wasn't going to stop her from getting a deep, full fuck out of this. With a snarl she backed out to her tip then thrust forward, hard. Her knot jammed up against his ring for only a split moment before her strength demolished any resistance and she buried herself down to her hilt.

As he screamed and cried in searing pain, Ash moaned loudly and groped at his asscheeks as she lifted up and bent over top of him in an attempt to feel like she was even deeper. Her huge, plump sac draped over his rear and pressed up against his own, completely covering him with her much larger size.

She started to gyrate her hips, working to spread him open nice and wide so she could fuck him, knot and all, without too much forcing slowing her down. She could feel him trembling as he openly cried and whimpered. She knew he was in a lot of pain, but she decided to check anyway. Her hand slipped under him to feel for his sheath. She was very familiar with guys that could cum just from her fucking them. While she enjoyed doing that for the men she mounted like lovers, that was not something she would be happy with here.

She groped his genitals and found him soft as dough, his cock completely hidden in its sheath. That was good for him. If he was enjoying this, somehow, she'd end up dropping her protection aura and there would be a lot of blood on her pole right now.

She preferred just her balls dumping out all the pre she needed for lube, anyway. Blood wasn't nearly as arousing as it used to be. Satisfied that her victim wasn't going to get any pleasure out of this, she lifted her hips up while still bent over him. Her knot pulled him off the ground and made her have to push his ass downwards with her hands.

Her knot came free with an audible pop and another scream from the leopard. She pulled out almost completely before slamming back down. Her knot was a frustrating hinderance as it slowed her down even with the brief attempt to stretch him out. It wasn't anything she hadn't dealt with before, though. It just meant she'd take a bit to get a fast rhythm going, which was perfectly normal when fucking a guy she hadn't trained.

She shoved her knot in again then tore it right back out to shove back in. Each time was a bit faster than before and each time had the feline clawing at the ground and crying for her to stop. By the time she managed to get him stretched out enough to glide into that now gaping hole, he had apparently lost most of his steam. He was mostly limp, but still shaking, and his pleads became incoherent babbles and pathetic mewls.

Now that his ass was ready for the ride of his life, she adjusted her position. She moved one paw and placed it on the side of his head, holding him down and giving her a bit of extra leverage as she bent higher over him with her cock almost straight down inside him as his ass was hiked up high by her gripping hands.

She lifted her hips up, her knot easily coming free, and pulled out to her tip. With a viciously dominant snarl she slammed downward until her balls smacked against his ass. Almost immediately she reached a blur of motion as she pistoned in and out of his abused hole. The thumping of her muscular hips against his along with the heavy slaps of her swinging balls almost shook the city around them.

The leopard's cries started back up, tired but invigorated by the brutal treatment. They were drowned out by the loud moans of the massive herm and the slapping of their bodies.

Through half lidded eyes the chimera looked out over the city surrounding the park. Crowds of people had gathered to watch. That only spurred her on and made her moan even louder. She didn't like guns pointed at her, but she did love to show off.

With her gigantic tits bouncing around as she raped her victim, the view of her glorious ass, shapely legs, powerful build, her fat, swinging balls, and her massive rutting cock... there wasn't anything to hide. The more perfection she showed, the better.

She spied news helicopters in the sky, undoubtedly filming the rampaging macro getting assraped by the perfect cock of the perfect herm. She eyed the camera she set up and she thought about all of the eyes on her and all of the cameras. She almost whimpered in pleasure at the thought, but let it out as a deep moan fitting of someone like herself.

She felt herself rushing to her peak. Her balls tightened up closer to her body, demanding release. She was hardly one to deny herself. She knew she was ready to cum like the cameras demanded.

With one final thrust she buried herself deep into that ass, her balls tugging up along the male's rump before tightening up and letting the floodgates open. She howled out to the city, her cry of pleasure echoing down every block and letting everyone know what just happened.

The leopard thrashed on the ground as her hot cum filled his bowels and seeded him with alien warmth. Huge spurt after huge spurt shot impossibly deep inside of him. After several ropes of her cum painting his innards and thoroughly claiming him, she pulled out. She lifted herself off of him with a massive gush of her fluids pouring from his hole and spurting from her cock.

She clutched her base with an iron grip, holding back for just a moment while he fell to the ground without her support. She kicked him over with a paw, presenting his front to her. Her grip relented as her hand moved up to point her tip down at him. He flinched as she shot over his chest and onto his face. She pumped her shaft, urging, demanding more from her balls as she spilled several more ropes across his body, on his sheath, his chest... she marked him completely with her musky cum.

When she was finally done, she grinned down at him, still stroking her dripping cock, admiring her work. She eyed the cum still pouring out of his ass and licked across her muzzle. If she didn't have something more important to do with him she probably would fuck him a few more times.

She looked up at the news choppers and gave them a little show by releasing her cock and rubbing both of her breasts, giving them a few good squeezes. "That's how you fuck someone," she said up to them with a wink.

She then released her breasts before she got herself riled up again. Now it was time to end this. First she left the leopard be as she padded over to the edge of the park, making the crowd disperse in a bit of a panic.

Typical. She saved their city from more destruction and death and they were still afraid of her. That never seemed to change. At least the 'shoot with missiles' part changed this time. She didn't step into the street as she reached across it to grab the camera off of the rooftop. She stopped the recording and gave it a quick review. It looked like it caught everything very clearly. Excellent.

She returned to the sobbing feline, bent down, and hefted him up by his scruff. She pushed the camera into his chest. "Take it," she hissed to him. He flinched at her words and his weak arms scrambled to clutch it to his chest.

With the camera secure and her hand free, she conjured up her handgun again. With a flick of her pistol hand, the portal opened up again. She didn't need that device anymore. She knew where this dimension was now. But the shields would still be useful. Dieing was frustrating.

The chimera, with her handgun pointed at the delirious leopard's head, was greeted by the squad of soldiers and the shark officer as before. "Oh, fuck!" hollered one of the men when they caught sight of the mess that was their doctor. Ash let out a growl when she didn't see someone new, which quickly prompted the shark to beckon someone forward.

A male red wolf in civilian clothes stepped forward carrying what could be best described as a pet carrier. He warily approached the portal and offered it to Ash. She looked at it, sensed that it was what she wanted, then looked at the wolf and calmly asked, "Are you the one that visited this city before?" He meekly nodded. She didn't take the carrier yet as she looked at the rest of the people in this... portal room they had going on.

"I am Ashtrekazhan Falcon Godslayer. I am a goddess of destruction, but I only sow it for vengeance. I give you this warning. This world is under my protection now. If I come back here and find you returned, I WILL go to your world and wipe out your entire civilization. And if I go to another world and see you doing the same as you did here, then I will make you beg for forgiveness as I stamp out every last one of you. Do you understand?" All she got was stunned silence. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" she roared, which earned her a bunch of nods and strained yeses.

One of the yeses came from the murderous wolf. She didn't say anything to him as she focused on him. She needed one last show of her power to drive the point home to these invaders. She lowered the gun and let it vanish as she reached out to take the carrier. However, before she took it she waved her palm across the male's chest, then delicately took the carrier.

When she tossed the leopard and his camera into the portal to land in a heap on the ground, the soldiers looked like they were just about to shoot. But a cry of alarm from the wolf interrupted their already hesitant desire to shoot at her.

Ashtrek grinned as he backed away with wide eyes as he slowly began to shrink. All eyes gawked at him as he went down and down until he was a mere speck on the floor, flailing and crying out for help. He found himself at the very same size as the people of this dimension. A fitting punishment, she thought, then closed the portal and sealed it tight as she bolstered the dimension's barriers against technologies like the thing on her wrist.

She glanced at the device and decided it was worth keeping if only for the shield function. She took a good look at the carrier in her other hand, hefting it up to eye level. She couldn't see inside of it, but she knew what was in there. The goddess shifted to cradling it in two hands with the utmost gentleness as she looked up and scanned the edge of the park.

People shied away from her look as her eyes passed over them. She paid that little annoyance no mind as she searched for an ambulance or firetruck or anything to help her with the carrier.

Curious. The gawkers were a bunch of regular civilians. She allowed her clothing to return to her body, the same outfit she had when she first got to work helping. She took a few steps to the edge of the park, still holding that box like it were incredibly fragile. The crowds dispersed in a panicked mess, prompting Ashtrek to roll her eyes.

At least they cleared a path. It wouldn't look very good to step on them even if they would be totally unharmed. She took careful steps into the streets, ever mindful of avoiding people as she moved down the same street she came from as she headed back to that disaster area.

She was able to move a lot quicker with the stride of a 600 foot macro, even while avoiding planting her boots on people. In a very short time she turned the corner to the ruin to find something that made her quietly admire the mortals.

The rescue workers never stopped working. They were still scouring over the rubble. They were still hard at work, deadset on finding survivors and a little distraction like another rampager hardly gave them pause.

She immediately spotted the makeshift medical area they had, which was a big gathering of ambulances and medics as they prepped for transferring people to the completely overburdened hospitals.

She slowly approached it, shifting the carrier to one hand to hold her palm out, not wanting to scare them away. "I need medical assistance," she said softly and nodded at the box. A couple of medics broke and ran right after she said that, but most of them stood their ground.

Satisfied that there would be some willing to help with this, Ashtrek crouched down and softly placed the carrier down onto the street. She opened up the top and peeked inside where a couple dozen tiny, terrified faces looked right back at her.

She gave them the best reassuring look she had as she slowly reached down into it. Her ears folded back a small amount when she heard their shrieks of terror. She offered mental reassurances, but it did little in their haze of fear.

Ashtrek very delicately scooped up a handful and slowly lifted them out to lay her hand down in front of the medics, palm up. Just as she sorely hoped, the sight of those people spurred them to action, along with the firefighters that were watching.

They rapidly scurried onto her hand and helped the rescued off. A few had to be taken off on stretchers. Once her padded palm was clear, she scooped out the next handful, then the next, until the carrier was empty.

Satisfied, the chimera lifted the empty box out of the street and placed it aside, then, while still crouched down, she began to shrink. Within moments, she was back down to her five meter height, which sent more than a few of the people around reeling in surprise.

The only one she paid any mind was a single human major. She offered him a small nod, a thank you for keeping her from being attacked. He bowed his head slightly as Ashtrek returned to the exact spot she was working at, and reached down to pull up a big chunk of debris.

This rubble wasn't going to clear itself.