The Queen's Sacrifice

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A queen makes whatever sacrifice she must in order to make sure that she holds her kingdom, even if it sacrifices her dignity.

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The halls were empty and cold, the ice that had been carved into intricate patterns through magic and skill were marred and fading. The tales of glory of the royal line had been destroyed from the steady march of time and neglect. The dim memories of the grand balls and wars that had etched the name Tavers across the Northern Hemisphere were left fading. Once there would have been guards in gleaming armor standing along the hall and supplicants would have been gathered outside a set of closed doors that led to the throne room, but those days were gone. Now it was silent save for the few members of the court that remained in the relative safety of the towering walls and all they had ever known. Their presence didn't fill the palace with life, it only made it more painfully obvious what was missing, especially to the fox who padded along with his platter of food being pushed in front of him.

His white coat was fluffed up against the worst of the chill, his ears tipped back as he struggled against the weight of depression that the line his family had served since time immemorial was dying. It wasn't a glorious death in battle where their banner fell as they fought to the last member, it was a slow choking death that had become painful to watch. The gryphons of the south had begun to cut them off with political power that had lured away those who had thrived in the wild white mountains. They had promised fat farms and sweet food, appealing to those who had little desire to fight through each and every day just to survive. They had forgotten the elegance of the ice carved walls and the hunts for the white mountain stags. They had become fat and soft, wishing a warm sun and green growing land surrounding them. They had left the Tavers line to pass away and falter.

_ _

The bloodline is dying. It is failing. _ Xaron thought and paused with a flick of his heavy furred tail as he looked at the large open doors. They should have been shut, the last remaining member of the royal line should have had guards keeping petitioners from her. _There aren't any guards, not any longer. Just old Julian and he is so old that most of his teeth are dull.

_ _

Xaron felt the melancholy taking hold as he pushed the food through the doors, wondering how many years were left in the court. There were only seventy members left and of those only fourteen were young new blood, the rest were older, many of them so old that they were only here because they had been here all their life. The subversive attempts of the gryphons had been brutal and thorough, and they had started just as he had become old enough to serve the royal house. They had used the fact that the Tavers line had begun to dwindle in size as the last clutch had hatched just one female and a male that had not made it beyond his later teen years. And the female that had hatched wasn't pure dragon, instead she was a hybrid between a canid and a dragon, a source of shame to many, but the aging patriarch had named Ni'cko his one and only heir.

She calls herself a drusky, and shrugs away the looks they give her for being less than what they want. She doesn't fight. _ He thought and stepped towards the royal suite. _They think she is little more than a joke of the dying dynasty.

The fox could not fault the old drake, Ni'cko was clever and cunning, she had a wicked mind and was able to understand the state of things clearly. She would have made a lovely ruler if there were anything left to rule, but all she held was this tattered home and a plethora of scrolls to keep herself entertained with. She should have been dressed in the gleaming ice-blue armor that was her heritage, she should have been decorated with diamonds and sapphires, but she spent her days sprawled on thick polar bear skins and relaxed at her leisure. She was wasted here, she was entirely wasted and the arctic fox couldn't help but feel a slow burn of anger for her. All his life as a cub he had been told he would serve a queen, he had seen the queen in the drusky, but it was a sad situation they both found themselves in.

He had been raised beside her, her own father had picked him from the servants to become her confident. For thousands of years the foxes had served the royal line. They were swift spies and cunning, they could be trusted and had agile hands with which to attend to scaled hides. He had been so proud to be her servant, he had been bursting with excitement as he had been introduced to the dragonet, too pleased to think of her as anything odd, despite her furred coat. Why should he have thought her strange? His own great-great grandfather had been the old King's first servant, he had been given his chance. And his chance had turned to ashes at his touch.

He stepped into the study that she spent her days in, his eyes automatically going towards the elegant form curled up lightly on the pile of soft white furs. She was much the same as her sire had been in color, except that the glittering hard scales had been replaced with plush dark fur. The ebony color of it was beautiful to behold, especially when paired with the blue crest like mane that ran the length of her head, the delicate frills of her ear fins. She was breathtakingly graceful with a muscled body that moved with an easy confidence. She had never been ungainly or gangly, at least not that Xaron recalled. She had always been a source of beauty and she displayed herself with curl that left her tufted tip curled up into a half curve. Her jade green eyes were fixed on the scroll she had stretched out in front of her, making her look almost like a statue as she remained motionless. The firelight glittered on her white spiraled horns, flashing with each crackle.

"Majesty." Xaron spoke softly, his thick soft tail wagging behind him as he pushed the cart towards his mistress. "I bring you food."

_If they saw her as I saw her, they would see that she is worthy of them. Even the deserters might come back if they understood that she could rule. _ He thought with a pang of almost physical pain at seeing her blink out of her daze. _Her mixed heritage is not a sin, she still carries the Tavers bloodline. _

_ _

No dragon would willingly commit himself to the royal line now, not when it was clear that it was soon going to falter and pass into history. The young males that remained here didn't stay out of loyalty, but were vultures waiting to pick clean the palace. Eventually they would stage a coup, or perhaps they would simply begin to steal away what they could now that the guards had left. There was little Ni'cko could do to stop it. She could fight, but were cold gems worth her life? No, Xaron knew how this story would end, but that didn't mean he had to be content with it. He would remain with her until the last.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ni'cko wanted to snort in annoyance as Xaron laid out her meal, the fresh fish neatly cut and deboned for the ease of her meal. It wasn't the meal that annoyed her, but the air of suffering disapproval he brought with him every time that she saw him. She should have said something, but she had learned not to ask him about his moods. He never gave her answers that settled her soul. He sometimes acted as if she weren't well aware of just how the world was changing around her. Perhaps he thought that she spent her time in the library because she enjoyed reading and wanted to forget the decay of her great House. It was a quaint thought that she might forget that she had been robbed of her birthright, that her people had left her in droves as soon as her father's body had cooled upon the ice.

The fox was frequently heard cursing the gryphons as the source of her downfall, but he was blind by his own devotion to her. From the time she had been able to stand on her four legs he had been beside her, of course he didn't think it had been the fault of her heritage. He had been so busy tending to her bed and quarters he hadn't seen the disgust of the hard scaled houses. They had seen her mixed heritage as a source of disgrace, that her father had bred a common husky and had two eggs had been unbearable for them. She was sure her brother had been murdered, not that she could prove anything, only that she knew that only she and her father had mourned his passing. It had taken little to make her subjects leave her once her father had died. The gryphons had leapt at the chance, hiring on even the most noble for easy work that paid well and made sure that she was stripped of all power.

They didn't even have to work for it. _ She thought and leaned over to pick up one of the red fleshed fish to swallow down. _The deserters left for money and to find their own allies so they can try to make a bid on the throne.

"Are there any scouts out today?" She asked Xaron, watching as the fox began to build up the fire in an attempt to keep the library warm for her. Not that she needed the warmth, her thick soft coat kept her toasty enough.

"No, Majesty, no one has left the castle in days." Xaron stood up and gave her a look. "You might appoint scouts and duties."

"Are there any fit to fly?" She retorted and flicked her tufted tail against the ground restlessly, shifting her weight back.

Xaron's silence was answer enough. What could be set out to fly? The old toothless guard? The remaining older nobles? Or the few youngsters that wanted a chance at her wealth? She gave her head a shake and took another bite of the fish, swallowing it down easily as she considered the scroll that was opened at her forepaw. She had not given up hope that she might revive her home, her people, but to do so required something that she lacked. She needed an heir that would be acceptable to those that had fled her rule. She had no hope that they would touch their muzzles to their paws for her. She was too strange, although the only real hint that she was not pure dragon came with the soft fur of her coat and the more muscular body, it was enough for them to turn away from her. What she needed was to strengthen their bloodline with a mate that would sire a clutch more dragon than canine.

I should have been fighting off suitors for my favor. _ She thought bitterly and fluffed up her fur a bit to trap more heat beneath it. _None of them even came to call suit on me when I came into season last time, this time will be no different.

_ _

No bloodline wanted to make that gambol. She might entirely extinguish her line and if they allied with her they would have to defend her. As a childless female she was vulnerable from all sides, there wasn't even proof that a hybrid such as herself could carry a clutch. She was constantly aware of the fact that they might attack and kill her to take the throne. It was hardly worth anything as destitute as her castle was, but some might still wish it. If she could hatch out an heir, or even a clutch, to show that they had more dragon than canine in them, there would be a chance that they would rally. She was half and half, but her offspring would only be a quarter, their offspring an eighth. The proof that she could breed would open up a world that she desperately needed, but she had to have a mate in order for it to work.

She shifted on her haunches, the adjustment letting her tail uncurl slightly as she felt the familiar stirrings beginning inside of her. It would be no secret, soon there would be the knowledge that those few dragons that remained would know that she had entered her heat, but they would ignore her. There wouldn't even be so much as a crude offering of a tryst in the dark, the risk was too great that she would claim an alliance. Yet, she knew in her heart that she would quicken with a proper breeding, and with that proper breeding she would be able to call up those that abandoned her. The promise of a young heir from a fertile queen would be all she needed.

"I must be the first dragoness in all of our history to have not even the sniff of a drake on her tail when in season." Ni'cko said bitterly, swinging her head to look at her servant. "Perhaps I might go flick my tail up at the gryphons, they seem genial enough."

"As well claw muck over your sire's grave!" Xaron stiffened in affront, the old fox's ears going down against his thick furred head. "If the males do not find themselves worthy of you, than just as well!"

"Worthy of me." She snorted, curling one lip back slightly. "They are waiting like vultures. Eventually they will strike and if I am lucky I will be left with my life. I heard that they call me a mule behind my back, as if I were a sterile pack animal."

"Which ones?" Xaron let out a soft growl, laughable coming from the small throat, but it eased some of her annoyance.

"I need a clutch." She sighed and let the roll curl back up. "I need a drake to sire a clutch on me, a pure drake, something to show them that my bloodline does not end with me. Until that happens I am perched on buried in the snow waiting for the air to run out. Eventually they will kill me or leave entirely after looting my home."

"I can send runners to the South? Surely one of the young drakes there would be honored." Xaron ventured nervously, but Ni'cko gave her head a shake. Her eyes went back to the scroll she had let roll up.

"They would never, not when I could trap them in an alliance. They wouldn't take my word that they would be free of it." The drusky tapped a talon on the ground lightly. "There must be another way. There are clans to the north, wild and unruly, they wouldn't care what a female's lineage was..."

"That is foolish talk!" Xaron snapped, looked almost panicked at the idea. "They don't let their females leave, they would take you as a slave."

"Perhaps." Ni'cko conceded and dropped her head down to her forelegs thoughtfully. "It was only a thought, there must be a way."

Her eyes slid towards the scrolls she had been reading and she tapped her claws lightly on the ground. She was trapped, there was no hope for her here, she would have to make a sacrifice if she wanted to remained in power. There was no hope otherwise. There were still other ways in which to prove her fertility and the strength of her bloodline. They weren't anywhere near so pleasant as finding a genial mate, but it would get the job done.

"Xaron, bring me the scrolls on the eastern mountain range clans." She took another bite of her meal thoughtfully. "You'll know the ones I want, they're framed in white green. I want everything about their clans."

"Yes, ma'am." The fox bobbed his head, though he still looked troubled as he went for the scrolls.

Ni'cko knew that he would not feel comfortable once he understood what she was looking for, and what she was prepared to do. The eastern clans were rough and wild, with strange customs and even stranger ways, little removed from animals, but they had something she needed. They had drakes willing to breed females without thought or consideration of retaining them as mates or slaves, nor would they care about her bloodline. She would just have to forget her dignity and pride to do it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Please! Please do not make me do this!" Xaron flattened his ears tight to his head as he watched his queen stretch herself out on the expanse of the grey rocky cliff.

The wind was filled with a rush of cold that made his fur ruffle while the blue and black drusky turned her head to give him an annoyed look. He hadn't wanted to come to the eastern mountain range from the morning she had woken him up and told him to gather the supplies she needed, but now he regretted not denying her request. It was growing dark, the moon would be up soon which left him with little light to work with as he stood with the rope in his hands and trembled slightly. Ni'cko's idea was one that went against everything that he had been taught to serve the royal house. She was of a proud bloodline, no matter how it was mixed, she should not lower herself to the actions she had decided to take in an effort to obtain a clutch.

The Eastern Clans were little more than animals, ones that were only civilized enough that they understood the concept of borders and trade. Their tongue wasn't truly a tongue, their behaviors were violent and unpredictable, and she intended to allow one of the animals to give her a clutch. The scrolls she had dragged out had been moldering, but they had been filled with accounts of how neighboring clans enforced their borders through the sacrifice of virginal females. It wasn't a sacrifice in that they would be slaughtered, it was a sacrifice of their season as they were pinned out and left to be bred by the eastern clan. Each season half a dozen females were allowed to be staked out and bred to keep the peace, spreading the Eastern Clan bloodlines so they left their neighbors in relative peace. It was a foul and barbaric practice, and one that Xaron wanted no part of.

"There is no other way, I have given you a command." Ni'cko spoke softly, turning her head. "Or do you wish the risk that they will think I have no clan and take me with them? They don't take their sacrifices with them to their clan, I can't say the same about a loose female they trap." "They are animals!" Xaron felt a pang of pain as he looked at the thick rope in his paws. "Please, Majesty, there must be another way."

"There is not. Without a clutch to prove I'm fertile I am nothing more than an obstacle of a dying bloodline." The drusky answered, lashing her tufted tail back and forth behind her. "Once I have a clutch they will begin to curry my favor, I will have allies. I will not quietly wait until they murder me or they steal my crown."

The fox whined softly to himself, flinching at the hard green eyes watching him. He didn't want to do this, the idea that one of the Tavers bloodline would be bound and bred like a sacrificial offering disgusted him. He could have denied her, but he had no doubt she would find a willing servant in the palace, at least if he were here he would stand beside her. He would be able to offer what comfort he could. He stepped forward with his tail twitching a

little bit, glancing around nervously before he approached her broad side. He smoothed the line of his palm against the shoulder, uncoiling the rope so that he could fling it over her broad shoulders.

He hated himself for doing it as he settled the rope across the other side to slide into the set iron ring that had seen hundreds of dragoness' staked out. He didn't go so far as to tie the rope down tightly enough to harm her, instead he left enough slack that he hoped she could fight her way free if she needed too. More rope was used on her hind quarters, working to the eight different rings that had been set around the cliff. His queen did not fuss or snarl at him, she remained quiet with a determined look on her face. He couldn't fault her reasoning, but he didn't have to like it. He had grown up with her, though she was still relatively young and he was growing old, he had spent his entire life watching her grow and serving her every need. He had tried to protect her where he could, but he couldn't protect her from this.

The fox bound her tail up, the shame at drawing the length of her tail to one side and wrapping rope around the base kept the tail draped to one side. He hated the fact that she was being put into such a compromised position, but he kept his eyes averted from the underside of her tail. Her heat swollen folds were glistening lightly in the light, the scent of her was stronger than normal, a faint distraction in the back of his mind as he bound the rope over her neck so that her head was stretched out. He kept the ropes relatively loose, watching as she kept her expression fixed, hiding her own emotions behind the mask. He felt ashamed for her as he settled the last knot and twitched his tail as he stepped back to look at her.

"I will not be far, my queen." He murmured, trying to sound reassuring, his ears set back against his head. "I will be here if you have need of me."

"I would rather you not witness this." Ni'cko spoke, her voice soft as she turned her head, unable to raise it more than a few inches from the ground.

"I will not leave you alone." He growled stubbornly. He would not leave his queen, no matter what she asked of him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Night came and Ni'cko found herself trapped and ensnared in the ropes that kept her stretched out on the ground. Xaron hadn't done them brutally, she had enough room to move and adjust herself so there were no cramps, but the night came on quietly without a hint of wings on the air. She had waited for her body to run hot with her estrus, counting the days as it became worse and worse. Her estrus was a torment to her, just as it had been the first two cycles she went through hadn't been comfortable at all as the days advanced and she grew closer to the height of her fertility. Her body was swollen and sensitives, the tender nerves flush with desire that made it difficult to think clearly, something that had made it harder to make a clear decision on what she had to do to save her throne.

Her body was still burning up with her heat, it was coming to a crescendo as it tried to force her into a position to be bred. She wasn't an animal, not truly, but at this time of year she felt herself more driven by the needs of her body. She felt as if she were burning alive with desire as her flushed puffy mound was glistening with wet juices, standing out beneath her raised tail. It was in the back of her mind constantly now, making her question her own choices at voluntarily presenting herself as a sacrifice to a wild clan, but she knew what needed to happen. Without proof of her fertility there would be no alliances, no hope, and if she had to have a nameless drake as the sire of her clutch she would take it. She did not have to name one of the hatchlings her heirs, she might find a mate with better bloodlines that she could pass her first clutch over for.

She adjusted herself, shifting along her stomach with her tail flicked against the ground, her breathing was coming faster as she splayed her hind legs a little bit. Her soft blue folds were glistening wetly in the light as she felt the pounding of her heart in her lower belly, making her breathing come out in short small bursts. Her entire body was overly warm, the flush covered her from nose to tail as she let out a series of soft noises low in her throat. It was hard to think straight, everything felt slowed down when she was like this, making her naturally shift and adjust her weight on all fours. It was a blow to her pride, but she would ignore it, her father had always told her that she would never mate for love, she had just hoped that the circumstances had had a bit more dignity than what she was going to put herself through.

It was the wee hours of the morning, when the sky was starting to lighten towards grey and she was beginning to feel the aches of being forced to remain in place on the cold stones, when she heard the click of claws on the ground. The sound echoed down to her with a faint scratching noise that made her stiffen up and roll her eyes back, her wings flexed down and squeezed them against her side. Her nostrils flared delicately as rocks fell down along the side of the mountain and towards her bound form. The cold twist in her gut made a growl start to form low in her throat, the thrum of it sliding out as she curled her lips back as a dark shape peeled itself away from the mountain. Large wings flashed against the paling sky as she made out the large form of a dragon with eyes that flashed in the coming light.

He's bigger than I thought.. She hissed out as the creature came down closer, landing with a thud on the open ground of the cliff.

He was larger than the drakes at court, both in terms of muscle and the height of his head. The wings were broad and formed a set of sails that clung to his sides as he folded the appendages against his sides. His chest was deep and his body was longer than normal, complete with a muscular pair of hind legs tipped with spear like claws. Unlike her own court, he was plated in thick broad scales that were more like armor than glittering hide. Thick plates gathered on his shoulders and down along his chest, growing smaller the higher she looked at his neck before ending in a large thick muzzled head. The jaws were large, heavier and more muscular than anything she had ever seen, his head was crowned in a ring of thick horns that bristled all the way down the line of his back. Whatever color he was, he was a dark coloration, and that's all she could tell about him as the beast snuffed the air and curled out the length of his tongue.

Ni'cko kept herself perfectly still as a low purr thrummed out of the drake and her haunches went tense as she watched the thick tongue lashing the air. His eyes sparked a little bit as he curled his lips backwards as he drew in a breath that swelled his broad deep chest as the thick strange scent of the male filled her nose. The scent made her body flare hot and she shuddered in place, shifting beneath the feel of the ropes on her back, the fear causing her heart to beat faster as the strange male advanced. He didn't walk, he swaggered, a supremely confident saunter that shifted his hips back and forth, his tail lashed in the air lightly while the creature drew in a deep breath and let it out with a shivering burst movement. The tongue uncurled a little bit further and the head lowered so that she felt a hot rush of breath hit against her haunch. She twisted away, lunging forward automatically as the large male loomed above her with the head swinging back and forth.

The air was thick with the aroma of mature male, a confusing alluring scent that had her stomach warming and the heat building between her haunches. She knew she was wet and slick from her heat, but it grew worse as the hot breath hit along the line of her back and the tongue flicked out. It ran against her fur until she was letting out a short noise, leaning forward and straining against the ropes as the paw on her shoulders shoved down harder. The claws raked lightly through her fur while the male examined her with an eager huff of breath. The tongue flicked down her back, darting and swiping against her like a stallion scenting a mare. She tried to get away from the touch naturally. The drake wasn't trying to seduce her, he was treating her with no more care than he would any ripe female, no introductions, not talk. She opened her muzzle to say something, regretting the choices that she had made that put her here, but the words turned into a wild cry.

The wandering muzzle pulled down, the tongue slathered ou tin a rush that pushed right up against the bulge of her swollen mound. The hot slippery feel of it ran against her soft tender vulva, pushing and prying the lips apart firmly so that the tongue tip could shove forward into her swollen channel. She jerked forward, pushing her hips up with a cry as the drake's tongue glutted her passage, making it gape open wider and wider by the moment. Her juices were pushed out around the length as the creature opened his jaws up wider, twisting his tongue about to drag backwards with a slow smooth stroke. His hot breath slid over her puffy outer lips as the tongue tip twisted and coiled, dragging up the thick sweet wetness from her body while the paw leaned forward harder.

Ni'cko squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered as the tender passage was teased and twisted, the light darting rub found sensitive nerves to slide over until she let out a short gasp. It wasn't a gasp of pain. Her body responded by tightening her muscles down around the long twisted tongue, the slow curl delved in deeper, working eagerly to swallow up the taste of her estrus. Her body was being pushed into overtime, refusing to stop the rapid beat of her heart that

made her tremble in place. She had her hips pushed up while the drag of the tongue moved backwards before pushing forward again. The male's jaws were gaping open wide while the hot breath puffed out in short heavy bursts, taunting her puffy outer lips as the oral muscle pulled backwards with a lewd wet noise. It slithered free easily, popping out of her and leaving her gleaming mound gaping slightly from the sudden penetration. The drusky let out a soft whimper, panting shallowly as she flashed her eyes open to see the male looming over her.

She had no idea who he was, what he was, he could have been a great warrior or simply a lowly hunter, he could come from a chieftain's clan or simply be a bastard offshoot. It didn't matter to her, what mattered was that he could quicken her body with a clutch. She flexed her claws down against the ground as she felt the tongue flick upwards. They were light licks caressed her and sampled while the paw pressed harder against her furred haunches. Her entire body stiffened and she hissed out in shock as the light dabs caressed places that sent shudders down her spine. She was growing wetter, humiliatingly wet, causing her cheeks to heat as the massive drake rumbled above her. He stood well above her own slight height, towering above her prone form before the nose slid upwards with a nip at the base of her tail. She jerked upright, her wings snapping down to her side and drooping naturally as the male moved his paw up to hook against her hip.

She twisted her head to the side, her breathing caught in her throat as she watched the coming dawn illuminate the creature. The thick length of the cock was pushing out of his vent, heavy and swollen as it began to emerge, glistening with a trail of precum that made his scent grow stronger on the air. She was shaking, her entire body bunching up tight as the paws moved to slide against her hips and he stepped over her, the member swinging beneath him obscenely. It was larger than she had imagined, sending a rush of panic through her even as a thick syrupy spill of precum erupted out of the tip and spilled down along the line of her haunch. It was hot against her fur as the damp muzzle slid upwards along the nape of her neck and then it was too late. It was too late to escape, too late to scream for help, too late for anything, because the strange drake's jaws snapped out and roughly grabbed the back of her throat.

She cried out loudly as the teeth sank down, not enough to draw blood, but enough to let her know that there was little she could do to fight him. His growl thrummed down her spine as the powerful body hunched over her and pressed against her back. She twisted and writhed, the burst of adrenaline making her rake her claws against the ground as the armored tail twisted up and grabbed her own roughly. He clamped it down hard enough that she couldn't get away, even if the ropes had come undone he ensnared her as his haunched wrapped her around her smaller ones. She was dwarfed by him, she was easily a quarter smaller than he was and he used every bit of his weight to forcibly hold her in place as the heavy ridged length rubbed just beside her tail. It felt too large, too thick, impossibly swollen as it grew against her fur and gave her an impression of just how large he really was.

"XARON!" She cried out her servant's name, her eyes snapping open wide as the cock pushed down right against her tender mound.

_No no no... this was the wrong idea! There has to be another way. _ She thought frantically, but the dragon had ideas of his own.

He clamped his teeth down harder and shoved all of his weight against her, his forepaws hooked against her shoulders just above her wing arms before the thick cock tip pushed up along her inner folds. The swollen outer lips were forcibly split open while she cried out louder, her jaws open as wide as she could when she felt the slow painful stretch of her virginal lips peeling open wider and wider. Her juices coated him wetly as the thick syrupy splatter of precum was pushed into her body. The warm gush of it flushed into her narrow passage, straining the walls wider and wider as it was smeared along her tender swollen channel. Her muscles clamped down and squeezed, naturally suckling the inky black length that wedged forward another few inches, sliding forward with a rock that stuffed a ridge right into her aching body.

She cried out, her jaws opened as the drake's teeth shifted and pulled her head upwards to strain against the ropes. His rumble of pleasure ran down the line of her back as he kept pushing forward, forcing his way inwards and making her body strain and mold around him. Every twitch and quiver worked to caress around him, pulling him in deeper even as she shuddered and cried out loudly. It was too much, he was too thick, and the heavily armored drake didn't seem to think that she should be allowed time to adjust. The next thrust pushed out the strands of her heated wetness out along the edges, spilling them down along her inner thighs as her hips were pushed up higher in the air. The rope was straining as he fed her another fat ridge, plucking against the puffy vulva and dimpling it inwards. The rush of thick precum that flushed into her only egged on the sense of need and desire.

In the back of her mind every instinct was roaring for what was happening, she wanted it all, every last ridge to shove its way into her body, the thought in the back of her mind egged her on while she was rocked forward with the next thrust. The ridges tugged through her to stimulate parts that had her whimpering in desire, sparking new sensations through her eager frame that had her panting out in short ragged bursts. The hot breath against the nape of her neck, the feel of the armored scales shoving down against her back forced her to remain in place as the next few ridges pushed their way into her smaller form. She saw stars dancing in front of her eyes as the tip delved deeper towards her exposed vulnerable egg chamber. She was shuddering and twisting, her hips jerking away to relieve the pressure and suddenly one of the paws curled along her chest. She felt his claws sliding through her fur before Ni'cko was yanked backwards.

She bugled out a wild cry as over half of the swollen flush glutted her vulnerable body, the churning precum mingling with her own glistening arousal as it was forced around the dark cock. The powerful hips rolled forward, making room, feeding her a few more ridges before they began to draw back. She couldn't even have control on the speed that he withdrew, he controlled her, held her tightly as she was treated to the obscene wet noise as ridge after ridge slipped out of her aching body. It felt so good, she couldn't stop the sensation of desire from rushing over her, submitting to the male who laid his claim. It wasn't even just the feel of the cock driving back into her that kept her on edge, it was the utter power of the beast that twisted his jaws and shoved her head down against the ground and held it there.

The tapered tip drove deep inside of her, straining her inner body before she roared out and the sound was cut off by the jaws clamping down harder. He nearly cut off her air as he fed the last few inches into her body, pushing too deeply and straining her open wider as she felt the thickness of the base mashing up against her swollen mound. She opened her eyes and cried out again, the high pitched squeal burst free before he jerked his hips backwards and ran the ridges out of her one at a time. The slip and feel of them caressing backwards made her entire form shudder in place, her breathing caught in her throat as he nearly pulled all the way out of her before he gave another buck forward. His muscled body was poised perfectly, refusing to give her any relief as he glutted her passage with his too large length. Her folds began to stretch and strain wider, gaping and swallowing the ridges as another hot eruption of precum flushed into her body.

It was mindless and animalistic, she was letting out ragged noises that choked her throat as he jabbed his tip in deep at the apex of each thrust, the swollen base pried her lips apart firmly, splaying and making them stretch open around him. Her muscles locked around him tightly, squeezing down and caressing over him as his tip kissed the dilated opening towards her egg chamber before a hot squirt of his precum spilled out to flush into her fertile belly. This was what she had wanted, she was trying to tell herself that, but she couldn't think as he was in constant motion. Her body was alive with need, raw and primal, even as his teeth shoved her head down harder towards the ground. The thrusts became almost violent as he barely drew a ridge out before he was sinking himself home again. Her gaping lips swallowed around him, the mess of his arousal was spilling outwards as the tip dug itself against the tender opening of her cervix.

She could feel the base stretching her open, prying and digging against her outer lips as she choked out a cry. She didn't know if it were a sob or not, everything both ached and felt deliciously good all at once. The burn of her muscles being stretched open remained in the backdrop of her mind as the tip scoured deeper into her. The base was swelling, prying her wider, becoming harder to allow to press inside of her as she tensed up and gave a shudder from nose to tail. He didn't release her, he pushed down harder while his thrusts became shorter, faster. There was no attempt to ease her into it as his knot began to stretch her, popping in and out of her folds, thick enough that she was trying to get away from being tied, but her struggles were futile.

She wasn't a queen. She wasn't royalty. She wasn't in control. She was little more than the strange drake's newest breeder and Ni'cko's cervix was starting to buckle in with the powerful drive of the hips. She was being stretched open as the taut ring swallowed up and around the base. It was forcing its way through her, she couldn't evade it, she was trying to throw him off, but he only hissed out a warning and pushed down harder against her. His snarl was almost violent as the base stretched its way back into her, filling her passage and making her mound grow puffy with the effort to hold it while the cock tip jabbed its way deeper and pried itself right into her fertile egg chamber. Her entire body went stiff in shock and she shrieked out wildly as she felt the knot bulging and glutting the length of the cock wider and wider, the ridges grew more pronounced.

The queen couldn't even move as the drake's hips shuddered against her and the scales raked against her back, his heavy breathing ruffled her fur as the cock tip grew wider and locked itself right inside of the narrow channel of her cervix. It was embraced by the soft rubbery walls before it began to work with a quiver that echoed up the line of his shaft. The first hot rush of cum that bubbled up from his tip flushed into her open egg chamber in a torrent that made her eyes snap open wide. She couldn't think or react as the spray of thick sperm rich seed flowed deeper inside of her and spread outwards, coating every crevice that it could reach, reaching deeper inside of her and flowing towards her vulnerable ova. Every twitch, every movement tormented her overly sensitive body as her walls began to milk and squeeze, pulling along the invader as the stranger let out a low possessive growl from deep in his throat.

It felt so good, she was humiliated and bred, but her body was flush with pleasure as she felt another thick spill of the seed flooding inside of her, caressing her deepest regions. She dropped her head, her breathing came in short shuddering pants as she male finally released her damp neck now that he had her tied snugly against his loins. She could barely breathe as she felt him filling her, it was a steady stream that warmed her stomach as she was rapidly overfilled and left with her entire body shaking under the heavy bestial weight. This wasn't how she wanted to be mated, this wasn't at all how it was supposed to happen, she felt dirty and used. Her body ached and the throb beat in time with her heart as some of the weight lifted from her, the knot dragged her haunches in the air and left her scrabbling to get her feet beneath her while the ropes were strained.

"Such a pretty queen." The drake spoke in a thick accented voice, the words rough and strange sounding from his throat. "Does the court now sacrifice you for better blood?"

Ni'cko's head jerked up and she twisted her head back to gape at the heavy scaled muzzle that peered down at her. The eyes were mild, glittering in the dawn as the first touch of sunlight through flashes of light to show deep ebony scales that lined his lightly scarred face. She had thought he was a beast, it was easy to think he was an animal, he hadn't said a word to her before he had mounted her. Her face heated while she was treated to another thick eruption of cum flushing out into her achingly filled stomach.

"You can speak!" She blurted out, the words rasping slightly as the hips resettled against her and the jaws parted to show sharp serrated teeth.

"Stupid that you think we are stupid." He snarled out at her, his voice thick with bitter amusement. "Good that you will swell with my bloodline then, soft queen."

She could barely put her thoughts in order as the thick cum began to build inside of her stretching egg chamber, it felt weighed down and heavy. It was so terribly warm as her stomach was bulging with the seed pouring into her and still he was trying to force more of his thick semen into her. Already millions of sperm were twisting and writhing their way towards her right ovum. There would be no stopping it now, she couldn't get away from him and even if she did he had already done his part to make sure she would become gravid with his clutch. Her mind was trying to work as he looked at her haughtily, tilting his head to one side as he simply enjoyed her body as if it were his right. If he could think, he could reason. Even as she let out a whimper from his shifting haunches she latched onto an idea.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Xaron glared at the drakes that lined up along the revered hall. They were staring at his queen with undisguised greed as she relaxed upon her throne of polar furs and soft pillows. The crown that adorned her furred head glittered in the light. Her fur didn't make it look strange, it made it stand out so that her regal carriage could be regarded by all. She had taken pains to ready the hall, though he was ashamed to admit that she had done much of the harder work when he and the rest of the servants had been unable to properly repair the ice sculptures. She had not hesitated, she would never hesitate, though he knew well enough that there were those that would have scoffed at what she had done. The fox did his best to maintain his pleasant expression as he stood beside her, ready to scurry to do her slightest command as the court moved and murmured to one another.

It was the first court since her father had died and it was gathered with enough that it was a flattery towards the queen. Not all of those that had fled to the warmer climates had returned, but enough had come to give a good show. Most were young to middle aged drakes without mates, but a few of the females had come to curry favor. The females were polite enough, though he could hear their soft laughs, the little titters that they gave to one another as if they were laughing at a private joke when it was at Ni'cko herself. His queen remained impassive, even amused as a smile crossed her furred muzzle enough to show a hint of her teeth. She made no attempt to hide her state, she flaunted it without shame, but that was the point of her sacrifice.

It never should have come to such a sacrifice. _ He thought sadly, trying not to remember the sight of his bound queen twisting beneath the eager drake in flagrant passion. _She should have found a proper noble to take her.

Her stomach had grown swollen and heavy with her clutch, not to the point that one saw the eggs that were growing, but in a few more weeks they would begin to show as she came closer to clutching. There was little doubt they were fertile, the healers had been quite excited about her state when it had first come visible and that's when his queen had been clever. She had not named the father of her clutch, instead she had simply stated that she was unmated until she had chosen a drake that would suit her. That was all that she had had to say and they had returned with the hopes for an alliance in the future. He felt sick as he glanced back to see Ni'cko yawning delicately and tapping her claws upon the ice floor, causing a slight murmur to fill the room as she pushed herself up onto all fours. It was an effort, the black drake had been a virile one.

"It is good that the court is once again filled and alive once again, the cold winter and mourning of my father grieved all of us." Ni'cko spoke softly, but clearly, easily heard by the entire room. "Grief is a strange burden. In another time, I would suspect those that had fled of betraying their loyalty to the crown. I would have assumed they were traitors working to undermine my rightful rule."

"You are wise, Your Majesty." A sleek red male spoke up, he was crowned in a silver ridge of horns and was one of the more interested in her current mateless state. "You see that we were only bereft with the loss of our beloved King. We are all loyal to you here."

Loyal as snakes. _ Xaron thought, bristling a little bit while Ni'cko flicked her tufted tail tip lightly and turned her head towards him. _He is not worthy of her.

_ _

"Yes, I am wise." Ni'cko echoed softly and stepped off her throne, the weight of her gravid belly making it hang low. "I am not my father. I would have ruled you with love as he once did, he taught me that a Queen was mother to her people and should care for them."

Ni'cko stopped and turned her head to deliberately look around the room, meeting eyes one by one so that they looked aside. Some in guilt, others were uncomfortable, but they were looking away from her as Xaron moved closer to her side. He alone knew what sacrifices his Queen had made to gather them back together, he knew what she had done and what she would do to make sure that her crown and country did not fall to war. It did not make him happy or comfortable with that knowledge as she moved to the far side of the throne room, padding to the open doors before turning herself to face them, cutting them off from fleeing. Her eyes flashed a little bit as she glanced down at him, there was a flicker of unease there before she folded her wings tightly to her side.

"Because of grief I will not execute those who fled, but you have forced me to make choices I wish I had not been forced to make." She spoke up clearly, flicking back her ear frills towards the sides of her head. "Today I appoint a new Royal Guard, for myself and for my Consort. They will uphold the laws, and the first law that I shall make is this. Any who pass from our lands to the Southern will be treated as a traitor. Those who return will be greeted warmly should they return willingly, all titles and honors will remain theirs to uphold, those who do not will have their former titles and wealth given to those of you who are of service to me."

There was mutter, loud muttering, a few looked shocked and some looked greedy. There was wealth left, those that had fled in an effort to garner support to take the throne had been confident leaving what they had behind. The fox shivered slightly and fought the urge to curl his tail between his legs as he heard the sound of talons beyond the open door, the rattle of heavy scales that that hit against one another. He knew what they were, he knew the Royal Guard and Consort were coming, but it made him tremble as they approached. They were not the gentled nobles that had been raised and educated in hallowed halls, they were thick scaled with broad armored plates as the dragons stepped into the room. Their dark scales were painted with bright patterns of red and broad swirls that sent lines sweeping down their sides. They were barbaric and harsh looking in the elegant hall as they spread out around the outer edges of the court.

Ni'cko watched impassively, not even so much as moving her tail, as her court stumbled towards the interior of the room to get away from the new Guard. Most of them had wide eyes, almost terrified at seeing the heavy scared faces where the elegant younger sons had once served. The Captain was a large red-brown drake with a head that had a jagged scar running down along one side of his head and down towards the underside of his chin. He gave them all an aloof look and rumbled something in their crude language towards Ni'cko. She didn't answer, she remained impassive as the final dragon padded from the hall with a flick of his tail. The drake was as impressive as ever, just as impressive as he had been the day he had come down to the mountain to her, but he walked with an easy ripple of his muscles, approaching her side.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"My Consort and sire to my future clutch." Ni'cko announced, tilting her head up, and even still she barely reached the height of the muscular male's neck base. "For those that serve the throne loyally, you will be richly rewarded. For those that do not, you will be sacrificed." The drake at her side rumbled a noise in his throat that was almost laughter and she trembled slightly as she felt the heat of him resting near her side. His Clan held the room and those that had gathered weren't about to try and protest what she was saying. Granal had been able to bring nearly two dozen of his clan to join him when she had offered him terms that would give him a slice of her country, access to wealth and power. It hadn't been accepted at first, she had no illusions that the drake was on a par with her own mind, but he was intelligent enough to know how he could use his new role to his benefit. He would give her a Guard powerful enough to maintain her power without having to lower herself to taking a mate from the court. He would uphold her rule and edicts without comment, in return he would be given territory of his own and titles, his chosen dragons would be given wealth and reward, an easier life than they previously had.

He had dictated all of it over the six days that he had held her in the mountains, breeding her with ruthless abandon to make sure that his clutch would swell her belly. She had no illusions that he would repeat the vigorous and demanding breeding once she laid her clutch and went into season again. She was not in control in their private lives, he refused to allow her to be anything less than utterly submissive to him. It was humiliating and degrading to be forced to hold her head down to the ground, to feel his knot sinking in as he bred her time and again throughout a day until her stomach was bulging with his cum alone. Humiliating...and arousing, though she flinched away from that particular realization. She settled herself, feeling the weight of her eggs settling along her hind legs as a testament to just how well she had been bred.

"Majesty, you said that you were waiting to become mated." Faran, an elegant red looking young drake stepped forward boldly. "If this dragon has sired a clutch upon you, there is no reason to take him as your mate, we will fight to defend your honor and right to choose who will stand beside you."

"I am quite well aware that I have the right to choose my consort." She answered stiffly and flicked her tail around her forelegs, hearing the low growl of her mate beside her. "I have chosen. Would you have not felt my father's passing I would have chosen among you."

She left the rebuke hang, her head lifted up while Granal let out a low mocking laugh beside her, his tail flicking out to drape right along the line of her haunches. He didn't look like a king, he was wild and rough looking, there was no hint that he was civilized and she doubted he ever would be taught out to deal with the intimacies of court. He didn't have too. All he had to do was provide her the means to hold her throne and his offspring would inherit her throne. His thick armored tail tightened as he bared his teeth and showed every last serrated one of them towards Faran. The red drake backed up and gave an offended look, his wings snapping back against his sides.

"Or you can fight me personally." Granal offered, his thick accented voice harsh sounding in the elegant hall. "I would happily shed blood for my mate, my clutch will grow stronger for the meal."

The youngster stepped backwards with his ear frills going back against his head, turning his head away without offering to battle for her. Ni'cko rumbled softly to herself and shifted her weight to lean against her armored Consort. Xaron remained quiet, the aging fox only watched her with eyes that seemed almost sad. He had dreamt all of his life at seeing her made into a true Queen, but he had had no conception what sacrifices she would have to make to assume her throne. He had believed that the gryphons had destroyed her chances at bringing her court together, it had never been the gryphons. The nobles did not respect her mixed heritage. They would have always looked down their noses at her as being less than pure. Perhaps she could have had a consort from them, but it would only assure the throne for her offspring. Granal gave her the throne in truth.

"ALL HAIL QUEEN NI'CKO TAVERS!" Her new Captain of the Guard roared out and the startled nobles bugled their response obediently.

The sacrifice was worthy of the prize.