Warm and Safe

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#7 of Kinktober 2016

A woman finds herself soaked and stranded in a cave by a freak storm, and in her desire to get comfortable finds something far, far more pleasant than mere comfort. <3

This story contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and is day #7's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Bondage, and comes to you thanks to KCin9595! :3

Warm and Safe

Catherine's whole body was wracked by shivers as she stumbled into the cave. She pressed herself up against one wall of the cold but blessedly dry rock, and groaned in a mixture of anger and self-directed frustration. She'd been hiking for years, and never had she felt so stupid, so helpless at the hands of the elements. The storm had come seemingly out of nowhere, and with the rain still pounding down outside so relentless and loud it was causing her ears to ring, it showed no sign of letting up any time soon.

Reaching into one pocket of her supposedly waterproof jacket, the ocelot's clothing plastered to her cold and trembling body, the feline knew even before she pulled out her phone that it wasn't going to be functional. Sure enough the screen had a similar two-tone appearance to an old calculator whose screen had cracked, and when she held down the power button a loud static crackle erupted from the phone's speaker for the briefest moment before the whole handset went dead. She resisted the urge to toss it to the rocky ground beneath her feet, and instead tried to calm herself. She closed her eyes. She tried to block out the pounding of the rain, and took a deep, steadying breath.

Huh. Weird.

She smelled something, as she breathed in. She smelled something... pleasant. Familiar. Like orange zest, only richer. Deeper. A more intoxicating version of that citrus smell she loved. Opening her eyes once more, Catherine glanced towards the source of the smell. Deeper into the cave. She looked back, at the cold, dark and rainy world beyond it's mouth. Another strong chill ran down her spine, and as she took another breath and that sweet citrus zing filled her with a comforting warmth, she found herself stepping towards the cave's interior. Away from the cold, wet gloom of the outside world, and towards the pleasant and welcoming orange scented darkness within.

Plucking her LED torch from her sodden backpack, this object thankfully every bit as water resistant as its packaging had claimed, Catherine moved maybe fifty metres back into the cave. It opened out slightly in breadth, only to grow much more enclosed as it curved through the rock of this hillside into which it was carved from pock-marked limestone. The curve grew more and more pronounced until with every five metres of progress the ocelot was basically entering territory she had been unable to see in the five metres prior. It was a spiral, like a staircase set into the rock weaving downward. And ever step she took, every few metres traversed, that orange scent grew stronger, and the warmth and comfort suffusing Catherine's body grew ever more intense. If it weren't for her clothes, so wet and clammy and cold, constricting her body, she would have been so content. So happy and cosy.

Quite when Catherine removed her clothes even she wasn't sure. Stuffing them into a plastic bag after wringing them out and tossing the whole thing into her pack, she padded onward with nothing more than her hiking boots to protect her footpaws from the rocky ground below. It felt so much better, and as she padded onward, she found herself blushing. Giggling as she felt her breasts jiggling, freed from the sports bra she had been wearing to keep her rather ample chest in check all day, Catherine groped playfully at herself. She tweaked a nipple, and when it felt good, she paid similar attention to the other. She smirked at herself. She was so naughty. So lewd. Naked in a place like this, groping herself.

Pausing, the ocelot leaned back against one of the cave's surprisingly smooth walls and spread her stance out a little more wide than was perhaps necessary. She reached down between her legs, and with yet another giggle groped at herself. It was so funny. So silly, the very idea of masturbating in a place like this. She teased her swollen clit, and moaned as she ran a fingertip across her surprisingly flushed and swollen, damp outer lips. Her fingers were inside herself before she knew what was happening, and she was rising up on her tiptoes, thrusting her hips forward to angle her digits in the perfect way to strike at her own g-spot.

By the time the first haggard scream escaped her lips, she was already surrendering to the heat that was suddenly burning inside her. Sucking in deep lungfuls of orange scented air, only to let it loose again in frantic, desperate cries of desire. Her fingers pounded at her body. The air was filled with the sounds of wetness not from the rain, but from her own arousal. She couldn't stop. She couldn't help herself.

But with how good it felt... how warm, how safe, how right it felt to be giving herself wholly over to pleasure right now, why would she want to?


"There's a reason I'm here alone, you know..."

Catherine wasn't scared when she heard another voice. She was excited.

It was maybe an hour since she'd started to touch herself. The ocelot's bag and hiking boots had been discarded, and with the exception of the torch in the one hand not sawing urgently back and forth over her aching clit, she was entirely unburdened of all but the urge to cum and the desperate need to seek out the source of that gloriously intoxicating orange scent.

And now... finally, she'd found it.

The cave's passageways had opened out into a large subterranean cavern. It was lit up with glowing mushrooms that cast an ethereal blue light from their caps, and the walls of dark rock were covered almost completely in vines laden with thick leaves and pale petalled flowers that shone with a sort of blacklit vibrancy under the mushrooms' bioluminescence. It was these flowers that were responsible for the scent. Here, now, it was so strong and overwhelming that it made Catherine want to weep. If she hadn't been too busy masturbating and wailing in giddy pleasure, she probably would have.

At the centre of it all though, drawing Catherine's attention even more desperately than all of those flowers combined, was the Naga. Sliding forward from the centre of the chamber, where several benches laden with different specimens of plants in glass jars surrounded what appeared to be a rustic but well crafted living area, the snake-like figure had his arms folded over his chest. There was a playful smile on his face as he regarded Catherine however, and from the front of his torso, protruding from a slit in his smooth scales, was a dark and rigid erection. Vines much like the ones upon the walls of the chamber criss-crossed his body, and several of their tips stretched outward from his figure, wiggling and waving seemingly with purposeful movement, like extra limbs.

Catherine watched as one of those vine tendrils reached down and caressed the underside of the Naga's cock. She saw a bead of glistening pre-cum form upon his tip, and with a strangled wail threw herself towards him, stumbling and nearly falling flat on her face in her urgent desire to be with him.

"It's okay. I've got you. Silly thing..."

He caught her. Not in his arms, but with his vines. They swept down from the ceiling, they sprang from the floor, and they caught Catherine before the ocelot could fall. They wrapped around her wrists, dragging them away from her aching and dripping wet pussy. They pulled taut, hoisting her arms up over her head. She screamed, but not in fear. Just in anguished dismay at no longer being able to touch herself. Still though the Naga remained perfectly calm as he addressed her, absent-mindedly continuing to rub his cock with one of his vines.

"You're not in control. My plants... they have an effect upon mammalian anthros. You know exactly what it is. I doubt you'd be here as you are... naked, touching yourself, if you were not feeling its effects."

Catherine wailed, thrashing and struggling helplessly against the vines binding her.

"I don't care. I... I don't care! It feels so good. Please. Please, just let me touch myself. One more. O-one more orgasm, I swear that's all I need."

The Naga hissed with serpentine laughter, and slipped even closer, bringing himself face to face with the smaller feline.

"You need much more than that. Or much less. Either I hold you here until I can brew something that will counteract my plants' effects, or..."

The ocelot cried out with pleading hunger. She didn't know what the Naga was going to say to her, but she hoped. And in fact, she hoped correctly.

"Or you can fuck me. With your plants... y-your vines. Your cock. Anything. Please. Please, j-just... don't make me wait. Don't make it stop."

Once more the Naga smiled with playful, knowing delight. He hissed a warm chuckle, and shrugged.

"I suppose I could."

He slid closer. Closer still. His body began to encircle the ocelot, to wrap itself around her legs, to twist and constrict around her. More vines sprang towards Catherine alongside his own bodily contact, adding to the tendrils already holding her arms aloft and lifting her slightly. She felt her feet leaving the ground, just by an inch or two, suspended entirely by the vines and the warm, smooth scales of the Naga wrapping her up in his constricting embrace. She was helpless, and yet she couldn't have been happier. She knew what was coming. What was about to happen. Everything her body wanted, and more.

"Don't worry about moving. Don't worry about thinking. Don't fight the heat. Ride it out. Embrace it completely. I'll be here. I'll keep you safe. I'll keep you cumming, until you're too tired, too spent to care that with every breath you just want it more. When you're sleeping? Then I'll brew you some antidote. By morning, you should be absolutely fine."

Entirely immobile, bound by vines around almost the entire length of both arms and by squeezing, firmly embracing coils from the waist down, Catherine sobbed in delight as she felt the Naga's cock brush up against the mound of her pussy. It nudged and teased its way between the legs that the male itself was holding together, and as its tip grazed her clitoris, a surge of hot ejaculate poured out over the male's firm black member.

"Please... p-please no. Don't give me an antidote. Fuck me till I pass out, but... don't try to fix this. When I wake up, I w-want... I want more. Please. I've never felt anything like this. I've n-never... never wanted something. Never needed something this badly. You can brew it. You can make it, but... d-don't give it to me. Don't steal this feeling from me. You can't. Please."

The Naga peered deep into Catherine's eyes. Beyond the pleasure. Beyond the fury of her hormone induced heat. He had seen this effect enough people, men and women alike, to know how to read them. To know what was the lust talking, and what was them speaking from the heart. He hissed happily, and nodded as his forked tongue flicked out, licking one of the trembling, pleading feline's cheeks.

"Okay. I won't. But... the moment you feel like it's been enough? You tell me. Okay? You tell me, and I'll set you free. Free from my vines, and from the pleasure."

His coils and the vines wrapped around Catherine squeezed tenderly, and she shrieked in joyous rapture as his cock began to press its way inside of her. She tried to thrash. Tried to writhe and squirm as she came yet again, soaking his erection with her juices. But she couldn't. He had her utterly locked down, wholly immobile within his embrace. It was so tight. So warm and comfortable and safe. And it felt so good. So fucking good, she never wanted that feeling to go away.

"Don't set me free. Hold me. Tighter. D-don't let me move... don't let me loose. Please, just keep holding me. Keep... a-aahh, touching me. Fuck me. Don't let me go. Don't let me stop. D-don't... ah. _Ahhhh... aaahhhhhhhhyes _!"

By Jeeves

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