From the Ashes: Part 9, Matchmaker- part 2

Story by Blatzvack on SoFurry

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#4 of From the Ashes

Hey, all 5 of my readers. I finally motivated enough to post part 2. I told you I'd make up for the total lack of yiffiness in my last post. So, without further Adeu: part 9/2

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From the Ashes: Part 9- Matchmaker pt. 2

Fuse sat at a table at the café. She was a little giddy. She had no idea what Zach looked like. It was only after that he had signed off with his message "I'll be there" that she realized that they had no idea what one another looked like, and therefore, how to find each other. As if sensing her thoughts, Veronica put a hand on her friend's back. "It's gonna be alright." "Seriously, chill." Jared added as he watched Fuse down her third cup of coffee-flavored cream and sugar, not at all helping her nerves.

Jared and Veronica had accompanied Fuse for 'moral support' as Jared had put it. In truth, Jared had wanted to make sure no incidents happened, such as Fuse letting something too odd slip as to her true identity. True, Jared knew that they would have to tell this Zach, but he didn't want a crisis on his hands.

Fuse couldn't chill. She could be meeting her lifelong mate today, not something to be taken lightly. True, Fuse still harbored feelings for Jared, but had come to terms with the fact that Jared did not love her. And who knows, Fuse might spark a connection with this Zach. Maybe Jared and Veronica were right; maybe she didn't ever really love Jared, but rather felt strong attraction to Earthlings. Dammit, why was love so complicated?

It was 12:10, and still no sign of Zach. Fuse sighed; telling herself that this was all just a fantasy. She shifted in her seat, taking another sip of her sugar-rush-inspiring coffee, she just could not sit still. Something distracted her from her musings, though. Off the street from the general direction of the hotel came in a man dressed in casual clothes. Baggy blue jeans with more pockets than should be on one pair of pants adorned his lower half, and a black shirt that was obviously too big for him as it hung off of him like a circus tent adorned his top. On his shirt was an odd symbol, or rather, four odd symbols inside of each other. In the center of the shirt, there was a peculiar white arrow. Outside of that, there was a red heart. Outside of that, there was a white clover. Outside of that was a red diamond.

Fuse could not figure out what was up with this new character, her thoughts of being stood up by Zach pushed back into her mind. What were those strange symbols? Runes of some sort? But humans haven't even found out about the Aether, let alone how to manipulate it. By Confederation estimates, that technology would be eons away...

Once more, Fuse was drawn back out of her own mind. The newcomer walked over to a family of three. A man, a woman, and a cub. No, a kid, Earthlings didn't have cubs. Fuse watched him eagerly. His steps seemed calm, a wide smile on his face. The man first approached the father, whom the man proceeded to whisper something into the father's ear. With a nod of approval to the man, the newcomer knelt down beside the girl, who seemed a little unnerved. He looked her in the eyes and continued to smile. "What's your favorite color?" Unsure, the girl replied, "Pink." Rolling up imaginary sleeves (his shirt was short -sleeved) the man produced a bright pink flower into his cupped hands. He presented it to the little girl as the patrons of the café started clapping. "Thank you, thank you. I do have something to ask everyone. Is there a Fuse in the audience?"

Fuse froze. How did this guy know her name? She knew she should have spoken up, but for some reason, her voice would not come.


Aww, man. Fuse was gonna blow it. Jared couldn't let that happen. Fuse was shy in public without him. She wouldn't even come to the café if she knew that Jared and Veronica wouldn't be there. Jared suspected that Earthlings kinda intimidated her since Jared was the only one she's ever seen, and Earth was quite literally packed with them. Jared "Right over here, guy." Jared watched as the newcomer whom he suspected was Zach turn toward him. Jared laughed as he saw the shock come over Zach's face as he turned to the masculine voice and saw Jared standing up. Jared hoped to avoid sending Zach running away by pointing to Fuse. Jared smiled inwardly as he watched the sigh of relief cross his face.


Fuse was infinitely glad that Jared and Veronica were sitting in the table right behind her. And she was glad that Jared had found her voice for her.


Zach came down from his performance high. He sat down in front of Fuse, the girl he had met yesterday on a new dating site he had decided to try. He saw her profile, and messaged her on a whim. They talked and talked and Jared had found out that by some strange coincidence, that she was in the same state, same town, and the very same hotel. On another whim, he had asked to meet.

It was when he woke up that he had no idea what this Fuse character looked like, for her profile only seemed to depict her fursona, not the actual her. Zach had thought this a little bold, but he had gone along with it anyway. But, it didn't help him now that he had forgotten to ask what she looked like.

Luckily, Zach had been hit with an idea. Zach could've just asked the crowd of people at the café, but he didn't want to seem like a dumbass. So, he was faced with the problem with subtly getting all attention on him. Which wasn't as an insurmountable task as one would expect, for Zach was an amateur magician. Loving to amaze people on the streets, Zach could control almost any crowd. He knew that a standard conjuring trick would suffice to bring eyes on him, and then he could ask if Fuse was there.

Well, she didn't speak up, but his plan had worked, he had found her. She was cute. She was wearing a light red blouse over a slightly darker red skirt. He looked her up and down, from her warm and inviting brown eyes and supple lips, he moved his eyes down her neck, over her shoulders, down her generous bosom, her slim tummy, and that she was sitting perpendicular to Zach's direction allowed him a look at her long legs. For some reason, though, she was sitting sort of sidesaddle, leaning to the left. Zach guessed it was just more comfortable that way for her.


Fuse watched as the man sat down. "Z-Zach?" He gave her a warm smile. "It seems that I wasn't the only one nervous about today." She let out a small laugh. "So, Fuse, friend of yours?" Zach said, gesturing toward Jared, who was engaged in conversation with Veronica. "Oh, yeah. Moral support."

"And insurance?"


"Insurance, in case I turned out to be a stalker psycho-killer person."

"Oh." Fuse said with a laugh. "No. Just to lend assistance, I really am foreign. Although, I think I could handle myself, should you turn out to be." Fuse teased.

"And here's me, without any form of protection against you..." Zach teased back.

"Are you worried?"

"Should I be?"


"I think they're hitting it off well." Jared said. "He better not hit her. I'd kill him." Veronica seethed, shooting a dirty look over her shoulder toward Zach and Fuse. "No. No. No. It's a term to mean, they look like they're getting along." Jared was aware that Veronica felt protective of Fuse, and was honestly a little afraid for Zach the way Veronica was looking at him. "What? Oh, yeah. They look to be doing good." The couple continued to watch their friend and her new potential mate.


"I see you like some taste to your coffee." Zach commented, watching Fuse dump the fourth half-and-half cup into her coffee. "Yeah, Jared asks me if I would like any coffee with my cream and sugar." "Hehe, well if that's how you take it, so be it. To each his own. Or, in your case, her own. Not a big coffee drinker myself, prefer Root Beer." "Cool." Said Fuse, remembering Root Beer from among the sodas Jared had let them try. "Well, then, why not order some?"

"I don't think this is the kind of place that sells Root Beer, its not exactly a café type drink."

"Well, then, shall we adjourn to elsewhere?"

"Well, the lady has not finished her cream and sugar."

"The lady is finished when she says she is." Fuse said with a smirk.

"And one would not want to argue with the lady, would he?" Jared smirked back.

"Not one bit."

The two left the café laughing, Jared and Veronica not long after.

"What is that black thing in your ear?" Fuse asked. "It's a wireless earpiece. I listen to music on it when I perform, it calms my nerves."

"Don't other people hear it."

"No, it goes deep into my ear to vibrate my eardrum directly, so only I can hear it."

"Intriguing. Why have it."

"Dunno, the music kinda gets my blood flowing for the performance and it helps me, well, perform."

"This magic is interesting." It was to Fuse, who had not detected the slightest form of Aether manipulation on his part.

They walked on to find another restaurant with tables on a deck so the pair could, once again, sit outside. The whole time Jared was drinking his beverage, and Fuse her coffee, she was trying to get him to spill about magic. "A magician never reveals his secrets." Zach said for the fifth time. "I bet is has something to do with the thing in your ear." Fuse challenged. "You think? You wanna try?"

"You're on."

Fuse had slipped the peace in her ear while Zach fumbled with a small remote in his pocket.

A scream filled the air. Fuse writhed on the ground, clutching at her head. "Fuse!" Zach ripped his earpiece out of Fuse who almost immediately settled down.


"Dammit dammit dammit dammit, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Jared said as he ran toward the restaurant where Fuse and Zach were. "What happened?" asked Veronica, running along side her mate. "Zach gave her an earpiece. Those things vibrate the eardrum directly, and they're made for human eardrums, imagine Fuse, a dog, who has more sensitive ears!" "Drek. We need to get there." Jared and Veronica sprinted across traffic, reaching a befuddled Zach cradling a whimpering Fuse.

Jared ran beside Fuse. "Did you take the earpiece out?" "Yes." Zach replied. "You better hope she's alright." Zach saw Veronica for the first time. Of course, he couldn't see the feline side of her, but something in her glaring eyes reminded him of a tiger getting ready to pounce. "It's a reaction to the earpiece. I know it. I just don't know HOW." Said Zach, still confused.

"Never you mind. We just need to get her somewhere quiet." Said Jared, not wanting to put the stress of all the people and the engines and electrical buzz of the city on Fuse ears. "I know just the place." Zach insisted on carrying Fuse all the way to the beach, which was just a couple blocks over. Jared had refrained from taking her to the hospital. With a discreet scan by Veronica's hopper bracelet, they knew that Fuse would be alright.

Jared and Veronica made a pretense of leaving the beach, but stayed within eyeshot of the beach, ever vigilant over their friend.


Fuse rested on the beach, her migraine ebbing away. "I'm so sorry." Zach said quietly, sitting beside her running his hands along her side. His hand felt so good massaging her shoulder, then her side, then her thigh, then her tail. Wait...HER TAIL!?

As if sensing her thoughts, Zach said, "Yes, I know you're not human." "I'm sorry." "Why? Being different is not something to be sorry for. Hell, I should be sorry for letting you take heavy metal to the eardrum." Zach said, looking from Fuse out to the sea. "You're not scared away?"

"Hell, no. I was a bit shocked when I pulled the earpiece out, to find that your skin felt like fur. I was wondering if you were going to tell me."

"I would have."

"I would have though that a nice girl like you would not have hidden something, although now I can see why. Other people."

Fuse affirmed his suspicions with a slight nod. "Yeah. So I guess it works out that I'm a furry, eh?" Zach said, his usual humor coming back. "So, you don't find me unattractive?" "Hmmm. Well, how can I know if I can't see you?"

"What are you talking about? You can see my just f-oh."

Fuse concentrated on the Aether generating device, making it form her image around Zach's visual patterns. "You're beautiful." He leaned down and gave Fuse a light kiss on the lips.

Fuse drew him in closer, deepening their kiss until their tongues were locked in a tender embrace.


"I do think that that is our cue to split, love." Jared said to his mate as they watched the pair making out. "Hmm, she seems to be enjoying that."

"We'll just have to see."

"Or, we can try it ourselves."

"I like your idea better."

Jared and Veronica left back to the hotel room.


"We really shouldn't be doing this." Zach said. Fuse looked into his eyes. She had heard Jared say that, and it didn't have good consequences. "Alright, if you don't want to."

"No. No. No. You have me all wrong, I'm all for it, but we kind can't very well be doing this in public."

"So, you want to go someplace private."

"I would expect that those other two would have gone back to the privacy of their room, but mine's free."

"You read my mind."


Jared and Veronica burst through the hotel door in each other's arms. Veronica nearly threw Jared on the bed. "Wow, it seems someone's missed this more than I have." Jared said with a grin. "Well, with Fuse here, I didn't want to make her jealous by mating you right in front of her."

"But, she's not here now."


Veronica ripped her blouse off and slid her skirt off. She nearly ripped Jared's clothes off of him. Jared was at first confused as to why she didn't wear underwear, but she had no need to, clothes made her feel stuffy, and the thought just aroused Jared even more.

Veronica lay back on the bed, dragging Jared on top of her. She kissed him. "I love you." Jared said as he leaned back. He positioned himself at her entrance and slid in. "Mmmmmmmm." Veronica moaned as she felt Jared's shaft enter her, filling her like no other.

Jared thrust up until he was hilted, pulled back out, then did it all over again. His rhythmic thrusting was matched by Veronica's moans every time he buried himself in her, reaffirming their Bond.

Jared leaned onto his love. He rolled his tongue over her exposed breasts. He palmed her left breast while suckling on her right, both sending ripples of pleasure through his lover. "Ahhhhh." Veronica let out a small scream as her body was stimulated all over.

Jared rolled over, pulling Veronica on top of him. He pushed her up, only to let gravity sliiiiiiiide her back down to his base. "Yes." He heard her whisper over and over again as she took him again and again, each new thrust adding new pleasure to the old, building and building.

Pulling out, Jared turned Veronica so she was facing away. He sat up and then let her slide one last time to his base. "S-ohh!-something new, my love?" "Yes." Moving her tail out of the way, he put his hands under her thighs. He lifted her to his cocktip, then pushed her onto it. He rocked his hips so that he was pushing against her while she sank, pushing deeper into her. He let go of his love's thighs and reached around her front. Using his legs, he splayed hers; and in reaching around Veronica's middle, he had her arms trapped behind her back.

He continued rocking his hips, and she started to grind against him. Jared could tell by her panting that she was getting close. With his hands in front of her, he fingered her clit with one hand, and her nipple with another. "ah, Ahhh, Ahhh!" Veronica screamed as she came, her juices running all over Jared's hands and legs.

Jared realized that he had just overdone it. Still, he wished he could have finished. "Naughty, naughty. Trying to get past me?" Jared could tell Veronica was spent, but he knew better than to argue with her. Jared lay back, letting Veronica do whatever she wanted.

That whatever was her positioning herself laying between Jared's legs. She wrapped her catlike mouth around Jared's member, tasting his pre as well as her own orgasm. She wrapped her slightly bumpy tongue.

If one would imagine a long slide down a soft, wet, warm banister, each miniscule bump a flicker of pleasure in all the right places, one would know why that Jared was coming in no time. "I'm about to go, love. Where do you want it?" Jared said, looking at Veronica.

Veronica looked up into Jared's eyes, a slight grin in her eyes, as her mouth was still wrapped around his member. With a slight slurp of her tongue and a jerk of her neck upward, Jared was coming in her mouth.

Veronica moaned softly as she held her mouth open for Jared to see himself squirting into her waiting mouth. Each spurt washed new warmth in her mouth. Veronica showed it to Jared on her tongue before swallowing it, once again opening her mouth to show that it was indeed gone.

"It seems someone was enjoying herself." Jared said as he faded into sleep, still laying on his back, spent from his tense orgasm. "Indeed, love, indeed." Veronica said, finally letting her afterglow drowsiness soothe her into sleep, her head still resting on Jared's crotch as a pillow.


Fuse and Zach opened the door, and silently shut it, they didn't want to wake anybody up. Zach jumped on the bed, and was soon joined by Fuse. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Zach asked, not wanting to pressure his new girlfriend. "Yes. Although, I don't usually do it this soon." said Fuse, a guilty look on her face.

"Neither do I, but I am a firm believer in following your heart. And, something about it, I dunno. But it just feels...right." Zach said, looking into Fuse's eyes, but not laying a hand on her, wanting her to make the first move. "You feel it, too?" "Yes."

Fuse drew Zach back into their deep embrace. Zach maneuvered his hands over Fuse's body, exploring her soft fur. She did have a thick coat, but it only aroused Zach even more to imagine himself buried in her coat, eternally warming him. Fuse slid Zach's shirt off, then his pants, then his boxers.

Once the last piece of clothing was discarded on the floor, Fuse jumped onto her belly, and stuck her rump into the air. "Well, we'll see if it feels right after all." Zach was at first a little unnerved by Fuse's enthusiasm. However, once he shook, it off, it proved to be more of a turn on.

Zach mounted Fuse, pushing himself in gently. He heard Fuse give off a slight moan, and he was encouraged to push in farther. Once he was all the way in, he started thrusting with his hips. Fuse pushed her own rocking hips back against Zach, pushing him even deeper.

Zach ran his hands all over Fuse, acquainting himself with her body. He ran his hands over her back, her stomach, her shoulders. He reached her head and stroked down her neck. She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder as Zach pumped even harder.

Fuse was enjoying herself, Zach's smooth body was a contrast of her own, and each different sensation added to her pleasure, and she moaned even louder as Zach rubbed every spot on her body, pleasuring everything. Once he reached her neck, she turned to look at him. She saw his fingers in the crook of her shoulders and neck. She picked them up and started sucking on them, moaning onto them as Zach continued to piston more pleasure into her growing-hotter-by-the-moment sex. She let his fingers go and closed her eyes as an orgasm washed over her. She buried her face into the sheets and moaned into the bed as Jared continued to thrust.

Jared felt her contractions almost send him over the edge, but a history of stubbornness and a strong will kept him from coming. He continued to thrust, seeing how much Fuse was enjoying it. He saw her turn her eyes away and bury her face into the bedspread as he felt her come all over his member. He watched as Fuse arched her back up, pushing hard against him as she came again. This time, Zach's formidable willpower failed him as Fuse's lovely sex milked him for all of his seed. He shot deep inside his furry lover, coating her insides with a flood of white warmth. Fuse collapsed all the way onto the bed, Zach not far behind her.

Fuse turned so she was facing Zach. "Zach, I think I love you." "I know I love you." Zach replied a smile on his face. Fuse drew him in to a tight hug. "Now, me too." Fuse whispered into her lover's ear as they both let the comfort of sleep wash over them in their post-orgasmic bliss.

The next morning, Fuse and Zach joined Jared and Veronica downstairs in the common room. "Good morning." Veronica said toward the couple. Fuse giggled and Zach waved. "It seems someone enjoyed their night together, I think I heard a few moans that we didn't do, love." Jared said to Veronica, well aware that the other two could hear him.

"Well, Fuse, it seems I heard a commotion downstairs. I wonder who could have caused it..." Zach retorted.

"Well, if everyone is done with the sexual innuendo." Said a smiling turtle as he joined the group. "Auldron!" the girls exclaimed, jumping up to give the turtle a hug. "Where ya been?"


"Around? Around where?"

"Just around."

Auldron sat down without a word more, and the girls knew better than to try and wrest the information out of him.

The rest of the morning was quite uneventful. Jared, Veronica, and Fuse had told their tales to Zach. Zach readily agreed to go back to Trillious Prime, his family really didn't care about each other until Christmas, when the annual family reunion took place. Fuse was all for returning to Earth whenever Zach's reunion was.

About midday, a police officer came toward their group. "Yes, officer?" Jared spoke up, the group having gone silent. "Are you, Jared Price?"


"Would you follow me, sir."

Jared got up and followed the officer, and his friends did likewise. They stepped into the security room of the hotel. Jared froze in the doorway. Luckily, it was a double doorway so everyone else could get through.

Aside from the police officers and the group, there was one other person. He looked exactly like Jared. "Steven." Jared all but spat. "Jared!" Steven said. "It's been so long, how the fuck ya doin?"

Veronica looked at Jared. "Love, who is this?"

"My cousin."

To be continued...