Not Your Average Dinner Party

Story by ColinLeighton on SoFurry

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Lately I've been fantasising about underwear parties a lot....Such thoughts sometimes lead to stories. This weekend I decided to write a sexy one-off as a warm-up exercise; what you're reading is the result. Fans of my serial novel Identity will recognise two of the characters, while the second couple are guest stars from a novel my lover Billy Leigh is presently writing. I just read this story aloud to Billy before posting it....ideally it leaves you as hot and bothered as it did him ;3

Not Your Average Dinner Party

by Colin Leighton


The Hosts:

Diego Redfield, a 29-year-old Wolfdog, a homicide detective

Friedrich "Freddy" Van Holling, a 34-year-old Alsatian, a congressman

The Guests:

Doug Menzies, a 25-year-old Dingo, an actor and underwear model

Rex Keyser, a 21-year-old Alsatian, a clerk at a gun range

Most people, if you mention dinner parties, will assume you are referring to a properly structured gathering (you can hardly call it a party) at which everyone dresses at least semi-formally, conversations remain in the safe zone of occupations, families, one's health, and the weather, and the most excitement possible is, at best, a glass of wine and a little gossip. At the end everyone lies and says they've had a great time and must come over again soon, and the host goes to bed thanking God that the evening is over. Meanwhile the guests go home all saying horrible things to their spouses about each other, but nonetheless all parties involved manage to convince themselves that for one reason or other, the previous hours were worth enduring. Sooner or later they'll be invited over again, and the whole mess will repeat itself. And so it goes.

My lover Friedrich "Freddy" Van Holling is a congressman, and like most politicians, he is well acquainted with the variety of dinner parties I listed above. I'm a police detective, so I've had to attend my fair share of dull and forgettable get-togethers as well. But at our house, we make sure that no dinner guest will ever be able to forget an evening with Friedrich and Diego - in fact, some of those lucky enough to share an evening with us say it's the best dinner party they've ever attended.

Are you intrigued? Here, I'll tell you how the latest such evening transpired:


As often is the case with politicians who find life in Washington a bit too chaotic for their tastes, Freddy spends only part of his time in the capital, living the remainder of the year in his home city of San Amador, California. Being in the home state doesn't mean he's not got work to do, though, so on this particular day; it's I who arrives home first. I shed my shirt so I can feel the warm indoor air on the exposed fur of my chest, make myself a margarita, and sprawl on the sofa, putting my feet up. When Freddy's Dodge Challenger pulls into the driveway, I'm absently watching the Military History channel, sipping my drink as I casually rub the bulge in my jeans. My ears prick as I hear the Challenger's ignition switch off.

My hand retreats from my bulge as the door opens. "Hey babe," I call as I hear footsteps on the front room's tile floor. I glance towards the living room entrance, and watch the dashingly attractive Alsatian step into the living room.

During his years in the military he learned to never miss a detail, so his eyes immediately notice the bulge in my jeans. "Couldn't wait till I got home?" he teases, his black and gold tail swinging casually behind him. Stepping up to the sofa, he leans down and gives me a peck on the cheek. His paw slips onto my shoulder, rubbing affectionately in a way that makes me shiver.

Despite enjoying the attention, I glance doubtfully at the door. "Where's Melanie?" Freddy had a fling with a woman once, before I knew him, and now his 11-year-old daughter lives with us. Usually he picks her up from school in the afternoon, and while she is very used to seeing us kiss, mentions of bulges are not permissible.

"With Emily," Freddy says. Emily, a cross-fox vixen, is a former military colleague of his who now, in addition to being his secretary, sometimes provides another home for Melanie to escape to on nights when we are hosting a dinner party. My ears prick, eyebrows raising in suggestion as my tail begins to ruffle against the sofa cushions.

His muzzle moves to meet mine directly, and we kiss as I reach over to feel him up. He pulls away, smirking. "Not yet, Wolfdog." His tail is still wagging as he sits down next to me. "Keep your cock in your pants for now babe," he says. "We're entertaining tonight."

Now my ears really perk. "Who's coming?" I ask, grinning.

"Rex Keyser and his boyfriend. I thought we'd enjoy some excitement tonight," he continues, still rubbing my shoulder, "so I called Doug and asked him if we could borrow his boyfriend for the evening...long story short, they'll be here in an hour."

Now I'm really grinning. Two weeks ago Freddy visited a local shooting range, as publicity endorsement because the range specialises in attracting LGBT clientele. He did it just because he thought the range could use the attention, but what he didn't know was that the owner, Iain, provided a special perk for those who took out executive memberships...namely, complimentary rimjobs from one of his employees, with the opportunity to fuck said employee afterwards. The questionable legal permissibility of such an offer excluded, it's a totally rad setup, and Freddy enjoyed his visit so much that he recommended it to last week I went there and got the same treatment.

What happened at the range is another story, but let's just leave it as that it was fucking RAD. The employee Freddy and I fucked is an Alsatian called Rex, the boyfriend of the popular Australian underwear model Doug Menzies. I had told Doug that I wished I could take Rex home with me. Now, it seems, Freddy has actually brought that about.

I kiss him on the cheek. "So we get to fuck a cute shep tonight?" I tease him. "I guess we'd probably figure out what to cook them first."

He laughs, his tail wagging, and stands up. "And perhaps a dingo as well. I picked up some sirloin on the way home - it's not too late in the season to fire up the grill, right?"

"You bet," I say, heading for the kitchen. "Asparagus and potatoes sound good for veggies?"

"Hell yeah," agrees my lover, flashing a dashing grin. He reaches down to grip my still semi-hard bulge. "Careful with this, stud," he teases, taking a grocery store bag off the kitchen counter and extracting a package of steaks.

I smirk and grope his ass, still wagging. I'd already been feeling a bit horny when I arrived home from work, but now knowing that tonight was a dinner party night, one including the dog I'd banged only the previous week no less, was making me feel especially eager to get frisky. It's obvious Freddy is feeling the same way based on the way he can't stop grinning or wagging his tail either.

It takes us only a short while before four large steaks are sizzling on the grill, while asparagus fries in oil and sliced red potatoes bake in their seasoning of mustard, olive oil, and herbs. Freddy puts a mix cd of '80s hits on the stereo, while I lay out four places on our dining room table. I don't go to any great lengths to make it fancy, though. The point here isn't to give the impression of someone trying to emulate the Ritz; after all, we all know that dinner won't be the main event at this dinner party.

Food is wholesome and necessary and all, sure, but there are other things men need from each other too...

Freddy's taken off his shirt, and through the kitchen window I can see out onto the back patio where the grill is. I watch his muscles flex as he flips a steak, sprinkling some seasoning onto it. The fur of his back is mostly black, but there are a few golden streaks in it. My eyes drift down to where his fur disappears into his jeans, and I grin to myself, wagging, as I imagine his hips driving as he humps Rex.

Patience, Diego, all things in good time. Having suitably prepared the table, I go back into the kitchen and get a bottle of vodka from the cupboard, putting it in the fridge to cool off so I can make drinks for our guests when they arrive. I'm told I make excellent mixed drinks. We'll see if they work their magic on Doug and Rex, but to be fair, I've no doubt whatsoever that booze is entirely unnecessary to get those two dogs out of their clothes.

The screen door slams, and Freddy's handsome muzzle pokes around the corner. "Hey, think we should grab a shower before they get here?"

I glance at the sizzling asparagus. "I suppose that's probably a good idea" I say. "Considering Rex's tongue might be up your ass an hour from now."

Clearly he is already feeling aroused, and my comment doesn't help. "Fuck, that dog gives good rimjobs," he mutters. "Can you leave dinner for a moment?"

I turn down the burner under the asparagus. "Sure thing, stud," I say, stepping up to kiss him lustfully. We make out for a moment, tongues lapping at each other's muzzles, bodies pressed against each other. He smells hot and musky, and were we not expecting guests I'd be tempted to just go at each other right here on the floor, but circumstances still call for patience. My paw is groping his ass, and his is massaging mine. His muzzle tastes uniquely him. Finally, he pulls away from the kiss, but not without a subtle thrust of his hips so his bulge grinds against mine. I huff.

"Something tells me Rex is going to get a full-servicing tonight," my boyfriend remarks as we begin to climb the stairs. His tail swings back in forth teasingly in front of me.

Grinning, I grab at it, making him laugh and start sprinting up the stairs. I take off in pursuit, and by the time we get to the master bathroom door, we're tearing each other's clothes off each other in a haze of kisses.

Twenty minutes later we're downstairs again, in clean clothes, but without too much attempt to be formal...specifically because neither of us bothered to put a shirt on, just fresh briefs and jeans. The central heating has the house at a pretty comfortable temperature, but it's just chill enough to make Freddy's nipples get hard. I reach over and tweak one teasingly with my finger as he turns towards the back door to retrieve the steaks. Then I head for the kitchen. By the time we hear the doorbell ring, all components of our dinner are on the dining room table, though covered so as to retain the heat. We go to the door together to welcome our guests.

"Delivery of one cute dog?" Doug says as the door swings open. The dingo is grinning at us, a long toothy grin with tongue hanging over polished white fangs, the kind of grin he wears in the underwear advertisements he models in. He's wearing a hoodie made by the clothing company, Wolf & Coyote, he's a face for, over very tight jeans. Behind him Rex grins adorably at us, looking casual in a brown leather jacket. Both canines' tails are wagging.

I reach out and bump fists with Doug as Freddy replies "You've got the right place." A moment later, we're all trading hugs.

"Just in time," I say, "dinner is on the table, although you'd have to tell me what kind of drink you want." When I hug Rex I can already feel a slight bulge in his blue jeans. Somebody's eager...but that's the way we like them. Freddy closes the door behind our guests as their ears prick, taking in the surroundings. Rex has his hands in his pockets, but Doug is carrying a grey and green Wolf & Coyote shopping bag.

"That sounds rad," returns Doug. "What're you offering?" He's looking at me, but my eyes are on Rex, who hasn't said anything but seemingly can't stop wagging. I can tell he's distracted by Diego and I being bare-chested - and honestly, Doug's eyes aren't really meeting mine, they're focused lower. No doubts in anyone's mind what's going down here, tonight.

"Follow me," I say, directing them towards the kitchen. "You can hang your jackets up there by the door." I leave Freddy to show them where the hooks are. By the time the other three canines have followed me into the kitchen, I have the cap off the vodka bottle, which is arranged on the counter next to several jugs and bottles.

Doug has shed his hoodie to reveal he's wearing only a blue wife-beater and gold chain, which do little to hide the musculature under his sandy fur that he's required to have as a model. Rex's Rolling Stones T-shirt is a bit looser, but the short sleeves leave his biceps open for ogling. My tail wags, and I look over their shoulders to wink at Freddy, who gives me two thumbs up. "What'll it be, gents?" I ask, jerking a thumb at the drink selection. "Here's your selection of mixers - we've got orange juice, grapefruit, cranberry.... Italian orange soda, raspberry clove... Pick your poison."

While they mull over the choices I take four glasses out of the cupboard and fill each partway with vodka. "I'll try the raspberry clove," says Rex - going for something sweet, which is exactly what I'd expect of him.

"Coming right up." I glance at Doug. "And for you Mr Dingo?"

"Grapefruit's fine," he says. He's still eyeing the vodka bottle, and chuckles. "I think the tradition here is to bring a bottle of wine when you go to someone's house for a dinner party, right?"

"It's a common custom, but by no means required," Freddy tells him. I hand both our guests their drinks, and begin pouring an orange soda one for Freddy since I know that's his favourite.

"Show them, babe," says Rex, and then he leans over and pinches one of Freddy's nipples. I can hear my boyfriend's huff from across the kitchen.

Doug holds up the Wolf & Coyote bag. "Well mate, I didn't bring ya any booze, but I do have something for you." He reaches into the bag as I hand Freddy his drink. My lover and I both watch with pricked ears as the dingo extracts two smaller bags. He holds out one to each of us.

"I had to guess at your sizes," our guest continues as Freddy and I each shake out the contents of the bags. A pile of Wolf & Coyote underwear plumps onto the counter in a tangle of colours and straps. "We models get a great deal of complimentary underwear, and I thought you two might appreciate a few doubt you'll look just fine in them."

My ears pricked and my tail wags harder as I examine each pair of underwear. They're certainly some of the gayest underwear I've ever seen, what with the flashy colours and the lettering on the bands, but I can't help feeling my cock stiffen a little in my jeans at the sight of them. There's three pairs of regular briefs and three jocks, and I instantly know I'm expected to try them on.

Freddy has received similar, but not identical, pairs. Our guests laugh and then growl approvingly as he holds a pink and blue pair up to his groin as if trying on for size. "These are great, Doug," he says. "Totally better than a bottle of wine." I don't think any of us have missed the bulge in his jeans.

"Yeah, thanks dude," I agree. "This is some rad underwear you've brought us here. In fact, I think it looks so rad I'm going to have to try them on right now."

"We thought you'd want to," Rex says. He takes another sip of his drink, licking his lips, then sets it on the counter and quickly pulls his shirt off, revealing his thin but athletic chest.

Beside me, Freddy has already started unzipping his jeans. "I guess you guys already figured out this is an underwear party," he grins, easing his jeans off. Doug and Rex are both mesmerised watching us, and I'm no one to ruin a good show, so I quickly shed my own jeans. My cock is already halfway out of my sheath when I jerk my briefs down, and it swings awkwardly in the air as I step out of them.

"Which pair should I wear, Rex?" I ask, running my hand across the pile of underwear.

Without hesitation the Alsatian grabs a showy red and black jock out from the pile. It's a tricky style of jock, as in that from the front it looks like a normal pair of briefs, while the back and sides reveal it's anything but. Lettering on the waistband spells out an encouraging word: LICK. "This one," Rex says. "You know what the best thing about jocks is? You don't have to take them off if you want your ass licked."

"I like the sound of that," Freddy growls approvingly. Rex leans over to pick one out for him. I step through the thin straps of the jock, pulling it up my legs as my aroused cock swings in front of me.

"One reason this design is popular is because of the pouch at the front," Doug tells me, clearly enjoying watching me dress, as his tail is beating a rhythm against the cupboards, and his long dingo muzzle is still drawn up in a grin. I notice that sure enough the front of the jock has a pouch in it, evidently to contain the wearer's package. Gingerly I squeeze my big balls in it, then go about fitting my half-erect shaft in too. One thing about being a Wolfdog; I like to say that we tend to inherit the best qualities of both wolf and dog. Wolves have a reputation for being well-endowed, and besides that, my mother was an Alsatian, the breed typically referred to as having the largest cocks among all dogs. So it should not be any surprise that my bone is quite sizable, and therefore fitting it into the pouch is a challenge.

Nonetheless, the material, which feels delightfully silky yet firm, is stretchy - to a point - so I cram my big dick into it and fit the waistband around my waist. Hell, this jock feels good. Even with my cock crammed into the small space, the material is comfortable, and having my bare ass exposed feels sexy and provocative. And that's to say nothing for the visual aspect. Unlike underwear that let your balls and cock sag, the pouch in this jock makes one's bulge jut out obscenely in front of you, especially when you're as excited as I am. The outline of my cock is very evident against the fabric; tip, shaft, and hint of knot all clearly revealed. Doug reaches over and cups the bulge in his paw. "See, this is what I mean. This style emphasises the bulge and draws attention to it. And who doesn't want that?" He rubs the head of my cock lightly with a finger, then pulls his hand away, licking his chops.

I huff as the dingo turns away to check out Freddy. My boyfriend is wearing a similar jock, except the lettering on his says SNIFF. Which is exactly what Rex is doing - he has bent over to sniff at Freddy's tailhole, which is now easily accessible. I feel my cock throb and look down in time to see a small damp spot appear in the bulged material. Well. "Fuck, at this rate we may not even make it through dinner," I say. "I hate to interrupt you but it is hot right now..."

"Dinner ain't the only thing that's hot," mutters Doug.

Rex takes another deep sniff of Alsatian butt. "Yeah, like Friedrich's ass," he says. "Babe, I think I found dessert."

"Only the first course," says Freddy. His tail flicks against Rex's face. "Good boy there Rex, but Diego's right, we should probably eat. Afterwards I expect you to eat my ass properly, however."

"Give him a kiss first," I say, watching with growing arousal as Rex leans in and plants a wet kiss right on my boyfriend's asshole. Even though Freddy was expecting it his intake of breath is still audible throughout the kitchen, followed by a deep sigh as Rex stands up again. I glance at our guests. "Fred, I think something is not right here," I remark.

Freddy has already read my mind. "Right you are, Mr Wolfdog. Rex, Doug, the question is why aren't you two down to your underwear yet?"

The dingo and younger Alsatian both laugh. "We had to get you into your gift first," Doug retorts, but he's slipping out of his jeans as the words leave his muzzle. Rex's come off even faster, revealing that he's wearing flashy neon briefs with PACK BITCH spelled out across the waistband. The bulge in the front of his briefs is prominent. So is the one in Doug's, once he gets down to only a red and pink SNIFF jock.

"I'm glad to see you already know what your place is," Freddy remarks as he notices the lettering on Rex's briefs. "Now get in there to the table." He and Doug take their drinks and head for the dining room. Rex follows, but when I see the cute way his butt flexes when he walks, I can't help coming up behind him quickly and grinding my prominent bulge against his rump. He makes a little, half-moan "oh" noise and leans his head around, his muzzle meeting mine as I grip his sides with my hands, grinding my bulge forcefully against his ass. Our eyes close as we kiss, but I keep up the steady grinding. Damn, this jock feels good.

A moment later I'm jerked out of the kiss by a voice from the dining room. My ears flick up. "Rex, get in here you whore." It's Doug's voice. "Diego, don't you know I expect a nice warm dinner in trade for letting you two studs give Rex the fucking he deserves?" Rex shivers, arching his rump against my groin.

"You heard your mate, off you go," I say, releasing Rex. I follow the smaller Alsatian's wagging tail into the dining room, where Freddy and Doug have already taken a seat. I join them, my cock still throbbing inside my boxers. It's pretty sexy to be sitting down to dinner with three hot studs, all of us dressed in nothing but underwear. I can feel the cushion of the dining room chair against my bare butt, a reminder that I'm wearing a jock. Freddy stands up again, making his big bulge pop into view again, as he begins serving a steak to each of us.

Rex can bear the temptation of that bulge for only a moment before he reaches over and gropes it. Freddy groans, almost dropping a steak into the tray of toasted potatoes. He does not, however, tell Rex to move his paw. "Good boy, Rex," he sighs as Doug and I watch, our tails unable to stop wagging. I do love watching Rex's fingers work their way over my boyfriend's trapped erection. Two fingers slide along the main body of the shaft, stroking it tenderly through the fabric. Freddy freezes, his eyes glazing over. Rex licks his chops.

I pick up a knife and begin sawing at my steak. "Eat faster boys. I don't think my cock can wait much longer."

"Neither can Rex's butt," chuckles Doug, in between bites. "I did love the sight of you fucking him last week."

"I loved the feel of it," I agree. Freddy takes the last steak for himself and sits down, but Rex's paw remains in his lap a moment longer before he lets go so that he can slice up his own steak.

If this was a normal dinner party, we'd be sharing conversation right now, but all of us are so eager to fuck that we all descend into a frenzy of knives clinking against plates and teeth ripping apart steak and asparagus. We can't keep our eyes off each other, and I can smell the musk of horny males above the savoury scent of our dinner. "Fuck," mutter as I chew. "Part of me just wants to push stuff aside and bend one of you over this table."

Both of our guests grin. Doug swallows. "Wouldn't get any complaints from me." At home I've heard he and Rex actually take turns on each other, but with other males they both often end up on the receiving end.

"Noted," I grin in return, surveying the disappearing food. "How's dinner?" I hope that soon the others will push aside their plates, stating they're ready for the main event.

"It's delicious," Rex says, "but what I'm really in the mood for is Wolfdog rump...or organically, Alsatian-dog sourced milkshake." I can hear his tail thwap the back of his chair. Fuck.

"Doug, are you sure he's not actually a fox?" Freddy starts to say, but then Rex gets up and turns around, subtly shaking his rump at Freddy, and my boyfriend loses it. "Fuck it, this is ridiculous," he shrugs with a half-grin at me, as he stands up. He grabs Rex up in his arms, throws the muscular Alsatian over his shoulder, and makes for the living room. Well then, it seems dinner has ended. I drop my knife and push my chair away from the table, just as Doug does the same. We scramble after the two Alsatians, my bulge bouncing in front of me as I follow Doug's perk dingo butt into the living room. Freddy has shoved Rex down on the floor on his back, and presently is shedding his jock.

Doug sees the bottle of lube on the coffee table, and grabs it. "Here," he offers, squeezing a thick glob of Gun Oil onto his paw, and reaching for Freddy's shaft. My boyfriend groins as Doug slicks his long meaty cock up with liquid, giving it several coatings, and clearly aiming to pleasure Freddy in doing so, judging by the way he caresses the dog cock carefully. Rex has pushed himself up by his arms, squirming out of his briefs, then watching in expectation as Freddy puts a little lube on his own fingers and presses them against the smaller dog's hole. Rex's eyes close.

"That's good," Freddy announces shortly. Clearly he feels he's ready to bury his big bone in Rex's hole, and as I watch the dark tailhole twitch under Freddy's probing fingers, I'm sorely tempted to push him out of the way and take Rex myself. But that will come in time. Instead, I watch as Freddy uses his hand to aim his throbbing shaft - all fully erect and gorgeous, bright and red as light reflects off its lube-shined surface - with Rex's hole. Rex is still looking down his chest - he likes watching this, I realise. He takes a deep breath as Freddy's tip begins to press against his hole.

Entrance is not difficult; Rex is tight, but not that tight, given he gets fucked on a regular basis. Still, Freddy's face gets that ridiculously sexy grimace of a male whose cock feels absolutely fantastic as he slides his erection slowly into Rex. Doug, rather than standing up, has merely scooted down the floor a bit so he can lean down and grip Rex's half-erect cock. Just as Freddy hilts himself inside Rex with a groan, Doug's tongue laps out in a long wet lick along his boyfriend's shaft. At this point Rex finally groans.

For a moment Freddy doesn't move, allowing Rex to adjust to the big cock now buried inside him, while Freddy himself enjoys the sensation of having his pride and joy up the rump of a cute younger dog. For his part Doug gives Rex's cock a few more laps before taking the head into his muzzle, curling his tongue around it as his paw reaches to work the lower half of Rex's shaft. I grope my bulge tightly, then walk around the three canines, till I'm facing Freddy, stepping over Rex, who has now given up on holding himself up and has fallen back on his back, eyes half closed. Freddy opens his eyes and grins at me. "Finally," he breaths.

"Give him what he needs,' I say. I'm now standing over Rex's head. Doug slurps noisily on Rex's shaft.

Our Alsatian guest opens his eyes. "That's good...please fuck me," he groans. Evidently he's adjusted sufficiently.

Freddy and I are still looking at each other, and by the devilish smirk on his face I know he's thinking the same thing I am. "Oh, I'm going to give you what you need, Rex," he says, gripping the side of Rex's hips. "But this is the last time you can beg me to fuck you."

On cue, my knees bend and I sit down straight, my rump descending right onto Rex's face. If he opens his eyes, all he can see is my sexy Wolfdog ass coming down right into his face. I feel his muzzle press between my cheeks, pressing them apart. And he's so well trained I don't even need to command him to lick, as the moment my hole meets his muzzle he begins to slobbering at it, mouthing at my hole and slurping his tongue over it. I give a sigh of contentment, followed by a half-groan as the sensations of having my butt licked begin to roll in. Ah, this is the life...

My boyfriend has began thrusting into Rex again, in charged and powerful humps. He's gripping the male under him firmly, holding Rex in place so he can achieve deeper range of thrusts, his expression serious with intention to breed. Doug sucks on a Rex's cock a moment longer then grabs the bottle of lube and squirts some of it onto the now spit-slathered shaft before him. I can watch him with only half-interest as Rex is getting even more into the rimjob I'm receiving, making out with my tailhole as if it were my mouth. His tongue laps at my hole lovingly, bathing it in saliva, getting it thoroughly cleaned. Freddy has begun panting from the exertion of fucking Rex, driving hard forward, and below me I can occasionally hear the smaller dog's muffled moans; even with his muzzle buried in my ass he can't help make at least a little noise.

It's clear now what Doug has in mind, why he was lathering Rex's cock up. The dingo is now applying a dollop of lube to his own hole, and as I watch, beginning to massage my bulge as I feel Rex's tongue plastering my asshole with long wet licks, Doug straddles Rex's body, squishing himself in under Freddy as my boyfriend leans forward over Rex. Doug's tail arches up, and he eases himself back on Rex's cock...slowly. I watch his face as he feels the shaft poke up against his hole, seeing him strain as he pushes back on it, and then his eyes briefly going wide as his hole begins to accommodate Rex's dick. Damn, Rex must be in heaven right now, with a hard cock up his own butt pummelling his prostate, a sexy ass seated on his face, and his own cock making its way up Doug's rump. Freddy takes further control of the situation by grabbing Doug's shoulder with one hand, pushing the model down and onto Rex's cock in a way that makes the dingo yelp, while also using him to steady Freddy's own thrusts into Rex. The latter is now hilted inside Doug, who, as he adjusts to the presence inside him, leans forward, reaching out to wrap a paw around my cock. I stop rubbing my bulge, realising what he wants. Quickly I pull my pulsing dick out of my jock, and guide my tip to his muzzle.

So there we are - picture it. Rex is being fucked missionary by Freddy while Doug rides him and I sit on his face. Doug, in addition to riding Rex, is sucking me off. Freddy doesn't have to do anything other than fuck Rex, but as I now enjoy the dual effect of being rimmed and sucked off at the same time, I look over and see my lover's face all scrunched up in a terribly sexy grimace - eyes narrowed, lips pulled up to expose his fangs, ears high and aggressive - he's too appealing to resist, so I thrust my whole body forward, arching my rump so that it grinds into Rex's face, so that my cock pushes further into Doug's muzzle, and press my own muzzle to Freddy's. He doesn't slow down his thrusts, but his muzzle opens, so our tongues dance in what may be the hottest kiss I've ever shared with him. It's an extra touch of intimacy, a conformation that while we are both making use of two sexy guests, the deepest affection we feel will always be for each other. It's why these dinner parties are in their own way a personal bonding session for the two of us; both being rather dominant men, we enjoy dominating other males together. Think of us as a pack with not one but two alpha males.

One of my hands is on Doug's head, holding him in place as his tongue wraps around my throbbing, leaky dick. The other is caressing Freddy's muzzle as we kiss, panting hot breath in each other's faces, but neither really caring. My ears are up catching the sounds of four males having hot gay sex; Doug's moans over my cock, Rex's moans into my ass, Freddy's occasional grunts and groans as he continues to fuck Rex. Sometimes Freddy can have pretty good stamina, especially when, like on our dinner party nights, he wants to draw the fun out for awhile. I can hear his balls slapping against Rex's, and below me a sporadic squelch as Doug rides on Rex's shaft.

The tongue lapping at my hole feels wonderful, but I suddenly want more. Briefly breaking away from the kiss, I growl a command to Rex. "Good boy Rex, but I want to feel your tongue inside me. Eat my ass, push firmly, lick inside." For emphasis I grind my ass against his muzzle again, feeling his wet nose press under my tail.

The Alsatian needs no further encouragement; seconds later I feel the tip of his tongue begin to press firmly against my hole in a demand for entry. Groaning, I press my muzzle to Freddy's again and we resume our kiss, more frequently broken by groans as I feel Rex's tongue being to slide into me. Oh fuck, now it's all the way in, and he's trying to tongue fuck me with it. How he manages to focus enough I have no idea, what with getting bred and rode at the same time, but somehow he can multitask enough to still give a hell of a good tongue fucking despite the distractions. His tongue is jabbing up inside me and fuck fuck fuck it's good, that plus the blowjob Doug is giving me. Damn right Freddy picked the right guests. Doug is trying to deep throat me now, all the while still going back and forth, in and out, on Rex's cock. He must have lots of practice with toys, this dingo. Maybe that's what he does when Wolf & Coyote asks him to work out. I keep my paw on his head, making sure my cock stays in his muzzle. He's now gripping the base with his paw, massaging my knot.

Dammnit, at this rate I'm going to blow sooner or later, and Freddy must be getting close, what with how hard and fast he's fucking Rex. Even with good stamina, bury your cock in a hot ass and you'll lose control eventually. Rex's moans into my ass are almost nonstop now, and finally even his steady licks lose just a little enthusiasm.... Freddy's cock is really working its magic on his prostate, apparently. He's a talented top, no doubt. I know that from experience of being on the receiving end myself. I'm trying to deal with the joint ecstasies of having Doug's warm wet muzzle going up and down on my cock and Rex's tongue being jammed up my ass, tongue still licking inside me. Occasionally the increased stimulation makes my cock throb, shooting pre onto Doug's tongue and causing my hole to clench around Rex's trapped tongue. "Oh fuck," Freddy groans, breaking our kiss. He's panting hard. "Babe," he groans again, "if you want a go at Rex we'd better switch now because I'm gonna blow if we don't."

Here you have evidence of what a considerate lover I have; with his cock buried up Rex's bum and ready to cum, I'm sure he doesn't really want to stop, but since he and I are a team and both enjoy fucking Rex, he's putting aside his own desires in order to give me a turn. Sweet, sweet Freddy. "Damn." I'm panting hard too. "I did want to fuck him tonight too. Thanks babe." I lean forward and we kiss one more time, then Freddy jerks his cock from Rex's ass with a squelch. The full state of his arousal is evident by how red and swollen his shaft is, dark and pulsing with all the colour and veins clearly evident. A drop of pre falls from the tip as I watch. Then I release Doug's head from where I've been holding it over my cock. "Up you go, dingo."

Freddy is practically talking over me. "Doug, get off him. Rex, get on all fours and lift your tail," my boyfriend orders our guests. Doug lets go of my dick and spits it out, making me gasp as his tongue grates along it a final time. He then steps off Rex as the latter's cock leaves his rump. I then I am able to stand up, letting Rex finally get a breather as I've been sitting on his face for some time now. He pants, licking his lips, also trying to catch his breath, but smiling. Suddenly his tail wags, thwapping the floor. Mine starts to wag too in response, but I jerk a finger up.

"Up, bitch. No reason to let your hole get cold," I growl dominantly. Fuck, and Freddy and Doug haven't even bothered to stand up. The moment Doug has backed off of Rex Freddy is mounting him, gripping the dingo's shoulders as he pulls himself forward onto Doug's back. Rex sits up, sees this, and grins, rolling over onto his chest. "Face them," I order, directing him to turn around so he's facing away from me. I get down on my knees as Rex pushes himself up onto hands and knees. His rump is right in front of my face, and then his tail lifts up and arches over his back, rather like a husky's. The fur around his hole is matted with lube, and in the living room light his hole looks shiny and lose and delightfully inviting. He looks over his shoulder and grins at me.

I know what he's about to say before the words leave his muzzle. "Mount me, stud."

"Fuck yeah I'm going to mount you," I mutter, mounting him just like Freddy just did Doug. I can heard Freddy fucking Doug now, hard desperate thrusts to get back the height of sensation he was feeling while he was in Rex, and as I look past Rex, pulling myself on his pack, I can see Doug's crumpled face; eyes out of focus as he gets lost somewhere, away in the feeling. The dingo's ears are laid back, not in annoyance but in submission, his muzzle open, head hung as he lets Freddy have his way with him. Now it's my turn to do the same to Rex. I align my cock with his ready hole and shove it in firmly, faster than Freddy did earlier. It works, because he's already loosened up. Oh oh oh, he feels so good, even my big Wolfdog dick can obtain full entry - he's not shallow in the way some guys naturally are. It doesn't take long for me to hilt out inside of him. Possessively I rest my chest directly against his back, gripping him around the chest and, muzzle open, dominantly grating my fangs against his shoulder, reminding him that I'm claiming him, that just as the legend on his underwear said, he's the pack bitch.

Rex groans, and I let my cock throb against his prostate for a moment. "Feel that, Rex?" I growl. "Good boy." Alright, enough teasing. I pull out partway, then thrust in again, inducing another moan from the Alsatian beneath me. Repeat, repeat. Just in front of us Freddy is giving Doug a good breeding, humping him hard and fast. It's hot seeing Doug on all fours with Freddy on his back thrusting away, and then, just as I happen to glance up at them, Freddy pushes Doug forward, so that now the dingo's tawny muzzle is just in front of Rex's darker one. Our two guests seem to realise at the same moment their proximity to each other - and then, just as Freddy certainly intended, their muzzles are meeting and they're kissing, moaning into each other's muzzles as Freddy and I fuck them. This, this is hot. It certainly must be hot for them, two boyfriends, making out as they're fucked by two larger and older males. And it's hot for Freddy and I, getting to fuck two cute guys together, as a team. We're close enough that when we each hilt out we can stretch forward and kiss too, so that if someone were looking at us from the side, they'd see the top couple kissing and the bottom couple kissing at the same time. This is why I say dinner parties, the kind Freddy and I have, are a bonding experience for us personally. It brings us closer. I imagine the same is probably true for Rex and Doug, if you'd asked them.

At the moment though neither of them are in any way capable of answering questions. They're too much enjoying being bred. And neither am I, either, given by the way I'm all zoned out, mind zapped as I surrender to the primeval instincts of an alpha male who needs to breed. The stroking of the walls of Rex's passage along the swollen surface of my cock creates a fiction that is simply divine, and I know, with stimulation like this, I'm not going to last forever. Now is where I will push in for the final act of this coupling, the moment where I tie with Rex and leave my knot firmly lodged in his rear, the way a dinner party is supposed to end. But first, being a considerate top, I have to make sure Rex finishes properly. No doubt Freddy is doing the same, but by now I'm so far gone in desire to cum that I'm focusing on Rex for the moment. So I reach below him, feeling for the shaft I know should be bouncing around...groping for it, until I feel my fingers clasp around a wet, sticky shaft.

Of course he's still very wet, covered in lube from when Doug was riding him. All the better, that makes my job easier. He's not as hard as I am by any means, that can be hard to maintain when you're bottoming, but he's not soft either. I wrap my hand around the dog's cock and begin jerking it hard and fast - and not losing pace with my thrusts either. I do want to get Rex off, no doubt about that, but there is nothing going to stop me now from tying with him, and I want that, I want to get my knot in him. I can feel it swelling already, the thick rounded pride of my cock slamming against Rex's hole, nearly ready to seal this coupling. Oh, I want it so...

It really is handy that Rex's cock is already lubed up, because it makes it so much easier for me to get him all throbbing and in the throws of wonderful friction too. I can tell his knot is swelling too. He's still trying to kiss Doug, but the kisses are slower, less desperate, more passionate. He's surrendered to me, letting me take him, putting his body in my hands to do as I will...and I'll give him the best I can give. I jerk harder, long strokes complete from his knot to his tip, and suddenly his cock seems to grow tighter than ever, and then pulsates.

Rex's moan is audible even through the kiss with Doug, which he momentarily breaks off as he cums. I keep jerking his cock as the ropes of shep spunk shoot through his shaft, but my thrusts are now precise and direct, with the aim not of prolonged pleasure or increased depth but purely to knot him. I want my knot in, I want that climax, I want him stuck to me.

Now I release his dripping cock as it continues to go off and grip his body tightly, holding it with both hands as I pull back in one hard thrust and push my knot firmly against his hole. Gosh, maybe I waited too long, maybe it's already too big. Hell, I can feel my climax coming already, it's hovering on the horizon, it's zooming in to carry me away, I won't make it....

Even in my distraction, I can heard the _pop_when my knot enters him.

And then of course I'm not paying attention to sounds at all, least of all my own. I'm not paying mind to Freddy, much as I love him, or Doug, or even that much to Rex, although as I cum I bite down dominantly on his shoulder, letting him know he's mine, or at least for the evening. My knot is locked in Rex's rump, in a perfect tie unbreakable, ensuring we'll be stuck together for some time. Inside him the entirety of my cock is rippling with pleasure, pumping out warm Wolfdog spunk into him, staking a claim for me....proof Rex has been bred by Diego Redfield. I'm lost away in the passion, letting the orgasm carry me away from stress and turmoil of life to a place where, for a few moments anyhow, existence is pure bliss. It seems to go on and on like a perfect edging session, which, if I were to think about it, was what this evening was. I keep my fangs bit down on Rex's shoulder without even giving the act much thought until, as the first, most mind-rendering orgasm passes, I growl "Good boy."

Rex shivers below me, his rump clenching on my knot in a way that brings about another series of spurts, making my whole body shake. Sometimes after sex the afterglow includes a full-body kind of tingling and trembling, and I suspect this will be one of those times. My ears are now catching a deep guttural groan from Freddy, evidence he has at last knotted Doug and is now filling the dingo up with a dose of Alsatian cum. My cock is still spurting, but my mind is clearing now, so I look up and see Freddy's face just inches from mine, eyes closed, tongue lolling from his muzzle. He's lost away in the feeling now too, and he looks too hot and adorable and yet oddly vulnerable in that moment that I don't want to spoil it. I wait a moment, ignoring Rex who, below me, is panting, trying to catch his breath. I think Doug is too - Freddy must have also got him off first. Then I lean forward and my boyfriend and I share a sweet, lasting kiss as our orgasms taper off into drips.

With Rex's rump still holding pressure around my shaft it's no surprise that the sensations don't just end, rather gradually slowing down into a fading presence. After the exertion of the last half hour or more I think we're all suddenly tired, so for a few moments none of us really move; Freddy and I are still kissing, but more softly and sweet now, and our guests are doing the same. Occasionally I remind Rex that he's a good boy. He gives a few wags in response.

Finally I decide I've probably weighed down on his back enough. "I'm going to make this tie proper," I say, lifting one leg over his back carefully. Inside him my cock is rotating, grinding against his prostate again in a way that makes him groan and squirm rather cutely. It only takes a moment though, and then we're tied ass to ass in the traditional stance, which is in itself pretty sexy. Freddy has done the same, and now we all relax on all fours, panting softly. There's something delightfully calming about being on all fours, tied butt to butt with another male. It's actually one of my favourite aspects of fucking a guy, even though your orgasm has mostly ended by that point. I think it has a degree of intimacy all its own, it's a bonding mechanism, perhaps left over from pre-historic times when cave-wolves and the like fucked each other as a way of bonding within packs. None of us really need to say anything, we just remain there appreciating our closeness and the pleasure in our bodies and the shared experience we have just exchanged.

See, this is another reason why I prefer our variety of dinner parties. In the general kind of gathering I mentioned earlier, the post-dinner part of the evening would probably consist of the guests and hosts sitting around together drinking booze and exchanging pointless chitchat. We, conversely, relax while tied ass to ass with each other, no words necessary; the general feeling between us is enough. Occasionally my cock throbs within Rex. No doubt it is still leaking occasionally; in any rate Rex is going to have Wolfdog cum leaking out of his ass for a number of hours following the eventual end of our tie. I'm facing away from all the others now that I've dismounted him, but he and Doug are still right in each other's face so if I prick my ears, and look over my shoulder, I can see them kissing cutely. I guess maybe for them this was in its own way a more equal coupling than if they'd been alone, since, both being on the bottom, they got to experience the same thing.

"You two," Freddy finally breaks the silence, "are fantastic. Any time either of you want a good fucking, all you have to do is lift your tail and my cock will be ready."

"Hell yeah," I chime in. "I think I pay have to get in the habit of paying your gun range visits, Rex." I can feel the shiver of pleasure run through Rex's body at our words.

Rex chuckles quietly. "I think I'll be lifting my tail for you guys a lot in the future."

"You bet you will," Doug interrupts. "Fuck, seeing these two studs double team you is so hot, and there are so many things they've not even tried with you yet. You guys should spitroast him next time...."

Freddy laughs. "All things in good time." And then we fall into silence again. As I said...the moment is enough. We're all happy, feeling physically wonderful. The emotional mood in the room is infectious; no one could feel discouraged while present in it. The whole living room stinks of sex, the scents of Doug's and Rex's cum standing out the most, but also that of all the musk and sweat we all worked up in our exertion of coupling. Our breathing has calmed now, and a feeling of peace sets in. I grin to myself, and live in the moment.

Some time later my knot, and Freddy's, finally deflate enough to allow us to pull free. We all remain on all fours a few more minutes before gradually picking ourselves up and adjusting to being on two legs again. Freddy puts the lube back in the bathroom cupboard where Melanie won't ever see it, and takes a towel to the floor where Rex and Doug got off. In other circumstances I would have commanded Rex to lick it up, but not off the floor....although this does leave ideas for future couplings. Neither of our guests make much attempt to clean up their very messy butts, apparently proud to be sticky and smelling strongly of the two males who just bred them. Finally, we all come together in the middle of the living room for one big hug, four happy men with their arms around each other. Muzzles nuzzle at each other, we kiss....

Doug's muzzle inches clear, and in the corner of my eye, I can tell he's smirking. "Mates, I was just thinking," he says, grin widening. "Wolf & Coyote once did a photoshoot at a gay nude beach south of here...I think I remember how to get to it. How's a double date sound to you?"