Valkyrie Travel Guide - Part 1 - Terra

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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Valkyrie â€" The Travel Guide


Inside this short booklet we will introduce some of the most memorable spots in the famous Altia Galaxy. This booklet will attempt to familiarise you with the concepts of the many worlds that make up this wondrous and ancient Galaxy.

The Galaxy and The Scars

The Altia Galaxy

Not much is actually know about our galaxy, however from numerous satellite images we can deduce that our Galaxy is actually a spiral. Earlier Terran beliefs dictated that galaxy was actually a perfect square. However from a distance our galaxy looks like a gigantic spiral, spinning in the heavens however there is a massive void with dark clouds that cuts across our Galaxy like a scar. 76% of our Galaxy is still hugely unexplored with no ships able to make it across the void scar region.

The Void Scar

The Void Scar is a huge region of space that we believe crosses through the entire Galaxy. It is located approximately 4,000,000,000 lightyears away from Terra. It is not a recommended area to visit, the high density of the clouds in that region can damage or in most cases destroy ships that attempt to cross it. The Void Scar has hampered Terra's exploration of the stars, limiting how far we can explore. Scientists have been in some debate about what the scar actually is, some saying that is a naturally-occurring anomaly but others, especially religious activists believe that The Void Scar was put there by an unnatural force to limit Terra's exploration of the galaxy.

Planets and Other Celestial Bodies

Terra (Anthromorphia)

System Name: Sol Terra

Planet Type: Variable Climate

Native Species: Anthromorphia (Animals with human-like features)

Developed Faster Then Light: Yes

Government: United Planetary Government (Based in Chentrilla)

Countries or Divided States: 41

Capital City: Chentrilla City

Geographical Features

Terra is a beautiful paradise in most respects, Terra's has nearly every continent type known to us. An example of this would be Chentrilla Country, which is a beautiful countryside with rolling green hills and trees but rain is much common and Sierra Country which is an absolutely breathtaking glacier and ice tundra with very few inhabitants. Terra has a very unique ecology compared to other worlds and unusually inconsistent weather ranging from hurricanes to clear and sunny days. Terra has some of the most beautiful natural formations ever seen for example, the Sun-Weaver, a huge crack in Terra's surface that seems to produce a stream of light every morning from which it gets its name.


Terra has a diverse species population, each with a different set of cultural and religious beliefs. Over 1,000 years of unity from the people have almost eliminated racism on the planet with only a handful of regrettable incidents in recent years. These species are listed and explained here with both Galactic Common and Original Terran names;

Common Species

Wolf (Wolvar) â€" Wolves on Terra appear to have a highly developed sense of smell. Wolves are one of the most common species on Terra, they are highly adapted to any environment causing variations in colour, shape and size. Wolvar beliefs centre around the family, they are extremely defensive and mindful of their family's security. (The family unit in Wolf terms is usually called a "Pack".) They originate from the Sierra region of Terra (A cold, ice climate)

Fox (Foxxinaa) â€" Foxes are the most common species on Terra. Fox's on Terra have the highest birth rate however they are usually a very separate community from Wolvar, welcoming outsiders and making them feel welcome. Fox beliefs stem mainly from no religious or idealism, instead they intend to make the best of the life that they have. The originate mainly Chentrilla and all the mild to medium temperature continents on Terra.

Tiger (Tigris) â€" Tigers are among the most ferocious and deadly species on Terra. They are purely designed for despatching pray with their sharp teeth, quick judgement and claws. Most Tigers are very confrontation and can come across as aggressive. Tigers have a history of warfare with other species on Terra, including a war that lasted almost two hundred years against the Wolf. The Tiger's belief focuses on the hunt, they mainly believe in hunting and dispatching their pray but also for ceremonial and religious aspects. Tigers originated from the hotter continents on Terra, like for example Gia.

Dragon (Dragonia) â€" The Dragon species are highly unusual in all their habits, most of them choose to live in seclusion, near the furtherest reaches of the northern continents. The Dragon species teaches a policy of non-interference with other species on Terra, rarely getting involved or even travelling to the other cities around Terra. The most unique adaptation that the Dragon species acquired is an ability to fly which is usually uncommon to other species however during the years after the unification of Terra, more and more dragons have been seen living amongst regular Terrans.

Rare and Uncommon Species

Horse (Equinus, Horcia)

Horses used to be common in the mild climate of Terra however during a dispute over grain, the Chentrilla government participated in a massacre of Equinus, the horse population centre just outside of Chentrilla. The whole event was covered up by an elaborate cover-up from the Chentrilla government and the survivors were threatened under pain of death. The horse population is now divided within Terran society. Pegasus, who are a variety of winged-horse are extremely rare and considered outcasts of Horse society.

Rabbit (Bunniarna)

The Rabbit population of Terra are not actually native to the planet. During Terra's empire , they conquered the planet Bunniarna, a world populated solely by rabbit species. After the Asgard victory over Terra some Bunniarna remained on Terra living amongst other Terran species.

Other Species

There are many other species that have adapted to different climates on Terra. There are many variations spread across the world. For example a Husky is an example of different variation in the wolf species usually through genetic changes and inter-breeding.


Terra has had a long and eventful history. A world near the core of the Altia Galaxy, Terra is an idyllic world formed over millions of years. The planet has over 70% surface water and beautiful land-masses with great divergence in climate types. The planet was visited by the Asgard during their escape from Galladia and a small island in the southern sea, called Serenity Island. This became the holding place of the powerful Asgardian goddess Galladia. After this, life developed on all corners of Terra normally and without any human life. Over a period of thousands of years, Terra developed in 41 countries that included, Sierra, Chentrilla, Gia and Aquarine, these countries all developed technology relatively early in a race for supremacy.

Eventually tensions became high from competing for Terra's diminished resources and war broke out which drew into a massive massacre that annihilated at least 70% of the total population of the planet. The survivors of the war were forced to come together and form a provisional government to help rebuild all the countries after the war. Chentrilla became a leader in the development of this new world order and formed a united government, finally getting over the old hatreds to help cure their world poisoned by nuclear weapons.

Several new initiatives were set up in order to help purify the air and the water and Terra slowly began to recover however during this time, Terra developed space technology and a drive that can move faster than light.

During this time, Terra formed a vast empire that spanned through many systems to some planets like Alexandria and Paradeen but after many conflicts the Empire became corrupted forcing the attention of the Asgard, a race of energy-based beings that existed outside of the Altia Galaxy universe. Terra attacked the Asgard believing that they could win but unfortunately the Asgard proved to be extremely advanced and powerful dragging Terra into a war that ruined the planets economy and forced a surrender.

Odin, the leader of the Asgard decided that as punishment, Terra would give up its fleets and technology for dismantlement. Due to the actions during the war by a Terran commander known as Kestra Valentine who killed Odin's daughter, Buldir in combat and then defeated Galladia, sealing her away. Odin decided that Terra was also to suffer an addition punishment.

It is not known what means the Asgard used to revert Terra back to an industrial state and erase the minds of every Terran to forget about space travel. But the procedure was successful and Terra was stripped of its empire. Raven's Nest Shipyard was originally left to serve as an Asgard watching post for Terra however the station has played several different roles in Terran history.