An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.1 (Rewrite)

Story by Wisk_Sith_Kulux on SoFurry

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#1 of An Experiment Gone Wrong? (Rewrite)

This is a rewrite of the first An Experiment Gone Wrong? This is an AU that I've been working on for a while.

This story follows and OC named Broderick. Broderick up-bringing has always been rough, but his life will change. Will Broderick finally find happiness or will his past continue to haunt him?

You didn't have the most pleasant time growing up and had it worst then most children have it at his age. Your parents didn't really care about you and just found you a nuisance, they would have gotten rid of you sooner, but they thought they could make use of you. The neighborhood you lived in was run down and felt you could been shot, stabbed, or mugged at any giving point. Your house had very little in it which made since seeing as your parent hardly stuck around. The living room had a couple worn out chairs and a really beat up television set.

You never knew if it worked or not, but judging that they never used it probably meant it didn't. Your room literally had nothing in it. You didn't even have anything to sleep on. The only thing you got from that room was the chilled air outside at night and bugs crawling over you while you slept. At times you didn't know how you manage to survive, the only source of food you were giving is whatever scraps that came your way. The deadbolt to you room that your parents kept on the door prevented you from getting out.

At the age of six you found your parents were teaching you questionable things, but being so young you didn't know any better. You were taught how to pick peoples pockets and shoplift items. It was perfect for them, if you got caught it was no skin off there backs. A few times they brought you to a casino were they spent most of their time. They spent money like crazy, even going so far to deal with lone sharks.

They also had a heavy drinking problem as well and often had you shoplift from stores for alcohol. As you got a little older you found a way out of your room through the wall, but not knowing where to go and having little interaction in world outside you were forced to return. So you spent the time looking through garbage bins to find any useful items. You managed to find an old blanket, sure it had some holes in it, but it was literally better then nothing. You hid these items under a loose floor board in your room, afraid if your parents found them they would take them away.

As you got older you got caught more often then not when stealing items for your parents. They would be furious with you, calling you useless and beat you before throwing you back into your room. Around the age of ten you heard talking in the house from men asking about, "their money" and if they don't pay there would be consequences. A few day later you found yourself being dragged down the street on a leash like you were some kind of animal. Finally you stopped at an ally way with a light that was functioning, flickering on and off.

You're not sure how much time had passed, but you were shivering from the cold in the rags that barely covered your body. Then you saw someone approaching and your parents turned to greet him. They whispered back and forth, but you couldn't make out what was being said. Your parents handed the man the leash you were on, handed your parents an envelope, then they nodded to each other. You watch your parent walk off not even acknowledging your exists anymore.

The man injects you with something and your eyes grow heavy and you lose consciousness. When you awaken you find yourself on a cold steel bed and bright lights beaming down upon you. You see men and women in white coats talking about stuff that you didn't understand. On computer screens there are word and diagrams, but nothing you could make out. One of the men walk up to you when he noticed that you were awake.

He grabs the leash, "Please come with me." he say as he pulls you along. You didn't know what was going on, but the only reason you weren't panicking at this point was the shock you were in. You enter a room with a bench attached to the wall and a metal door in front of you. The man is brief when he speaks, "Please remove your clothes and place them in the trash." You do as he says and then he pushes you forward and the metal door swings open.

You are then pushed inside and fall to the ground as the door shuts behind you. You here a robotic voice speak out, "Cleansing and decontamination in process." So many different things sprayed you and when it was over the door open. Dazed and still confused about what is going on you see the man from before hand you a towel, "Please follow me." You stood there not moving and the man sighs as he grabs the leash still around your neck. He pulls you along into another room with a large platform in it.

You did your best to dry yourself along the way and the man takes you up a couple of ramps to the top of a platform. He removes the collar around your neck and takes your towel, "Please stand here and don't move." As soon as the man was clear you saw something move above you as a cylinder is lowered around you. Now fear started to set in as you pound your fist against the glass cylinder screaming to be let out. Though no one seems to be able to hear you or were simply ignoring you.

As you keep trying you feel something hit the back of your neck and as you look up you see some sort of liquid entering. You keep pounding on the glass, heart racing, as the liquid fills quickly and is now at about waist level to you. You were now fully panicking and crying as your attempts for help fell on deaf ears. The liquid was hard to move in and soon the entire cylinder was filled. The strange part was you found after trying to hold your breath find you could breathe just fine.

You find that you couldn't really move as the weird gel like substance kept you from doing so. You watch a mechanical arm comes down out of the corner of your eye. It had a syringe on the end of it and slowly moved towards your left arm. You want to get way from it, but even if you could there wasn't any place you could go. You felt it prick your arm and something warm enter your body.

Your eyes were darting around wildly, mind racing, as you suddenly felt more pain then you ever have in your life. It wasn't long before you couldn't handle it and you black out. As you begin to stir and come to, you notice that you were laying down and are in a small room. It felt almost like your room, but the only difference was there is stuff in it and was in prime conditioning. You are laying on the bed, you look over to see a mirror, sink, and toilet. You sit up, feeling a little dizzy and felt something fuzzy brush the back of your neck.

You turn to see what it is, but don't see anything when you do. You stand up and make your way to the sink. Turning on the water you wash your face and look into the mirror. What you see catches you off guard. You notice that your hair color has changed, no longer brown, but purple with some white weaved in-between it, alternating. What really drew your attention was your ears, at least your think that they're yours. You reach up and touch them and they twitch as you do so.

The ears had a similar color, purple with white at the tips, but then you notice something move behind you. You turn, but it seems to move along with you. You finally reach back with both of your hands and grab whatever it is. What you find is a purple tail ending with white on the tip. You pull on it which was a bad idea as you felt pain shoot through your body and you tense up from it. You continue to examine yourself and notice you are wearing a gray shirt and gray pants.

You take them off for a moment and notice you had fur on your chest, but only on the left and right side ending in a v-shape. Your forearms also had single stripe of fur going up to your shoulder and all the way down where it ended on the back of your hands. Your legs were almost the same as your arms, a single stripe of fur starting from your thighs down to the top of your feet. The color of fur the same purple and the tip of the fur had white.

You turn to look at your back and notice the same pattern as your chest. You didn't seem to have whiskers and you still looked mostly human. You noticed your human ears were gone like they never existed. You look at you hands and your finger nails are also gone, but you notice little slits in the tips of your fingers. You pinch one of your finger in-between your index finger and thumb.

Out of the slit you see what looks like a claw come out and as you let go it retracts. You put the shirt and pants back on and notice numbers in the corner of the shirt that reads, "Zero-Zero-One." You try to recall all the events, but are interrupted as the door to your room opens. Three people stepped inside, a women and two men behind her. She looks over at her clipboard she's carrying as she explains some stuff to you. She congratulates you on being the first to survive the procedure you've undertaken.

She explains that you've been genetically altered and they would like to ran some scans to make sure everything is stable. The two men move behind you and she turns to walk out with you in tow. You're brought to a room where you're hooked up to a machine. They look over the readings and you hear them say different things, "Results look promising, this is the first subject to survive, we maybe able to move to phase two." You are lead back to your room and told someone would be along shortly with some food. After you ate someone told you lights out and the lights in your room turned off.

You lay down on the bed and even with the dim light in your room you could see in the dark rather well. You didn't even realize how tired you were until you fell asleep. The next few weeks go by as they give you tasks to perform, the first which is learning how to extend your claws and manipulate them. You learned that they could extend up to three inches in length and you could curve them or straighten them out. You could also make them thinner or thicker in the width.

It was tricky to get the hang of, but you slowly got better at it over the weeks to come. Next they had a steel dummy attached to a pole on the floor. They asked you to attack it with you claws and as you do they went through like it was made of tin foil. They were excited with the results and moved you on to many other test. In your room you had gone about marking the days that have gone by with your claws into the walls.

You counted that at least a year has gone by and you must be eleven at this point. As you lay on your bed and add another day to the wall you hear talking outside your door. It was muffled, but you got up and put an ear to the door. "Yes, that is correct. You are to remove the experiment and take it to that location to be disposed of. I know, but those are our orders. Follow them out." With that the door opens and you leap back and see a big hulking figure of a man that is well over six feet tall. He walks over and grabs your arm, before you pull away you feel him prick you with something.

Everything grows blurry and you go limp as the last thing you hear is, "Alright little kitty, time for you to take a little catnap and disappear." Everything goes black after that. You wake up to a sudden jolt and you are laying on a metal surface and it feels like you are moving. You try to get up, but you felt numb and your muscles wouldn't respond. You did your best to look around and you saw an orange tint in the sky.

You're not sure how much time went by, but finally you hear a screech and are flung forward. You hear a door open and shut as someone is walking loudly to the back. The doors open up and you are picked up by the man from before. He tucks you under his arm and starts walking with you. You do your best to see where you are, but you have no idea.

After a few minutes you see what is a cavern and he steps inside. It's a short trip inside and as he stops he holds you out over a huge hole with a grin on his face, "Well little kitty this is were your tail of a tale ends." He lets you go and you plummet down the hole, you hear the air rush by you to what you expect to soon be your death. You think to yourself, "Well, maybe in death I can find what I could never find in life." You close your eyes and moments later you feel the impact of solid ground and black out as darkness takes you away.

You stir and slowly open your eyes as you look up to see dim light coming in from the hole you fell down. You just lay there and give a half-hearted chuckle, "Seems even death doesn't want someone as pathetic and useless as me. So I'm to rot away down here and slowly die, all alone." You sit up, but as you attempt to stand you feel some pain shoot up your leg. You look down and notice the area around you ankle is swollen. You blurt out loud, "Great, now I can't even walk around and explore what is to be my grave." You sigh to yourself.

As you sit there to pondering what to do next you hear what sounds like soft footsteps approaching. You do your best to be in a defensive posture with your claws at the ready. Though what you see enter makes you freeze in surprise and shock. You see is a small child enter the room, about the same height as you and possible the same age. Its appearance is that of a... goat?

He doesn't take notice of you at first as he has his back to you, as he looks around the cavern your in. You forgot about your injury for a moment as you try to stand and wince in pain. It seems that little bit of noise caught his attention as he is now looking at you. He walks up to you, stopping but a few feet away, "Howdy, I'm Asriel Dreemurr. You look like you fell down here and your ankle looks to be in really bad shape." He takes a moment as he walks around you and your eyes stay trained on as he does.

As he finishes, he stops to your left side, "Golly, Are you a human? You kind of look like one, but I don't remember the humans from the books I've read having tails and cat ears." This was just to much for you as the pain in you ankle was getting the better of you. You slump forward and he catches you. You then hear what sounds like another set of footfalls heading this way. You look over to see another goat-like creature wearing that of a purple robe with some symbols on it, but much taller and older.

"Asriel Dreemurr, how many times have I told you not to run-" She stop mid-sentence as she notices Asriel holding you, "Sorry mom, but I found what I think is a human and he's hurt." She walks over and examines your injury, "Oh my child this looks broken. Did you fall down here?" You were going to say something, but your eyes felt heavy as the pain and events take there toll on you. Before you pass out the child goat-creature, the one who introduced himself as Asriel asks you a question, "Um, could you tell us your name?"

"Broderick." you say barely above a whisper before passing out. Toriel gently takes you from Asriel and gently scoops you up in to her arms. Her and Asriel hurry out of the cavern with you as they head back home.