
Story by Protos on SoFurry

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Here's a tale of midsummer love. A story of truth, desire, passion, and friendship. Of new love, blossoming beneath the sun like a beautiful, exotic flower opening itself to the world after years of buildup. A flower filled to bursting with emotion... and porn.

...Maybe an erotic flower instead, then.

In the mountains where I live, summer ends about mid September. I wanted to put this out around then, to celebrate the end of those few fleeting months of warmth, but life things and such happened, and now it's October. Sorry for the slowness, but I'm still here.



"... was a favorite of mine back in the eighties, so glad to see it back in the top forty of today. But enough about me, I'm sure you all want that Y.I.F. weather update from Dan the weather man. What have you got for us, Mr. Dan?"

"Thanks for the introduction, Jayce. Weather today is looking _just_about the same as yesterday, but with the cloud cover having been blown away faster than anticipated we're adding on another five degrees to the average. That's right ladies and gentlemen, that puts us at a hundred and three degrees Fahrenheit for today's highest predicted temperature, probably staying in the high nineties.

Get off that blacktop, run away from anything shiny and chrome, pretty much stay away from anywhere you can still see the sun. All you cave and tunnel dwellers sure have it easy today, that's for sure. Back to you, D. Jayce. Oh now I get why you call yourself that, that's cle-"

" Yowzah! Thanks Dan the Man. You heard it here, folks. Gonna be a heckuva hot one out there today, and with no rain in the forecast until the weekend it looks like this heatwave is here to stay. Remember to stay cool, folks.

This next song comes to us from the rising stars of the Barkstreet Boys..."

The apartment was quiet. The tiny radio and it's gentle, static touched lists of musical relevance did little to break the silence encasing the few small rooms that could hear it.

A quaint table fan swung to and fro behind it, vibrations rocking it gently, its ghostly reflection in the glistening counter top mirroring its every move like a hushed spectre, alone in its own small world.

Nearby in a corner, a high stand near the kitchenette bore a leafy green plant who's vines delicately rattled against one another, fueled by the gentle breeze coming from the fan whenever it saw fit to set its gaze upon it. It drooped from the intense heat of the day, but remained stalwart in it's eternal leafy greenness.

Steps away in the living room rested a flatscreen television, carefully positioned onto a low set of shelves, wires running off and away into the shadows below it. The shelves themselves were barren. No movie cases lined them, no boxes of electronics, not even the dust of the world had yet settled into its open spaces.

Matching them, and the CD racks, and the bookshelves, and the barren cupboards; empty frames of all sizes sat on the walls. They stared into the room and it's single fluffy couch and myriad cardboard boxes resting within, their images of grand skylines and happy families removed long ago, now filled with nothing but memories of the past, and potential of what could someday be.

"air... Why to... it... ot!"

A pair of muffled voices began to speak from somewhere behind the front door, breaking the silence that had enshrouded the small apartment. Each passing second saw them grow louder, and louder still, until they were just outside door itself.

There was a light jangling, then a click, and the door swung open with the force of a charging rhino. It slammed into the wall behind it, very nearly gouging out a deep hole from the sheet rock behind it.

"Beatrice what are you doing!? You're going to put a hole in the wall and I can't afford that! I barely paid the security deposit!"

"Oh god I'm sorry! My arms feel like they're going to fall off and I didn't want to AAGH!"

The young raccoon stumbled into the room, tripping over her feet and falling onto the carpeted floor with a thunk. She winced as the box she was carrying let out a heavy metallic rattling, let out a sigh of relief as she managed to keep it from landing onto the floor, holding it up like a trophy from her grounded position.

"Claire, why did you have to take the apartment on the ninth floor, in the building with a broken elevator, and pick THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR TO MOVE IN!?"

"Oh shush, I thought raccoon's were supposed to be good at climbing things."

"Claire you're a_squirrel_! Everything is going to suck at climbing compared to you! Now would you help me up?"

Claire moved into the room and gently placed her box full of memories onto the floor, reaching out a hand and pulling her friend up. Beatrice dusted off the front of her denim pants and walked to the couch, vaulting over the back and landing on it's cushions gracefully. Claire watched on in amusement as she picked the box she was carrying back up from the carpet.

"So this is your new place, huh?" Beatrice asked, fishing for the remote between the many crevices made by the couches cushions.

Claire maneuvered into the kitchen and placed a few cans of juices and various beers inside the fridge before answering, taking out two cold bottles of water that had been waiting inside since morning.

"I know, isn't it great! A new place, a new city, a new life! Think of all the new things I can experience here, it's incredible! I'm so glad I found this amazing place, even if it's a little high off the ground."

"But I thought you liked being high off the ground?" Bee asked curiously, just a hint of sarcasm entwined with her words.

"Maybe a little." Claire smugly answered, a cheeky grin on her face.

She moved over to the couch and joined her friend, taking a relaxing breath and letting it out with a sigh.

It was really damn hot. Too hot for the paltry little fan on the kitchen counter to cool the room. But good luck getting anything but hot air to come through the balcony either.

"You have anything to eat up here yet, Claire? I'm starving."

"Nope, and the only cold thing now is these waters."

Beatrice rolled her eyes and groaned, letting her head roll back onto the arm of the couch. She was happy to be helping, but she'd been hoping for at least _some_sort of reward at the end of the climb. Begrudgingly, she grabbed a cold bottle of water from her friends outstretched hand and took a swig.

"Why am I doing this if you aren't even going to feed me?"

"Because you're a good friend, and you like hanging out with me."

"Yeah yeah yeah... I'm sure I'll find something to eat later. Can we at least take a breather?"

Claire rested her head on the back of the small couch and sighed again, smiling. That sounded like a _wonderful_idea.

"I thought you'd never ask. You want to watch a movie? I think the DVD player and some movies are in the box we brought up last time."

Beatrice lifted herself up, feigning a great struggle with plenty of grunts before getting all the way off and walking away.

Claire giggled and watched as her theatric friend began to dig through a box, before grabbing the remote that had fallen to the floor and turning her attention to the television and it's flickering stream of entertainment.

With a single claw Beatrice quickly sliced open the packing tape, and flipped open the flaps protecting the contents beneath.

Action, Adventure, Horror, Scifi, and all other genres rested within the box, but there was nothing Beatrice found particularly engaging. She kept flipping through them, one after the other after the other, humming to herself in rhythm to her movements. Beneath a few was the movie player, and she gently took it out and set it to her side as she continued to investigate. Couldn't watch anything without that, now could they?

"Crap, crap, more crap, jeeze Claire has a lot of... oh my god, what in the world is this?"

She held her breath in surprise as she delicately took out a single plastic case, looking it over and grabbing it with both hands to make sure it was real. She cracked it open, and sure enough, the disk inside matched the cover. With a giggle she began talking to Claire again.

"Claire why do you have a copy of Mauve & Marie's Scissor Factory?"

"WHAT!?" Claire squeaked, spinning around in her seat, eyes wide as the paper wrapped dinner plates surely nearby. She nearly fell as she grappled with the neck cushions, desperately clawing at the back of the couch to keep herself upright.

"Th-Wh-Th-Th-I-I-I-That wasn't supposed to be in there!"

Beatrice laughed and stood up again, carrying over the movie and the magical box. Claire continued stammering, spraying formless vowels and fragments at her friend as Beatrice fiddled with the television in front of them both, sticking cables into receivers with small clicks and snaps. The television went from white, to black, to zigzagging patterns and shapes, and to endless depths of blizzard-like snow as she worked.

Finally it went black once more, and not a moment after, the menu for the DVD player popped up on screen with a cheery commercial jingle. With a quick button press and the whirring of machinery, the movie was inside the device and ready to be viewed. Beatrice returned to the couch and her stammering friend and plopped herself down, still smirking like a gremlin.

"Don't look at me like that! It-it's not mine, I swear! You must have left it in with my things one day after you went to the video store!"

But she knew she had been found out, and no excuse was going to change what Bee thought.

She'd picked it up one late, half drunk night at a XXX store that was near the bar. She didn't even know if she'd watched the damn thing or not. Why had drunk Claire even thought buying that was a good idea? Probably wanted to use it as some sort of gag gift. Drunk Claire was a dumb-ass. A well meaning dumb-ass, but a dumb-ass nonetheless.

She had to think fast, come up with something before the movie came on screen... or at least went too far. There was only so much awkwardness she could deal with at once, and this was rapidly reaching levels thought possible only in deep, forbidden places on the internet.

"Bee I think... uhhh... I think maybe we should just watch TV. Yeah, let's just do that. The DVD player is just going to make it hotter in here. Thermodynamics and stuff, like, with the heat, and... yeah."

Beatrice rolled her eyes and whined.

"Fiiiine... but I was looking forward to that."

The undulating females forms on the screen flashed away in the blink of an eye, replaced by smiling pastel characters of various shapes and sizes, chanting their repetitions with unblinking facades.

The two sat and stared together for awhile. Claire didn't utter a peep, too embarrassed to come up with anything to chat about casually. Beatrice spoke no words either, opting to keep her smug grin firmly in place. But after a few minutes of terrible song and boredom, she broke the silence.

"It's gotta be a million degrees in here, Claire."

"I know, but the air conditioner isn't up here yet and-"

"We should be celebrating! You've got your own awesome place now, we shouldn't just be sitting around. Let's have a housewarm... house_cooling_party!"

"Bee what are you talking ab- OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?"

Beatrice had jumped up from the couch, and to Claire's growing shock was fumbling around with her outfits many buttons, pulling her shirt over her head and beginning to reveal herself to the room.

With a grunt she threw off the tight fitting garment. A button snapped off at the same time, flying away like a bullet and plinking off of a glass in the kitchenette. As she began to work at the zipper on her jeans she smiled and answered, enjoying the sheer absurdity of what she was doing.

"Come on, we're both adults here, and we're alone. I don't think a little nudity is going to kill either of us. Hopefully it'll do the opposite, what with how stupidly hot it is up here."

Beatrice walked to the glass balcony doors, sizing up her transparent reflection before throwing them open fully, satisfied with herself. They swung outward, stopped only by the light hiss of hydraulics before they could crash into their surroundings.

A breeze, warm but welcome, forced its way inside, circulating the stagnant air. Beatrice took a deep, joyful breath as it caressed her form, cradling her gently with its welcome embrace and sending goosebumps all over her fuzzy body.

She puffed out her chest as she moved back to the sofa, bosom bouncing lightly with each step as the wind helped to ferry her back.

"Bee I don't know what you think you're doing but I'm NOT a lesbian! I'm still just as straight as the day we met, I swear to you. I don't know what you think my having that stupid porno means, but you're wrong."

Claire's statement would have been more impactful, had it not been for the jarring crack in her voice midway through the sentence. Beatrice just sat and laughed again, crossing her legs and resting her arms on the back of the couch, daylight glimmering on patches of her black and white fur, making her seem to glow.

Claire fidgeted uncomfortably again, trying her hardest not to stare and make the situation even weirder.

"I know you're straight, Claire. But this feels _sooo_good, it's so much cooler. I didn't think it would be that bad... but If it's bothering you I can put them back on, I was just trying to jerk your chain. I didn't mean to make you this uncomf-"

"Oh no, no, that's... that's fine. You just caught me by surprise is all. I just wanted to make sure that you knew. I mean we've been friends forever, so of course you knew, but I was just reiterating. I mean if you're happier without them, then by all means, go for it."

"Great! I will!"


The two sat together and stared intently forward. The program had changed to some sort of sitcom, rife with simple laugh tracks and forced applause. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes... to more minutes. Time seemed to be slowing, at least to Beatrice. Claire had actually become engaged with the cheesy offering. Somehow.

On screen loud bangs were coming from behind a closed wooden door, off to the side of the kitchen that was the focus of the camera's eye.

"Laura!" a muffled voice cried, followed by an intense metallic banging. Suddenly the door swung open, and smoke billowed into a cloud as a male feline stumbled out, hair frazzled and burnt at the ends. The camera changed to an angle that showed his spotted wife in front of a sink filled with dishes, lackadaisical look of surprise on her face. Her eyes... long since drained of the happiness and pleasure life had once offered to her.

"My goodness Tom, what did-"

"I did it again!" he bellowed, interrupting her. He stopped moving completely, staring at the camera in pause as a laugh track played.

Suddenly the door between them opened, revealing a postal worker with a smoldering hat. He looked to the left, and then the right, and tilted his head to the side and stuck his hands onto his hips.

"He did it again, didn't he?" he sarcastically quipped, causing another bout of recorded laughter to play. The screen faded to black, and a torrent of white names scrolled from the bottom to the top as a twangy guitar piece sent them off and away into the unknown realms above the television.

Beatrice adjusted herself, spreading apart her legs and hoisting herself further onto the couch. Clair either didn't notice, or didn't want to notice, but Beatrice would not be ignored.

"Claire your taste in sitcoms sucks." she said bluntly. Claire rolled her eyes and looked back at her, unamused, struggling to keep her eyes from wandering away from her friends face.

"You're the one who wanted to stop and do something else. You're sitting naked on my couch already, if you've got something better I'd love to hear it."

"You want something else that sucks or something more fun?"

"What do you think?"

Beatrice lunged to the floor, not missing a beat. Her knees stung as she swiveled and faced Claire, slapping her hands down onto her friends knees as she jumped in surprise, but taking care to keep her claws above her fur.

"Bee what the hell are you-!"

Beatrice looked up and smirked, canine teeth just poking out between her lips.

"I can do both of those in spades. Come on and live a little."

"Bee goddamn it! I'm not a lesbian! What's gotten into you, why are you acting like this all of the sudden!?" Claire squealed in discomfort, waves of confusion washing over both her mind and body. She knew it had been a bad idea to stop moving things up to her room.

Boy had it been a bad idea. She'd wondered before if Bee had ever thought about her like... that, but this was just...

"Come oooon Claire. I've wanted to do this to you for ages, ever since we got close, ever since we were damn teenagers. Just... just give me a chance, at least so I can stop dreaming about this."

"Beatrice I'm straight!"

"So's spaghetti until it gets wet. You just said you wanted to experience new things, here's your first chance."

Beatrice was acting as if it were almost just a good joke, but there was something else lifting the words out of her, a ravenous hunger that had been growing stronger and stronger inside of her as the years had passed and both of their bodies had matured. A hunger that intensified with every passing glance and hand hold she shared with Claire.

The stripping had been too blunt, she knew that, but she couldn't control herself anymore. She prayed she wasn't about to ruin the best friendship she had ever had.

"I-I... Fine! But you're setting yourself up for failure, I'm not-"

"Shhhh" Beatrice cooed, silencing her reasonably freaked out friend.

This was finally it, after all these years of waiting and wanting, of denying her feelings, a taste of the forbidden fruit that had stood beside her for so long in her life.

She wanted to stop. She wanted to take it all back and make it so this had never happened. But it was past the tipping point now, and the only way to go was forward.

She didn't actually want to stop, either.

Slowly she slid her hands along the upper parts of Claire's legs and skirt, feeling each fluffy red hair bend and move beneath her fingers. Claire squirmed, slightly, but did not resist. This was finally it. She was really going to do this.

Beatrice gently placed her palms on the insides of her friends tightly pressed together thighs and pushed them apart, finally revealing what she had been so desperately craving for all these years.

"Oh my god Claire..."

"What? What is it? Um... Is there something wrong with it? Am I not... good enough?"

"No, no, you... you've got a perfect pussy. It's... flawless. You have what most people only dream about."

Claire looked down with a perplexed look. She hadn't exactly ever been in a situation like this before, so she didn't know if her friend was just being nice, or something else? But a compliment was a compliment... maybe? It made her feel nice, so it must have been, but it did little to quell the nerves that were growing inside of her. If she wanted Bee to stop this was when she needed to say so... but a part of her didn't want to.

She was right, she had wanted new experiences, and of all the people for that to happen with, her best friend was probably the best scenario.

Beatrice bit down on her bottom lip and stared on in front of her, having been dealt a staggering blow by what she was staring at.

It was perfect. A flawless innie, no labia flowing out from her slit, her clitoris just barely peeking out from it's hooded abode at the tip. Beatrice had never imagined...

Looking closer, she saw a thin film of moisture glossing it, just barely wetting the fine hairs nearby. Claire... was turned on?

A mental burden lifted itself off of her. Maybe she wasn't being as crazy as she'd thought.

... No, no she was still being crazy. But now with just a little less guilt.

She was shaking, trembling with years upon years of excitement as she slowly pushed her face forward. Claire tensed, drawing back into what little safety the cushions allowed, and Beatrice stopped.

"Y'know, this is too forward. We should start... simpler."

"What do you mean?" Claire asked, looking away, hiding her blushing face as much as she could. Her heart was pounding, body trembling. But some strange part of her felt...exhilarated. But she shouldn't be feeling like this. It was so weird, two females... acting like this. Acting like this_ together _ no less.

Beatrice pulled herself back onto the couch, pressing snugly into her best friend, enjoying her body heat despite the rising mercury enveloping them both. The tiny, steadily whirring fan seemed to be doing even less now than it was earlier. But she was okay with that. For now.

She moved her right hand back to Claire's thigh, hiking up her skirt as far as it would go, revealing all to the room. Her pointer finger was in position, tensed and ready to begin it's job, still shaking slightly.

"Alright, I'm going to start. Are you ready?" Beatrice calmly asked, controlling her breathing as best she could. If she started freaking out, Claire would too, memetics be damned.

"Ready as I'll ever be... I don't know what you're thinking with th- AGH! BEE!" Claire tried to say in return, but Beatrice had already thrust her hand into position mid-sentence.

A single, slender black haired finger lightly touched against the bottom of Claire's vagina, sending a jolt through her. She bit her lip and trembled, making strange twitches as Beatrice moved slowly upwards. She was barely touching her, but Claire felt it as clearly and intensely as the day outside.

Bee reached her clitoris and moved across it even slower, watching and enjoying Claire's jerking movements and stifled grunts. She pulled her hand away and held it in front of her, staring at the glistening droplets sitting at the tip of her finger.

She looked back at Claire, and stuck the finger in her mouth with a smirk and a wink. Claire's face crumpled with disgust.

"Beatrice you're disgusting."

"And you're turned on. But don't worry, it's a taste you'll learn to love."

Claire didn't have a response to that answer, looking suddenly away as Beatrice returned her hand to it's former position.

"Here, this is how I usually like to do it." Beatrice said, starting to rub her finger gently and slowly up and down Claire, sometimes throwing in another finger to cover more of the area. She could feel the hair on her fingertips becoming soaked as she worked.

"Hey... Claire?" Beatrice timidly asked. Claire turned back to her with a grimace.


Before Claire could say any more, Beatrice snapped forward and locked her muzzle around her friends, slinging her free arm around her shoulders as well as she leaned into her even more.

Cautiously, perhaps even fearfully, Claire lifted her arms and wrapped them around Beatrice's neck, pulling her closer and returning the intimate kiss. Beatrice unthinkingly pushed her fingers against Claire harder and faster, body taking over her motions as her mind raced with fantasy, and with a wet "pop", plunged them deep inside her friend.

Claire jumped and squealed loudly in response. Beatrice pulled her face away and stammered in shock.

"Oh god! I-I didn't mean to do that!"

But she was still moving backwards. She'd pulled away so suddenly that she'd forgotten there wasn't anything behind her to keep her upright. In a fleeting moment of terror Beatrice's view changed to the ceiling, and she flailed wildly as gravity took control of her sleek form.

With a thunk she smacked onto the floor, landing squarely on her back with her rump sticking into the air, held up by the couch that she foolishly thought had been her ally.

Claire stared at her friend wide eyed. She whimpered, and then whimpered again, and then began to laugh uncontrollably, taking deep, gasping breaths as the happy sounds forced their way out of her. Tears rolled down the sides of her face as she kicked her feet in the air and clutched her sides, nearly falling to the carpeted floor herself.

"Owwwww..." Beatrice moaned, and Claire only laughed harder when she heard her.

"Oh Claire I'm so sorry! I just filed my claws earlier, if I scratched you I'm so, so sorry! Oh god if I hurt you..."

Claire slowly regained her composure. Her laughter turned to labored breaths and giggles, then spiked back to laughter, and then fell back again. Between deep gasps she forced out her answer.

"No! No! It's... It's..." Claire stammered, still unable to calm herself enough to talk.

"You're claw was freezing from your drink!"

Still staring at the ceiling, Beatrice began to laugh as well. Claire jumped from the couch and extended a hand to help her up. Beatrice happily grabbed hold, but pulled down instead of lifting herself. Claire lost her balance immediately and fell on top of her.

"Bee what the hell!?" she cried, and more laughter exploded out of the both of them.

"Well y'know, cold air sinks or something, and you just look so hot right now. Hotter than earlier even, how can you stand it? Here let me help you fix that."

"Bee what are you doing!? Bee! No!" Claire screamed, but it was too late. Beatrice already had her arms around her, trying to pull her shirt over her head and unlatch her bra at the same time.

"No! Stop moving Claire! These things are a pain in the ass!"

Claire managed to stand up, shirt stuck firmly over her face and arms locked above her head. She made it three steps away before tripping on a cable and crashing to the floor, and immediately she felt Beatrice climb on top of her and pin her down.

"Hold still!" she ordered, and Claire felt her grab into her back, followed by a snap as her breasts suddenly hung free of their restraints.

The shirt was flung away from her face and she gasped, clawing forward, trying to pull herself away. There was a pressure at her waist, and suddenly the carpet was rubbing against her as her legs were lifted slightly into the air and fell back down.

Claire scampered onto her feet once more and backed away from her insane lover, stumbling over the the threshold of the balcony and landing in a corner, still firmly holding her bra to her body despite the rest of her being fully exposed to the world

Beatrice was still in the main room, spitting and sputtering loudly, clawing at her tongue furiously, scraping it as hard as she could without slicing it to ribbons beneath her razored claws.

"Bee what are you doing!?"

She looked up, fury glowing in her eyes. He tongue was hanging out of her mouth, lending a fierce lisp to her words.

"You thwung your tail into my mouth!" she screeched, and Claire started laughing again. In her moment of weakness Beatrice bolted up to her and grabbed onto her last article of clothing, flinging it away as Claire stood up, too late in her attempt to defend herself through her tear blinded eyes.

Suddenly the laughter stopped, and both watched quizzically as the curved yellow fabric fluttered away over the balcony.

Its tassels flapped in the air, and it flipped and turned and spun all at once. It fluttered lower, gliding along the wind, flipping back and nearly flying into the apartment beneath the two girls.

It smacked into the railing, sticking for a moment, then dropping and sailing away from the building. As it swung into an updraft it skyrocketed into the glowing corona of the sun and vanished from sight. It was gone, never to be seen again.

"Bee you bitch, that was my favorite one!" Claire cried.

"I'll get you a new one. But first there's something else I need to focus on."

Beatrice smoothly dropped to her knees. With a yank, Claire followed her to the ground as her legs were swept from beneath her. Beatrice lurched forward and buried her face into her friends loins, giving a long, pressured lick across the length of Claire's vagina, making sure to linger as she finished, grinding her tongue against the sensitive bump. Claire squealed and squirmed like no other, nearly kicking Beatrice in the face not only once, but twice.

"Claire you taste amazing, I've just go to say that."

"Oh and you're some kind of pussy connoisseur?"

"I'm a lesbian, I'm pretty experienced with things like this. But to think, that now I have a prodigy to pass the art on too."

Claire brought her arms in front of her and shook her head.

"I'm not a lesb-"

"Oh you stop, because you're sure as hell not straight either. Buuut I better double check, just to be sure."

Beatrice lowered her head again and puckered her lips, giving Claire an even more intimate kiss than before. Sticking out her tongue, she worked her way up from the bottom again, but this time paused, and thrust herself into Claire as far as she could stretch.

"Oh god Beeee...." Claire droned, and with a grand smile Beatrice began to tickle the inside of her friend with delicate movements, wriggling herself into each pulsing ridge of flesh.

She worked around each subtle curve, covering everything she could. Each small movement Claire made changed the world around Beatrice's tongue, new adventures forming with each twist and turn. Beatrice could almost taste the excitement welling up in her friend. She pulled her head away again and spoke, strings of moisture dripping off of her lips.

"Yep, definitely not straight, Claire. I'm so sorry to have to tell you"

Another innocent giggle and coy glance. But before Beatrice could make another move Claire turned the tables and lunged, flipping her onto her back and holding her down by the arms.

"In that case, I better learn how to do this properly, shouldn't I?"

"Well now who's the forward one?" Beatrice replied, raising an eyebrow in surprise. This was just getting better and better.

Claire lowered herself, cuatiously placing her hands on Beatrice's upper legs for balance. For a split second, Beatrice saw a look of mixed emotion on her face. Confusion? Shame? No... it was both. She'd made the same face her first time too.

"Claire it's alright, you... you don't have to do this."

Claire looked up, still perplexed. But another deep breath saw her face change to one of determination.

"No, no I... I should. Just to... make sure." she quietly, hesitantly chirped out, and Beatrice smiled.

"Alright, it's not exactly a hard thing to figure out. I'll help you through it. Lower your head down, I'm sure you know where to go."

Claire complied, and came face to face with Beatrice's own tender area. It was a little more flowing in appearance than her own, but still nice in it's own special way. That's... That's what she should be thinking, wasn't it? Was that how they went about it? Exactly what kind of mindset did someone need to be in to stick this into their mouth? Gosh, she'd never even had a boyfriend. She hadn't even done something like this with the opposite sex, let alone the same one. Let alone her best friend.

Regardless, and emotions aside, from here Claire a pretty good idea of what she needed to do. She brought her face closer and closer, still apprehensively slowing and speeding up as she moved, forcing herself forward with each hesitation.

It was in front of her. Right in front of her. Too close to back away from now. She wet her lips, and with a final, intense push, closed the last inch of distance and made contact.

It was a strange sensation. Warm, smooth and rippled, and a little slimy... but there was something nice about it. Something... natural. Claire's tongue tingled with the faint hints of salt and ecstasy, and she moved it slowly back and forth over each fold she could find. Each caressed her tongue, lovingly even, and she felt Beatrice tense above her, letting out a gasp of pleasure.

Claire pushed in further, starting to lightly suckle as she maneuvered, bringing a light, but intense pressure into Beatrice, who started to squirm herself and make even more shocked gasps and uncontrolled squeaks.

"Oh god, oh god Claire. Claire you need to stop, Claire stop, oh my GOD CLAIRE STOP!"

Claire lifted her own dripping face from the warm hideaway she'd cast it into, confused.

"Wh-what? Why? What was I doing wrong? I'm sorry, I've never..."

Beatrice shook her head and sat up from where she was laying down.

"No, no you were... really good. But I get, um... I get... loud, when I get intimate."

"Ooh, I get it. Since when were you so consider- OH MY GOD BEE!"

Claire's shouting made Beatrice bolt even more upright, and she looked around frantically to see what had happened to make her friend freak out. She couldn't see anything, just the same skyline views and potted plants as before she'd closed her eyes and drifted to that wonderful, warm place inside of herself.

"Claire what is i-"

"BEATRICE THE FLOOR IS MADE OF GLASS!" Claire shrieked back at her, not even giving her a chance to finish.

"Wait, what!?" Beatrice said with a gasp, and flipped herself to face below her. Her glittering eyes locked with those of a strangers, both pairs growing wide in shock.

The shaggy grey haired sheepdog looked up at the both of them. The smoldering cigarette he had been enjoying hung out of his half open mouth, each light tap of the breeze or exhalation he made threatened to make it drop from its perch.

Steadily streaming onto his own glass bottomed floor, the coffee mug in his hand tilted further as the second passed. An ugly brown puddle was splashing into existence at his feet, splattering onto his own empty pots, torrent growing stronger as his grip loosened.

They all stayed perfectly still, eyes locked onto each others in a twisted standoff, each face rife with dumbfounded surprise as they waited for someone else to make a move first.

The mug dropped from the dogs hand and split on the ground with small ceramic shards flying in all directions, and he lowered his arm to his side and closed his mouth at the same time, not bothering to save his cigarette either as it made a tiny splash into the puddle at his feet. Without a word, he turned around and slowly walked back into his apartment, staring straight ahead, not giving the two crazy girls a second look.

... The first had been more than enough for him, apparently.

Beatrice heaved herself to her feet and quietly walked inside. Claire followed, head hung in shame. She closed the balcony door most of the way as they both walked in, and didn't speak until they were well away from it.

"Well... that was... um..." she murmered. Beatrice continued looking away from her, silently. Claire turned around to get another look at gargantuan mistake the two of them had made, and felt a pair of arms snugly grab her around the waist. What she thought was a hug quickly turned into something else, as Beatrice lifted her off her feet and into the air as she flailed.

"What are you doing!?" she screamed, trying to stop herself from breaking into another fit of laughter.

With another loud grunt, Beatrice flung her longways onto the couch, air hissing out of the cushions as she landed, flattening beneath her. Beatrice followed, seemingly floating in the air above her for a moment like some sort of lusty divinity before landing on top of her. Her hand immediately shot down to Claire's vagina once again, and she began furiously rubbing small circles into her clit, faster and harder than anything she's done to her before.

Immediately the incredible energies flowed back into Claire's body, growing stronger in her loins and spreading seemingly into each cell of her squirrely frame. She began to rock her hips up and down, rubbing against Beatrice's finger even harder, spiking the pleasures she was feeling to a peak.

"AH! BEE!" Claire loudly moaned as her hips began to violently thrash in every direction. Beatrice fell onto her and bit down onto one of her breasts, adding yet another rush of sensations to Claire's body as she shook and trembled.

Instinctively Claire sent a hand into her friends groin as well, sinking her fingers deep inside and curling them firmly over and over again. Beatrice began to moan deafeningly loudly, and Claire moved her other hand over her mouth, muffling the noises.

Suddenly she felt Beatrice clamping down onto her fingers, pulsing tighter and looser again and again as she shook on top of her and she shook below. Both of their tongues lolled from their mouths, and they panted desperately as they continued, both wanting even more from the other.

After a few more minutes of incredible ecstasy, they brought their tired limbs and bodies to slow, staggered stops, breathing slow and heavy, staring into each others eyes, blinking slowly as the winds from outside caressed them once more.

Neither said anything. No noise, no movement, just watching.


"Here's your skirt, and... oh, here's a sock."

"And here's your pants and shirt. Oh, and... wow how did these get all the way over here. Did we kick them?"

"Oh here's your shirt! It got behind the TV!"

Dressed once again, the two girls sat on the couch where everything had started and ended. They both smiled, sleepy eyed at each other, staying mostly silent.


"Well you stole it... you damn raccoon." Claire murmured.

"What? What did I steal?" Beatrice asked in confusion. Claire followed up by letting herself fall to the side, and rested her head on Beatrice's lap, looking innocently up at her.

"You stole my heart..."

Beatrice looked down at Claire, and her eyes began to water. She ran her fingers through Claire's hair and sniffled.

"You can't say that, It's too sappy... and really racist."

"Hey, now it's your turn to shush. You've got the remote."

Suddenly a loud banging came from the front of the room, echoing off the walls as it rang out in groups of three.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" A loud, muddled voice shouted from the other side of the door. Claire and Beatrice looked at each other, and Claire stood up and walked to the entryway.

"Yes? Hello?" She timidly asked as she cracked open the door. It was her landlord, looking annoyed.

"Heya Claire, I know you're not even moved in yet but I just got a complaint... Were you doing anything... um, lewd? On the balcony there?"

Claire froze. She couldn't think of anything to say back. Not even a tiny lie that might buy her some more time to think of something. This could get her kicked out, and she wasn't even finished moving in yet!

"Is this about the guy in the room beneath you?" Beatrice shouted from her seat.

"If it's the landlord you tell him that when we walked outside earlier we looked down and Mr. Sheepdog was butt naked with his pecker swaying in the breeze. And he freaked out when he noticed us. I know you were going to let it go, Claire, but if he's going make a fuss then whoever your talking to should know what happened."

Claire blinked a few times as the words filtered through her brain and slowly, slowly clicked into place.

"Yeah! What my friend said. We walked out and he was drinking his coffee naked. Probably used to not having people above him. It wasn't that big a deal, I mean we're all animals here. But yeah, if he's pitching a fit..."

The super groaned and buried his face in his hands, talking from inside of them.

"Okay... I'll be honest, I've got a lot on my plate today and don't have time for this shit. I'll go and talk to whats-his-name, but can you let bygones be bygones for now? I don't want to fill out forms for this..."

"Sure!" Claire ecstatically squeaked back to him.

"I'm sure it was just an accident, I'll be more careful to avoid things like this going forward."

"Alright, you have a nice day Ms. Claire. Thank you."

The door closed, and the footsteps slowly faded away. Claire walked back to the couch and resumed her position, nestling her head snugly in place.

"That was a good save, Bee."

"Well I've got to keep my little squirrel friend safe and happy now, don't I?"

She clicked off the television, and smiled down again.

The two deeply gazed at each other one last time, before dozing away in the cooling evening breeze that was now flowing through the room.

Sleep took them quickly, and they each held on to the smiles they had gained as they traveled into their own dreams of each other for the night.

Below them, two strangers argued with one another, both clueless to what the other was saying, chasing figurative birds in frustration.

Beatrice snored loudly, and a stream of drool fell onto her friend below. Claire's dreams turned to ones of fish and sailing, but the smile stayed on her face.