Tales from Silicon City: Halloween Treats

Story by psion42 on SoFurry

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#24 of Silicon City

Rated Adult for vore

Characters and setting (C) Psion42 2016

Happy Halloween

A stab at some Halloween horror in time for the holiday. Enjoy

Tales from Silicon City: Halloween Treats

By Psion

All Rights Reserved

Set in the heart of California's Central Valley region, Silicon City didn't feel the traditional crisp air that signaled the coming of fall but that didn't stop the sudden influx of candy sales and seasonal Halloween costume stores suddenly popping up in otherwise empty storefronts. The Halloween season had arrived in Silicon City and with it came a influx of party planning, costume shopping, and plenty of options for children wanting to dress up as their favorite superhero, supervillain, or cartoon character. And of course, it wouldn't be the Halloween season without a few pranks...

The abandoned factory cast a long shadow in the light of the full moon as a trio of high school cheerleaders led a member of the chess club into the dark sprawling complex. Tricia, Dixie, and Cassandra smiled mischievously as they lead Gary along with them. A lion, tiger, and bear respectively, each of them perfectly buxom and shapely as expected of the captain of the cheerleader squad and her two cronies. Dressed in matching "devil" costumes and suggestively carrying a six-pack of beer Cassandra managed to swipe from her father's alcohol stash, the three girls were all smiles as they pushed aside a loose section of fence and continued to lead Gary along with them; confident as they were in their planned practical joke to lure him into the factory then leave him drunk and alone in the abandoned building as their idea of a festive gag.

The chubby little fennec male was the archetypical nerd. Wore glasses over his bright green eyes, dressed conservatively in slacks and a tight-fitting shirt, his weight concentrated primarily in a fat belly, his tall ears twitching nervously as he followed the three cheerleaders towards their secret little hideout in the creepy old brick building. Rundown and abandoned long before even the current economic downturn, the decrepit building gave him chills just looking at it. Here? They hid here to smoke and drink when they weren't supposed to? Perhaps following them here wasn't such a good idea after all...

The foreboding feelings had not left him once they stepped into the factory proper. The smell of grime and mildew wafted up in his nose as his eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness. Dixie giggled as she lit up the plastic red pitchfork that went with her costume, casting the group's surroundings in a faint red glow that did as much to obscure their surroundings as it did to illuminate them. Rusted machines and piles of rubble cast ominous silhouettes as Gary's oversized ears twitched in response to a sound at the edge of his hearing. Was that the wind or the sound of something else? He suddenly wished he brought a flashlight with him.

The concrete steps were cold as he quickly made his way up them following after the retreating form of the three females. Up on a smaller second level overlooking the main factory floor, Gary let himself be led into the dirty foreman's office. Inside, the girls had set up a vaguely cozy little hideaway using what they could scrounge. A pair of half-rotten crates and an old wooden door formed a crude table while the three girls sat down on a sofa that had clearly seen better days. Gary could not imagine any of them being the kind of person to do the physical labor required to get even this much set up. Then again, seeing how quickly they relaxed and cracked open their first beers, perhaps he wasn't giving them enough credit. Want something badly enough and you will probably find a way to make it happen.

The weathered sofa already taken, Gary looked around for a place to sit and found none. Unfortunately there didn't appear to be anywhere left for the little fennec to sit. Watching his confused expression with a coy smile on her lips, the lioness Tricia beckoned to him with a crook of her finger and a pat on her lap. Blushing, the chess nerd took her invitation and sat down. It always felt nice to be held like an oversized plushy by the taller beings, if only he could get himself to relax and ignore the sound he was now certain was coming from somewhere down on the old factory floor, something that sounded less like the wind and more like a patient labored breath. It had to be nothing, the girls clearly couldn't hear it but then again none of them had the same hearing he did.

Tricia wished she didn't have to have Gary sitting on her lap but other than that everything seemed to be going to plan. At least it didn't until she looked down and noticed that she and her two cohorts had two beers apiece. The six-pack had been downed and Gary hadn't drunk anything yet, the little fennec butterball hadn't relaxed enough yet to drink up. No matter, there was a bottle of French vodka left in the car. One of them just had to go back down and get it. Glaring at Dixie the tiger, the one who took the last can of beer; the lioness captain of the cheerleaders jerked her head in the general direction of the rest of their booze stash. Dixie huffed and pouted but grabbed her glowing plastic fork and made her way down the stairs all the same.

Several minutes later, Gary had just finally relaxed enough that Tricia could manipulate him when the three of them heard the sound of Dixie scream only to get cut off by a loud muffling sound. The bear and lion looked at one another, this was not part of the plan. Nervously, all three of them walked downstairs back into the cavernous main floor of the manufacturing plant. Dixie's glowing trident was left on the floor and her muffled shrieks could be heard somewhere outside of their field of view.

The chess nerd turned his head in the direction of the sound just as a beam of moonlight shown through the ruined building. Ahead of him, he could just make out the silhouette of a canine head crowning atop a short, almost spherical blubbery body. The canine was dressed in a black costume, allowing them to blend better into the darkness, and their jaw and throat had stretched to accommodate a kicking pair of shapely tiger legs. A terrifying sight made all the more frightening by the fact that the monster was currently between them and the door.

Tricia and Cassandra screamed as the three ran deeper into the factory. Gary managed to stick close to Tricia but Cassandra got separated from them at some point. Behind them, the gluttonous cannibal finished off Dixie with a very audible gulp before lumbering after them. Gary heard the canine belch then follow them in surprisingly spirited pursuit as he took Tricia by the hand and struggled to keep pace with the tall lioness. Heavy footfalls and a canine nose sniffing the air caused his large ears to twitch as he heard the short, round devourer chase after the two of them....

Lorie Farmer smiled as she waddled along, sniffing the air for the three escaping teenagers as she felt the tiger cheerleader squirm around inside her elastic stomach. The short Daschund bitch gave her bloated gut a loving pat and belched up her prey's plastic horns as the first course's struggles tickled her insides, causing her flabby ball-shaped abdomen to wobble and jostle as the tiger's face imprinted briefly against her stomach. Oh it felt so good to be finally able to hunt again, she had been in hiding ever since her encounter with Mentalrix back in St. Louis. The taste of her prey's fear was delicious... positively delicious.

Farmer's smile broadened with a slow lick of her lips as she picked up the scent of her next course. The bear, another crony of the lioness she believed, had gotten separated from the others and now hid in a rusty standing tool closet thinking she was safely hidden from Lorie's sharp nose. Stupid ursine bitch, the Daschund thought as she waddled closer, underestimating the shorter predators just like the others that now padded Lorie's considerable waistline. Waddling into the stark concrete alcove housing the bear's hiding place, the gluttonous vorephile decided to toy with her prey for a bit. Sniffing the air experimentally, she pretended to search around like she had no idea where the skimpy-dressed female was hiding. Avoiding making eye contact with the closet's ventilation grates, she secretly savored the scent of sweat and fear marinating her next course. She knew the bear was watching her through those holes, heart pounding and breath held. And when she finally turned her head towards that closet, staring a hole into the ventilation grate and the bear watching behind it, the pitched shriek that echoed through the factory was as musical as a dinner bell to her ears.

Forcing the door open, she opened her mouth wide and began swallowing the struggling bear feet first. Flimsy red heels kicked and poked against the canine's elastic esophagus as she grabbed Cassandra's legs and began pulling her deeper and deeper into Lorie's gaping maw. Ankles and shapely hips slid down her stretched gullet as she caressed the bear's waist with a flick of her tongue, Cassandra's manicured hands frantically reached for something to grab on to, to pull herself free of Lorie's insatiable appetite. But Farmer was just too strong and escape disappeared from the cheerleader's grasp as she "fell" into the expanding pit of the short Daschund's stomach. Lorie licked her second course one last time as the bear's head rested inside of the canine's mouth, then swallowed her whole.

Now with two bratty cheerleaders crammed inside of her, Lorie struggled to remain mobile as her body bloated outward. Her bloated rubber-clad stomach dragged against the cold rubble-strewn floor as she attempted to half-waddle, half-roll towards the scent of the lioness and the little fennec only to give up after a few seconds. Swollen to a near perfect sphere with two large meals squirming inside of her, she was pushed into a state of gastronomical bliss as she closed her eyes and let her tongue loll out in contentment. Inside the dark, humid confines of her body, tiger and bear desperately held each other as the muscular walls of her stomach began to secrete acid and laboriously massage their bodies. Outside, Lorie fought to remained focused on the task at hand. There were still two more courses out there in the factory, one bratty lioness and a small fennec that would make a good dessert. While normally feeling a kinship to her fellow "small preds," Lorie couldn't afford to leave any witnesses after her first hunt in Silicon City. Shaking her head to clear the digestive torpor and rolling to her feet with a labored grunt, she resumed the hunt...

Gary's heart pounded in his throat as he tried to listen for his pursuer after she audibly finished with Cassandra. It was still black as pitch in this part of the decaying factory but that didn't matter to their pursuer's nose or his ears. Tricia was starting to hyperventilate, her panicked breathing throwing off his sense of hearing and making it easier for the canine to find them. Affectionately taking her hand and giving her a reassuring squeeze, he did his best to look up at her in the poor light. "Follow me, I'll lead us out."

Continuing to hold her hand, Gary slowly led the lioness out. Ears twitched as he listened to the slow, impossibly heavy footfalls of the canine glutton stomping around. The main floor of the factory was largely open; the chubby little fennec was able to weave the two of them around rusted machinery and piles of rubble to keep some sort of obstruction between them and the ponderous devourer. Tension ran thick as the two of them escaped the factory and ran back to the car, fighting to avoid tripping over rocks and rough foliage as they fled post-haste. Gary barely got in the car before Tricia slammed the keys in the ignition, started the engine, and tore off.

Neither of them said a word until the lioness pulled over in a secluded parking lot in front of a gas station that had recently closed down. Putting the car into park and turning off the engine, the lioness cheerleader trembled and finally broke down sobbing. In the midst of a mental breakdown, she didn't notice Gary unbuckle his seat belt and attempt to move over closer until he placed a paw reassuring on her shoulder.

"Oh god, oh god. What do we do, what do we do? I still can't believe we survived that." Tricia gushed frantically, not yet noticing the strangely calm expression on Gary's face.

"Well... one of us survived that at least." Gary whispered sinisterly into the female's ear before making Tricia's world go black...

Gary groaned as he fished around for his glasses and put them back onto his face. Groaning a second time, he leaned forward to caress his swollen stomach as Tricia squirmed and jostled inside of him. The lioness drew his tan-furred belly taut, forming a bloated orb the size of a large beach ball atop his reclining figure. Moaning and belching, he gave his gut a proud pat. "Oooh, good girl." He chuckled with a satisfied lick of his lips. Not how he planned this evening on going but perhaps it was just as well. He always knew he was an unnaturally big eater but still, bringing just one home in his gut had turned out to be tricky enough. Good thing he didn't live too far from here.

Abandoning the car, he slowly waddled home. Bloated belly tucked away inside his elastic slacks and shirt, the short fennec lumbered along the moonlit street back home. It was late at night; Halloween proper was still weeks away, and his neighbors were people who liked to call it a night by ten o'clock. His parents were away on business for the week, so once he was home he locked all the doors and collapsed on the basement living room sofa. Finally comfortable, he loosened his pants and exposed his engorged stomach to the cool climate-controlled air. Tricia had largely quieted by this point, his stomach calm except for the occasional labored gurgles of digestion. As torpor lulled him to sleep, he briefly recalled something about having to go and meet a new neighbor. Some Daschund lady named Lorie Farmer....