Character backstories 1: Ivy's abuse.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#2 of Character backstories

Quick note: These backstories will be in first person view (which means the characters will be telling the story). Please do not think this all happened to me only.

It's just in first person view about ivy's backstory.

It all happened when I was kicked out from my old school. Greetings. I am Ivy, Queen of the hexwings and former hero. I was kicked out of my old school for literally hurting an Emo person. But don't get me started in THAT story. I would just like to sum it up here that my backstory, my parents were unpleasant people. Ever since raindrop was the last one to be born, they lost all pride in me now.

Then as I walked out of my room, I saw earthquake sitting there, with his hands in his face, cuts across his arms, crying. "What's wrong, brother?" I asked. "Your boyfriend camo," he continued, but hiccuping. "He's dead."

I gasped and felt sudden guilt inside of me. "Dead?!" I shrieked. "How?!"

"Eaten by a stupid smile yoshi," he replied. Then as I stepped back, I ran back into my room, crying again after being punished by my father AND hearing that my boyfriend died. Then when I cried myself to sleep literally, I heard someone calling my name from the living room. I placed my ear on the door and noticed by how deep the voice was and then I noticed it was my father!

I walked out slowly and as I did, he then launched at me. He even scratched me across the eye and I felt stinking pain as he scratched the face. There was no way I was going to go down to this monster. Then as he was done, he started yelling at me, telling me how ugly, useless and weak I was. He even told me I was stupid, dumb and offensive to those with small hearts.

Heck, even my father was an abusive control freak. He would just beat me for no reason and he would just stand there while I tasted my own blood. Raindrop, earthquake and mother heard the noise of me crying and whimpering and earthquake tried to stop him, but he just slapped him instead of backing away.

The next day, it went horrible. While I was in the room, I heard screaming, yelling and crying. It was mother and father! They were shouting at each other after the violent event that happened yesterday. Then when mother had to see her own children getting knocked down and beaten by father, she was never the same again. Mother was a scared woman. She would always stay behind and would never look into the face of our father.

The next day was a total disaster. While I was just sitting there, in my room watching sword art online, father bursted in with a whip in his hand and then he started whipping me across the face and the body until blood came out from all parts. Mother walked in again and tried to stop his terrible habit, but he totally slapped her. Hard across her face, causing part of her skin to come off.

I took my beating, felt all the blood come out and the next thing you know, he stopped. It still hurts today.

  • Ivy.