Science Partners

Story by AlphaMax on SoFurry

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#1 of Seth and Theo

Maybe I'll make more, maybe I won't. Depends on if I think of anything.

Theo sat on the loveseat in the living room, waiting nervously for his best friend, Seth, to show up. The two had been paired with each other by their science teacher to work on a project together, and had decided to do it at Theo's house. As the otter waited, he realized that he may not be able to concentrate very well, which sucked because he really needed a good grade in his science class. He should be fine, though. The project wasn't due until the end of the next week. But he was still nervous.

His parents were both staying at his aunt's place to help her cope with the loss of her husband, and his brother was staying at a friend's house. Tonight would be the first time since he realized he was gay that he would be alone with Seth. Theo had been crushing on Seth for almost a year now, long enough to fall in love with him, but never told his friend this. In fact, he still hasn't told Seth he was gay. He was too worried about what Seth would think of him, and that he wouldn't want to be friends anymore.

It was a ridiculous thought, really. Aside from that one little secret, he and Seth told each other everything. After all, being the best of friends, they both trusted each other to the fullest. But Theo's fear of losing his best friend still made him keep his muzzle shut. He longed to tell Seth how much he loved him, and tried to show it as much as he could without letting his secret slip, but Seth never seemed to understand.

He shook his leg as he stared at the clock hanging on the wall across from him, above the TV. He tried to look as attractive as possible, though something inside him told him that Seth wouldn't even notice. He wore a tight black shirt that showed his muscular abdomen and baggy blue jeans held up by a studded belt. He was a digitigrade, so he never wore any shoes or socks, and tonight was no exception. Normally, he never wore something that made him look so good, but then, he never had a chance to be alone with Seth before. But of course, he was already attractive enough without this new wardrobe. He had brown fur all over his body, except his muzzle, which was beige. His eyes were also brown, and his nose was pink. He'd been told by a lot of furs at school how sexy he was, but he didn't care to hear it from any of them. He hoped to someday hear it from Seth.

Finally, the doorbell rang. Theo quickly stood up, glanced at his reflection in the TV screen, and padded to the door. When he reached the door, he took a deep breath, turned the knob, and pulled it open. On the other side stood Seth, an orange fox with a white muzzle, a white-tipped tail, and light-green eyes. He wore a red hoodie and blue jeans, but no footwear since he was a digitigrade as well. He had his backpack over his shoulder, probably containing the requirements for the project. Seth smiled at Theo, and said in a friendly voice, "Hey."

"Hi," Theo said, then stepped aside to let his friend in. Seth entered and made his way into the living room where he dropped his backpack on the floor and sat down on the loveseat. Theo closed the door and followed him. He sat down next to his friend.

There was a moment of silence. Theo didn't know what to say. He was alone with the fur he loved most, which only made him more nervous. All he could do was look at his friend longingly.

Seth looked around the living room, then at Theo, who for some reason had a dreamy look in his eyes. "Um, Theo?" he said.

Theo shook his head a little and looked away from Seth, blushing a little bit. "Uhh, sorry. Um, did you bring the stuff we need for the model we're supposed to build?"

Seth smiled, though Theo didn't see it because his head was still turned. "Yeah, but do you mind if we start on it later? I don't really feel like working."

"Okay," Theo said, still avoiding eye contact. "What do you want to do?"

Seth thought for a moment, then said, "I dunno. Let's just watch TV or something."

"Okay," said Theo, then reached for the remote on the small table next to the couch. He turned the TV on and handed the remote to Seth. "Here. Watch what you want, I don't care."

"Thanks," Seth said as he reached for the remote. When he grabbed it, he purposely touched Theo's paw just to see how the otter would react. When Theo gasped a little and blushed even harder, Seth's suspicions were confirmed; Theo was gay and had a crush on him. It was a gamble of long odds, since it was just a brief touch after all, but Seth was sure of it. "You know what? On second thought, let's just talk." He turned the TV off, set the remote down on the floor, and turned to face his friend as best he could in the seat. "So, how's life been treatin' ya?"

Theo didn't know what to say. He was too shy. He adjusted himself and looked at Seth, who was smiling very cutely. "I, uhh...I haven't really been up to anything interesting. Sorry."

"Well, then," Seth said, "how's your love life? Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

Theo chuckled a little and said, "Uhh, no. I don't."

"Really?" Seth said. "That's weird. There are so many girls at school who like you. You still haven't gone with any of them? Geez, Theo, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were gay or something." He laughed a little, then laughed harder when Theo blushed more.

"What's so funny?" Theo asked, his cheeks red under his fur.

"Well," Seth said between laughs, "are you?"

Theo looked at Seth for a moment, then looked away and nodded slowly. "I, uhh...s-sorry." He felt miserable now. Seth, his best friend finally knew, but was laughing at it like it was a big joke.

"Aww, don't be sorry." Seth said as his laughter subsided. "I don't mind it. In fact, I kinda already knew."

Theo's ears perked up and he narrowed his eyes at the fox. "You knew? For how long? And why did you have to laugh at me if you don't mind it?"

"I always had my theories, and you proved them tonight. You blushed when I caught you staring at me, and you felt a spark when our paws touched--how could you not expect me to know?"

Theo said nothing, only looked down at the floor.

"Okay," Seth said, "so you're gay. That's cool. Is there anyone at school you do like?"

"I'm not telling you!" Theo said instantly, his gaze on the floor. "You probably already know and just want to laugh again when you hear me say it. Right?"

"Right." Seth said.

Theo looked at the fox and said, "Okay, then, Mr. Know-It-All, who do I have a crush on?"

Then, suddenly, Seth stood up and stepped in front of Theo, pushed the otter back against the couch and got in his lap, wrapping his arms around the otter's neck. "Me," he said, his tail wagging seductively.

Theo blushed harder than ever and his cock began to stiffen. "Seth? What are you doing?"

Seth adjusted himself in Theo's lap and said, "I just wanted to be more comfy."

Theo gasped a little as Seth's butt rubbed against the bulge in his pants. "'re gay?"

"I'm not gonna tell you." Seth said, smiling. "You'll just laugh at me. Now, come on. Grab me, you know you want to."

Theo gulped and slowly brought his paws up and placed them on Seth's hips.

Seth murred at the touch. "That's better." He closed his eyes and leaned in closer to Theo's muzzle and puckered his lips.

Theo gulped again, then closed his eyes and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Seth's. When their lips met, his eyes closed as well as he kissed his friend. Soon, he felt Seth's tongue against his lips, so Theo opened his maw more. When he did, Seth's tongue slid into his maw and began to massage the otter's tongue. Theo murred at the fox's flavor as he slid his paws to Seth's butt and began to rub it.

Seth murred again, getting more turned on by the second. Soon, Theo began to suck on his tongue. As the otter did this, Seth could feel his member freeing itself from its sheath.

When the kiss broke, they both looked at each other, unable to speak for a brief moment. Then, Seth said, "You're so damn hot." His stare was soon filled with lust as he bit his lip.

Theo again didn't know what to say. He had waited a long time to hear Seth say that, but now that he had, he was clueless on how he should react. Finally, he spoke. "Okay."

At these words, Seth unwrapped his arms from around Theo's neck and removed his hoodie and the shirt he wore under it. After tossing the garments on the floor, he stood up and began to undo his pants. He pulled them down to reveal his eight-inch foxhood and his white sheath and sac. He stepped out of his pants and knelt down in front of Theo, pushing the otter's legs apart.

Theo didn't move. He was still a little too nervous. Though he had known he was gay for a while, this was still his first time doing anything with another guy. Of course he was glad that it could be with Seth, but he was scared still.

Seth slid his paws up Theo's legs and stopped when he reached the otter's belt. He undid the belt, then the pants themselves, letting Theo's eleven-inch cock spring free of the prison. Seth murred at the sight. "Wow, you're big."

"Y-yeah," Theo said nervously.

Seth scooted forward a bit and grabbed Theo's cock with his right paw and began to stroke it.

Theo moaned at the sensation, and shook a little.

"You seem a little nervous," Seth said as he continued to stroke. Theo's pre acted as a lubricant. "Don't be. You're in good hands." With that, he brought the tip of Theo's cock to his muzzle and kissed it, sucking up a little bit of pre and murring at the taste. He then brought his muzzle to the base of Theo's shaft and licked it up to the tip.

Theo moaned again and scooted forward in the seat, silently urging Seth to continue.

Seth licked Theo's cock again, then wrapped his entire maw around it. He deep-throated the otter with little resistance. His head bobbed up and down, and jets of pre shot across his tongue.

Theo soon began to thrust upward into the fox's maw. As the fox continued with the blowjob, Theo took his shirt off and tossed it next to Seth's hoodie. He placed his paw on the back of Seth's head and began to pet him.

Seth continued for a bit longer, then removed Theo's cock from his mouth. He looked up into the otter's eyes and said, "I want you to take me."

This sent Theo over the edge. He lunged forward, practically tackling Seth to the ground, and pressed his muzzle to the fox's as he pulled his pants down further. When they were down to his ankles, he kicked them off, not knowing where they landed. He stood as high as he could on his knees and looked down at the horny fox in front of him.

"Take me, Theo!" Seth commanded, and Theo did so.

Theo wrapped his arms around the fox's waist and pulled him closer.

As Theo did that, Seth wrapped his legs around Theo's waist and waited to be penetrated.

Theo gripped his cock with one paw and pressed it to Seth's pucker, slowly sliding it in the fox.

Seth moaned loudly as Theo's cock was inserted, and had to bite his lip to hold in another one.

After Theo's cock was a good way in, he grabbed the fox's hips and pressed forward until he was completely inside. They both moaned in unison at the feelings they both experienced. Theo began to pull out, and stopped before he exited completely, then slowly pushed in again. He soon began to plow his friend at a steady pace, Seth exhaling deeply with each thrust.

"Oh, God, Theo," Seth said loudly, "harder!"

Theo then began humping harder and faster, his cock pressing into his friend's prostate. Seth was murring loudly.

"Oh, fuck! Yes!" Seth screamed, his knot now completely engorged.

Theo continued humping, breathing hard as he did so. Both friends were in states of pure ecstasy, especially Theo. He had wanted this for a long time, and now that he got it, he wanted to make it worth the wait. But, ironically, he said, "I'm...close..."

"Oooohhh, yeah!" Seth moaned. He tossed his head back and barked as he came. Several ropes of cum matted his chest fur, and a few even shot him in his face.

Seeing the sexy fox cum all over himself was enough to help Theo reach his climax. After a final thrust, he also threw his head back and came in his friend, filling Seth's ass with one, two, three waves of hot, sticky cum. He grunted a little as he came. After he was spent, he collapsed forward on top of his friend, matting both of their chest fur with Seth's cum. They both panted heavily, their chests pressing against each other.

After a moment laying on the floor, Theo's strength returned. He pulled his member out of Seth's passage, moaning as he did so, stood up, but then fell backwards on the loveseat, his cock still hard. He looked up at the ceiling as he fathomed what had just happened. He had finally yiffed the love of his life.

Seth finally got up off the floor as well, and replaced himself in Theo's lap. He nuzzled the otter and began to wag his tail again. "Theo..." he said weakly, " you..."

After hearing that, Theo wrapped his arms around Seth and said, "I love you, too..."

"Do you mind if we...start on the project tomorrow?" Seth asked.

Theo rubbed Seth's back and said, "That sounds good..."