I am Alexandre

Story by fox kitsune OwO on SoFurry

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#2 of vampire wars

Vampire Wars ¤

I am Alexandre

I froze up as he turned his head to look at me. I was staring at a thin six foot five man with long black hair and chalk white skin. I stood there every fibre of my being every instinct I had screaming, yelling at me to run but my legs wouldn't obey the command.

It was to dark in the hallway to see his eyes he was staring at me quiet, unmoving. A low groan from my neighbour broke the trance. One look at the man who had been living on the landing above me for the last six years was more than enough to tell me just how much pain he was in. he moved his head and he looked up at my eyes a streak of blood running down his face and a look of pure terror in his eyes.

He was shocked when he saw me standing there down the hallway looking at them both he spoke his rasping voice letting me hear the effort he made "Run!". His attacker picked him up and slammed him against the wall with one arm as a child would pick up a rag doll rag doll staring at him now. The pale man used his other hand and placed it on the other side of his face opposite me he pushed his hand and with no real effort he snapped my neighbours neck.

The loud crack as the bone broke was like a wake up call I turned and ran. I turned at the corner and ran into the still open elevator. I pressed the button for my floor desperately. My plan was to get my Car keys call the police and run to my car.

I heard something land on the roof of the lift. I stood there with my back pressed against the cold steel doors of the elevator hardly daring to breath as I waited. I was on my floor the doors opened and I fell back twisting so I went on my hands and knees. I got to my feet and ran to my apartment door I grabbed my keys and ran back to the hall only to see him standing in my doorway. This was like the nightmares I had when I was a kid the nightmares I still have. I stepped back into the living room still watching him. He didn't move at first five seconds later he took large strides into the room. I had backed off to the opposite wall. I stood my breath coming in quiet gasps and closed my eyes. "who are you?" I asked sobs starting to fill my voice.

I forced my eyes open to look at him while I asked this my eyes widening when I see him standing right in front of me I could see the blood on his lips and his hair black as shadow. But what stunned me was his face he was beautiful his pale skin almost luminescent in the moonlight that came through the living room window. His lip full with the slightest pink tinge to them. However his eyes were what caught me the most a medium oval shape with dark lashes. The colour was violet flecked with blood red.

He looked at me for a second as if considering my question.

His eyes shifted up to meet mine as he spoke "I am alexandre girl".

I shook terrified sobs racking my voice making it harder to ask the next question "w...what are y...you?"

Alexandre blinked at the terrified woman in front of him "I am a vampyre" he watched as she began shaking her head crying now. "p...please don't hurt m...me. I don't...want to d...die"

Alexandre caught her chin between his finger tips and forced her too look at him "your mind entertains such thought of me raping you human of me torturing you" he snorted in disgust "I am not sadistic girl I don't play my food or torture it unless it deserves it. And as for raping you you're not to my tastes...in that sense at least. Do not worry girl it will be quick almost painless" his hand closed on her throat gently. He sank his sharp nails into her neck severing several main blood vessels the nerve damage killing her instantly so that in her last second all she felt was a slight sting of pain. He pulled his nails out of her throat and brought her neck to his lips supporting her limp corpse with an arm around the waist. He closed his eyes as he sank his fangs in deep in her throat and drank from her till she had nothing more to give.

As Alexandre left the room he lay the woman on the couch brushing her cheek gently and left the building walking out the front doors and into the night.

Early next morning-

Elaine walked into to her sister apartment block and walked over to the lift

As she pressed the lift button ms Maguire came out her flat door to let her cat a black and white fluffed up tabby out into the landing "well hello there Elaine come to visit violet have you?" the old woman's face creased up in a warm welcoming smile. Elaine looked over at her "yes ms Maguire well...technically I've come to get lazybones out of her bed so we can go to college ms." she pressed the button for the lift as ms maguires cat coiled around her akles rubbing against her legs and mewing annoyingly.

"ah well the poor girl would need her sleep I hear she's been having bad time with it lately poor girl she needs a good feeding" the old woman's smile dissipated as she said this giving her a worried look "wish she was my daughter then I could take care of her like my own boys"

Elaine looked at the old woman her forced smile never leaving her face. Elaine didn't like this old woman. She hated her in fact didn't like old people of any kind and didn't want to hear anymore stories from her. She didn't know how her sister could stand living in this building with a stupid old crone.

The lift doors opened "oh dear sorry ms Maguire I have to go bye!" she flung herself in the lift and pressed the button to go up.

When she got to the floor and the doors opened she walked out the lift readjusting the bag on her shoulder. She walked down the hall and came to her sisters door. She stared at the open door and pushed it open slightly wondering why it had been opened and walked in.

Looking around the room everything was in place nothing had been taken walking into the living room she stopped. Her face paled and eyes went wide shaking seeing the pale body of her sister lying on the couch the eyes wide and lifeless the mouth opened slightly a thin trickle of blood going along down her neck. She wasn't moving at all silent as the grave. Elaine might have believed she was sleeping or unconscious for some unknown reason. But she knew she wasn't her sister wasn't just not moving she wasn't breathing no movement at all. She was dead and elaine knew it. She walked over to the phone and called for the police and after that was down she broke down crying. Cradling the lifeless body of her dead sister in her arms.

When the ambulance and police came they found her that way. A policeman picked her up by the arm to let the medics take the dead body so it would go to the hospital mourge.

She had stopped crying and just watched the body of her sister leave. She would find out who did this and when she did she would make them pay.

Chapter two

I bet your all wondering what the hell happened why'd you kill her but I wasn't planning to use her as the first character. So I murdered her as a way to make way for the real main character.

Maybe it was little heartless but at least it was done in a sweet way.

Anyways it was a twist to make chus ask whats gonna happen to her sissy?

Is she gonna come back from dead?

Whos the mysterious alexandre?

And also whos my main character XD

You'll all have to wait till next chapter
