Chapter 10 - Training Regimen! The Way of the Dragon vs The Dragoon! (Part 1)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#28 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon" is copyrighted to them so I don't take credit from those things. Also, do not use my own copyrighted things in your stories without consulting me first. Takes alot to make this stuff up so keep that in mind and enjoy. Also, if you're not old enough to be reading this, grow up first and come back. I'm not responsible for what you are about to read.

It has been years since I last saw my darling Ree. Her beautiful eyes, her intellect...though she'll never take me back. Not after the choice I made to come with N.D..

**Date: November 3rd

Location: N.D.'s Castle

Time: 1:10 pm**

The N. Cyphers were in their rooms, just relaxing and watching some TV while they were awaiting if Baltro had finished his mission. Vigaro thought that he couldn't do something so simple solely because of the lack of patience Baltro had while doing things as he watched an interesting documentary. Gaspade was out taking care watering his garden in a greenhouse with a solar lamp which was in his room. He felt peacefully happy where no one would ridicule him for being slow minded. His roses and Tulips were his best friends, always chatting with them while watering them every now and then.

The stone hallways were empty for the time being, being on lunch break and for another important reason. Wiell was walking slowly, having just checked on Baltro's status which wasn't looking good. His monocle was fogging up due to the stress on his mind on having to bring the news to N.D. on the situation. He stopped in front of the door to his room, sighing and getting his monocle clear of fog before he noticed that the door was open a crack. Being the curious Gadow he was, he checked to see if it was a good time, seeing someone with black fur on the large bed jumping up and down.

It took him a moment to realize that it was Jessica, smeared in his master's black semen, while she was riding on top. N.D. had both hands on her rump, "Uhhh!...Uhh!...yess....yesss...", she moaned in delight the two having their moment of intimacy. The cock within her throbbed and impaled her wanting pussy, getting his lap and the bed slightly moist while she rode him, her husband having a smirk on his face with his hair covered in sweat. Her breasts bobbed up and down, the sound of their bodies slapping echoing in the silent hall.

This was why everyone was away, but Wiell had very important information to relay. Seeing them reminded him of his loved one, having lost her before joining up with N.D., "Ree...she probably still hates my guts...wait, now's not the time for that. I need to tell him what happened.", he thought to himself, the sound of their climax startling him and making him fall against the door. The two didn't notice it until Jessica felt full, turning over to see who it was.

Wiell felt dizzy for a moment, about to grab his monocle until a black foot stepped on it and broke it. Slowly he looked up, a few drops of black liquid falling on his muzzle as he saw that Jessica had her teeth bared at him. If it was anyone else, the view of her nice crotch would be enlightening, but if you were anyone but N.D., it was basically death, "You again!? Why the hell do you always gotta bug us when I'm fucking my hubby!", she shouted, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him up to throw him out the door.

The wind was knock out of him as he was sent face first into the stone wall, feeling a bit of blood go down his nostrils as Jessica was coming at him again. N.D. panted for a bit, still a bit tired from that climax before getting up himself and grabbing his semen covered wife by the shoulder, "Now now honey. I can't have you hurt my second in command. If hes here to bother us, he must have a good reason. If not you can have your fun with him.", he said with a chuckle, Wiell getting a bit nervous as he bowed down in respect.

"My lord! Forgive the intrusion! Its...of vital importance! Regarding the first part of the Virage you sent Baltro on yesterday!", he said in a panicky voice, Jessica about to kick him before N.D. lifted Wiell with his telekinetic powers to the ceiling. She pouted seeing that her husband stopped her but she knew that getting the Virage parts was important. It was the fact that his timing was horrible which pissed her off.

"Well alright then. Remember I'm still hungry, so when you're done, you better be back here, naked and hard. But I'ma go shower while you're gone so you can dirty my fur with that black spunk.", Jessica said teasingly, swaying her tail and butt at her hubby as she walked to their private bathroom. N.D. winked at her and gave a growl, losing focus on Wiell and making him fall to the floor with a thud. Jessica laughed as she did what she wanted, her revenge fulfilled as she entered the shower area.

Quickly he got a wet towel from the side of his bed and wiped himself off, keeping it nearby in case he had to quickly do something important, "Sorry about that Wiell. You heal fast right?", asked N.D., his second in command not looking too good with his muzzle bleeding. With his robe on, the two began to walk down, N.D. looking around for a moment to make sure they're alone, "Also thanks for coming in...I don't know how much more I could've taken. She's been rather aggressive lately, asking for more than usual. Seven times a day is rough but now its becoming ten!", he thanked, handing Wiell a moist towelette for his cut, followed by a band-aid.

Wiell cleared his throat while he cleaned his muzzle up, happy to be away from that troublesome woman, "You're welcome my lord. Just...try to protect me sooner. Shes quite the firecracker.", he commented, N.D. laughing as it was quite true. The two came to the conference room, though keeping it to themselves this time as N.D. relaxed in his soft comfy leader's chair with Wiell beside him in a not so fabulous chair. It wasn't easy thinking of a way to explain Baltro's failure, thinking of where to start as he scooted back a bit, "Well...", Wiell began, but he couldn't find a way to start.

N.D. saw that he was having trouble talking, wondering if it was bad news already, "Hey you can tell me anything Wiell. Technically you have to, and I won't read your mind to find out. Now what happened? Baltro left last night and apparently it was taking him awhile. I'm not surprised that even hes taking awhile.", he asked, keeping his voice calm and collected to see if it would help.

"Umm...Baltro was nearly fatally wounded in his mission. Hes in the infirmary right this moment undergoing extreme life saving surgery. Magic of huge caliber is required and no one around here has the ability to not only stitch body parts together, but to reconnect nerves, raise the blood count back to suitable levels. I'm certain he'll survive, though if it wasn't for the Vitality Sensors you placed in their P.I.C.s, he may have not survived.", said Wiell, N.D. starting to look concerned hearing the news.

He remained quiet though, nodding his head to let his adviser know to continue if there was more. Wiell cleared his throat as the worse was out of it, moving on to better news, "It seemed that the dragoon of fire Eurasia was the cause of it. His power recorded was staggering compared to the data from Gears and the with Firon's encounter with him. As you know, Firon is with the other N. Cyphers keeping mind of your "factory" but that's another report. It also was confirmed from Baltro that Eurasia has possession of the Virage Soul. Its location was far north of the site that the Virage Head was found, which was collected by me of course. Though for some reason Eurasia was at the city Calimas by the time Baltro got the Virage Soul's signal.", he continued, N.D. slamming his fist on the table but not breaking it.

The impossible had happened, something that not in a million years would he have expected to occur, "What!? How the heck did Eurasia know? Unless...Abu told him about it. Though he never did locate that Virage Soul. And I know because I dove into his mind plenty of times. Hes a complex guy but he really didn't that rules that out. How?...", shouted N.D., trying to wrap his brain over how did something like this happen.

"My lordship, perhaps it is Baltro's fault. He threatened the locals over finding it or he'll destroy the city of Solitudo. Maybe Eurasia learned of it through word of mouth?", thought Wiell, N.D. thinking that it was a good possibility. The fact that he didn't acquire the Virage Soul meant that it would hinder the schedule of Virage production. It would've been a total failure if we hadn't retrieved the head but it was lucky that Wiell managed to do it.

N.D. gave Wiell a pat on the back and a smile, still seeing that he was sweating bullets, "Don't sweat it. We may be getting a bit behind schedule but as long as we can get the parts, the more important ones, then how long we get there isn't an issue. One more long were you watching Jessica riding me?", he asked, his tone sounding teasing but it made Wiell fall off his chair. It was a real laugh having seeing his reaction, getting up to pick him back up, "Relax, I'm not angry. I told you that you helped me out, though I can tell by how you came in that you were thinking of your woman. And I didn't have to read your mind to know that much."

Wiell didn't want to think about the past, knowing that he was the cause of losing her. Though hating him would only get himself killed, so he put any thoughts of revenge long behind him. As he got up he didn't answer, nodding at his master and starting to walk out the door, "Such thoughts are beyond me my lord. Oh also I'll get to raising the bounty on Eurasia. I assume that is what you had planned for such interference right?", he asked, N.D. gasping as Wiell was thinking ahead now.

"Yup, double his bounty. And add...30 million to his dragonesses. Just for the hell of it. That should bug Eurasia and make his dragonesses either more careful or more rowdy. The big bounty hunters should see that dragoon as fair game now...well I'ma go make my rounds after I check on Baltro. Hes a hothead but hes still my son as you know.", reponded N.D., running out the conference room before Wiell left. Wiell just sighed, having to hold in any thoughts of his lost lover "Ree" in case he would try to read his mind.

As the dark lord ran in his robes, he took a moment to think about when he first recruited Wiell, now remembering who his partner was, "Hmmm...I forgot that I made him break up with her. Hell I nearly killed her....Eh...I don't care too much but I'd be pretty pissed at the guy who would do that to me and Jessica. Ah well either way he couldn't do anything to me.", thought N.D. going to the infirmary to see the status of Baltro.

Wiell focused on getting the report into the database, going into his room which was covered in technology. From an automatic bed maker to his own robotic helper, who was currently turned off for the moment. On the far end wall was a computer with a large 70 inch computer LCD screen with a small keyboard at the bottom, walking up to it while pulling a chair to take a seat, "Alright...gotta get my mind's report. Though..should I include "that" in the report? Probably not..whatever that structure was..probably a tomb or something from how it looked. It wasn't part of the agenda to research so I didn't bother to give it a closer look...Given where it was found, it isn't worth checking out and should left to be buried under the sand.", he thought, getting to typing in the report regarding the finding of the Virage Head.


Date: November 3rd

Location: Center of the Desert City of Solitudo

Time: 1:04 pm

Instantly, the trio had arrived in Solitudo, the city where Michael had arrived last night. The link had the city's name with the coordinates, so they knew where they were now. It was how they saw it from afar, the city mostly made of stone but there were street lights and various other modern technology, "Hmm...this is where I was last night I think. Even though I was hypnotized, I can remember little bits--Uh oh!", spoke Michael, suddenly seeing armed guards surround them. Again they were snakes like Kayla, covered in shiny silver armor and armed with spears.

Rizan and Shyranrya didn't plan on making any ruckus, nor did Michael as they nervously were backed into a wall, "H-hey! We don't want any trouble...errrm...Desiree called us here?", said Michael, having his hands out at them while taking a step forward. One the guards raised an eyebrow, turning his head to nod at his fellow soldiers to put down their arms, then stepping back to let the one they named walk forward.

"Glad to see you're here came alot faster than I thought. The paperwork was finished just now--eeep...Rizan and Shyranrya are here too..well..that's alright. As long as you're not here to cause problems as stated in my message.", said Desiree nervously, still having her trademarked Labcoat but wearing a red dress with a short skirt with it this time. She had on her chest a security card that read "Level 10 Clearance", walking over to the head of the guards to hand him a sheet of paper, "Don't worry, they're with me. Here's the approved notice to allow them free-roam with me for the next one to three hours."

"Hmm...alright then. This all checks out. I don't see why you'd want to consort with humans or dragons...nothing good could come of that...lets go men.", said the head guard, the rest of the soldiers snorting at the lesser beings while they slithered off. There were a few people who were interested in who the human and dragonesses were, but they minded their own business as Desiree started to lead them away.

The city was slithering with snakes of all varieties and colors, from cobras to anaconda types. Everyone eyed them while they walked, wondering why a human would just be walking around without any leash or collar of some kind. Desiree saw that Rizan and Shyranrya were angry, thinking that a conversation may bring them to ease, "Well you won't believe the amount of calls I had to make to allow this..there's a strict code on allowing what they consider "lesser" beings walk around. Took me a few hours to do so ya know.", she began, Michael curious as to what would be needed.

Before he could ask, something caught his eye as they walked into a plaza, seeing a very interesting statue, "Huh? Whats that?", asked Michael, the three turning to look at a rather large but worn looking stone statue that seemed like it used to be in the middle of the open plaza but was pushed to the side, "Weird, looks like some heros beating some bad guy...but why is it over there? Seems out of place to me.", he commented, Shyranrya curious as she loved learning about stories.

They all stopped and walked up to it, seeing that it was a bit over 15 feet tall. It displayed four strong looking snakes covered in impressive armor, all driving a spear through what appeared to be a monstrous snake. Its size was bigger than the four individual ones killing him, even detail of the blood spraying out from the spear's impaling, "Oh this old thing? From what I remember, that "bad guy" wasn't some average guy. His name was Non, and according to legend, he was this close to taking over everything.", explained Desiree, bringing two fingers very close together to show what she meant, "Though that's just legend. I can't say much more on it because I only focus on facts, not stories of old."

Michael walked forward and saw a some writing, the letters not in anything he could read with a few characters gone from erosion, "Hmm...what does it say here? I can't read it...oh wait!", he uttered, remembering that his P.I.C. was able to take care of that. He held it to analyze the text, a beam of light scanning the unreadable characters until a translation came on the screen, "Abu gave me a text for nearly all languages from every dimension...except a very specific few..ok. It says...'This ____ is dedicated to those who ____ and vanquished ___. May this chapter in our ____ live forever in our hearts and ____ so we may never return to the _____.'. Hey some words are too worn out to read."

Desiree chuckled as she rubbed Michael's head, though getting a growl from Rizan after she did so which made her step back from them. Shyranrya kneeled down to see herself, being able to read it and that the translation was right on the money, "Oh its this type of language. Definitely a very old style of language, and nothing used today.", she explained, Rizan also taking a look and realizing that she could also read it. It wasn't quite dragonic but she could make bits of it out from using the dragon language as a base.

"I think it was my father who said that all non human languages are all derived from the same pool of characters. Kind of like how for you humans, Latin is the base of nearly every language too. Though this "Non", a brute. I mean hes all muscular and fangs and whatnot.", commented Rizan, Michael wondering if anyone would about this legend or tale. Only one person came to mind and he wasn't around to ask, so he decided he'd ask some other time.

The group decided that it was time to go, Shyranrya curious about the legend too as they continued walking for a good ten minutes. Before long they came onto a stone house, looking almost like the greek type houses Michael had seen in history books. The door was the only thing wooden, Desiree opening the door and letting her guests in. They entered a large bedroom, with the kitchen in one entrance way and the bathroom in another.

It took Michael a moment to realize where they had gone, "Hey! This is Dahlia's place isn't it? I remember this bed and bathroom.", he said while going to the same bathroom he had washed his face earlier to do so again. Rizan didn't enjoy being in the place of someone she wanted to kill but she took a seat on the side of the large bed to wait and see what Desiree had to say. Soon her favorite human came back and joined her, happily letting him sit in her lap which made Shyranrya a bit jealous for the moment.

"Now then, for why I called you here. I'll be brief...I invited you here because N.D. can't detect us here so its safe for us to talk.", she started, the three looking around to try and find what made this place special. Desiree chuckled and shook her head, "Its not visible, but trust me on this. He can't find us here...oh right. As I was saying, I made some phone calls around to get you three access to be allowed here. The person who made it possible was the world renowned Jack. He put in a good word for you and given what hes done, they listened to what he said you three did for him. I asked him if he knew anything about Virages and he said only a little, and that only one person would know the full details besides N.D.. His good friend Abu. All I know is that N.D. is looking for pieces of this Virage thing and intends to use it for no good.", she continued, Michael feeling Rizan squeeze him by the stomach which made him laugh a bit.

"Heh that tickles Rizan...but..Abu? I'm not surprised he'd know. I'm pretty sure I've heard the name Virage before. It's on the back of my mind...Rizan, Shyranrya, do you know? If I know it, it's more than likely something to deal with dragonic history. I've been a bit outta touch with the school work lately you know.", Michael asked with an embarrassed smile. Rizan smirked back and scratched his stomach lightly, seeing Shyranrya looking a bit annoyed as she walked over and sat beside them.

She took a hard seat which surprised Rizan and made her let go of her human. Michael fell to the side, his head landing in Shyranrya's lap and looking up at her with a smile while she rubbed her large hands on her head, "Hi there Eura. Hope you don't mind me taking a seat too huh?", she coyly asked, seeing him shake his head as he enjoyed her affection as well. Rizan tried her best not to hiss in offense, seeing her friend have a devious grin for a moment, "Ok now a Virage...that's very old stuff. I think its related to the dragon campaign nearly 1 million years ago. When I get home, I'll look it up but it seems if N.D. is trying to collect parts of it, he'll use it against us most likely."

Rizan at least had his stomach to herself, thinking about what a Virage could be, her hands lifting Michael's shirt a bit to scratch at her bare lean stomach gently, "Yea, I think you're right. Dad said that Virages were huge trouble when our great great grandfather fought in the war. Though he didn't say what they could do. Is it a weapon?", she asked, thinking that was the most probable guess.

Desiree cleared her throat, knowing that their guesses were quite valid given how N.D. was. She then pulled out a paper from one of her front coat pockets, handing it to Shyranrya, "Ok I need you to keep on the look out for any information regarding N.D. or his lackeys the Cyphers. From what I'm guessing, sending one to retrieve one must mean its a priority for him. Just stay alive ok? You're a very important person in this matter and be sure to ask me for help if you ever need it. Same goes to you Rizan and Shyranrya. Dahlia also apologizes for having to hypnotize Eurasia again, though shes not here for her own safety."

Michael chuckled nervously as Rizan scoffed, not accepting that one bit. Shyranrya read the paper and saw that it was an overall report about their human, "Huh? Blood type 0...height 6'4"...what's this for?", she asked, Desiree confused as to why she'd asked a question over something important. The paper had quite a bit about Michael, from shoe size to penis size, even something interesting which she had tried hard to ignore, "Though seriously, why are you giving me a medical report about Eura?"

Rizan snatched the paper to take a look, seeing that it even had his strawberry flavored semen written down under the name "Dopplegangic Flavoring and Color", "Well its for you two, in case there's a few things you would like to know about Eurasia. His body is quite remarkable and nothing like any normal human. For example, his blood is nearly boiling, with an internal body temperature of 90 c. The amount of benefits that has on him are huge...though you two probably know more than me already. Though doesn't hurt to be safe. I took these tests when I dragged him to my castle, though I was gentle I assure you.", remarked Desiree, the two dragonesses confused still but perhaps it wouldn't hurt taking a look at it later.

Information about himself was something Michael felt uncomfortably about, wondering what could be on that paper as Rizan kept it away from him as he tried to take a look, "Hey! Let me see!", he asked with a chuckle, Rizan sticking her tongue out and giving it to Shyranrya in a playful game of keep away, "Nuh uh! You know enough about your body. Thats why Desiree gave it to us sweety.", she responded, Michael giving a playful pout though still curious.

" three go well together. Well that's pretty much it. I had to tell you this without putting you all in danger...Take my number and call if you ever need help ok? I promise I won't betray your trust too Rizan and Shyranrya.", said Desiree, scribbling her P.I.C. number and handing it to Michael. The two dragonesses were still skeptical but she seemed to be telling the truth this time around.

Shyranrya cracked her knuckles and gave her a very intimidating glare, "Well just remember if you do something like what Dahlia did...even if Eura says not to, you won't get away with it. It's getting tiring of being back-stabbed ya know?", she explained, Rizan nodding and showing how sharp her claws were. Dahlia was higher on her list but she was going to give her the benefit of the doubt over what her reason was. Though there won't be a next time for either of them if they choose to repeat their actions.

Desiree felt sweat go down the side of her head, Michael patting Shyranrya on the stomach, and Rizan as well with a nervous smile, "Oh I know you won't Desiree. You're really a nice person from what I've seen and what Dahlia has said about you.", commented Michael, making her blush as she hadn't received a nice opinion about her in ages. He got up and pulled out his P.I.C. to quickly add her to his contact list, "Righto, now lets go home shall we?", asked Michael, the three waving goodbye before they vanished in a flash of light.

The feeling of finally doing some good made Desiree feel good, wanting to help the dragoon get back at the one who ruined her life long ago. The door of the closet began to open, the silent sound of slithering getting Desiree's attention, "Are they..gone?", asked a voice, getting a nod from Desiree as Dahlia came into the room. A sigh of relief escaped her, thinking that it was best to stay out of sight while those scary dragonesses were around, "I would've loved to hug that warm human but Its too risky...Would've taken my mind off Kayla giving me a lot of yelling over betraying her trust."

Dahlia came in naked, standing a bit taller than her 8 ft tall friend and giving her a hug. Desiree felt a bit weird having large soft breasts pressing against her own, wondering why she was given a hug, " know, having breasts aren't so bad. I know it was only for the sake of disguise but mind if I keep this form? These feel so good.", said Dahlia with a delicious sounding hiss. She put her down the gave a light moan feeling her friend pinch her left nipple.

Two fingers squeezed her just enough to cause a light amount of pain but alot of pleasure, before the hand began to feel up and fondle the soft breast, "'re softer than I thought. And yes I agree, they feel rather good, especially when your partner gives them this sort of treatment. I would say I'm jealous that yours are about two cup sizes bigger than mine but size isn't everything. Make sure you flaunt it correctly alright?"

It was a very nice feeling, Dahlia's tail moving to rub her friend's thigh, though giving a pout feeling her move away, "Aww, you're gonna tease me and not let me tease back?", she whined, seeing her friend have a smirk on her face. Though she quickly gave another hiss of delight feeling her use both hands to molest her soft marshmallows, "Sorry sweety, I'm doing this for the sake of science. We're good friends, but I prefer males a lot more than females. But since you're a good friend I'll do you this much.", responded Desiree, making her friend moan in delight with some extra special teasing.


Its hard to believe that another birthday has passed once again. Though I still haven't aged much, I feel that...if i grow too old.......I feel sad thinking that because I am a human, they'll both outlive me.

**Date: November 3rd

Location: Rizan's House, Living room

Time: 1:32 pm**

With that out of the way, the trio arrived at home, with Michael looking a complete mess from his fight. His clothes were dirty from dried mud, and slightly burned from his power. Shyranrya continued looking at the paper, before whispering something to Rizan while Michael proceeded to walk to his "room" to find a change of clothes to wear after a nice shower. As he got them, he walked out the room to see them looking at him, "Oh Euuuura! I just checked it out and it seems that its lacking one thing...your birthday is listed as "Not Available" here...when is your birthday?", asked Shyranrya, seeing her human gasp and step back a bit.

Rizan smirked as she grabbed him by the arm, making sure he won't escape, "Come on Eura, you can tell us. If you don't, we'll make you talk!", she threatened, feeling him slip out of her grip which surprised her. He ran back into his room and closed the door, the dragonesses chuckling as he wanted to keep it a secret. Carefully he started to crawl out the window, before seeing Rizan blocking the way with a grin and making him run back in.

Before he knew it, the way out of the room was blocked by Shyranrya and Rizan crawled in through the window. Seems he had no choice, sighing and looking down as they boxed him in, "Okay okay you today.", said Michael with a disappointing tone. The two were shocked to hear that this day was his birthday, which explained why he was surprised yesterday at dinner with Frin.

Though now they wondered why he didn't want to bring it up, both of them lifting him up and taking him to their special "spring" underneath the house. They covered his eyes as they took him to the entrance as they didn't yet want him to know, but his expression seeing the cave like bath area was enjoyable for them both, "Now lets all relax and such before we start training. Though you should tell us why you wanted to keep your birthday a secret." said Rizan as they stripped him down to only his boxers, both hesitant to do any more from the other being around.

The topic of his birthday wasn't one he enjoyed talking about, knowing that he was getting older while they were aging a lot slower than he would since he was human. He saw them both get naked for a moment, before getting into a bikini as they wanted to be respectful for their human. Rizan wore a blue thin bikini that was two piece, that barely covered her nipples and crotch while Shyranrya went with a one piece that gave more of a teasing for her cleavage and showed her curves better, " you two come down here to relax? This is really nifty", said Michael as he touched the water. It was warm but not hot as he was used to, being pushed into it by Shyranrya's tail.

He fell in with a splash, Rizan chuckling seeing him come up soaked from the deep end. The two walked to the other side from the shallow end, and started to relax once they pressed a button under water to bring up the temperature. It seemed that it was a very large bathtub, one end specifically for swimming and relaxing while the other was for bathing. The bathing side was only about 6 feet deep, in which Rizan usually sat on her friend's lap while they showered while the deep end was about 20 feet.

Michael swam over, though it seemed that wasn't too used to swimming as it took him a few moments before being pulled over by Rizan. She was a bit over a foot taller, and that foot is what allowed her to stay above the water while he barely was able to, "Phew...this is pretty deep. I feel bad being so small sometimes in a place where everything is huge.", he sputted, before being grabbed by Shyranrya as well on the other arm.

They both tugged on him for a moment before realizing that the other had him, both of them letting go before Shyranrya took a seat to let her favorite male sit on her lap, "Have a seat Eura, while I wash that hair of yours. You're quite dirty from that battle...", she said in a low sensual voice, lathering up his hair before she was splashed with water. It caught her off guard, in which Rizan took a seat in her lap too to continue what she was doing, "That's right! We gotta get you nice, clean and relaxed before we start your training with us. Things are going to get more difficult from here on out and we've been slacking...haven't we Shyran?", she asked her friend, smirking as she did a rather sneaky thing.

As she got the water out of her eyes, she nodded, letting her wash his hair while she washed is back. Her large hands were able to do the job quite fast, Michael sighing and feeling his exhaustion being cleaned off with the dirt and whatnot, "Thanks...that feels nice...though you mentioned training? Is that how you two got so strong?", he asked while leaning forward, feeling even more relaxed once he noticed Rizan had started to rub his legs as well.

Rizan nodded, happy to be finally be able to protect those she cared about. Although she was strong for human standards, she was quite helpless back then when she had first met Michael, "Yup...when you were gone, we decided on getting strong so we'd never be damsels in distress. We finished about 45 years of the training, and we're nearly at the top of the power list. Technically our training is supposed to be for dragons to be used against dragoons in case they ever went amuck but we're using it to help you. Though even with it, there seems to be enemies that are still that much more powerful...", she explained, seeing her friend dump a huge amount of water over them to wash off the shampoo.

Shyranrya's hands were perfect for it, both hands like a bucket of water as all that dirtiness was washed away. With one hand, she was scratching his back, feeling his flesh to be quite tough and soft while her other large hand moved to his thigh to squeeze it gently, "Mmm..that's right. Though not many dragons even care for this. They consider dragoons to be extinct anyway...too bad. No one realizes that this power is great if you want to protect those you love...and care for.", continued Shyranrya, giving a small eep feeling Rizan's hands bump into hers as she was about to get a gentle feel of her human. The two quickly moved their hands and blushed, feeling embarrassed that they were caught but also wondering what the other was doing getting that close.

Michael opened his eyes, feeling a light shock as their hands moved away, not noticing where they were wandering to while he yawned. Shyranrya's blush was covered from his view due to being above him while Rizan's was easily concealed thanks to her natural red scales, "Errrm...uhhh oh Eura! Why didn't you want to tell us about your birthday? In all of this relaxing, I nearly forgot to ask.", said Rizan, trying to break the awkwardness in front of her friend, hearing Michael sigh as he had hoped to avoid it.

He looked up at Shyranrya to see she was concerned while Rizan was more so curious, rubbing his head as he tried to find the right words to describe his reasons behind it, "Well...I turn 37 today..I feel that I was probably getting too old...I mean, you guys both said 50 years had passed...yet you two have barely aged or even aged. If I had stayed with you, I'd be an old man...and you probably wouldn't want to be around me anymore.", he replied, the two gasping in shock hearing how old he really was. They both found him to be no older than twenty, even seeing that he looked and acted barely like a mature human adult.

The shock on their faces baffled him, wondering if maybe he was right. Shyranrya grabbed him by the waist and lifted him up, shaking him a bit and hearing him give a light yelp, " could you think that? You know we love you! We'd never get tired of you...though honestly I didn't think you were 37...wait, technically you're 87 then. But still, you don't look a day over 20!", she responded, Rizan giving a nod as it was a shock to her too.

"Even though you do give a point that you as a human age much quicker...we'd never leave you because of that. You've been there for us plenty of times and we're not so shallow as to leave you if you weither.", put in Rizan as she had her own thing to say, Michael giving a smile as he was happy to hear that. Though he began to feel bad as he didn't trust them, going in to hug Shyranrya by the neck. The sudden hug made Rizan shocked, with a wide opened mouth, Shyranrya murring in such delight as she hugged him back. After a few moments, he was let down and hugged Rizan, Shyranrya although was hoping she was getting a special hug, was glad that they made him happy.

When he let her go, Shyranrya gave a low growl, getting on her hands and knees beside him as she looked at him with sharp predator-like eyes, "Well try not to worry about that so much Eura...though you think you can clean me next?", she asked, before Rizan hopped on top of her and knocked over over towards the deeper end. Michael laughed as the two were playing around, seeing Rizan come up to him holding a bar of soap while Shyranrya was out of the way for the moment, "Wait, how about you clean me first? It'll take awhile to clean her up you know...", asked Rizan, making Michael think as to who to clean up first.

To be continued....