The voice of reason - Ch 8 - Confess...

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#8 of The voice of reason

Two weeks passed since the night I first slept with Terry... I talked to him a lot... Back then, I didn't regret sleeping with him... I thought that it could set things right in the end... Slowly but steady, he got over Ceylan even though he still had his moments sometimes. So one night, I invited Terry over at my place to watch movies, but what Terry didn't know was that Ceylan was here with me as well. Ceylan was aware that Terry was coming, and we decided to tell him. And I'm gonna make sure they'll make up. It's because I didn't want to loose either of them... So it was time to finally come clean...

Saturday night... All day I've been a bit nervous. Ceylan could see that there was something about to happen, but she didn't ask any questions. She never knew that I spend that night with Terry and we kept on living like nothing ever happened. So the moment I heard the doorbell ring was a bit of a nerve wrecking moment for me. I buzzed him through and a few moments later, a knock was heard on the door. So I opened up. The moment I closed the door and turned around, I could immediately see that shit was about to hit the fan. Terry stood dead in his tracks and stared baffled at Ceylan sitting on the couch, and Ceylan stared right back at him. "Oh dear... Oh dear fuck... Ooooh nooo..."

'The hell is she doing here...?'

'Nikki and I need to talk to you, Terry...'

'Don't fucking bother! Why the hell would you do this anyway?!'

'Well, Ceylan and... A-And I...'

'You set this up, Nic...?

'N-No, I mean, yeah, b-b-but-'

'Un-fucking-believable. I'm out of here.'

'T-Terry!! Wait!! Come back!!'

Terry opened the front door and made his way to the staircases. And I could see everything happening again... I could see everything fall apart what I've been trying to build up for years... All of this could be destroyed if he went out of the doors that evening... So I didn't make the same mistake I did with Meagan... I ran after him, and could stop him before he could leave. 'Terry, wait! There's something that-'

'That what?!! You knew she was fucking cheating on me, and you didn't say anything!! And now she's here while you said she wouldn't be here!! Is this all some kind of a fucking joke to you, Nic?!'

'No! Of course not! It's just that...'

'That what?!'

It stayed silent for a moment... How the hell could was I able to persuade him to get back in and talk with us...? And to talk with her...? 'She has something to say to you. And... I-I know you're pissed at me... I don't blame you... You got all the right to be... But I think it's best to hear her out... She still loves you... Please... Hear what she has to say...'

An awkward moment of silence again... Terry was really pissed... I've seen him so angry before... He lets out a sigh and turned his head away... 'I can't believe I'm doing this.'

So... He went back to my apartment. Once I got back, I noticed Ceylan had soggy red eyes once she faced the two of us. Terry flopped down on the couch and looked all serious at Ceylan.

'Well? Go ahead. Say what you wanna say.' Terry said to Ceylan... Ceylan looked at me for a moment. But I nodded... She had to tell him now. I couldn't tell if she's mad at me, but quite honestly, I didn't really care. I just wanted to be honest about everything that happened the last couple of months. Then Ceylan started talking... 'I uh... Terry... I love you a lot... I really do...' she said, followed by a long pause...

'Then why'd you do it? You never told me why...'

'It eh... It felt as if... As if something was missing, you know...? But... I couldn't figure out what it was. And then you introduced me to Nicole... And... It didn't take long before I realized what I was missing... And I fell in love with Nicole...'

It stayed silent for a short moment while Terry stared at the two of us in disbelieve... 'Nikki...? Is that true...?' I nodded slowly... 'Then... Th-Then why'd you never tell me?'

'I was scared, Terry... My mom didn't take it so kindly when I told her. I had a lot of struggles... And I'm tired... I don't want them no more. I didn't want you to react the way my mom did...' Ceylan said to Terry... I owed him some explanation as well...

'And... I-I was caught up in a really awkward situation... I-It's my fault too... Wh-When Ceylan told me that... She was in love with me, I didn't want to go any further... It's because I knew she was you're girlfriend... But the thing is... I had feelings for her as well... And... At some point, I-I couldn't deny it anymore...'

It stayed silent for a long, long time... Ceylan and I kept looking at Terry... And it was so sad to see him like that... He was really hurt... We never wanted him to get hurt in the first place... But things got out of hand... All Terry did was sighing while he wasn't facing us... Ceylan and I looked at each other... 'I'm so sorry, Terry... I really am...' Ceylan said to him... He lifts up his head and looked back at Ceylan. 'Yeah... So... I guess that's it then...?'

'It's not you're fault... You're a great guy, Terry, it's just that... I wanted something you could never provide me... I still love you... I really do...'

'What about you, Nic...? Was that a lie as well...?'

'I-I meant everything... And I love you too, Terry... A-As a friend...'

Well, Ceylan looked kinda baffled at us, because she didn't know what we were talking about. But we were obviously talking about the night we were having sex... We really hurt his feelings... 'Right... So... I guess that's it...' He said while he stared at Ceylan... And she nodded slowly... 'Maybe it's best that I go now...'

'Terry, wait...' Ceylan said to him. 'Hm...?'

'Don't look so glum, baby... You're a great guy... Nikki and I love you... And... I understand if you don't want to, but we can still work things out...'

'Work things out...? The hell is that supposed to mean...?'

'I mean... I just... Don't wanna loose you... And I've been stupid, I know and I should've told you... A-And I still wanna be with you... Except I don't want choose between you and Nikki...' Ceylan was nervously scratching her chest-fluff as she wasn't facing either of us... After it stayed silent for a moment, she started talking again... 'You can have someone of your own if you really want to... I won't hold that against you... But I wanna stay with Nikki and I don't want you to think you come as a second choice... I won't hold you on a leash like that... Because... You both mean a lot to me and I wouldn't know what to do if I loose either one of you...'


'But I understand if you don't want to... You got all the right to be mad at us for what we did...'

'I'm not mad at you guys, I'm just.... I don't know...'


'I eh.... It's best that I go now. I got some stuff to think over and let everything sink in...'

'I understand...'

'Take good care of Nikki. She's a wonderful girl...'


And with that, he got out of the door... Poor Terry... He looks devastated. I don't think any other guy would make it such a big deal that his girlfriend is cheating on another girl, but I think that Terry got the impression that Ceylan loved me more then him, and I guess that made him feel "redundant". But Ceylan didn't want to loose Terry, and I think Terry didn't want to break up with her as well. He'll turn around. I'm sure he will...

For the rest of the evening, I talked to Ceylan about what happened with Terry. She told me she felt relieved, but also a bit scared, for not knowing what would happen next. Well, I wouldn't know either... Only time will tell... While we were in bed that night, we talked... But nothing else happened...

The next day, Ceylan went to see Terry. She went out at around one o'clock noon and got back at my place at around ten o'clock in the evening. All day long, they talked about everything, and for the first time in a while, I could see she was truly happy again. And that made me happy as well. They broke up without a fight and stayed friends while I still continued my relationship with Ceylan... The first few weeks after that went rather wobbly, but it got better over the weeks. And at some point, everything was back the way it was before, except Terry knew about Ceylan and me this time... And yet... Something changed...

But there was something else that needed to be fixed. I haven't forgotten about her...