Crash for the Night

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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Charlotte couldn't help but attempt to flap her wrapped wing now and again. It hurt like hell, but every once in a while she had to ensure herself that everything was real. Normally when she fell trainers and pokemon alike scrambled to capture her, presumably because of her darkened exterior compared to her species usual orange. This time was different, however, the Tyranitar that saved her from the storm didn't seem to have any interest in fighting or capturing her, in fact, he offered her shelter for the night and gave her a bite to eat all without saying a word.

She felt a little bad for being so suspicious of him, but life was hard for black charizards. She offered to return the favors somehow, mostly out of guilt, then he disappeared into that dark, overly stormy night. A part of her expected him to return with a trainer or something, leaving her with a knot in her gut. Another part of her actually wanted him to return just so she could talk to him again. In the hours that he was around, from the time she crashed under the mountain that he'd assumedly claimed to the time that he bandaged her wound and fed her, he showed very few noticeable emotions and hadn't said a single word. For another pokemon, he was an interesting creature.

With pouring rain and streaks of thunder, a dark day turned into an even darker night, demanding the use of torches. It was only after she had lit those torches did a streak of lightning and a flash of white imprint that Tyranitar's shadow towering over her on the wall. She spun to face him, lifting up the flaming end of her tail just to be sure. It was him, the one that essentially saved and bandaged her. She smiled wide, but he didn't return her smile.

"Ah, Ty." It was just easier to say than the full name of his species. "Is everything alright? You've been gone for quite some time!"

He nodded and fell to his fours, shaking that big body almost like a human's pet, getting some of the water off before he stood up and looked her over. Somehow along the day Charlotte had committed herself to getting Ty to have an actual conversation with her.

"Err..." She shook her head. "I really appreciate you letting me stay here until the weather clears up. Really, if there's anything I can do, just say so."

Ty breathed small flames for himself, drying himself off with no damage from the heat. Afterward, he approached her and stood in front of her, looking her over. Normal tyranitar almost towered over her, but Ty was even a little taller than that. She stepped back again and raised up her claws to him, but he took another step forward.

"You have to say what you want though! I mean it!"

"You." He stepped forward again and leaned forward, grabbing her sides before spinning her around. She yelped out with widened eyes as he pressed her against the cave's wall. He lifted her tail and took her hips in his claws.

"H-Hey! Hold on!" She pushed away from the wall, but Ty dragged her backward by her hips, then her body began to jerk back and forth. He started to dry hump her, his eyes closed with a strangely peaceful expression painted across his face. She reached back and pushed at his chest, but he didn't lose balance or even budge.

He leaned into her, holding her only working wing against her body and brought his other claws around her body. Her mouth opened willingly and curiously as his claws approached and he began to presumably simulate what else he wanted from her. He rocked her body with his thrusts and massaged her tongue with his claws. After a long while he pulled back and lowered his claws between his legs.

His cock was far larger than Charlotte thought it'd be, but that wasn't surprising considering his species. He used her saliva as his lube, lifting the girthy monster and looking into her eyes. She looked back, aroused, but not enough to be ready for such a thing.

"N-Not yet!" She tried to pull away, but to no avail. He pulled her back away from the wall and pushed against her body again. Hands and feet, she was completely bent over. "Can't we wait? Just a little? I...imagine you've been waiting for this for a while, but I'm not yet!"

Ty leaned forward, planting his palms near the middle of her lower back. He took her tail over his shoulder, not minding the flame against his back, then leaned forward. He pressed the tip of his cock to her asshole, giving it a small push, then he raised his claws to his mouth.


Charlotte shut her eyes as Ty stretched her ass apart. She scratched the floor and covered her mouth with a hand. She spread her working wing as her vision began to blur, it all happened as he pushed forward, undeterred. Desperately, she wanted to scream out, but she couldn't help that amidst all of the pain it sort of felt good. It was just something about it that made her legs quiver...something aside from the pain.

He continued to delve deeper, every once in a while pulling back and gently thrusting forward, her entire body controlled by his movements. She fidgeted and squirmed beneath her, then her body reached the hilt of his cock. He sighed and panted, whenever his member would throb she'd moan out. After a long while Charlotte's pants went quiet and she looked over her shoulder.

"Please, be gentle."

Ty nodded just once, not eagerly or distastefully. It was just a simple nod. He pulled back and gently thrust forward, despite his size and that awkwardly mysterious demeanor his movements were calm, almost like waves over an ocean. He slipped back then eased forward, the soft smack of his body against hers made her jump and it wasn't long after that she began to drip as well. Her juice poured from her slid and ran down her right thigh, collecting in a small puddle beneath them. He didn't speed up or slow down, but his release built up. Eventually she would clench around him and she'd hold her breath, shutting her eyes in an attempt to get through the sensations.

The harsh winds and the sound of rain pelting the mountain grew quieter and started to die down heralding the sound of one of Ty's gruff grunts, then a rumbling roar. He picked up speed and force just a little, smacking against her body, then his cock throbbed harder and faster unloading one splurt after another into her body. Charlotte's body reciprocated as well as it could, cradling his cock and taking his seed as it came.

As a charizard, there were a lot of things that she couldn't tell was warm or even hot, but Ty's seed was an exception. It pumped roughly into her and he lifted his claws, giving her ass one smack, then another. She moaned out, gasping for breath, then he pulled out. His cum oozed from her slit and another orgasm specked her ass, then her back.

Charlotte's legs went limp for a moment as Ty moved around her body. She looked to the side, then up to him as his cock looked commandingly over her face. Any words he could've had he replaced with action, gripping his cock and smearing the remainder of his orgasm on her face, like a mark.

"Suck it."

His demand didn't come as a surprise, but his voice did. For that alone, Charlotte obliged. She took the thing into her mouth. Its taste, was strange, almost what she'd expect. It was musky, but it didn't smell terrible, more like proof of a hard day of work. She wasn't sure what he'd done, but she could taste precum and cum, a little salty sweat and a particular sandiness, like that of dust. She pulled back after it was clean and smacked her lips, playing with the taste on her split tongue before swallowing it down. She decided right then that she wouldn't mind more of it, but didn't voice her opinion.

He nodded, but not in content, moving around to the side of her body before beginning to roll her over, but before she rolled to her back she called out. "Wait! If you want to keep going, then I get to be on top this time...and don't expect anal. It hurts." Her voice trembled at that last part, she didn't quite think he was a terrifying creature, but he certainly didn't mind telling her that he wanted sex or bending her over after she told him to wait.

For a moment he was silent, strangely, more than usual, then he nodded. Charlotte smiled, rolling to her back and sitting up. She grunted loud, her sore anus throbbed and ached, but she forced herself up anyway. Afterward, she led Ty to that first cave wall where he decided that he wanted her. She told him where to sit and he did so without question, lumbering over to the wall and sitting with his back against it, leaning back just a little letting his cock proudly stand.

Charlotte spread his legs a little more before taking her place between them. She stood over him and spread her only working wing, trying to look as big and intimidating as possible, but she still felt small.

Ty smiled and her heart jumped.

It wasn't anything overwhelming or amazing, but it was a special, calm little small. It was fitting for such an enigmatic creature,

She smiled back and reached down for his cock. She split herself apart, moaning softly, then began to fall on top of him. She rocked back and forth, leaned in and out and bounced atop his member. Her starting pace was brisk and left his cock gleaming with her fluid whenever she rose up. That beautiful, lively flame from her tail set the mood flawlessly. He leaned back against her, his claws softly resting on her hips, getting the hang of her movements with his tail softly wrapped around hers.

She gritted her teeth as she grew closer and Ty's eyes fell closed. A part of her wondered what he could possibly be thinking about at a time like that, while her emotions ran high and her lust reached even higher. He throbbed and she clenched him, her claws planted on his shoulder, attempting to dig into that armor, but to no true avail. It wasn't long after that her own orgasm heralded itself with a flamethrower into the ceiling.

Everything went orange, the ceiling charred, and her orgasm poured over Ty's cock, splashing against his body with ferocity that she didn't even know she had. Her knees went weak as Ty unloaded himself into her for the second time. His second orgasm was almost as big as the first, running down the side of his cock and dripping into a puddle of their combined lust. She fell into him, smiling as he held her up. He didn't move, and of course he didn't speak, but he smiled.

"I guess..." she spoke breathlessly. "I can leave tomorrow morning, huh?"

"Mmm..." Ty nodded and for a moment Charlotte was content with that, then he continued with an honest, content smile. "Only if you want. There's no rush."