The beginning

Story by Frostnova on SoFurry


I m not a good wrighter i do this for my own ammusement. like it great, dont like it just leave it.

this is my first story.

I bet there are allot of grammer errors in there. that is my own mind twisting letters dont pay attion to it.

He opend his eyes, smelling and tasting the snow all around him. how did he got here he wonderd, he felt he was dying to the cold slowly tempering the fire inside of his belly his mind was hazy, he rememberd he flew for 8 straigt days to get out of this ice desert, but why was he in icy plains anny way. Normaly he would fly close to the ocean loving the smell and hunting in the forest close. enjoying the sunset and sleep on the soft sand. When he tried to move anny mussle of his body but none would react, as his mind slowly drifted away in to a long slumber, as he finaly lookt up to the sky he saw huge talons comming into his field of vieuw, then evrything went black.

in his slumber he felt like he was flying between the stars. not only being between the stars but he was a star. His black scales reflected the light and he lookt like the nightsky. Proud as he was he enjoyed this not thinking about he heavy cold around him or his fire burning out. The dream changed as he recalled his flight 9 days ago. Flying in his home land. Flying as high as he could looking at all 4 derections of the land he loved. To the east there was an ocean, no dragon or fenix had ever manneged to cross

that ocean only the humans with their wooden ships made a passage and that took them more then 9 months if he recalled correctly. at the north there was a Sandy and rocky desert on the other side of the dersert there where the lava fields where the fenix lived. Not able to reject the king the fenix served the dragons under an iron hand.

To the west there was a desert made of ice. not even the legends dare to speak about that place. no one has ever crossed it and no one knew what was on the other side. some said there was nothing on the other side, others said that there was only more ice. the humans called it cursed. those humans funny little creatures always running around. they had their purpose they served the dragons well. they have learned their place.

to the south there where his birthgrounds the mountains so high that only 1 dragon ever manneged to fly over them. The legend told him that the dragon needed to fly so close to the sun his scales changed from purple to a deep red. he always wonderd if this story was true. he never heard about a dragon changing the colour of his scales. For now he needed to leave his birthplace and his hunting grounds ,as he was summend by the king. he found it strange and he felt annoyed that he strongest of his lair was being summend like a little dog to his master. Yet he knew refusing would not be a smart move. the king was a tyrant in his eyes ruling witout questions those lairs who rose agianst him simply ceased to exist. so they all payed their price to be left alone.

he soared over the trees seeing the pallace comming closer. It was a strong looking building, "gifted" by the humans. he knew that the humans never even wanted to build sutch a place, it was simply to big for their architects to handle. but like the fenix they had no way to rufuse this king so they constructed it for him. He came closer and roared as loud as he could,as was the custom to do when you came close to the pallace. In an instant 2 gaurds flew up to greet him and guide him to the king. they landed on a roof and guilde him inside. inside of the pallace he was suprised the humans did a great job it was enough space to walk next to eatch other, and yet he felt the stones under his claws pressing down when he put his full weight into it. it did not suprise him he was verry big. he easely stood head and shoulders above the gaurds guiding him. he thought at the idea of the floor collapsing under his weight, looking at his claws he calmed his mind only thinking why the king would summon him. when in the greeting chamber the gaurds where told to leave. He looked around the chamber seeying the king and 5 of his personal gaurd sitting next to him. he thought witch king is weak enough to need gaurds for a simple talk. he greeted the king with respect but did not bow his head. He would not bow his head to anny creature alive. his head wil bow when it is time to die or when he knew that they have earned his respect.

Looking at this king he was not impressed at all, a fat smal dragon on a throne. for a second his feral behavior took over and thought kill the king and take his throne, he lauged at himself knowing it would have been a bad idea 2 vs 1 was already hard enough but 5 of his personal gaurd he was not foolish enough to think he had a chance. hello black dragon of the mountians from the south welcome in my chamber the king spoke. I have called you here so you, the strongest of your lair will plegde your loyalty to me and subjecting yourself to me for me being your new master. If you do this you do not need to worry about the protection of your lair. ha he lauged no offense my king but in the last few wars we have protected ourself well enough, always winning and destroying our enemy's, as for our loyalty have we not proven to be loyal these last 20 years? have we not deffended your kindom with the all we had. We have not broken our contract of sending you females your way either. So why do we need to plegde our loyalty agian?

he king rose his claw before he could speak agian. I m not asking for the loyalty of your lair, you are right they have proven to be loyal. no my black dragon i m asking for you to subject yourself at me. now he was confused why does a king need one dragon if he has so many already to command in his own pallace. that is the king said because you are the biggest dragon we could find and i want to take you infront of all my loyal subjects so they can see a dragon of my size taking on some 1 mutch bigger. So all can see how strong my power realy is. The black dragon snapped growling at the king and his gaurd. roaring as he said if you want me to subject to sutch a small fat little dragon. fight me and when you win i will subject for then you are stronger then me. inside his fire was being lit he had never met some one who was so shameless as this so called king. the king growed back and said then we just have to do it by force. the king did not finish his sentence or the 5 gaurds struck to press him down. There was just no time to respond to dogde al 5.

he pressed himself at the floor dodging 2 but the other 3 hitted their target pushing him back to his side. he had no where to go he was stuck between a wall and 3 dragons the other 2 quickly got back up and tried to jumped on his back. the king laughed seeying the strugle. I m going to enjoy taking you infront of all the others and when i m done with you i wil have my gaurds have their way. with a load roar he formed a quick idea yelling no one would subject him no one would defeat him. he rammed his claw with all his strenght and weight agianst the floor making it collapse under the weight of him and the 5 gaurds. the 7 dragons fell as he clawd his way on top. he spread his wings and took flight. more gaurds would come he needed a way out and fast, looking at the roof hoping it would give away just as easy. when he finaly stood outside there was no time to think.

his lair, his friends they where al in danger he needed to go back home and prepare for what had to come. he flew as fast as he could but when he arrived he could see from a distance it was not fast enough. his rage went out of control his fire burned so hot he could see fire red lines under his scales. but he needed help he could not defeat the armies of the king himself.

he set his course to the icy-plains. hoping on help from the other side.he awoke cold and beat with his final strenght he roard agiasnt the blizzard, challeging it as he looked up his light went out by a huge talon. He awoke agian he rememberd how he got here but some reason he was no longer in the snow. as he slowly tried to move he noticed that his black scales had changed colour to a more grey. his wings who where full black had turned to green. when he spread them they looked like frozen ice. as a female voice suprised him. sleep, little dragon in this cave you are safe. i have never seen anny one who could withstand my storm for 8 straight days witout rest. sleep now little dragon i will find you some food. his mind doubted her words but he was to exausted as he fell back asleep .

Hoping to find some that would help him.....