Tales of the Blue Orchid-Part I

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of the Blue Orchid

This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furr...

This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. Otherwise, please enjoy :)

Characters and story by SpikeFoxx

[email protected]


"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves".Â

--Victor Frankl


"...when officers turned tear gas on the cr--"


"...gasoline projected to be at seven dollars by year's end."


"In other news, the supreme court today ruled on the gay marriage amendment, where it was passed six to three in favor of banning gay marriage."


Raine sighed, sitting in his living room chair. His small, two-room apartment was darkened, except for hazy red light being thrown through the frosted window from the all-night liquor store sign across the street.

As usual, the news was nothing but depressing. Not that he even needed to watch the news anymore. Every day it came a little closer to his doorstep, so to speak; he could hear police sirens one block over. These days, he was happy to be on a fourth-floor apartment. When the riots had first broken out, he hadn't been too concerned. After a few weeks, it had gotten much worse. Turning off the TV, he went into the kitchen, nude, and poured himself a double of Johnnie Walker scotch over ice.

The young rabbit, at twenty-one, was very easy on the eyes. Tan fur, with a white belly, long, slender ears, toned and fit, with soft, brown eyes; to many, a perfect male. He sipped at his drink, letting the liquid create a spreading warmth down his throat, and into his belly. One of his last few pleasures left. When it was gone, he didn't know what he was going to do. He had about one hundred dollars left to his name, and that was it. He had been laid-off from his job two months ago, and being uneducated didn't leave him with many options.

For a change, he was thrilled to be living where he was; the small apartment was only $$200 a month. He had at least just paid the rent, so there was thirty days to figure out what he was doing. His bedroom was the other room, with the attached bathroom, which was little more than a toilet and a drain in the floor. Meager candlelight threw illumination across the room. Raine was trying to cut down his electric bill; if he went over thirty dollars a month, he had to pay the difference.

Taking his glass with him from the tiny kitchen, with the peeling paint and roach traps, he walked to window, cracking the levelor blinds to look outside. The February night was silent, moonless and cloudy, as snow fell into the streets. A squad car streaked by, lights rolling and sirens blasting, heading for Main Street. Raine looked down the street, and up the other way, hoping to see anything of interest. With no money, and no prospects, he hadn't really left the apartment in weeks.

Stepping back from the cold window, he went into his bedroom, sitting on the edge of his bed and lighting the candle on the bedside table. The gentle scent of cinnamon wafted towards him. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply at the pleasant smell. Blowing out the match he used, he lay back across the bed, staring at the ceiling. The whole world had just gone to hell lately.

The beginning had been when the president finally turned his sights on homosexuals. When the first few press conferences started with the announcement that they were planning to push for a gay marriage ban, no one really flinched. The gay community had heard it all before. But after a few weeks, it looked serious. With financial backing of groups that had supported states' propositions to legally ban gay marriage, the campaign went well and truly underway. In the year since that had begun, more laws were getting pushed through limiting public homosexuality, and crackdowns on sodomy laws and gay solicitation. Police brutality against gays had tripled. When all this had come to a head, the riots had started.

Now, the actual vote had happened and been passed. Raine had been in the closet for a few years, and had pretty much decided to stay there for the moment, but was still upset to see it happen. Cops were even going so far as to take down gay clubs now, under the guise of arrests for prostitution or drugs. With so many laws getting passed, it was getting easier to look the other way for the rest of the world.

The rabbit sighed, rolling on his side. He was hungry, but trying to wait until tomorrow to eat again; what was in the kitchen had to last for a bit. He was dismayed to look at his digital clock and realize it was only a little after midnight. He wasn't tired, but didn't feel like watching TV, reading any of his books, and had no money to go anywhere. What he felt he wanted more than anything was to feel another male's arms around him.

Reaching over to the bedside table again, he knew where he could go, and maybe end the gnawing loneliness he had. His friend had given him a business card for a local gay club, "The Blue Orchid." Listed was an address, and that was all. His friend had told him if he ‘wanted to be himself, head on over.' Raine had been debating with himself over going since his friend had given it to him a couple days ago. He wanted so desperately to go, maybe even meet someone. But it was dangerous to even try to be open about himself. Looking around, however, what did he really have to lose anymore?

Getting out of the bed, he grabbed his clothes from the floor; an evergreen polo and black jeans. Didn't exactly make him a sex magnet, but not ugly either. He also picked up his navy-blue peacoat from over the chair near the end of his bed. Walking back through the front room, he finished his scotch, leaving the glass on the table next to the chair. Opening the door, he stepped into the hall.

His door closed with what felt like a deafening click in the silent hallway. It was just after midnight, and he was the only one stirring in the apartment complex. Walking down the hall, past the metal buckets collecting dripping water, and the elevator that had the ‘under repair' sign on it since he moved in, Raine opened the back stairwell door, making his way stealthily down the steps. The faded green walls, peeling and stained, seemed to go on forever as he made his way to the lobby.

At the ground floor, he quietly walked across the lobby, opening the front door. Outside, snow felt delicately to the ground, stirred in a light wind coming down the streets. Raine flipped his collar up against the elements, walking quickly across the street and into a dark recess of the brick building nearest him. Due to the riots, there was a six o'clock curfew in place, and the police were more than willing to enforce it, physically if necessary. Raine didn't want to stumble right into their waiting arms.

Walking to the edge of the building, Raine turned into an alleyway that ran behind the tenement. Snow crunched under his feet, and his breath came from his nose in lazy wisps. He put his paws in his coat pockets, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. According to the address on the card, it wouldn't be far to where he was going; it was only about three blocks away. Raine looked up at the sky over him, where lights from the city reflected off the clouds, and snow felt gingerly on his nose.

As he was about to step out of the alleyway, he heard voices to his right. He quickly flattened himself to the corner, hiding in the shadow. Slowly, he stole a look around the corner to see a police squad car parked at the side of the road. Two officers stood nearby, holding cups of smoking coffee and talking amongst themselves. Raine knew there was no way he'd be getting past them to cross the street without being seen. This whole idea had been stupid. He would either have to go down a couple blocks and cross out of sight, or go home. In his gut, he just wanted to go home now and forget this stupidity.

Turning to leave, he smashed his knee into a garbage can right next to him. He stifled the cry forming in his throat, but there was no way to silence the clattering of metal as the can fell over, and Raine into the snow with it.

"What was that?" he heard one of the cops mutter to his partner. A flashlight beam cut through the dark, pointing towards the alley Raine was hiding in. He knew he only had two choices; run or stay. If he ran, he would have to make it to the end of the alley before they came over, or take his chances running across the street. If he stayed, he would probably spend the night in a holding cell downtown. He got ready to run down the alley, but his knee protested in pain. Sighing, Raine just knelt in the snow and waited.

The first officer, a black panther, came around the corner, his light landing right on Raine. "Hold it there!" exclaimed the cop. "Don't move." Raine complied, holding his paws in plain sight. "What're you doing out here? Don't you know about the curfew?" The rabbit just nodded slightly, knowing the cuffs were coming out any second now.

"Want me to call it in?" called the other from over by the squad car.

The panther shook his head. "You better have a good reason for being out here, son," he told Raine. "So?"

Raine tried to talk, but he was nervous. His mouth went dry, he froze up, and all he could look at was the pistol on the cop's hip. "I...I..." The officer just waited impassively, crossing his arms. "I...was going to the corner store. My mom...she needed medicine." Raine closed his eyes, kicking himself inwardly. That was the stupidest lie he'd ever told. Even though there was a mart nearby that was open twenty-four hours a day, who would be going out at this hour for such a thing?

The cop frowned briefly for a moment, but it flickered away just as fast. "You have any I.D. on you?"

Raine stood slowly, getting his wallet from his pocket. He handed his non-driver I.D. over. The cop scrutinized it for a moment under his flashlight, then handed it back. "You want a ride over to the store? If it's such an emergency."

"N-no, really, I don't want make you guys--" started Raine.

The cop cut him off. "Nonsense, it's our job. Then we can give you a lift home. Such a cold night anyway."

"But, I--"

As if on cue, the police officer's radio sprang to life, a dispatcher's voice announcing, "All officers in the vicinity of Clarke and First St., reports of a code 64, please respond."

The panther sighed, taking up his handset. "Car One-Lincoln-Three responding, over."

"Copy, One-Lincoln-Three," responded the dispatch.

"Guess you're on your own after all," the cop mumbled to Raine. "Go straight home when you're finished, understood?"

"Yessir," replied Raine, nodding his head enthusiastically. The cop took one last look at Raine, and ran back towards the car. The two of them got in and sped away, their lights and sirens going as they took off.

When they were gone, Raine didn't waste a moment, dashing across the street to the next alley. His heart was pounding a million beats a minute, and his stomach was still knotted up tight. That had been too close for his own comfort. Part of him was saying to run back home, stay inside, and forget everything. But now, he was so close. Going back just seemed worthless. One more block and he would be on Ocean Avenue, where the card listed the location.

Walking under another lattice of fire escapes, Raine made his way quickly to the next street. Looking up and down, he saw no police or any soul on the sidewalks. From the mouth of the passage, he could see the place he was headed. It had no identifying marks on the front, and as far as he could tell, the front windows were boarded up. Even the front double-doors were solid wood, with no windows. Crossing the street once more, the rabbit innocuously made his way down to the storefront. It didn't look like any bar he had ever seen. An old, weathered sign announced that, at one time, it had been a butcher's shop. But, it also occurred to him that a gay club wouldn't want to overtly announce itself these days.

Placing his hand on the front doorknob, he was surprised to find the latch give when he pressed on it. The door swung inward on oiled hinges. Inside, the air was warm, and a couple low lights cast shadows around the room. Closing the door behind himself, he breathed deeply, looking around.

"Who are you?"

Raine gasped, whirling to his left at the sound of the voice. A large wolf, dressed in a black suit, stood in the shadows. A cigarette hung lazily from his muzzle, and he seemed non-plussed about the lapine intruder.

"M-my name is Raine," responded the rabbit. "I came looking for The Blue Orchid." He winced inwardly, feeling like he was in a bad spy movie.

The wolf snorted. "You a cop?"

"No, sir," Raine said, quickly. "A friend told me about this place. Gave me a card." He fished the business card from his pocket, handing it over.

The wolf studied it for a moment, then tossed it aside. "You gay?"

"Um...yeah, I am," Raine answered, timidly. "This was where my friend said I could be myself."

"If you're a cop," started the wolf, walking past Raine, "I'll fucking kill you myself." He crossed the room and opened another door. "This way."

Nervously, Raine followed the bouncer through the back room. The entire place, the rabbit noticed, was completely empty. Wherever he was standing was just a front. But the bouncer kept going, past several old machines that Raine guessed were food processors. Beyond all that, the wolf opened a back door, motioning for Raine to step outside. The rabbit did as the wolf indicated, standing in the snow.

"Go down about thirty feet," instructed the wolf, pointing down the right of the alley. "There's a set of steps that leads down to a metal door. Knock three times, pause and count to two, then knock two more times. The password is ‘titan.'" With that, the wolf went back inside, the sound of deadbolt coming from the other side of the door.

Raine sighed, walking down the alley. He was still nervous, but now was also a bit excited. Here he was, on the brink of meeting other males like him. A part of him really wondered what it was going to be like.

He almost walked right past the set of stairs the bouncer described. They were right at ground level, and went down about ten feet to a sturdy-looking metal door, with a red light over it. Walking down the steps, he saw a blue colored flower painted into the cement. When he arrived at the bottom, he pounded gently on the door twice, rewarded with a reverberation of metal. Under his breath, he counted, "One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand." Then two more knocks, just as the wolf had set.

Almost immediately, a bit of the metal slid back, and a pair of eyes glared out at him. "Yeah?" demanded the fur behind the door.

"Um...titan?" replied Raine, quietly.

The slip closed, and Raine could hear three deadbolts being disengaged, then the door swung inward. A large lion was standing there. "Well. Get in here, before someone sees."

The rabbit quickly crossed the threshold, the lion re-securing the door and locking all the deadbolts. He turned back to Raine, regarding the rabbit oddly. "What?"

"I...um...is this it?" asked Raine, shyly.

The lion snorted. "Must be your first time. Stairs are right ahead. Head up to the main floor. We just have furs come in this way so no one sees us using the front door."

Raine nodded, turning and padding down the hall. At the end, as promised, was a set of stairs that lead upward. Above him, Raine could hear music and voices. The steps creaked as his paws touched them, and he walked up, with trepidation and eagerness. At the top, he found more than he could have dreamed of.

The staircase came out in the corner of the room. Once upon a time, it looked like it had been a regular bar. Like the other building, the front doors and windows were boarded over, obscuring anyone from looking in from the outside. However, the interior was another matter entirely.

On the right side of the room was a full bar, with various furs lined up across it, drinking, smoking and socializing. Opposite that was a set of tables and chairs, where some patrons were taking in a late dinner. Across the back was a stage, where a jazz quartet was currently playing, with a modest sized dance floor before it. To the right of the stage were several smoked-glass rooms, which Raine surmised were for more private, or high paying, patrons. The floor was a deep-colored cherry wood, and the walls were a classic tan, with various pictures on them, depicting furs that Raine had no idea as to the identity of. Low lighting came from track lights against the walls, and a chandelier over the center of the room.

Walking across the room, towards the bar, Raine stepped out of the way of a waiter carrying drinks to one of the back rooms. All around him just seemed like a waking dream he was walking through. At the bar, two males were kissing, like it was no big deal. One of the tables had a couple at it holding paws while they listened to the band play. Several males were dancing with one another on the floor in front of the bandstand. At the back, some males were disappearing into the private rooms, and Raine could see some of them were already unbuttoning their shirts before the doors closed.

Sitting at the bar, if for no other reason than to be out of way, Raine actually recognized some of the furs sitting there. One of them, a coyote, was someone he had seen on TV numerous times lately; the assistant district attorney. Here he was, carrying on with gay males, and seeming to have one of them on his arm as a date.

"What can I get you?" asked the bartender, a skunk, to Raine.

The rabbit faltered, remembering he had about twenty bucks on him, and that was it. However, he didn't want to come to a place like this and not buy anything. "Just a beer," he finally replied. "A Killian's, if you have it."

The bartender nodded, disappearing down under the counter and coming back with a frosted pint glass and the beer, setting both on the counter. "Five," said the bartender, simply. As Raine dug into his wallet for his only twenty on him, the bartender frowned. "Never seen you here before; this your first time?"

The rabbit hesitated for a moment, before slowly answering, "Yes, sir."

The coyote smiled gently. "Then put that away. New-comers get ten dollars on the house. You let me know when you're ready for another."

Raine smiled in return, and realized it was the first genuine smile he'd had in a long time. Pouring the red beer into the pint, he took a small sip. He hadn't had the Irish ale in quite some time, and the flavor was simply divine to him. Leaning against the countertop, he drank his beer and listened to the band, which was playing an instrumental version of "Autumn in New York." His friend was right; this was a place he felt like he belonged.

Despite being almost one, plenty of furs were still filing into the bar. All types and sorts; business types, punks, goth, ravers, muscular, out of shape, males and females. Raine surmised this was probably one of the last places any of them could come to be out. So many of the other bars had been closed down, and a lot of the dance clubs had closed for fear of attracting the police to their front door. Due to caution and care that went to keep this a secret, Raine could see why it stayed open and was so popular.

Finishing his Killian's, he motioned to the bartender for another one. The coyote quickly and happily obliged, setting another one up on the counter. In his employed days, Raine had enjoyed barhopping on occasion. Of course he'd never had the opportunity to go down to the gay ones, but he'd been content to hang out in the more upscale bars that didn't pander to one particular clientele or sexuality.

The band had moved on to "La Vie en Rose," a song that Raine recognized and enjoyed. There had been a time he still had owned a vinyl copy of the original, but like so many things, had been sold in recent years. To him, there was a melancholy in the notes that wasn't imbued by the song, or the natural tone of jazz; it just spoke of a lost time in his life.

The bar and dining areas were now amply crowded, the din of conversation taking the room over. It was apparently larger than Raine had originally thought, given the number of furs he had seen walk in. He lifted his pint again while he looked around, not realizing he had emptied the beer out of it while listening to the band. He sighed; now he would have to break that twenty. Motioning for the bartender, he set his twenty on the bar when a paw reached over his shoulder and moved it back towards him. Looking over his shoulder, Raine came eye-to-eye with a tiger, standing over him and smiling. "Let me get this one." The stranger spoke with a vague accent, slightly British. He was well dressed, in a blue button-down, long sleeved shirt, khakis, and a brown leather jacket. Without another word, he sat down next to Raine, holding up two fingers to the barkeep. The coyote nodded, putting Raine's beer back, and grabbing a bottle from the liquor shelf behind him. The bartender set two tumblers on the bar, pouring a double shot of whatever was in the bottle. The tiger nodded in thanks and lifted his glass to Raine. "To our health."

Hesitantly, Raine picked his glass up as well, clinking it gently against the tiger's, and they both drank. The rabbit was surprised how intense, yet smooth, the drink went down. "By the look on your face, I think you liked that," remarked the tiger.

"Yes, I did," replied Raine. "Thank you."

The feline shook his head. "It's no trouble." He turned to the bartender again. "Marco! Bring the bottle!" he exclaimed. "Please, have another with me?" Raine nodded in agreement, the bottle being left on the bar in front of them. The rabbit read the side of the bottle, which said, ‘Glenfiddich.'

"Forty years aged," said the tiger, pouring both of them another glass. He turned the glass around in his paw, as if examining the liquid within. This time, he daintily sipped at the whiskey. "Fetches a decent price, I shall tell you that."

Raine took another sip out of his glass as well, this time really noticing the flavor behind it; an oaky, smokey palette, with hints of honey. It was better than anything he had ever bought for himself. "Um, I appreciate the drink," began Raine, "but I haven't yet caught your name."

"How rude of me," replied the tiger, setting his glass down. "My name is Sean," he said, taking Raine's paw in his with a brief shake.

"I'm Raine," responded the rabbit in kind, smiling timidly. "I wasn't expecting anyone to..."

"To just sit down and buy you a drink?" finished Sean, with a rueful smile. "No, I suppose not. But I saw you here at the bar, and you looked a bit bored and lonely." Taking another swig out of his glass, he continued, "I come here often, and know most of the regulars. You most definitely are not one of them."

Raine blushed and looked down at the bar. "No, this is my first time."

"Ah, a virgin," observed Sean, grinning.

"What? I...no, it's just...," faltered Raine.

The tiger merely chuckled. "I meant to this place."

"Oh, yeah," mumbled Raine. "That." He felt like a complete ass now. The first guy that actually wanted to carry on a conversation with him, and was cute, and he'd already blown it.

Carrying on, the tiger asked, "So, if you're here, I take it you fancy the males?"

"Yeah," answered Raine, still in the grips of his embarrassment.

The tiger leaned in closer, almost conspiratorially. "Are you a real virgin, then?" he whispered.

The rabbit blushed harder, and his ears flattened to his head. "Yeah."

"Hm," murmured the tiger, as if it were a curiosity to him. "Would I also have the good fortune of you being here by yourself?"

Raine nodded slowly. "Yeah, all alone."

Sean looked to the stage as the band started a rendition of Duke Ellington's ‘Rhapsody in Blue.' "Do you dance, Raine?"

"Me?" asked the rabbit, with wide eyes. "I've never before..."

The tiger smiled, standing and removing his jacket. "Maybe now is the time to learn then." He handed his jacket over to the barkeep, who waited to take Raine's as well. Despite the butterflies in his stomach, Raine slipped his coat off and handed it over as well. The tiger lead the way through the crowd, over to the dance floor. A few other couples were still left, slow dancing with one another. To Raine, it looked nice; being that close to someone else, moving in time to the music.

"Come," said Sean, holding his paw out. Raine took it, and was guided gently out on the floor. "Just follow my lead," the tiger instructed softly. "You'll get it in no time." Doing as the feline said, Raine followed his moves, shuffling and stepping across the floor. Sean placed one of Raine's paws on his hip, taking up the other. The rabbit blushed furiously to be touching another male in what was, to him, a rather intimate way. But Sean just smiled, and Raine followed his lead. Sean was also right; in a few minutes, he was right in flow with the tiger.

"This is the foxtrot," explained Sean, while they were flowing over the floor.

Raine didn't really care what it was called. Being able to do this, to feel another male, even if it was just under his paws, was amazing to him. In his wildest dreams and fantasies, nothing like this had been possible. With Sean showing the lead, it was like they weren't even touching the ground, but gliding over it. For te rabbit, there couldn't be anything more perfect.

At the end of the song, the band segued straight into a much slower song, ‘Solitude,' another Ellington song. Raine looked about himself, and saw some of the dancers leaving the floor, but others staying, and moving much closer to one another. "I think we should--" began Raine, but stopped when Sean moved his arms around behind Raine, one against the small of his back, the other to his upper back, and pulled the rabbit in closer. The lapine felt his heart catch in his throat, and couldn't say anything; just went with it. When he was in full contact with Sean, Raine encircled his arms around Sean, and clasped them gently together. They met each other's eyes, Raine now noticing that the tiger had the most beautiful, intense golden eyes he'd ever seen.

"I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable," whispered Sean, as they slow danced together.

"N-no," replied Raine, resting his head against Sean. "Not at all." As his head was bent, he was now looking out at the other patrons, and realized many them were watching just the two of them. "Why is everyone staring?" he asked aloud, almost rhetorically.

"Because they're not used to seeing a cute male like you," replied Sean. Raine blushed again. He knew the tiger was probably putting him on, but he liked it all just the same. Sean's body heat was such a pleasant change from his cold bed. Raine still marveled at what it felt like to have another male just touching him; not even in a sexual way, just being there.

"I would almost be certain you've done this before," said Sean, softly. "You dance wonderfully."

Raine just blushed again and buried his face against Sean. This was one of the rare moments he didn't want to end, ever. Somehow he would find the energy to dance forever, as long as this just went on and on.

"I have a private room here," murmured the tiger in Raine's ear. "Upstairs."

The rabbit felt his heart beat faster. Was the tiger really implying what Raine thought he was? He didn't want to have another social faux-pas here. Maybe Sean just wanted to go somewhere quieter to talk more. Raine just replied with, "What do you want to do there?"

Tracing a finger along Raine's back, Sean just whispered back, "Whatever you want."

"O-okay," Raine managed out.

The two of them left the dance floor, Sean grabbing their jackets from the barkeep and picking up the bottle of scotch off the bar. The tiger came back over to Raine, smiling. "Come. This way."

They snaked their way through the crowd of other furs, to the opposite corner of the room where the staircase had come up from the lower entrance. Tucked away here was another set of stairs that went up. Sean lead the way, Raine right behind him. It was much darker upstairs, hardly any lights being lit. Most of the light came from outside through a window at the top of the stairs, reflecting off the snow. Looking outside, Raine could see the road in front of the bar, still just as white and quiet as when he left it.

At the top of the stairs, they turned around and headed down the hallway. The upstairs was just like the downstairs; hardwood, pictures on the walls, and track lighting, though for now the lights were off. A lot of the pictures up here were photographs; various furs in group shots, or doing things such as swimming in a lake, or sitting by a fire. Again, all of the pictures were lost on Raine.

"Better times," said Sean, watching Raine look at the photos. "A time not that long ago, actually."

"Did you know any of these furs?" asked the rabbit.

Sean nodded. "Some." With that, he turned and kept walking down the hall. Raine padded behind him, keeping up. He noticed there were a lot of doors up here, each one numbered.

"This used to be a hotel," explained Sean, as if reading the rabbit's mind. "Was converted into a bar a couple years ago. When all the bans and legislation began, that's when the windows were boarded over and the front started. One last place for gay furs to come to."

Coming to the end of the hallway, Sean turned right down a second short hall and opened a door to another set of stairs. "Almost there," he assured Raine, looking over his shoulder with a smile. The two of them climbed the steps, which ended directly at a large, ornate door. Cherry wood, with a bronze doorknob and a gold plaque that had ‘nosce te ipsum' written across it.

The tiger produced a key from his pocket and opened the door, stepping aside for Raine. The rabbit entered, looking around. To the left was a large, circular window looking out over the city. From here, it looked like a thousand tiny pearls in the darkness, blinking back at them. The right side was sparsely decorated, as the ceiling slanted sharply upward here. A couple bureaus and a desk were all that sat there. A large, brass-frame bed was partly under the window, bathed in illumination from outside. Next to the bed was a nightstand with an antique silver lamp, not currently turned on. Another door was directly across from them, and was partially cracked enough for Raine to see that it was a bathroom. He could just make out an old-styled claw-foot bathtub. All around in here as well were more pictures, like the ones in the hallway; furs standing together, sitting on cars, partying on a beach; just looking happy.

"My mates," said Sean, quietly, setting the bottle of Glenfidditch on the desk with the two glasses. "Friends, I suppose I should say. Came to discover ‘mates' means something quite different here in the States."

"Who are you, exactly?" asked Raine, finally. "You have a private room, know about all of the photos around here, and got a bottle of top-shelf liquor without paying for it."

The tiger smiled. "You're quite apt. What time is it?"

Raine frowned, not sure what that had to do with it. "I think it's almost two."

"Well, then, two hours ago, I was the owner of this place," answered Sean, pouring both of them another drink and handing the rabbit one of the glasses. "Cheers." The tiger drank his down in one gulp, the rabbit choosing to sip his again.

"Why aren't you the owner any more?" asked Raine.

Sean sighed, looking off wistfully. "I came here and took this place from a former lover. We had met when I still thought of the world as being a pearl in a giant oyster. However, it didn't last; he had a touch of the wanderlust and I wanted to settle somewhere. So one day he came home, packed up everything that was his in the flat, which wasn't much, mind you, and left. I had no idea where he was going. I was tending bar when a telly arrived one day. It was from lawyer here in America. Apparently, Will, that was my ex, had died and left me his establishment. A hotel, of all things!" Sean laughed a bit, pouring more scotch. "His will stated that if I wanted it, it was mine, and if I didn't claim it in thirty days, it was going to public auction. To this day, I have no idea how he ever even got his hands on this place; all anyone here ever knew was that he was the Brit with the hotel.

"Originally, I came here with the intent to sell it. Take the money and go back to England. But when I got here, and saw the place, somehow I saw the potential I had in my hands as well. I wouldn't be working for someone, I'd be my own employee. I was going to run it as a hotel, but I wasn't cut out for that. So, I changed it to a bar. Somehow, it got the reputation as a gay bar; don't ask me how, it just happened. Shortly after that, everything went to hell. I was ready to sell off my asset and head back to the UK, but I realized I could help furs. Help ones that needed somewhere to go that didn't have laws against their very being. So I stayed here in America."

"But why aren't you the owner anymore?" pressed Raine.

Sean walked across the room to the window, looking outside. "Because I'm only one male. I can't fight the tide that's coming here. It's going to get much worse before it gets better. God help me, I can't stand to be here for it anymore. I want to go back somewhere where I can sit in a corner cafe, outside at their tables, and hold hands with another male." He turned back to Raine. "I'm not closing the bar, just turning it over to someone else. I made him promise he wouldn't close it, and if he tired of it, he would pass it to someone else with the same promise."

The tiger sounded so weary, and Sean couldn't blame him. This wasn't easy for anyone to deal with, especially being the last place in town that let gay males in. One nosy cop or loose-lipped patron, and it was all over.

"I have one other question," started Raine. Sean merely nodded. "Why did you come over and talk to me tonight? Of all the males down in that bar."

"That's an easy answer," replied Sean. "You looked lonely, like you were waiting for someone to come up to you. So I did. Well, that and you were cute."

Raine blushed furiously again. "No, I'm not."

"Oh, I would beg to differ," argued the tiger. "I think the males that were checking you out before I walked up would as well."

"No one was checking me out," murmured Raine. "I'm nothing special..."

Sean came from the window up behind the lapine, putting his arms around Raine. "Again, I think I would beg to differ." Raine merely closed his eyes and leaned back against the other male. This was even better than the slow dancing.

While he was relaxing, one of Sean's paws went to Raine's waist, beginning to lift up the rabbit's shirt. The rabbit lifted his arms, letting the tiger remove it and drop it to the floor next to them.

"If I'm going too fast, I can stop," whispered the tiger. "Just say the word."

Raine's only response was to shake his head slowly, still not opening his eyes. He was afraid if he did this would end up being one big, yet wonderful, dream. Making no move to stop the tiger, he let Sean begin to unbuckle his pants and undo the button on his pants. A gentle unzipping sound and the rustle of clothing gave way to Raine's nudity, leaving him standing there with nothing.

"Would you like to lie down?" asked Sean gently, rubbing his paws over the rabbit's stomach and chest, not yet straying lower.

"If you're coming with me," answered Raine, quietly.

Sean smiled. "Of course."

Leaving the tiger's embrace, Raine went to the bed, Sean enjoying watching the cleft of the lapine's ass. Raine crawled onto the bed, laying on his stomach and facing back towards Sean. The tiger grinned and began to undo his own shirt, sliding it across his arms and to the floor. Sean himself was handsome as well; a bit of tone, but not overly muscular, with strong arms, which Raine found most attractive. Coming closer to the bed, Sean undid his pants as well, gently shuffling them off and showing himself to Raine. The tiger was good-looking all over, Raine's eyes especially lingering on the still-soft sheath and loose balls between Sean's legs. The rapture in Raine's gaze was tacit approval to the tiger, who came and lay down against the pillows at the head of the bed. The rabbit re-oriented himself so he lying the same direction as well, the two of them now face to face, nude, on the bed.

"Ah, I nearly forgot," said Sean, getting back up and going to the desk. He held up the bottle of scotch and his glass, clinking the two together with a grin. Raine laughed as the tiger came back to the bed, lying down once more and pouring himself another drink. He took Raine's glass from the bedside table as well and topped it off, handing it over to his guest. "What should we drink to this time?"

Raine thought for a moment before lifting up his glass and said, "Better days."

Sean smiled sadly in return, jingling his glass off of the rabbit's. "To better days." They both took a drink from their glasses and then set them on the nightstand. Raine cuddled up against the tiger, putting his arms around Sean. The tiger just smiled and stroked Raine's head.

"I could stay like this forever," murmured Raine, nuzzling up against Sean. Getting the chance to lay naked with another male was even more than enrapturing than when they had danced together. Raine, however, felt the tiger was still wanting more; and the rabbit found himself wanting that, as well.

"You've got a cute butt," Sean said, suddenly.

Raine just burst out laughing. "That was random," he remarked.

The tiger shrugged, grinning. "You do."

Rubbing a paw over the outside of Sean's thigh, feeling a bit bolder, Raine said, "I bet you know all about cute butts."

Now the tiger chuckled, responding, "Not as much as you may think. I guess I'm...selective."

"Selective can be good," mumbled Raine, tracing lazy circles with his finger on top of Sean's thigh. "What do you usually do with these...selective furs?"

The tiger could sense the nervousness in the younger rabbit's voice, but also the curiosity, the sense of what might be. Setting his paw over Raine's, he said, "Lots of different things. I've shared a bed with a few males; some I've been involved with, some just for a night. Sometimes, it's just nice to have another warm body in the bed next to me."

Raine nodded; he knew how that felt. Long, cold, lonely nights spent by himself made him appreciate this moment all the more. To have this sexy tiger next to him, all to himself. He looked the tiger over, up and down, taking in all of the figure next to him. Lingering on Sean's sheath, Raine just gazed openly at it, never having been this close to another male's sheath before. He could make out the slight form of Sean's penis, just below the fur wrapped around it. His balls hung loosely just below the sheath, and Raine wanted so badly to just reach out and cradle them in his paw. While he was imagining this, he felt a stirring in his own groin, the shaft within his sheath beginning to get aroused. He quickly put his paw over his crotch, covering the growing erection.

"It's all right," whispered Sean. "If you want to touch me...you can."

Raine's ears perked up when the tiger said this. The rabbit looked up at the tiger, who was completely serious, waiting to see what the lapine would do next. Swallowing hard, Raine moved the paw on top of Sean's thigh closer to the tiger's crotch. The rabbit's maleness swelled even harder as he came closer to the tiger's intimate places. When he finally reached the tiger's pouch, he was fully erect, his paw no longer able to conceal himself. Taking his cover away, Raine was exposed completely, along with all seven inches of his cock. Embarrassedly, he set his other paw atop Sean's sheath, and began to rub gently. It yielded beneath his touch, and was very warm. The feline began to flick his tail a bit at the touch; clearly he was enjoying himself.

Even in the reverie of his pleasure, Sean snaked his paw lower, across Raine's stomach and to his hard maleness. Wrapping his paw around the rabbit's cock, he began to slowly fondle Raine. Across the bottom of the lapine's shaft and up over the tip, the tiger deftly worked his paw around Raine's private places. Raine particularly seemed to enjoy when the feline cradled his testes, rubbing the orbs around tenderly. Sean's malehood began to grow, slipping into the rabbit's paw, who eagerly took it. Raine could feel the pulse of blood through the hardening cock in his grip, and enjoyed the sensation of Sean touching him in places he had only previously explored himself.

"I guess this is foreplay?" breathed Raine, smiling.

Sean chuckled and nuzzled into the rabbit. "Something like that. I do hope you're enjoying it."

"Mmhmm," was all Raine could reply with, his full attention to only two places right now. The tiger's cock was now extended to its full eight-inch length. Raine marveled at how large the feline was; not only long, but also his girth. Before he could tell himself no, the lapine leaned in against Sean's crotch, pushing his nose in. The end of his muzzle pressed into the fur of the tiger's sac, the pouch conforming around Raine's nose. A pleasant musk tantalized his nostrils, making a new shiver of excitement bound over his body. Bracing a paw against Sean's thigh, Raine leaned in closer, lying between the feline's legs, sniffling and probing, taking it all in. It was his first time next to another male's personal place, and he didn't want to miss a thing.

Now that the rabbit was stomach-down, Sean could no longer access the lapine's far recesses, but he was enjoying watching Raine begin to explore him. The rabbit was cautious and methodical, lingering at Sean's testicles for a moment; the tiger suspected the lapine had a thing for them. Moving farther along, Raine came to the base of Sean's penis, closing his eyes and tracing the length up with his nose, and, suddenly, back down with his tongue. The unexpected leap forward made Sean jump a bit, but he smiled down when the rabbit looked up to him for a response, even a tacit one. Seeing Sean grinning back at him, Raine continued his exploration, lapping his tongue across Sean's cock. He wasn't taking it in, or giving hint that he was preparing for a blowjob; it was just scrutiny, like an explorer on the cusp of a new world. The tiger was willing to just sit back and let the rabbit take his time.

"You never answered my question earlier," Raine said, suddenly. He had stopped his licking and was just holding Sean's cock in his paw again, running his index finger in slow paths over the tiger's cockhead.

Sean frowned a bit. "Which one?"

"What you've done with other furs," murmured Raine. In the rabbit's eyes, Sean could see a spark of curiosity, and wonder of what could be.

Closing his eyes, Sean replied, "So many things, I've lost count."

"What're your favorites?" asked Raine, pressing.

The tiger shrugged. "Anal, of course, is always fun. I've also never turned down a blowjob. But I've done some...more odd things."

Raine didn't say anything, just waiting.

"I like rimjobs on occasion. Docking is also fun," he answered, with a slight grin. "But I haven't done that in a long time."

Raine raised an eyebrow. "Docking?"

"It's when you fuck someone's sheath," explained the tiger succinctly.

The rabbit frowned. "Can you do that?"

"Yes," answered Sean. In demonstration, he pushed his middle finger into his sheath, shoving past the fold of fur and the base of his cock. It disappeared most of the way in. He looked down to Raine with a smile. "I have a rather large sheath."

"So I've noticed," answered the lapine with a squeeze of Sean's cock. "Do you like to do it more...or have it done to you?"

"It's one of the things I like to have someone do to me," answered Sean softy.

With obvious nervousness in his voice, Raine almost whispered, "Could I...?"

The tiger reached over and gently ran his fingers through Raine's headfur. "If you want to, I would willingly share my body with you. But before that, come up here."

Getting up on his knees, Raine came nearer to Sean. The two of them lay chest to chest, and the tiger reached out and put his paws lovingly to Raine's head, pulling him to the feline's muzzle. Before Raine realized it, they were kissing. The rabbit knew he would always remember that exact moment as his first kiss, and he would never forget it. Sean tasted vaguely of scotch, but in a pleasant way. Raine didn't even object when the feline pressed his tongue forward into the lapine's muzzle, the two of them entwining to one another. Going limp and relaxed, Raine gave himself over, enjoying every second of this. He was still sure this was all some wonderful, blissful dream.

Breaking their embrace, Sean looked his lover in his eyes and said, "Now you may."

Blushing, Raine leaned back a bit and just looked down at Sean's cock. Taking his own penis in his paw, the rabbit brought himself closer to the tiger's crotch. When their cocks touched to one another, the sheer feeling of pleasure was almost enough for Raine. He wanted to make his new acquaintance, friend, lover, happy. Bracing one paw to Sean's chest, he kept using his other to guide himself along the tiger's shaft and towards the slip of Sean's sheath. He was trembling, and almost couldn't get himself inside. Tenderly, the feline reached down, taking Raine's shaft and helping to lead it toward its goal. Blushing more, Raine thrust himself forward and started to wedge himself in the tiger's sheath. As his tip began to disappear into Sean's sleeve, Raine felt a spreading warmth over his cockhead. He went deeper, surprised at how smooth it felt to get himself inside. It was odd to be able to see a bulge under Sean's fur where his penis sat, but Raine just cared for the sensation he was feeling over his sexual places, and that he was becoming so close to another male.

"You're w-warm," stuttered out Raine, feeling so stupid as he said it.

Sean just smiled and brushed his paw through the rabbit's headfur. "You can go deeper. It's okay."

Nodding, Raine pressed on, his cock now about halfway inside. Just by the feeling he could tell that was as far as he could go. Having Sean's sheath around his malehood was better than anything he had ever done by himself. Gently, he started to hump the tiger's sheath, sliding back and forth. His chest heaved with each deep breath he was taking, both from the exertion and the sheer arousal of this moment.

"Feeling good?" asked Sean, softly.

"Mmhmm," managed out Raine, while keeping his pace up. The rabbit was going slow, not wanting to rush in the slightest. Sean didn't seem to be in any pain, so there was no need to be fast. Raine's first kiss, then his first sexual experience; and both were fantastic.

Sean took Raine's testes in his paw, rolling them around gently. "Take your time, love," whispered the tiger. "We have all night."

Raine just looked back into Sean's eyes, and blushed again. "Okay."

Careful not to thrust too hard inside of the tiger, Raine began to hump a bit faster. His excitement urged him on, and feeling like he just wanted to bury himself into the tiger. Even being able to get his shaft just a few inches inside of the feline was enough for him. He was still amazed at seeing his cock disappear inside the pearl-white fur of Sean's sheath. The tiger's penis flexed with every thrust of Raine's maleness, making the lapine grin a bit. Raine also absolutely having his balls played with while he was docking with the tiger.

Sean motioned for the rabbit to move closer. When Raine did, the tiger kissed him again, the two of them locked once again in embrace. Pressing his tongue into Raine's muzzle again, the rabbit closed his eyes and continued propelling himself in and out of Sean's sheath. The tiger breathed hard through his nose, and kept fondling Raine's testes as they embraced through their muzzle, their sex, and desire between them. For Raine, it was freeing; absolute liberation to do what he never thought possible. Sean was absolutely adorable, and giving of himself. Raine had never met a male quite like him.

Releasing Raine again, Sean nuzzled against him, enjoying the rabbit's cock slipping in and out of him. For him, it had always been so fulfilling to have another male dock with him; he didn't quite know why, but it had been one of his favorite things to do. The sensation was so unique, and pleasurable. Already, a couple dribbles of precum had made their way down the front of his shaft, just from his state of arousal. He wanted so badly to touch himself, to pleasure himself, while the lapine humped into him, but Sean resisted; there would be better things to wait for.

Picking up his pace a bit more again, Raine pushed and pulled, feeling pre welling up inside his shaft, and dripping into Sean's sheath. A few warm fluids were being smudged into Raine's fur from the tip of Sean's cock, which he took as a clear sign that the tiger was enjoying himself. Closing his eyes, the rabbit kept going, driving into the tiger with lust and need, and a feeling of utter fulfillment.

"Is this the way you like?" asked Raine, whispering.

"Perfect, love," murmured Sean in return, giving the rabbit's testes a quick squeeze. Raine murred and flexed his penis inside of the tiger's sheath, which gave way to the feline purring a bit deep in his throat.

"Do you...want me to come inside?" asked Raine, feeling awkward for some reason asking that.

"Of course," answered the tiger, tracing a finger across the side of the lapine's face. "I want to feel it."

Looking away embarrassedly, Raine could sense his orgasm collecting inside of his cock; his balls were pulling a bit closer to his body, and his maleness was straining under the need of release. It was all building up within his shaft, preceded by a bolt of pleasure that shot straight from the heart of his loins upwards, filling his entire body. Waves of gratification came up through his malehood, and Raine knew he was going to cum soon. He tried to control it and extend this moment, to hold onto it, but his arousal and stimulation was too great, and he could sense his semen rolling through his shaft, towards his slit.

"That's it," Sean spoke softly, feeling Raine's orgasm coming through the contractions against his sheath and the stirring of the rabbit's testicles. "Let it come, love."

Gasping out, the rabbit came, hard. His first spurt of semen filled the tiger's sheath, and he had to pull out, the subsequent shots of his seed ending up across Sean's stomach, groin, inside of his legs, and cock. Raine could not believe how utterly incredible the sensation pervading into his body was. Ripples of sublime fervor racked him, and every spasm of his cock was better than the last. Opening his eyes, he looked down to see his semen covering the tiger. Each spurt came out in a long rope, the milky fluids shooting from his slit like a ribbon of glossy silk. When his orgasm finally subsided, he was left breathless, his chest still heaving and a creeping sensation of satisfaction remaining.

"Looks like you were enjoying that as well," observed Sean, with a wry grin.

Raine laughed. "I guess I did. Made a little mess, too."


Smiling despite himself, the rabbit just said, "Sorry."

"It's okay," assured Sean, pulling the still-dripping rabbit against himself, hugging the lapine. "That's what the tub in the next room is for."

Raine nuzzled in Sean's neck, enjoying the scent of the tiger, and the smell of their combined musk beginning to drift around the room. "You want to take a bath?"

"Well, we're both a little a dirty now," said the tiger, scratching the rabbit's back in long, lazy strokes. "Figured we'd clean up before getting sticky again."

Raine laughed a bit again, still buried in Sean's fur. "I'd like that." He got off the feline and lay next to him on the bed, setting his paw against Sean's stomach. The tiger reached for his glass of scotch, emptying it before swinging his legs off the bed and standing, stretching a bit.

"Well, come on then," urged the tiger, heading for the bedroom. Raine bounced off the bed as well, taking a quick look out the window to the silent world outside before going into the bathroom with the tiger. Tonight, he had no love for the world outside, only what was inside this room.

Steam was already filling the bathroom when Raine walked in. Warm water was pouring into the tub, settling into a clear pool inside the porcelain. The bathtub was bigger than the rabbit had originally thought; it was ovoid shaped, about five feet wide at its center. It would be more than large enough for both of them to get in. The tiger was busying himself with lighting a couple of pillar candles on a shelf over the tub, casting a gentle light over the room. Looking around, Raine also noticed a skylight built over them, which was currently covered over in white snow.

"Bloody white shite," muttered Sean, "getting in the way of my view."

Raine giggled, hugging the feline from behind. "It's okay." He wanted to get as much of this intimate time as he could while it was available, because Raine did not know when it would next come along.

Unwillingly, he let go of Sean when the tiger started to step into the water, sitting down in the rising water, which was up to his thighs now. The tiger motioned for Raine to join him. Deftly, the lapine stepped into the tub, sitting down against the smooth porcelain opposite Sean. Reaching up onto the shelf, he took a small bottle from next to the candles and began to pour a purple-colored powder into the water. Immediately, the room was filled with the smell of jasmine and honeysuckle. Raine took a deep breath, enjoying the scent. It reminded of the time his parents took him to an indoor garden during the winter when he was younger.

"Satisfactory?" asked Sean.

Raine smiled weakly, replying, "More than I could have hoped for."

"You seem troubled about something, though," said the tiger, shutting off the water when it was just over their hips.

The rabbit shook his head. "No, I just...wasn't expecting all this when I came here tonight."

Smiling, Sean said, "In a good way, I hope."

"Of course," answered Raine, quickly. He lay his head back against the rim of the tub, relaxing with the smells around him and the warm water embracing both of them. Sean had busied himself washing off the lapine's spunk, rubbing delicately around his sheath and cock, waiting for Raine to look again before absentmindedly playing with himself. When he began that, he had the rabbit's full attention again. The water gently rippled with every stroke Sean made along his own length, showing off his tiger penis under the clear water. Raine could clearly make out the pink flesh of Sean's cock, even through the vague ripples across the top of the water.

Wordlessly, Sean motioned for Raine to come closer. The rabbit acceded, gently splashing as he crawled through the water closer to the tiger. Sean let go of his maleness and pushed his legs closer together, bowing them outward, which pushed his cock upwards. The pink tip of his malehood poked up through the sheen of the surface of the water. Raine wanted to wrap his paw around it, and feel the warmth and pulse against his palm again. It had been a fantastic moment to hold onto Sean's most intimate places.

The tiger patted the water in front of him, sending another cascade of ripples out across the water. Taking the hint, the rabbit straddled his legs on either side of Sean's thighs, resting his butt downward, where he could feel the feline's shaft underneath. Even in the warm water, the heat of Sean's penis stood out to Raine. Relaxing, Raine leaned in against Sean again, the tiger putting his arms around the lapine.

"I like it here," whispered Raine.

Kissing the top of the rabbit's head, Sean said, "Me, too."

They sat there, the room as silent as a sepulcher, save for the occasional lap of the water at the edge of the tub. For as cold as it was outside, it was warm inside for both of them. To Raine, the temperature had nothing to do with the water they were sitting in; it was the male he was here with.

"Raine?" asked Sean, suddenly.

"Hmm?" came Raine's vague reply. He was so wrapped up the moment, he didn't want to let go of it.

"Would you like to...completely be together?" Sean inquired, quietly.

The question slowly set in on Raine's mind. He quickly realized the tiger was asking to have sex with him; to be inside him. The rabbit's heart began to beat faster in his chest; no one had ever asked him a question like that before. Often, he had lay around his tiny apartment and fantasized about what it would be like. This had not been the way he had pictured losing his virginity, but in many ways, it was better than anything he had dreamed up himself.

"Raine?" asked Sean again.

"Yes," whispered Raine, in a tone barely audible even in the silent bathroom. "Yes, I do." Sean hugged the rabbit closer to himself. Raine raised his head back up and kissed the feline on the muzzle, smiling.

They didn't say anything else between the two of them. Leaning forward a bit, Raine raised his rear to let Sean get his cock in position. Raine blushed and smiled nervously, but with the tiger there, he felt secure letting this male take his virginity. The majority of Sean's penis was still underwater, but enough of it protruded, and Raine could feel the tip pressing against his tailhole. The rabbit had to brace himself against Sean's shoulders, leaning all his weight forward against them to allow the tiger to get himself positioned. Pressing his cockhead forward, Raine felt his tight pucker slowly yielding to it. Pushing upward, Sean slowly began to sink himself inside the rabbit's private places. Raine cried out as he was penetrated for the first time by another male. Letting a deep sigh go, the tiger got his head inside of the lapine, spreading his lover wide with his girth. Raine just closed his eyes and let it happen, taking the pleasure mixed with a bit of pain. He knew it would subside as he became used to the tiger's cock inside him.

"Are you all right, love?" asked Sean, delicately.

"Mmhmm," murmured Raine, nodding. "Just...getting used to it." The tiger was by no means small, and seemed even bigger now that he was actually inside of Raine.

"Take your time," assured Sean, "we're in no hurry."

Raine was taking his time. For him, this was culmination of his night; the ultimate moment two males could share with one another. With this male, it was such an experience for him. Already, he could feel his tailhole getting used to having the large shaft inside of him, and giving way to a sensation of being filled. Delicately, Raine began to sit back again, letting more of the tiger's cock into himself. Every inch was another moment of pleasure and ecstasy, pressing into his sexual places and just making him feel fantastic. Already, Raine felt his own cock becoming erect again, pressing against Sean's stomach. For the moment, all of their sex was under the placid water that surrounded them.

"I think you're all in," said Raine, blushing again.

The tiger chuckled. "Yes, I think I am, which is no small feat." Reaching over and gently stroking the side of the rabbit's face, he said, "I hope you're all right with my taking your most intimate gift."

Nodding, Raine pressed against Sean's paw, putting his own on top of the feline's. "I am," whispered the lapine. Lifting himself up a bit, he then dropped his butt down again, gently beginning to ride Sean's penis. The tiger took in a deep breath, purring in his throat. Raine kept up his slow, steady pace, feeling Sean's shaft slide in and out of his velvety insides and loving it. Never before had Raine felt more connected to another fur, male or not. Only knowing this tiger for a matter of hours, he already felt they were closer than if they had been with one another for a lifetime.

"God, you're tight," breathed Sean.

"You are my first, after all," answered Raine with a quick giggle. He could feel Sean's cock pulsing within himself. Every time he took all the feline's maleness within him, it shot a sensation up through his cock, and then the rest of his body. It was so good, he was making sure to take all of Sean into himself with every thrust and counterthrust of his ass. He remembered that sex with another male could stimulate the prostate and other things within himself. If that's what this was, he just fine with that. With every re-entry of the tiger's penis, it was just bliss to him; to have his tailhole stretched around the male's shaft, and slowly be taken by the maleness behind him. His chest heaved again with the sexual stimulation, and he felt the tiger's heavy breathing against him as well.

Reaching around the rabbit, Sean set his paws on the lapine's cheeks, holding on to them while Raine rode him. Raine's tailhole was so tight, seeming to mold just to his cock while it plunged in and out of the rabbit's interior. The tiger grunted, purred, and gasped as he was stimulated by the lapine on his lap. Gently pulling, he spread the rabbit's cheeks a bit wider, so Raine could come down further against Sean's groin. By the rabbit's reaction of slightly speeding up his movements and grinding against the tiger's crotch with each impalement, Sean suspected that Raine approved. As his ass went back into the water, the rest of the tiger's penis entered him, and he felt the feline's balls against his cheeks when he settled in, hilting Sean into himself.

Breathily, Raine asked, "Am I doing all right?"

"Perfect, love," whispered back the feline. Sean's balls churned beneath the now-choppy water, and his shaft was swollen inside the rabbit, and it was just as perfect for the feline as it was for his lover. Taking one of his paws from Raine's ass, he brought it back around to the front and took the rabbit's cock gently in his grip, starting to paw off the lapine. Raine groaned and bucked against Sean's paw with every lift of his hips. The two of them were engaged in their perfectly orchestrated sex, becoming one with the other and sharing their body completely.

Not able to hold himself back any longer, Sean began to thrust upwards against Raine's rear. He timed his plunges in such a way that as the rabbit's ass was coming back down, Sean drove his groin upwards to meet it. As such, they were going faster now, as well as Raine humping into the tiger's paw at a more rapid pace. Their thrusts and counterthrusts were in perfect sync to one another, leaving Raine gasping in pleasure and Sean growling in gratification. The rabbit clenched his tailhole around Sean's cock as it immersed in and out of Raine's insides, and was rewarded with the tiger's digging his paw tighter into the lapine's cheek, and put his other paw back on Raine's ass. In his sexual fervor, Sean was now just humping Raine's ass, not waiting for the rabbit to ride him. Acceding, the rabbit leaned forward against Sean, raising his butt up just a bit. It gave Sean just enough room to be able to thrust upwards into Raine, and the tiger took the space with ardor. The rabbit's cock was now sandwiched between himself and the tiger, so he couldn't touch himself, but he could feel it pulse and twitch between them with every advance of the tiger's cock back into his tight rear. Setting his head against Sean's shoulder, the tiger stopped holding Raine's cheeks and put his arms around the rabbit. They were locked into one another, not by any force, but merely from their desire. Raine wanted so very badly to give every ounce of his being to this feline; his body, mind, and heart.

Still being taken by Sean's length, Raine lifted his head back off to come face to face with Sean. Even in the middle of their lovemaking, Sean still regarded him with a tenderness that wasn't spoken but just expressed. They embraced, kissing one another. Raine put his arms around the tiger's neck. Despite being jostled a bit by Sean's cock being plunged back and forth, the rabbit could still steady himself to slip his tongue within the tiger's muzzle. Raine now also lowered his ass back down a bit, so Sean could not withdraw as far from him. The tiger purred and hugged the lapine tighter. Raine smiled as best he could, and clenched himself around his lover again; inside of himself, he felt a reward of the flex of Sean's cock.

Breaking away from their kiss, Sean grunted and groaned, purred and growled. His testes tingled, and he felt a crawling sensation up his shaft, practically becoming numb with pleasure. Raine's cloying warmth all over his penis was becoming almost overbearing, his maleness swelling with the ache of needed release. Raine nuzzled against him, letting Sean do whatever he wanted as he pounded the lapine's ass. Raine whimpered on occasion, but not from pain, more in pleasure and delight. The rabbit licked the side of the feline's face, and the tiger returned the affection. As they traded affections, Sean felt his testes tightening against his body, and an intense wave of ecstasy coming up through has malehood.

"I'm...gonna cum, love," he whispered to the rabbit, as he continued to thrust, steadily but quickly.

Raine just groaned, murmuring in return, "I want you to." The rabbit felt like he was on the verge of another orgasm, purely from having Sean's cock take him over and over.

Pumping himself up and down in eagerness, the tiger could sense his orgasm climbing up his shaft, collecting at his head and awaiting its liberation. As Raine tightened his tailhole again, the tiger could no longer hold himself back. His penis spasmed, and released his semen inside the rabbit's ass. Raine sat down a bit more again, making sure the tiger was hilted inside of him when the feline was cumming. Sean growled as his shaft was unloaded, the warmth of his cum mixing with the heat of Raine's insides and becoming indistinguishable from one another. As he was cumming, he heard the lapine let go a gentle sigh, and his cock between the two of them twitched and pulsed against the two of them, letting Raine's second orgasm go. Drops of the rabbit's seed drifted up through the water to the top as he finished. Sean was just riding out the end of his orgasm, his penis now just left twitching a but inside of Raine, and the tiger left with absolute bliss taking him over.

"That was...fantastic," managed out Sean, still hugging the rabbit. "Are you all right?"

The lapine nodded against Sean. "Everything's fine right now."

Sean smiled, kissing the side of Raine's muzzle. "You don't have to keep me inside of you."

"I like it," replied Raine. Honestly, he would let Sean leave his cock where it was forever if he could.

The tiger chuckled a bit. "Aren't you ready to get out yet?"

Sighing exaggeratedly, Raine said, "I suppose so." Getting up, Sean gently slipped out of him, a few more drops of semen hitting the surface of the water as Raine stood up. He got out of the tub with a gentle splash, standing on the tile floor. Hoisting himself up by the edge of the tub, Sean also got out, standing next to the rabbit. The tiger went to a cabinet and pulled out a couple of towels, handing one to Raine. They dried themselves off, smiling at one another as they did. Raine no longer smiled embarrassedly, but instead out of happiness.

When they were toweled off, the two of them wandered back into the bedroom area. Raine lay across the bed, waiting for Sean to join him. The feline came, naked, and sat on the edge of the bed. Raine smiled and reached over to take the tiger's paw in his, squeezing gently.

"I think I kind of like you," murmured Raine, looking away again.

Sean smiled, squeezing Raine's paw in return. "I'm flattered."

"But you don't feel the same way...," trailed off Raine.

"It's not that, love," started Sean, "it's just...it's complicated."

"Should I go?" asked Raine.

Getting on the bed, Sean lay next to Raine, putting his arms around the rabbit. "No, love, not at all. I want you to stay here with me. We can talk about this in the morning. Okay?"

The rabbit nodded, snuggling up against his lover. Sean reached down for the blankets, pulling them up over the two of them. The snow was still falling outside, but inside, it was warm between both of them. Raine clung to Sean as tightly as he could, never wanting to let go.

"I'm not really tired," whispered Raine, rubbing the tiger's belly.

"That's all right," replied the feline. He could already see the rabbit's eye dropping downward, despite Raine's declaration to the contrary.

The tiger stroked the rabbit's headfur, and the two of them drifted off to sleep with one another.


His vision was blurry when he opened his eyes. Raine rubbed his eyes, looking around. He woke up when he felt something was amiss, and realized there was no tiger under his arms now. Sitting up, the blankets pooled around his waist, and he was still naked. Early morning light streamed in through the window, casting yellow light across the floor.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Raine called out, "Sean?" Going to the bathroom door, he nudged it open, but the room was empty. He also noticed that Sean's clothes were gone from the floor.

Getting ready to get dressed and go downstairs, Raine spotted a piece of paper on the bedside table. It was folded in half, and simply had, ‘Raine,' written across the front. The rabbit picked it up, and opened it. Swooping, elegant cursive handwriting greeted him. As he began to read, he felt an icy grip around his heart;


Words are never going to be able to tell you what last night meant to me. To share a night with a male like you is extraordinary, and I know I will never meet another like you. Which makes what I had to do so much harder. I told you when we met I was planning to go back to England. I can't stay here any longer. The oppressiveness, the close-mindedness, and constantly having to live in fear...it's not worth it. The only reason to stay behind was a last-minute encounter I had with you. But a relationship cannot thrive like this. Like growing a rose in darkness, it cannot bloom.

Someday, I hope, that your country will regain its sense and eliminate these awful laws. Maybe then I can return. But until that day, I will reside in the UK. I'm sorry to tell you this in a letter, but I knew neither of us would be able to take it in person. The way you were looking at me last night, I knew it meant a lot to you; it did to me as well. But I still could not stay. By the time you read this, I will be in a plane over the ocean. But I do hope someday our paths cross again.



Raine dropped the letter to the ground, the paper gently swooping to the ground. He knew he should have been crying, but he wasn't. Maybe it was because they'd only known one another for one night, or perhaps because Raine had such incredible and fond memories from that one night. Whatever the reason, Raine also knew that Sean was right; there could not be a healthy relationship in a place where fear was the overriding emotion rather than love.

He went to the window, standing there and looking out over the city. The sun was giving the new-fallen snow a golden hue, making all the building look as if they had been carved from a single chunk of quartz. From here, it was deceptively full of promise and potential. But Raine knew the truth. There was nothing left for him here. Not in this room, not in his apartment, not in this city. Somewhere, but not here.

Pulling his pants and shirt back on, he looked wistfully over the room. This was where he had lost his virginity and shared a night with an amazing male. But not where he would find his place; where he belonged. As he padded across the room, and opened the door, he felt like closing this room was cutting himself off from the best time of his life. He also realized there would be other times in his life worth moving forward to; maybe even better than this. When the door clicked closed, the place where he had sex for the first time became just another room.


To Be Continued...