
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Velvet screens cover my eyes from disbelief

I make my way to the next bar, stealing smiles like a thief

To the pub, I drag my problem to the curb

In the cold, away from warm conversation, they sit unable to disturb

Weights off my shoulders, I approach the stool to once again be the bashful fool

With conversation flowing so easy, I make my mark & begin with easy shots to be shared

As for the price, pay day reassures me why tonight, I'll continue to never have cared

Distance only a shot away, I make clear hear, for the next few hours I plan to stay

Among each soul all a glow, I find a few that care to show & share why tonight is just right

Among the trusty blurred eyes, I give into tomorrow to be a forgotten sight

Numbers among the napkins in my pockets where my wallet once resided

I find friendship & something more among memories that have to be resided

Pictures of places I wasn't aware I went...

Surprise me throughout the day as they are sent ^_^

so forget tomorrow, remember why when it's too late to fix

Sit down beside me, & give into this two-sided kindness, give into just for a moment, my unworldly gaze...

Be it a mistake, or more

Let tonight, my sight be something to adore...

I know the time won't last till tomorrow

So for now, let me give you some to borrow

Next time we meet, may you only feel warm nostalgia fill you from your head down to your feet...

Your glance is just another chance to feel

Something without voice...something somewhat...real

If not, no worries, the drinks are always free

If it's just the shot you needed, then just take it from me ;)

---Thanks for reading---
