Cyanide of Riddance chapter 12.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#13 of Cyanide of riddance.

I apologize it for being short or the lyrics taking forever. This is the hyena's lyrics for his song.

Meanwhile with boydane, pinky and icicle, they try to find the bow me away hyena. They then come across a studio and then walk into a stage about to play a song. The hyena goes on stage and starts his theme song.

_It is where it is, but going with the flow. _

_Here is something I call blow me away. _

Why don't you blow me?

_Why don't you blow me? _

_Why don't you blow me? _

"What is this?" Boydane said. "This is terrible!" Icicle snarled. "He's just a little hyena wining about him being blown away! Genius!" Pinky said.

Why don't you blow

Why don't you blow

_Why don't you blow this little one away? _

_Why don't you blow _

_Me away _

_Me away _

_My furry self away _

_Blow me away _

_Away _

_Blow me away _

Blow me away

_Come on and blow my furry self away _

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" Pinky said.

"Don't you see?" The hyena said. "And it blew corporate greed, and it blew the politicians who have drained our economy. It's the lack of personal responsibility."

"Oh!" The crowd said. "That is so true. I never thought of that," a man said. "I normally don't laugh at blowing humor, but this is wrapped in such an important message."

_Why don't blow _

_Me away _

_Me away _

Me away