Missed Love

Story by Scarlet Dragoness on SoFurry

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This is my first Story like this, so don't send me spam about it sucking. I usually skip this part of the stories I write but a friend of mine convinced me otherwise, so I wrote this. Just tell me what you think ok?

-Scarlet Dragoness


Ceridex stretched lazily in his bed, the air was cold but he was warm in his bear skin blankets. His heart ached softly, Riyo had not returned from her trip to the human market. Ceridex stretched his long red body, his long tail sliding off the bed and part way out the entranceway to his cave. He missed his little human lover, her raven black hair and dark eyes; she had only been gone for two days. There was nothing he should be worried about, his little lover was a fighter, but he missed her all the same. Ceridex tilted his head slightly; a slight pressure had suddenly appeared on the tip of his tail. He lazily brought his tail in from the cold to examine it. A young girl balanced expertly oh his tail, her legs wrapped around it to keep from sliding off. Ceridex smiled; Riyo was already grinning, and gently nuzzled against his lover.

"I've returned from my trip, lover of mine." Riyo whispered softly to Ceridex, she expertly dropped from his tail onto the floor, her satchel was full with herbs and elixirs, and she set her bag on the counter and started unpacking. Ceridex crawled out of the bed and come up behind his beloved Riyo, wrapping his talons around her waist softly, nuzzling against her soft, warm, neck.

"I've missed you during your journey, my love," Ceridex whispered in her ear. "I've really missed you." Ceridex talons caressed his lovers' body, he could feel Riyo smiling, and Ceridex softly wrapped his tongue around Riyos waist, expertly unclipping her belt.

"Come, lover of mine, let me show you how much I missed your being inside me." Riyo let her belt drop and led her draconic lover back to the bed.

Ceridex gently picked her up and set her among the bear skin pelts, he gently pressed his snout against his young lover, rediscovering all her tender spots. He gently pulled his lovers skirt away; revealing her beautifully tanned skin. Ceridex softly kissed Riyos pelvic bone, inching down slowly. He spread her legs gently with his talons, his tongue brushed up against Riyos inner thigh.

"It's been so long since I've felt you inside me, lover of mine." Riyo whispered softly, she could feel her draconic lover breathing against the skin between her legs.

"It will be so long that I am within you, my love." Ceridex answered his lover and gently pressed his tongue into his little lovers' body, his tongue filled the crevasse inside her. Ceridex's muzzle was gently covering the lower half of his young lovers body, Riyo reached down and stroked his snout softly as he drank in his lover. Riyo breathed deeply, she emitted little moans and gasps of pleasure every now and then. Ceridex pressed deeper and deeper into his young human lover, pulling out and pressing back in with every sound Riyo made. Ceridex smiled softly and pulled out of his young lover, he kissed the inside of his lovers' thighs and slowly moved upwards. He pressed his sheath against his young lover; Riyo breathed in sharply as Ceridex pressed into her. Ceridex thrust gently into his lover; the two locked lips and kissed passionately, their tongues danced together gently. Riyo purred softly as her lover spilled fluids into her small body, replacing what her beloved dragon and drank away with his own seed. The hours passed by with great speeds; still Ceridex and Riyo lovingly pleasured each other.

Ceridex gazed at his lover, she slept softly in his grasp, his arm was wrapped around her waist as she slept. He loved to watch Riyo sleep, it was peaceful. Ceridex gently nuzzled his beloved as she slept; she slept so deeply after play. He hugged her tightly against his chest, instinctively one of his hands slipped between his young lovers' legs, massaging gently. Riyo smiled softly in her sleep. Ceridex smiled as well and kissed his beloved good night before falling asleep himself.