Cyanide of Riddance chapter 11.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#12 of Cyanide of riddance.

Pretty much impersonating someone is a serious offense in my universe, punishable either by death or inprisonment.

A chariot had pulled over at the death kingdom and out stepped red and the other animals. "Oh, it is good to be home," he said. One of the female guards have woken up and saw the others. "Hark!" She shouted. "Who goes there?!"

"'Guards, 'tis I, your prince red. You may kiss my paws if you like. Oh, and once I'm inside, you can execute them." Red pointed backwards to wildberry, bluro and milo. "Wait, what?!" Lavender stammered. "Ha, ha! Just kidding!"

Red then pretends to slice his head in fron of the guards. "Do you not know that impersonating the prince is a serious offense, punishable by death?!" The female zebra guard said, kneeling down and facing red. "Do you not know that sucking my penile bulb is a serious offense, punishable by frack you?!" Red sneered.


"Now let us in at once or I'll have your children Killed!"

"Yeah, it's good to be home," a voice said behind them. Another chariot had pulled it behind them as demons, aliens and robots had gathered together to see the queen of death. "Who the frack are you?!" Red snarled. Everyone gasped while the queen had felt disgust.

"I am the queen!" She said. "The queen?! You are not the queen! My mother is the queen, which makes me a prince!"

"Mother, it think this peasant has gone mad with a plague," another one, similar to red, except more handsome said. "For everyone knows I am the true prince of this place." Everyone gasps and watches. "My lowl, filthy subjects, sure you manholes recognize me."

"Impostor!" A demon shouts and everyone starts chanting impostor over and over again. "Girls," red sighed. "I think lioness was telling the truth. I think I'm a fake. I think we're all fakes!"

"Oh my god! You kno what I think?" Lavender said. "Duh!!"

"To the dungeon with them!!" The queen shouts. The trio then gasp and were sent into dungeons.