Chapter 6 - Pegasus

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#6 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 3 - The Light of the End

Location: Xan'thera â€" 500,000 Light years from Alexandria

1 Day later...

The Valkyrie had been thrown very far away from where they had hoped to be. They had ended up in a ringed planetary system in orbit around the third planet. Colin was as surprised as the rest of the crew when they had discovered that the planet had a breathable atmosphere and surface vegetation. He had ordered surface teams to do a low sweep of the ground and the results were definitely promising, showing that the planet had both breathable air and surface water.

The most interesting thing about this planet was a collection of ruins that seemed to indicate that the planet once supported a civilisation but numerous scans had failed to reveal any lifeforms of significance.

The most terrible thing was that the new drive system had been completely burnt out from such a far jump, leaving them standard. Getting back to Alexandria would take about thirty years at normal Pegasus drive speeds.

Colin felt the wind of Xan'thera through his hair, it was lovely to feel that warm breeze as he stood on a grassy plain surrounded by corroded ruins. He had come down to the planet to see that ruins for himself believing that they had just made a new discovery of an unknown species.

"Colin..." a voice whispered to him as he turned around. He suddenly turned to find nothing there, the survey team were down that other side of the hill. He recognised the voice but he had no idea where from.

"Colin..." called the voice again, coming from the centre of the ruins. Colin carefully approached the ruins of what looked like a fountain, covered in ivy and grass that had grown through the cracks in the rock. He took out his sidearm, he could never be too careful.

Suddenly there was a bright light that blinded him, he was thrown backwards against the fountain as the light grew. A figure descended from the sky. Every primal action inside Colin was telling him to shoot as it could have been an Asgard but there was also a growing feeling inside him that he was in no danger as the warm light washed over him.

The light began to fade, revealing the body of male, a male... horse!? He had huge white wings and was wearing a white robe that was elegantly decorated. Colin looked up, her recognised him straight away as the horse that had led Terra to its doom at the hands of the Asgard...


He immediately cocked his gun and shot at Diamond who put out his hands immediately disintegrating the bullets into nothing. The gun immediately flew out Colin's paws much to his surprise.

"Diamond!" he shouted as the light began to fade and Diamond's green eyes were cast down upon him. "It can't be?" he said, eyes widening in disbelief. "You're dead!?"

Diamond turned round and cocked his head at Colin, he looked at him lopsidedly. His tail dropped and Colin could see that his tail was unnatural for a horse... it was more of a wolfs tail. As the light finally faded and Colin could see the whole of Diamond he noted some grey markings that appeared to be tribal all over his body.

"Dead is such a relatively term" said a powerful female voice who emerged from behind Diamond. She had long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and was distinctively human. Her blue eyes flashed down at Colin as she put one of her hands into the air.

Colin sat their in disbelief, she was Asgard but she had to be the most beautiful being that he had ever seen. She was dressed in a satin robe, white as the snow that falls on a mountain top. She had an almost elf like beauty that gave her skin a natural glow.

"Do not be afraid..." said the female, as she spoke she watched Diamond walk over to Colin and help him off the floor. Colin proceeded to straighten out his military jacket, curious as to what this was about exactly. "I am Freyja of the Asgard..."

"If you are Asgard then damn right I should be afraid..." said Colin in immediate distrust regardless of her beauty.

Freyja looked down at the ground in sadness. "We have all been the victims of a grand deception against us...But we are not your enemy..."

"Not your enemy!?" repeated Colin. "Both Alexandria and Terra have been destroyed because of you!"

"That was beyond the Asgard's foresight!" returned Diamond looking between Colin and Freyja. "The destruction of Terra and Alexandria was the doing of a rouge Asgardian scientist, Galladia. Long ago she discovered a mysterious metal that was capable of transmuting matter into energy, she used this to create a race of collective beings that she considered to be close to perfection. She wiped out the Asgard to a near extinction and destroyed their homeworld, however they managed to seal her away until she was released again about three hundred years ago..."

Colin sighed, again with the complete overload of information that confused him however he really did not see what bearing this had on the current situation. "What does this have to do with the destruction of so many worlds!?"

"I was getting to that if you give me five minutes to explain!" shouted Diamond back who was then interrupted by Freyja.

"Gentlemen, there is no need to be hostile."

Diamond sighed, turning round and then began to speak again. "Galladia's goal has always been to gain access to the universe tree that the Asgard are dedicated to protecting and disrupting the balance of all the universes." he said looking up at the sky. "She has tried twice before and failed, once by Odin and another by her biological "daughter" Kestra Valentine. Kestra however failed to seal her away due to the bond that they share? Do you know what that bond is?"

Colin shook his head as he took out a cigarette and lit it, puffing the smoke out through his muzzle.

"Well.. it's interesting really..." said Diamond, sitting on the fountain ruins tilting his head back and crossing his legs. "When Terra first encountered the Asgard, they found them to be vastly superior, one of the first ships to encounter them was the UMSS Erika commanded by Leviticus "Stef" Valentine. Leviticus was a scientist that perceived the Asgard as one of the greatest threats to Terra. This was three hundred years ago..."

"What!?" asked Colin in complete confusion. "But Terra never had space technology three hundred years ago... The Asgard invasion made us aware of others..."

"You would think that, wouldn't you?" smiled Diamond as he took a cigarette from Colin and puffed on it before handing it back. "But in the old days, Terra had a vast empire in space until two hundred and fifty years ago. Leviticus managed to discover Galladia contained on Serenity Island some when in this period of time and extracted her DNA which he used with his own sperm to biologically engineer Kestra. Leviticus died when Kestra was very young however she decided to follow in his footsteps and became a legendary commander of the UMSS Valkyrie..."

Colin was completely amazed, he did not want to believe any of what Diamond was telling him but what else did he have to believe?

"Kestra managed to stop Galladia from destroying Terra. You see Colin... this universe is built with small... "holes" in it. Almost like a block of cheese that connects it to the source... Yggdrasil. Each of these "holes" has a celestial body protecting them through some unknown design... I personally think that the universe evolved this way to protect itself . But unfortunately Terra and Alexandria are both planets that cover these "holes"."

Colin was beginning to understand what Diamond was telling him. "The white vortex!" he said out loud in realisation.

"Now you get it!" cheered Diamond, looking over at Freyja who was also smiling but continued to stay silent. "In theory if the planet is destroyed then the gateway to Yggdrasil will appear however it will not be very stable and certainly not big enough for a ship to get through..."

"So you would have to create more tears in the fabric of space!" smiled Colin who was beginning to get on-board with everything that he had been told. He was beginning to understand what was happening instead of being in a constant state of confusion.

"Yeah" replied Diamond. "That is Galladia's plan. She plans to go to Yggdrasil with Kestra and her sister Asgardian Ada and fuse their energies together with that of the universe tree to create a being of unparalleled power that could remake existence as it sees fit. That could spell the end of our universe... of everything!" Diamond's voice turning darker toward s the end of it.

"I see..." said Colin looking over at Diamond and then to Freyja. "but that still does not explain why the Asgard invaded our home."

Freyja decided to step into the conversation at this point. "We were the victim of a mass deception as well. We never knew that Ada, who was contained in space on Silmeria was actually working with Galladia. She plagued Odin's visions of the future with images of Terra destroying our race. Odin was motivated by fear.. like you would be to protect the few of our people that survived and considering our past deals with your planet it seemed a logical step to invade."

"Past dealings?" questioned Colin as he continued to smoke, staring at both of them.

"Yes... after Kestra re-imprisoned Galladia during our first war with your people and the Valkyrie crashed at Everonth Mountain. Kestra gave her own life to defeat Galladia and imprison her temporarily again, we imprisoned Kestra's body inside of a crystal and returned her to her burial place... the Valkyrie. We then left your people alone before the Terrans attacked us out of fear with new weaponry that could hurt us, however we managed to overpower them and as a punishment for their arrogance, we decided to revert the planet to an industrial state and erase the memories of the planet to make them forget about their large space organisation. It was a sensible precaution and we believed that they would never threaten us again."

"That is where Phoenix Grace discovered the Valkyrie and the rest you know" smiled Diamond finally.

Colin put his paw to his forehead, it was a lot to take in about his homeworld. Things that he did not even know about his own planet... let alone anything else. "So what is this place and why did you come to me?" he asked humbly.

"This planet is called Xan'thera" said Diamond, swinging his hair back. "It used to be a colony of the Asgard design however it was destroyed during the civil war thousands of years ago."

"The reason we come to you with the truth now... is because we cannot allow control of existence to fall into the hands of Galladia. The Valkyrie is one of the only ships left that can lead a battle against the Dark Collective." Freyja put hand out to help Colin up from the wall... it was amazingly soft like a rose petal.

"Odin is dead and so many others have died on both sides. As the next in line to the throne of the Asgard and after learning the truth of our deception. I have been forced to enlist your aid in helping us destroy Galladia once and for all."

Colin looked down at the floor, he remembered Miles again. The wound was only beginning to heal inside him but it was a big responsibility, he had no special powers, no amazing technology how could he help destroy a god-like entity.

"What must I do?" he asked in determination. He would do this for all that had died in the past two years.

For Miles.