Cyanide of Riddance Chapter 5.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#6 of Cyanide of riddance.

You should never insult bluro' dead boyfriend, at least.

"All right, ante up!" Pinks said. "Deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild!"

"Wait, pinky!" Lavender said. "We can't start girls' night without bluro!"

"Well, If I'd had some mystery man, I wouldn't be hanging around with you burg faces, either. Our special lady time is far more important to blu than being with some cheap female kitten who probably doesn't even secretly eat her claw clippings."

"So at least a little part of blu can always be inside her."

But then a crash had been made and both pinks and lavender look in surprise. "Never fear! Bluro is here!" A blue female wolf named bluro said. "To play over with you guys."

"Oh!" Lavender shockingly cooed. "You came!" Then both female animals see a dead male collie having his hand held by bluro and flies have been buzzing. "Uh, bluro?" Lavender asked. "Is that a dead dog?"

"Oh, hey everybody," bluro said. "This is milo. He's my boyfriend. Milo, is it okay if I call you my boyfriend? I know I probably should ask you first. How did we meet you ask? Well, it's a tale as old as time. Milo was being held against his will by the evil legion of immediate family mourners of doom! Back, you putrid, perverse purveyors of evil!" The family started crying as bluro took him out of his coffin. "Bluro here! What? No sir. You don't need to repay me. My reward is your safety. A hand job, you say? Well, I guess you do deserve one. You're different from the others, aren't you?

Huzzah!" The other females looked at her weirdly and exchanged glances. "Okay, busted. We met on tinder." Bluro then starts slurping her drink and winks. "Bluro!" Lavender gasped. "I can't believe you're doing this to me! You're turning our girls' night into a girls' nightmare!"

"How dare you!" Bluro gasped. "How dare all of you! If you can't deal with me being happy, then you're not really my friends! Come on, milo, let's get out of here!" Bluro then cries while she leaves the room and shuts the door on his paw