The moth Chronicles #1: discovery chapter 1.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#2 of The Moth Chronicles episode 1.

Yurok is kampung's sister, no kidding.

Ten months later...

It was morning time. A male Luna moth named actias had slept throughout the whole time until he hears a sudden ring of the morning bell. He jumps to a jolt out of his bed and falls. "Good morning, actias," yuppie says, walking into his room. "Terribly sorry, ma'am yuppie!" He said. "Overslept, right?"

"It is alright, young moth," yuppie replied. "At least you have time for breakfast."

"Thanks, yuppie!" He then cheerfully flies out of his room and into the kitchen. He then finds his friends at the table that being barker, a female Venezuelan Poodle Moth, attacus, a male atlas moth, argema, a female comet moth, and then Eacles, a male imperial moth.

The breakfast they are having are rotten mangoes and argema almost ate hers whole. Actias sat down and picked at it with his fork. "Don't worry, actias," kampung said. "No one should. At least." Then as actias ate all of his rotten mango, he sat there with his hand on his head and frowned.

"Something wrong, acty?" Barker asked. "Oh, nothing."

"He's just upset because he has training with my sister, Yurok. She is always boasting about her fighting techniques and autff like that. Also-"

"I HEAR ALL OF YOU ARE AWAKE IN THE MORNING!!" A loud, cheerful roar came from outside. "I God, it's my sister. I have to go!" Kampung said. "Hello, little moths!!" She said. "H-hi. Good morning, Yurok," actias trembled. She examined actias (actias is the one she despises the most) and scoffs. "WHAT A TOTAL DISGRACE!!" She hissed.

"Actias! Please report to me right here IN FRONT OF ME!!" The poor male Luna moth walks slowly to the female wasp and then she guffaws! "That is NOT a proper defense color for you!!"

"But Yurok, my defense color is powering up right now! It's getting delivered!"

"Save the excuses, actias Luna!!" Actias hated it when Yurok calls him by his last name because he thinks it's a girl's name, Luna. He walked back and trembled, sweating of what to tell her. "You guys are meant to protect this insect universe from father, but seeing as how you are just a distorted Luna moth with a girly color, it will all GO TO WASTE!!"

"Actias, your defense color is here," yuppie said and handed it to him. "Now, Yurok, please give him his space. He just hatched 10 months ago."

"But, yuppie! These little twerps need to learn proper combat! It seems they don't!"

"They do know combat, Yurok. It is just you do not give them enough time to practice." Yurok felt anger rise up, but she couldn't snap back at her priestess yuppie. They both walk back into the home tree and sit down. "I am terribly sorry for Mrs. Yurok, actias, sweety," yuppie said. "You mothlets do know combat, but I shalln't call you mothlets now that you all are mature enough."

"Thanks, yuppie. I-"

"It is okay, actias. You feel like a son to me enough." The yellow jacket priestess then hugs actias and kisses him. He feels warm embrace going into him and mews silently. "One more thing," she says before walking off. "You and kampung must meet In the history room."