Extracurricular Activities - Game Night

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissions

Talash had been living with Alex and hir family for quite some time now, having really been welcomed as one of the group. They'd even taken to welcoming the big tegu to joining their tabletop gaming night. Of course, with Alex as the DM, things were bound to get a little wacky. Tal decided she needed to respond in kind.

This is a commission for Talash, continuing the "Extracurricular Activities" stories I've already written.

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"I'm trapped!" Smokey cried in dismay as he looked at the table before him.

He had foolishly rushed a lone enemy that had broken away from the group trying to outflank the party. As soon as he reached his target and struck, three more appeared behind him, cutting him off from the rest of his group. The blue dragon kicked himself for charging blindly in. He was an archer. He didn't have especially high melee skills.

"Hah! You're so predictable, dad!" Alex laughed as shi sat at the end of the table. A short screen stood upright in front of hir, blocking the view of the other four from hir notes and dice.

Sirius, Brian, and Talash all joined in the chorus of dismay as their archer began taking damage. Thankfully they weren't hitting especially hard. Even so, unless someone took action right away, the blue dragon would be dead in but two or three turns.

"Hang on, dad! I'm comin'!" Talash cried. The big tegu shook her fist.

The sound of plastic rattling in her palm heralded the rolling of dice. The tiny artifacts clattered across the table surface as the group surveyed the overwhelming state before them. They were but four and they were pitted against eight. Alex had made this dungeon especially rough. The little fox dragon cackled gleefully, taking a perverse sort of pleasure in outsmarting everyone else in hir family. It was really the only time shi got to flex hir brains in a way that outshined everyone else in the house.

Talash's roll suggested that she would be able to make the move she desired and she relocated her figure to just behind the three monsters separating her from her 'adopted father', the drake who had so generously taken her in when she was in need of a home. Alex had been the driving force to bring her there, but Smokey and Shayna had welcomed her with open arms. Among other things.

"I swing my plus one staff, right to left, aiming to hit all three using 'grand swing'." Talash said.

"Make a strength check." Alex called.

The tegu did as she was asked. The dice were favorable. It was enough to land a solid blow on the first and a glancing blow on the second.

The drox was not terribly amused, but shi had other tricks up hir sleeve if this didn't work out how shi wanted.

"As you swing, you hit the first one in the side of the head. He stumbles hard to his left and runs into the second one. They both fall prone. The third one is struck but only left unsteady. He rights himself quickly and attacks dad," Alex said as shi rolled, "Attack of 17."

Smokey glowered a little.

"That hits." The archer dragon said.

"And it hits for-" Alex paused as shi rolled again, "Seven points of slashing damage."

"Crap!" Smokey cried, "I've only got three hit points left! I'm not gonna make it guys!"

Sirius groaned.

"Already!? We just got here! Alex, why do you have to make all your dungeons so impossible to beat!?" The wolf complained.

"Last time, it was the town filled with villagers that turned into zombies by nightfall. The time before that, it was the nest of sentient creeping vines that strangulated anything that moved too close. And before that, it was the herd of satanic ponies that nibbled us to death." Brian said.

Alex just cackled in delight.

"Hey! I gotta be good at something!" Shi said.

Talash huffed a little, not liking the idea of losing yet again. She wanted to teach Alex that she didn't have to be sadistic to be a good DM. As she struggled to determine her next course of action, waiting for her turn to come around again, the wolf and fox covered her back as the horde of monsters closed in. They wanted to take advantage of her shifted focus. If only they weren't spread out the way they were. And if only she could keep everything from attacking Smokey for the moment.

And then an idea occurred to her.

"I grab dad and attempt to swallow him." Talash said sternly.

The rest of the group turned and looked at her as if she'd gone mad. Alex especially.

"You can't do that! There isn't a mechanic set up to allow it!" The drox cried.

"Just watch me! What kind of check would I need to make to attempt it?" Talash asked.

Alex, a little flustered by the sudden shift in tactics, had to think for a moment. There wasn't much built into the game that would work, but Tal was insistent.

"Make a fortitude check for gluttony." The vixen dragon said.

The tall, busty tegu rolled and grinned.

"Sixteen with a modifier of nine due to class and race bonuses, that's twenty-five!" Tal cried with glee.

The dank, dark stone corridor smelled old and musty. Mildew covered almost every horizontal surface that wasn't wide open and easily cleared. Eight half-wolf, half-porcupine beasts, standing chest high against Smokey, hissed as their milky-white eyes rolled in their heads. They had grown so accustomed to the dark recesses of the tomb that they had long since lost most of their vision. But their sense of smell was quite strong. Talash, dressed in very little since there wasn't much that would fit a lady of her size, swung her staff, knocking two of the monsters over. A third stumbled before regaining his balance and lashed out. The blue dragon it targeted cried out in pain as its quills slashed at his chest. He slumped to one knee, using his bow for support. Smokey's hood hung down, concealing his face.

"You must go on without me! I cannot survive another blow!" He cried out to his large, grey traveling companion.

"I will do no such thing! We all prevail together or not at all!" Talash roared.

The big monk threw a thick hand and out and grasped the dragon by the shoulder. She dragged him close and opened her mouth wide. Her jaws came crashing down over Smokey's head as he looked up in shock. Unceremoniously, the tegu gulped loudly and wetly, reaching down to hoist the archer off the ground. He protested at first but soon lost the will to do so. He was gravely injured and needed to rest. Talash greedily stuffed the smaller lizard down her throat, making her neck bulge comically around him. Her belly, already sporting a generous cushion to it, began to stretch outward as the blue fellow fell in.

Sirius and Brian watched in amazement, as did the wolf-cupines, tilting their heads oddly at the grey lady who had seemed to turn on her own party. She worked her jaws quickly, passing over the archer's chest and stomach as though it were no great feat to her. Smokey's legs passed without any real difficulty as well, and soon his feet slipped out of sight past her lips. Her belly bounced as it surged outward, the whole of the dragon now contained inside. A hearty burp escaped the monk before she lifted her staff again, ready to defend. She swung hard, taking advantage of the confusion besetting her foes and felled the third beast near her.

"You'll not claim any of us, foul demons!" Tal cried.

Alex frowned deeply and menacingly at the tegu, and the heavy bulge wriggling away in her lap. Talash sat in her chair, licking her fingers. A grin tugged at the corners of her lips. Her free hand rest on top of her now occupied belly. An air of smug surrounded her so thickly one could have cut it with a knife.

"Told ya." The tegu said.

"You still have five left to kill and there are now three of you! And two of you are already pretty nastily injured! Two of the remaining wolf-cupines ball up and roll forward in a charge, quills standing out for attack!" Alex cried and rolled twice, "Sixteen and eighteen! That hits both Sirius and Brian above their armor rating! You both take six points of piercing damage!"

Sirius grumbled loudly.

"I've only got six left after that. And I've already used all my healing items." The white wolf said.

"If we lose our bard, that's minus 5 to morale." Brian said, looking through his spell sheets to see if he could discover something he had not used yet that might be of use. His powers as a mage had already been put to the test several times this round. He was hoping they might get a long rest at the end of this fight. If they survived.

Talash smirked and moved her token towards the wolf, gazing knowingly at the dungeon master.

"I grab Sirius and swallow him too!" Tal said.

Alex bit hir lower lip, trying to think of a way to get out of this. All hir carefully laid plans were threatening to come unraveled by hir big sister's gluttony. The tegu rolled another fortitude check. It succeeded, and she laughed heartily, reaching out to grab her uncle.

The monk crossed the distance between her and the injured wolf. As she drew near, she spun, crossing in front of him. Her thick, heavy tail swung hard, striking one of the monsters across the face. Its quills were not able to do much against such thick hide. The beast was thrown into the stone wall nearby with a sickening crunch.

Talash grasped Sirius with both hands on his shoulders. Her mouth yawned open wide again and she slammed her jaws down on top of him. The wolf, having seen his blue-scaled brother devoured only moments earlier, was prepared for the act. He didn't fight. Instead, he simply tucked himself into as tight a package as he could. Talash shoved him hard into her maw, stuffing the lupine down her gullet just as she had the drake. Her neck swelled out again and her belly began to stretch as she passed his hips in mere moments.

In the space of but a handful of minutes, the monk was pushing a pair of lupine paws into her lips. She swallowed one last time and her belly stretched out again, now quite large. She belched louder and held her stomach with a triumphant squeeze. The oddly shaped distension churned and turned about as the two boys got comfortable inside. They were likely stuck there for the rest of the day, or however long Alex deemed they would be.

"You won't be taking him--hic--either!" Talash bellowed.

Alex drummed hir fingers angrily on the table as shi looked over Tal's huge gut. Already shi could hear moans and grunts coming from inside. Hir daddy and uncle were taking the opportunity to enjoy themselves while hidden away in the tegu's stomach.

"This is supposed to be game night! We're supposed to hold off on the kinky stuff!" The drox complained.

Talash hiccupped again before reaching over to tug Brian into a one-armed hug. The grey kitsune leaned into the side of the big girl, rubbing her visibly active middle with a single hand.

"Well," Tal said, "If you'd make your dungeons less sadistic and more fun, maybe I wouldn't have to resort to eating my family to keep them--urp--safe."

The vixen wasn't pleased with this at all. It was time to change tactics. Hir goal now was to thin out the party as much as shi could, or at least separate them.

"The four remaining wolf-cupines charge Brian and grapple him. Make a dexterity check." Shi said.

The silvery vulpine rolled and frowned. Already he didn't like what was to come next.

"Seven. I attempt to cast fireball centered on me. If they're going to take me, they're going to burn for it, even if I have to burn with them," Brian said as he rolled. It didn't go well, "Dammit... I deal only three points of fire damage to each of them. And... ten points of fire damage to myself."

"That isn't enough to tear them off you," Alex grinned, "They start dragging you away from Talash and throw you towards the far wall. They surround you, readying to strike."

The vulpine mage lay on the floor, a thin trickle of blood streaming from the corner of his mouth. His staff was broken. His spells were all used and to no real avail. He knew he would take the brunt of the blast wearing only cloth armor, but he hadn't counted on the effect being so slight on his targets. As the monsters all closed in on him, claws raking at the air, hungry for flesh and thirsty for blood, a loud battle cry sounded from behind them.

The wolf-cupines turned to see the large, grey monk flying through the air at them, her huge, wriggling belly aiming right for the quartet. They all shrieked in terror as they tried to scatter. Two managed to escape, but two were suddenly trapped under a heavy body slam, the weight of not just the big tegu but her two occupants squishing them into the stone floor beneath them. Talash rolled off of them, taking only minor damage from their quills. It was lucky she managed to force them to land on their backs. She climbed to her feet and surveyed the scene. The two she had landed on did not get back up, but lay there, groaning unhappily. They didn't want to fight anymore.

Brian lay on his side, trembling weakly. He looked up to see a large pair of jaws closing in on him. Ordinarily, he might be fearful of this, but seeing the already stuffed grey tegu behind them gave him reason to relax. The vulpine mage was collected and shoved in just like the previous two as Talash greedily gobbled him up, his two fluffy tails disappearing down her throat. Her belly surged outward with a heavy bounce. The two remaining monsters jumped on her back and began trying to claw away at her. Thankfully, they just couldn't do much against her sturdy hide. With a grin on her lips, the monk swung her arms out into a "T" shape and tipped backward.

A loud, ground-shaking thud filled the corridor as the tegu landed flat on her back, directly on top of the two wolf-cupines assaulting her. They both groaned and fell silent, apparently crushed under the combined weight of the lizard and her three meals. With visible effort, Tal climbed to her feet. Her stance was forced quite wide to handle the bulk of her stuffed gut. She cupped both palms under the ridiculously swollen middle and loosed a mighty belch that echoed throughout the tomb.

It was almost as if that was her victory cry.

Alex stared at hir big sister. The lizard leaned back on the couch, licking her lips, rubbing her monstrous stomach. She grinned at the vixen over her writhing, squirming gut, all three now enjoying the close quarters. Audibly.

"That! Is! Cheating!!" Alex screamed with the rage of a child. Shi wasn't really that upset. Shi just wished shi had thought of all of this. Maybe shi could have found a way to counter it while in the planning stages. Perhaps next time shi could have a horde of kobolds force themselves down her throat so that she would be too full to eat the boys. And too full to move.

Talash just grinned toothily and massaged her churning belly.

"I succeeded in all my rolls. I'm not above my weight limit. And I even managed to end the battle instance. By the way, thanks for the assist there, guys." The bloated lady gave her gut a firm pat.

Alex narrowed hir eyes, looking over the now heavy lizard. She might not be able to do much more at this point. That might be the vixen's golden opportunity.

"You have done well to get so far, and even more impressive to do so while protecting your companions in so... unique a manner. But, you have come to the end of your journey here! There is no possible way you alone could hope to defeat the Dark Sorceress of Conteel!" Alex cried, lifting hir hands into the air in a menacing pose.

Talash lugged her enormous, wriggling stomach along the corridor until she reached a vast chamber beyond. It was lit eerily by a single, brilliant, green orb. It cast the room in an unsettling hue. In the middle of the chamber stood a round, stone table with a crystal orb the size of a melon resting at the very center. Across the table from Talash stood the very sorceress she had come to defeat. A vixen hovered inches off the ground, energy arching from the palms of hir hands. Hir clothing did little to conceal hirself. Shi was trusting hir own strength to protect hir from attack. The evil sorceress cackled high and loud as shi floated about the room slowly, hir cleavage swaying each time shi changed direction.

"I am impressed with your skill and your wit! But nothing can save you from my wrath!" Alia the witch cried.

Tal just stared blankly for a moment, eyes fixed on the scantily clad woman.

"Hot damn! You look fantastic!" The lizard exclaimed.

Alia's evil demeanor immediately melted and shi smiled.

"Oh do you like it? It's just a little something I threw together." The vixen said.

"Like it? Honey, you are smoking hot in that get up!" Talash smirked.

"Oh how very kind of you, and how very fortuitous for you since--" Alia returned to hir maniacal poise, "It will be the last thing you ever see!"

Talash ignored the sorceress' intonations and simply lugged her gut over towards the floating woman. Alia had been too busy cackling, amusing hirself with thoughts of what shi would do to the poor lizard, perhaps force feed her further until she burst. Hir ruminations were finally broken as a large hand grabbed the strap of the garment concealing only a small fraction of hir bust, almost immediately snapping as shi was yanked down. Hir eyes flew open wide as shi was tugged in against the monk, lips meeting lips immediately.

The vixen, taken completely by surprise, could not resist. The kiss left hir head spinning. Hir eyes glazed over as shi fell into a sort of daze, stunned by the rather forward 'attack' by the lizard. Shi wasn't at all prepared for it. Hir will saving throw had failed.

When the kiss finally ended, the sorceress was still unsteady. Shi scarcely noticed as shi was turned around and pushed forward against the stone table. Talash pressed in behind hir, grinding into the vixen. Alia tried to complain, but to no avail.

"No... you cannot... I'm too powerful... I will... destroy you..." Shi said breathlessly, and sounding only half-hearted in hir resolve.

Deft fingers tugged on the witch's clothing, what little shi wore. Those fingers exposed the delicate regions of the vixen's nethers and a stout warmth pressed against hir from behind.

"If anything, I'd say I'm the one that's gonna destroy you," Talash said, "Don't worry, you'll love every second of it."

A breathy moan followed, the sorceress pinned leaning forward against the surface of the table. Hir bust squeezed against the smooth stone, popping out of the scraps of cloth that had been straining to cover hir. The tegu rumbled happily as she pressed her still heavily active, and just plain heavy, gut onto Alia's back. A roll of the hips sank a large, intrusive monster of flesh deep into the sorceress' cleft. The vixen arched hir back and cried out, hir eyes almost rolling back in hir head, fighting to keep from letting hir lips pull into a wide smile.

"Oh gods above yes!" The witch screamed.

Hir voice came only as a series of cries and groans as the lizard began to pump. The force and size left the poor unprepared Alia unable to think about anything but the glorious sensation of being taken. A firm swell bulged outward in the fabric concealing what of hir groin was still covered. A dark stain formed as hir own shaft, already aching for release, drooled right through the garment.

Talash humped away fiercely, teeth bared, one hand on the table, the other under her belly. She didn't want all of the weight pushing down on the sorceress after all. It might squish hir, and that would be unfortunate. The great swell of her shaft gave the sorceress quite the stretch, both between hir legs and in hir middle. Alia could feel hir belly bulging every time Tal slammed home, stealing hir breath away. And apparently all the activity in the tegu's gut was keeping her rather strongly aroused, because it didn't take long for the tall girl to finish. The lizard threw her head back and loosed a dull roar that echoed weakly through the vast chamber. A great blast of seed gushed forth from her, giving the vixen's belly reason to swell anew.

Alia's voice caught in hir throat as shi felt hir middle bulge and sag. Shi could feel hirself slosh as shi was filled. Even though the tegu had climaxed, she still rutted away. The vixen remained there, pinned and jostled about, belly growing steadily. Shi couldn't find the will to speak, to tell the lizard that was enough. And with every ounce of the stuff flowing into hir, shi found shi just didn't have the heart to say stop.

Bigger and bigger Alia swelled, hir belly soon so vast that it looked as if shi had eaten one of the intruders hirself. Hir petals quivered, having been on the verge ever since the start of the expansion. Shi couldn't believe shi had lasted this long. One more hard slam from behind and shi screamed, hir entire form clenching up as the dark stain in the crotch of hir clothing deepened and began to drip heavily with white ooze. Hir folds clenched hard and a warm splash soaked both hir thighs and Talash's.

The large, heavy lady behind felt the sorceress finally climax and slowed her efforts, coming to rest standing there, still jammed inside hir like a cork. The monk huffed and groped at her still wriggling stomach.

"Ooooh yeah. Been needing to do that for a while. I was already pent up when we started. And then the boys decided to get me even more wound up once they were in." Talash said through heavy breaths.

Alia could not speak. Shi simply lay there, dazed, a goofy grin on hir muzzle. One of hir hands slid back along the surface of the table and began exploring the heavy dome hanging under hir. Shi rather adored being filled so completely. Then came the withdrawal. Talash was pulling free, and the sorceress was struggling to keep her from doing that. In the end, the tegu was just too strong for hir and the vixen was left standing, wobbly on hir feet, leaning against the table. One hand cupped under hir enormous, cum-filled middle.

"Don't... don't think... that I can be... defeated... so easily..." Alia breathed as shi tried to compose hirself. The large, sticky bulge in hir oversized g-string, since that's little more than what it was, suggested that perhaps shi might be willing to call a truce.

"I don't think you're in any condition to try and fight at this point, cutie." Talash grinned with a wink. A large hand pressed against that yielding belly, making the vulpine mage moan anew as it deformed under the pressure.

"You are strong... cunning... well trained," Alia huffed, "Join me. We could make all bow before us."

Talash smirked.

"A bit like how I made you bow before me just a second ago?" The monk asked wryly, "Nah, I don't think I will, fun as you are. But what I think I'll do instead is make you join me... well... make you join the boys."

The monk opened her mouth wide once more as Alia's expression faded to one of 'oh no'. The bloated, sloshing fox's ears folded back against hir head as hir vision went dark. Talash had, in one fell swoop, shoved the sorceress into her throat so very far that hir belly was already resting against the eager, exploring tongue. What little clothing Alia had been wearing was dragged off. The top couldn't be helped, it was too late to remove that, not that it was really covering anything at this point. But the little scrap covering hir sheath and shaft was easily taken away. A muffled moan rose up from inside the tegu's chest. The mess the vixen had made was being cleaned up, in as much as Tal was lapping away at hir crotch. It would just be smeared over a greater portion of hir.

Alia squirmed to fight against hir opponent's grasp, but there was little that could be done. The weight in hir middle made it impossible for hir to gain any traction. Shi slipped deeper into Talash's throat while being assaulted by the monk's slick oral probe. Not interested in wasting any time, the tegu tilted her head back and gulped hard, sinking the girl in right up to hir ankles. Already the boys inside were made aware of the sorceress' approach. They reached up and grabbed hold of hir, helping tug hir the rest of the way in to 'join the party'.

Without needing to swallow again, Talash closed her mouth behind the paws that were dragged out of sight on their own. She licked her lips as her legs gave out. The grey lady's rump hit the floor with a resounding thud and her belly surged out one more time, forcing her thighs apart.

"Mmm, tasty sorceress. I might have to keep you. I'll let the boys go later, but you stay." Talash smirked.

As she began to settle, a loud, powerful belch made the whole chamber shudder, frightening off whatever other monsters might be lurking nearby. Their master had been vanquished. They didn't want to be next.

Talash sat on the floor next to the game table, her belly writhing wildly as Alex was put right in the middle, hir adopted father and two uncles making sure shi got to be the center of attention, even though shi just got quite the stern thumping from hir sister. The drox's moans could be heard easily through the tegu's pale yellow gut. A pair of large hands roamed over the shifting lumps. She rolled her hips, grinding down against the carpet, already making another mess, much like the one that had been left on the table. It would take a while to put the map and figurines back where they belonged, but it appeared the session might be over.

"And that is how you beat a sorceress." Tal said triumphantly.

Alex couldn't argue. Shi had failed hir will and strength checks, but shi had succeeded with constitution. So shi was able to be at least somewhat clear of mind. The whole 'join me' tactic was hir last chance. And it didn't work out.

"You... cheater... you're not... supposed... to eat... everyone." The drox said. Shi was currently getting it from all sides, and as much as shi wanted to say otherwise, shi was loving it. After all, it wasn't the first time shi'd been put in such a situation.

"Hey guys, how's it going? I know I'm late but I brought drinks and snacks." Shayna called as shi walked in from the kitchen.

Shi honestly wasn't that surprised to see a monstrously bloated Talash sitting on the floor and everyone else missing.

"Hey mom! We're just trying a different style of gameplay. Since the DM's busy, I guess I can take over. Care to dive in?" Tal asked, not having meant literally in with everyone else in her belly, but she certainly wasn't opposed.

Shayna sighed a little and set down the tray shi had brought with hir, then sat down next to hir enormous daughter. A little kiss was placed on the lizard's cheek as the angelic dragoness hugged in close. The ivory-hued newcomer was caught up on what had happened in the game as shi massaged and kneaded the orgy inside Tal's belly, quietly tempted to join them. With a sigh, shi just leaned back and looked over the whole group, though only one of them was actually properly visible.

"See, this is why you need a healer. And maybe that'll teach you not to make such sadistic campaigns, Alex! Next time you do, I'm taking a page out of Tal's book and putting you in my belly instead, and you'll stay there the whole weekend." Shi scolded the wriggling gut.

Through pants and cries of elated hedonism, Alex managed to respond.

"P... Promise?"