The Moth Chronicles #1: Prologue.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#1 of The Moth Chronicles episode 1.

The prologue of the moth chronicles. The eggs are now hatching and kampung misses his mate.

It had been 3 days since a poor wasp had sat there. He sighed, thinking that if his mate was alive today, everything would be better. Ever since he broke into every home of every moth, he felt ashamed of himself for his thievery.

He stared at the moth eggs he had stolen, thinking they would soon hate him for his lies and thievery. Mesa he thought. If only you were alive, we would have a better life. After crying and whimpering for everything he wanted in life, he heard one of the moth eggs moving. It tried to break, even though the wasp didn't watch. "Kampung," a yellow jacket said, walking behind him. "Ah! Oh, yuppie," he gasped. "Hmm, you listened to me very well," he said.

"One of them moved, ma'am!" Kampung said. "I see that."

"Yuppie, I guess this one that moved might be the oldest out of all the others."

"That might be correct, kam. But do not forget who we are trying to appease."

"Those are?"

"The moth gods. They have been very provoked by your father's behavior of breaking into every insect's homes, killing the parents and taking their children."

"Understood, master. But these little ones, these moths, will put an end to his killing spree." As the eggs moved and tried to hatch, yuppie and kampung smiled. "Looks like," yuppie said. "The killing would soon be over."