Cyanide of riddance.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#1 of Cyanide of riddance.

This is a prologue for my new series, cyanide of riddance. It is about my old OCs I had since 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (not 2014, 2015 or right now because I still use them) and they escape from a powerful demonicat.

It was a dark and cold night. A Iceclaw (my old cat OC) sits with a baby panda by his side and looks up at vanoss. "Hey, bird bag!" He sneered. "Give me another!"

"Listen," vanoss replied. "You've ran up a quite a few tabs over the last few weeks. Why don't you say-"

"ANOTHER ONE, DAMNED OWL!!" Iceclaw roared and vanoss pours another until Iceclaw slaps the bottle out of his hand and drinks the cup of mercado juice quickly. Iceclaw gasps when he sees a note right in front of him. "Come to the booth in the back. Act casual, mangy cat." Then Iceclaw hears his name being called by a low pitched voice.

"Please!" Iceclaw says while he swipes his sword out of his sword carrier. "Don't cause anymore trouble, sir!"

Icepaw crashes into the floor and screeches. "All right, man! I don't know who you think you are, but..."

"You've been busy," the person says while he reveals himself. It was boydane. "Boydane?" Iceclaw asked. "What the cat floss are you doing here!? We can't be seen together! You'll get us killed!"

"Iceclaw," boydane said. "You've got to come with me. You're not safe here anymore, mangy."

"What the hey hey do you care? You're the reason we're in this mess, boy! If that's even your real name!"

"That is my real name."

"You don't know that! You don't know anything!!"

"I know this," boydane says and then kisses Iceclaw. He tries to land a hand in him, but then gets used to it. They both blushed as they kissed and then they stopped. Iceclaw then spits his hair all at boydane and the brown wolfdog winces.

"I deserve that," he said. "You deserve to die!" Iceclaw snarled.

"Iceclaw, I can't change the past, but I can change the future. I met somebody who can get our lives back!

"Oh yeah? Well I've met someone, too. I've met a woman who loves me for me, a woman who's willing to cheat on her husband because she's a closeted homosexual who thinks I'm a woman! A woman who reverse to my cat bulb as a clit!"

"Iceclaw! Red's dead!"

Iceclaw gasps and walks back one step. "Red? He's...he's..."

"Dead, yes. I'm sorry."

"Oh my god! I can't believe it! He was Now which one was red again? He wasn't that little fugly demonic cat thing, was he?"

"No, your enemy. The red cat."

Iceclaw gasps again and sits back down. "How'd he die?"

"The same way we're all going to die! Azazel!!"

Iceclaw gasps again and trembles in fear. "Azazel?!"

"That's why you need to come with me before it's too..."

Then boydane's phone rings and he grabs it out of his pocket. The person calling was icicle, his girlfriend who was a light gray wolf, the younger sister of grey squirrel, his dark wolf friend. "Your location has been compromised!" She said.

"Get out of there now!"

"We gots to go!" Boydane says. "Forget it, boydane!" Iceclaw sneers. "I'm not-"

But then the blue kitten's name is interrupted by a gunshot. "Damned wolf blood, they followed you here!!" Icicle shouts. "Head towards the back of the bar!" All the others have evacuated the bar, but the record needle had been shot and it changes into a song that sounded like your best nightmare.

"Take a right! Go upstairs!" Icicle tells her boyfriend. Boydane hates stairs, but they climbed anyway. "What now, icicle?" Boydane asked.

"Oh, is that icicle?" Iceclaw asked. "Tell her I said hi!"

"Oh hey, Iceclaw. How you doin'? Go straight!"

"Straight? But we're on the roof!"


As boydane and Iceclaw were ready to jump, Iceclaw tried to stop boydane, but they jumped anyway. "Wait, what are you doing?!" Iceclaw yells. "Stop! I can't fly without my ice wings!" Then after sliding off a giraffe's neck and into a car with the hood wide open, the poor little giraffe had been shot and then falls. "The key's got to be here somewhere!" Boydane said.


"Got 'em! Let's go!"

As they drove off, the giraffe landed almost onto them, but they escaped and they breathed out heavily. "Ah, we made it," boydane insisted.

"Hey, Iceclaw," Toriel says when she saw Iceclaw. "How are you goin-"

Then her sentenced was interrupted after being hit with a car they were driving. "Stop! Stop! That's the woman I love!" Iceclaw screamed. "We can't!" Boydane tells him. "There's no time!"

"TORIEL!!!" Iceclaw feels great sadness fall onto him like an anvil falling onto a victim and boydane keeps driving to safety.

Their adventure had just begun.