Highschool - Fitting in and Living Life Ch 7: Overcoming the Past

Story by Dischord on SoFurry

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Here is the next chapter. I personally feel that I'm getting better at this. Also, this...

Here is the next chapter. I personally feel that I'm getting better at this. Also, this is a few weeks BEFORE Alex and Mark show up. Comments and constructive criticism appreciated. I planning on outlining everyone's stories before moving the plot along. Also, please pm me votes on whether or not i should add a hidden agenda, or leave it as a highschool drama. For those who haven't guessed; this IS Australian.

This story contains sexual relations of a homosexual nature (DUUUUH) for those who are underage: don't get caught, and those who are offended by such an idea, GET LOST! :3

Onto the story...


Chris groaned as he looked at the remains of the third alarm clock he'd broken this month. "I really have to place it out of reach," he thought, "that reflex is costing."

Getting out of bed, he yawned toothily and stretched. He cracked his neck and then grabbed his clothes for a shower. His room wasn't big, but it wasn't that small either. It fit his bed, TV, PS2, desk and just had enough room for his punching bag. His clothes were fit into a chest of drawers underneath his TV. He quickly tidied a few things up before taking that shower.

He looked at himself in the mirror as he took off the shorts and singlet he slept in. Two deep, dark brown eyes stared right back. Their colour was accentuated be the chocolate brown fur, patterned with black markings. It looked too artistic to be real, but Chris was born with these. He was constantly teased for the idea of dyeing his fur, but he had never seen a bottle of colour in his life. His shaggy mane of head-fur fell into place after he pulled his singlet off. Apart from his markings, he looked like any other wolf.

He showered and dried himself quickly; he had woken up late thanks to his unconscious reflex to smash the clock a good one. After dressing he grabbed the remains and unceremoniously dumped them in the bin in the sight of his mother. She sighed as well when she saw.

"Chris," she said, "you know the rules, I'm only going to pay for three of those a month; you will have to pay for the next one."

The wolf threw an apologetic look at his mother, Karen. She was a rather mother-hen looking figure, with a calm demeanour and caring eyes. She had a silvery-grey pelt and a white underside. Her blue-grey eyes regarded her son gently as he said, "I know; I'll buy another after school."

Just then, Chris's little sister came thumping through the hall. She looked like a combination of her mother and her brother. She was 14; her pelt was mainly gun-metal silver with splotches of dark chocolate adorning her body. Jodie was an incredibly rough-and-tumble kind of girl and could destroy the tension in a room with a simple shout of her usual nonsense.

"I'm going for captain of the netball team today!" she exclaimed proudly, getting her cereal and sitting down at the table.

Chris and Karen both shared an amused look before the wolf skulled his cooled coffee and grabbed what lunch he could find in the pantry.

"Bye mum!" he yelled on his way out, ignoring Karen's reply of "breakfast?!"

He jumped on his scooter and made off to school. He preferred it to his bike because it wasn't as much a pain to use, and it was easier to get up a hill with. He nodded to the furs he knew but didn't stop to chat. Chris preferred to be a loner, or so he kept telling himself. He preferred not connecting with anyone; he had too many secrets for that.


Chris didn't really fit under any category tagged by society. He wasn't a jock, but he was a decent athlete; he wasn't a nerd, but he passed with good grades; and he wasn't a freak, or at least to the knowledge of the student body, he was normal. The wolf preferred to call himself an observer, because that's all he really did. He went about his business whilst watching others go about theirs. He can usually pick people with problems quite easily and discern their qualms with equally little effort. He found it interesting to observe the amount of superficiality people go through to fit in; concluding for the umpteenth time that he wasn't about to join in on the circus.

Classes went through at their normal, crawling pace; and Chris absorbed the information like a sponge as he drew on his sketchpad. He wasn't that good, but it passed the time at least. At lunch the wolf sat in his usual spot: at a small table in a secluded corner of the cafeteria. He could see everything that was going on, whilst no-body paid any attention to him; that is, no-one except for a couple of girls who kept looking in his direction.

He made eye-contact with one of them and the vixen broke the gaze immediately, flushing enough to match her white fur with her red. Chris grinned to himself: to girls he seemed like a mysterious but sensitive character. To Chris the girls were naught but an entertainment for him as he waited for one of them to pluck up the courage to ask him out. The wolf didn't even need to consider his answer; it was no every time. He knew full well were he stood on the sexuality fence but it seemed like it wasn't obvious enough to the girls. Chris wasn't too fussed though: if the smart girls couldn't see it then the dumb jocks certainly won't be finding out any time soon.

He did notice Zack looking a little unnerved though. He just seemed to sit in his chair, toying with his food. Knowing him, Chris would have assumed that the tiger would have swallowed his food whole and be playing out on the field by now. Zack and his relationship was as "good acquaintances." Of course, that's as far as any of the wolf's friendships go. As caring fur, Chris went up to see what's wrong.

"Hey tiger, what's up?" He said in a mock flirtatious way. No-one knew the wolf was gay, but because of that he got away with it.

"Hey Chris," Zack smiled, though wanly, "Nothing really, just can't sleep."

"Weird dreams?" The wolf nodded sympathetically. The tiger jumped,

"You could say that."

"Do you want to talk about it? I've been in this kinda boat before. Usually admitting as to what the message is will help to get rid of the dream." Unfortunately, Chris's own dreams made no sense, so he couldn't really admit to what the message was.

"Yeah... I'll think about it..."

"Ok," Chris smiled warmly. He loved the big lug enough to care. The wolf knew that it wouldn't happen, nor did he want to. He just didn't like to see people he care about suffer.


His next lesson was PE, and as he was doing soccer he had Coach Crellen as his teacher. Chris liked the bear a lot. He was kind, he played fair and didn't pick favourites. The wolf also noted that Crellen had a nice ass but that was something he kept to himself.

"Alright! Gather around you lot!" the bear roared over the pitch. The teams ran in to hear what the coach had to say.

"30 minute game. Keep it clean, I don't want to see any foul moves thankyou; you especially Eric." The class snickered as the cheetah grinned toothily at the coach. "Dark kicks of in 20 seconds." The teams spread themselves out to play.


About 30 seconds in from playing it had started to rain, so everyone was coated in a thick layer of mud. As the boys filed into the locker rooms, they pushed each other around good naturedly, especially Chris.

"How do you do it wulf?" An otter, Murray, asked. "Three goals in five minutes, and you weren't even hogging! Crellen's going to be begging you to be on the team now for sure." The locker room was full of laughter. Chris grinned,

"Sorry, but I've got..."

"Prior engagements" the whole class finished for him before laughing again. It was true that the wolf was a gun at soccer, but he didn't want to get too attached. He preferred his little out-of-the way corner, unseen, watching, and so he had one excuse of which he was now famous for that he used to wriggle pass Crellen's persistent pestering.

"Chris Bales!" came a shout from the coach's office; Murray, who had made the previous remark had now collapsed on the bench, laughing. Grinning, the wolf gave the classmate a playful swat before sticking his head in the door to the bear's office.

"Now and stinking like a sewer, or later and presentable sir?" He said cheekily to the coach. Crellen's whole body stiffened and he grimaced at the idea of letting that smell in the room. He flapped a hand at the boy: "Wash. Now." he ordered with an amused glint in his eye. He never showed it, but Chris was one of his favourite students. He watched the wolf duck out before deciding to get up and do his patrol of the lockers before anything bad happens.


Humming to himself, Chris grabbed his shampoo and his briefs and made for a private shower. They couldn't lock, but they were separated by a curtain to the rest of the room. The wolf had lathered up a good deal of his body and muzzle when Ryan entered the shower with him. He was a midnight black stallion and probably one of the biggest asses in school, of course, Chris couldn't see who it was with soap in his eyes. He came up behind the wolf and whispered in his ear "fancy giving me a blowjob?" By the time those words were uttered, Chris had grabbed the horse by the throat and was holding him up to the shower wall. The wolf held the black there for a few seconds before lowering him and aiming him at the curtain divider. The only thing that stopped the blow from Chris's foot from shattering the horse's ribs was his own well built abs, but it didn't stop him from flying through the curtain and onto the ground outside of the shower.

Chris finally came down from his bloodlust and cleared his eyes of soap. Those words had triggered something inside him that he'd been trying to keep hidden for a while now. Suddenly he remembered what he'd done, whispering "oh, god" and rushed out of the shower to see Ryan on the ground babbling incoherently.

He bent over he horse and slapped him in the face.

"Ryan, speak to me. Can you hear me? RYAN!" Finally the stallion came to and he backed away quickly.

"What was that for?" he asked angrily "I was only playing around!"

"I'm sorry." The wolf said sincerely. "In the future, please don't sneak up on me like that, I might actually break you."

"What's going on here?" Crellen suddenly appeared in front of the two furs. Both were naked and one was crouching over the other. It didn't take much for it to seem pretty bad. Chris flushed and backed off of Ryan and the horse got up.

"It's not like you saw," the wolf said, trying to patch things up. "Ryan snuck up behind me to try and scare me..."

"You were in a private shower, yes?" The bear interrupted amusedly

"Yes..." Chris didn't like where this was going.

"And what were you wanting to do in a private shower with another male Ryan?" the Coach rounded on he horse. By now a crowd had formed and the black was at a loss for words. Chris did the talking.

"It's not like that. Ryan was only trying to scare me; good naturedly of course," (now that was going out on a limb) "I reacted without thinking and sent him through the shower curtain." Crellen looked the wolf up and down; the bear doing his best not to look at the boy's sheath, but his point made.

"You," the coach pointed at the equine, "sent him flying out of the shower?"

The wolf looked sheepish.

"I overreacted. I'm sorry."

"I can almost find that believable," the coach grinned and turned to the crowd. "Alright, nothing to see here, move along" The class collectively groaned in annoyance and moved on.

Crellen turned back to the two furs, and they both grimaced. He pointed to Ryan.

"You: dressed and out of here. You:" he pointed to Chris "My office when you're done. We need to talk." The bear moved on as well, leaving the two to sigh over the close call. Ryan turned to the wolf,

"I'm sorry about that, I was only playing,"

"I'm sorry as well, just please don't do it again; I can't promise I wont break something by accident next time." The equine nodded and trotted off, unnerved by what he had been the brunt of. Chris dried off and dressed before entering the coach's office.


Crellen sat there in his chair, observing the wolf closely. Chris began to feel uncomfortable under the stare and shifted slightly. It brought the coach back to the present and said,

"What was all that about?" The wolf began to feel more anxious and said honestly,

"A reflex: self-defence."

"Yes, but did you really need to go so far as to kick him out of the showers, literally?" The bear asked. He wasn't being judgemental; just concerned.

"No, but I wasn't thinking when I responded, purely instinct. I'm sorry, It won't happen again."

"Something happened in your past, didn't it?" Crellen interrupted again. Chris flinched bodily, jumping a good meter back. The wolf lowered his head and whispered.


"Do you want to talk about it?" Unknown to Chris, the bear already knew the violent tale of his past. It was his job to know (the bear even know about the cold-sweated dreams that Chris awoke screaming from, something that his mother slept through unwittingly as well as these episodes of "bloodlust" that have been happening); but he would feel better about it if the wolf would own up to it himself.

"No." The boy shook his head. "I'm dealing with it." The coach nodded.

"Alright, but I'll be here if you need someone to listen." Chris nodded in turn and ducked out. Crellen sighed,

"Soon; he'll have to truly deal with it soon enough."


The wolf forgot all about buying that alarm clock. He simply pulled out his scooter out of his bag, assembled it and zoomed home. He opened the door, tried not to slam it, and ran to his room. Chris barely had his schoolbag off before he was pummelling his punching bag into oblivion. The poor sack of fluff was beaten enough as it is, it was more duck-tape than leather and there were bits of stuffing sticking out everywhere.

He hit it repeatedly; again and again and again. Each punch to the bag was like a blow to him: he hurt a person today. He didn't mean to, but he could have killed that poor fur. Now people would soon find out.









Karen looked to her son's room, the source of the noise. She knew that in this state, it's safer not to disturb him. She knew it was for the best when she made her son postpone two years of school, spending that time at an all-day Dojo as she didn't want the same thing to ever happen to him ever again. However, thankfully the shock of the situation wiped it from his memory shortly after it had happened. All the brown wolf knew is that his father died in an accident and that he had to learn to protect himself, as his father couldn't anymore. She still felt guilty about not being able to defend him. She did defend his social status, however, by petitioning for a legally fake ID that made him two years younger along with his normal ID along with moving to a new state. This stopped the idea he had failed a school year twice.

After the two years Chris was then also training after school almost every day. Now he was so good he'd outdone all his masters. As he didn't like pointless fighting; he didn't do competitions, and as a graduation present from primary school; he was given punching bag. Ever since then he'd come home to let the stress of the day out on it.


An hour later saw the wolf leaning on the leather bag, panting and sweating. He was still punching it, though now it was more of a slap. He heaved himself off the bag and collapsed onto the bed; almost passing out from exhaustion.

"That does it," he whispered to himself. "I'm going out."

He didn't know why he came to this conclusion, but at least he came to one. He set the alarm on his phone, his backup clock, for 8:00 and fell asleep.


Pain, blood, cum, pleasure, sweat, movement, panting, screaming, groaning, crying, mocking, hate, rage, helplessness, isolation, defiance, numbness, certainty, a flash, another scream, a gurgle... whispered words: "My son..."

Chris clamped his paw around his muzzle before he could scream. His wall clock said 7:59 and he grabbed his phone and shut the alarm off. He was panting and covered in cold sweat.

"I hate him!" He muttered under his breath. "I HATE him!" He didn't even know who he hated. He calmed himself down and got up. He went downstairs to grab his portion of food. Karen knew better than to ask, but she couldn't hide her shock when she heard her son say, "I'm going out tonight."

She replied "Might I ask as to where?"

He shrugged, "Probably out to a bar."

Karen was slightly concerned. "Chris... why?"

The brown wolf shrugged. "Dunno, just feel like it. Don't worry, I'm not drinking."

The grey sighed. "Don't go getting yourself into dang..." She stopped when she saw the look in his eyes and shook her head. "I know, I don't need to worry, about you that is." She grinned motherly, but it seemed to strike a chord in Chris. The brown stiffened, got up, and walked out of the room, dumping his empty plate in the sink. Somehow he'd wolfed down a plate in thirty seconds without Karen's noticing. She sighed, why can't she understand even her own son?


Chris was dressed in black. It was his favourite colour, and it suited him perfectly. He was wearing his black denim, black t-shirt and leather jacket. He opened his jacket halfway, showing his toned body and that he meant business if anyone crosses him. It was also a lure. He knew that the markings made him attractive as it were, but that combined with a tight t-shirt and jeans made him quite sexy. He wasn't planning on getting laid, but he was intending to be one of the community for once, with adults; the only people he could relate to. He flashed his real ID (he had a fake one that said he was 16 for school, a little strange, but he was told that it was essential) to the bouncer and he let the brown wolf in, but not before checking his ass out first. Chris flashed him an alluring grin before walking into one of the most popular gay bars in town. It wasn't obvious that it was a gay bar if one only looked at the furnishings. It looked like any other; the pool tables, the wooden serving bar, the bench seats that are cushioned with vinyl, the dance floor, the pine tables and simple chairs. It was only the characters that gave it away as it was filled with cross-dressers, leathers and so forth. Some outfits were quite outrageous whilst others were simple but sexy in their own right; like Chris' clothing.

Strutting up to the bar, he met a rather hot otter serving.

"What can I get you?" he asked, quite effeminately. His pants were tight, and there was no doubting the bulge in his crotch.

"Lemonade: no ice and un-doctored, please," He said politely but with warning. The otter smiled and carried out the order. He watched the lutrine pour the drink carefully, making sure nothing was slipped in. The otter pouted and said,

"You've gotta relax babe, no-one's out to get you" The wolf smiled, but there was bitterness in it.

"Currently, other than you, there are five males staring at my ass whilst rubbing their crotches. Go figure." The otter blushed, and looked around.

"No there isn...'t" He cut himself off when he saw exactly five guys doing exactly that.

"Woooow... you're good." Chris grinned,

"Thankyou." He paid the barman, tipping him $5, and walked off with his drink before the lutrine could give the change back.

Chris sat down at one of the secluded benched chairs and table and sighed: even amongst adults he couldn't connect, no matter how hard he tried. For the next twenty minutes he watched the furs danced. After the sin he committed, how could he ever connect?


Another ten minutes and Chris was so bored that he was starting to doze gently. He awoke with a jerk when a massive minotaur sat with a thump in front of him. The bull spread his tree-trunk legs to expose his large bulge. The wolf remembered him from one of the five that were ogling over his body.

"Care for some quality time with daddy?" He said with a grin; hunger glinting in his eyes.

Chris knew that look; but a as 30 year old, it had a whole different meaning to the wolf. The brown stood up and curtly said,

"No, sorry; I didn't come looking for a good time." With that he walked off, ignoring the bull as he said

"Aw, don't be like that..."

Once he reached the dance floor, planning on passing through it on his way out, the bull had caught up to him. The minotaur grabbed him from behind and pulled him close grinding what could almost be a hyper phallus against the wolf's ass. Chris snapped. The bloodlust sunk in and everything went blank.


If a witness would have had to describe what happened, it would have still come out in a garble that made no sense. Somehow the wolf had bitten the minotaur to make it loosen it's grip, slip out from the hold and knee the bull in the stomach. Chris then did a sweeping kick to fell the bovine before straddling his lap when he had fallen. It would be assumed by a cop later that because the wolf was so fierce, when the witness says that Chris grew a full two and a half feet, it was imagination. The brown wolf straddled the massive, horrified mino's chest, grinned evilly and punched him in the muzzle, knocking him unconscious.

When he came to, he saw the minotaur on the ground and gasped. He had done it again. He got up and ran out the door to his motorcycle; jumping on and speeding away. Chris ran to his room (everyone else was asleep) and collapsed on the bed, crying. The walls swam under his teary gaze and he cried himself to sleep.


The room blanked out; but something else came into focus. He was in his old house, ten years old again. It was from before... before he killed his own father. Until now he had no recollection of actually doing the deed, but now it all came back. He looked down to see the scissors in his hand, unstained.

' He looked up to see the door to his parent's room. Chris couldn't control himself, he walked onward. Opening the door, he saw his father; asleep in an orgasm-induced bliss. The brown wolf cringed as he felt his own tailhole: his father's seed was still leaking from it. His mind blanked from all but one thought: determination.

Chris got up on the bed and straddled his father's waist. It woke the older wolf and he cracked open an eyelid.

"So, my little bitch, you want more huh?" He said in a mocking tone. Chris's father had been using him like this since he was five, and the brown decided it was pay-back time.

"Huh, Chris..." it was only then that he realised something strange about his son. Chris finally displayed the blades of the scissors, and suddenly his father was rather scared.

"No, Chris!" He was interrupted by the first stab of the blade. The older wolf howled in pain, but it only spurred Chris on. He felt nothing except one notion of inevitability. He stabbed again and again, in the area of his father's heart. Whilst the older wolf's lifeblood spilt into the sheets, he whispered

"My son..." and died.


The wolf cried out and sat straight up on his bed. He groaned and fell back into a laying position. All the memories had come flooding back. The shock of it had kept it concealed for so long; and up until now he thought that all he had was multiple-personality disorder. It wasn't: it was the urge to defend himself from his father replaying again and again. Chris curled himself into a foetal position on the bed and fainted from emotional exhaustion.


He was out of the house before his mum was even up. Chris decided to walk today, and he took his sweet time getting there. It must have showed on his muzzle, because everyone he passed when he reached school looked at him concernedly. Everyone knew him to be a loner, but an approachable one that could always be asked for help from. Chris had quite a few favours owed to him over the years but he was too nice to collect.

Chris found himself at Coach Crellen's office. It was half an hour before school so the wolf assumed it likely that he was in a meeting of some description. Nevertheless, he opened the door to find the bear snoring softly on the desk. His head was held up by one paw and his ears flicked occasionally. Chris had to admit that the coach looked rather cute and couldn't help but scratch him affectionately behind the ears. The bear's leg began to shake, and the wolf had to make an effort to muffle his laughter. Chris sat down in the chair opposite; waiting for the coach to wake.

When Crellen woke up to find the brown in front of him, he almost believed he was having a wet dream. The handsome wolf sat there, grinning, seemingly almost begging to be fucked. The bear found himself hardening considerably and shifted to hide the adjustment of his erection.

"To what so I owe the pleasure Chris?" He said in a shaky voice that he hid with a yawn.

"I don't really know," Chris's cheerful demeanour dimmed. "Maybe because I think I can trust you with this." Crellen hid his anxiousness; it was time for the wolf to accept his past.

"I killed a man when I was ten." Chris began. "Not just a man, my own father. I stabbed him repeatedly with a pair of scissors until he'd passed. I'm an evil shit! How could I do that?" The bear nodded understandingly.

"Did he deserve it?"

"I don't know. I remember that he raped me, and that he'd been doing it since I was about five. But that doesn't give me the right to kill my own father!" Tears were streaming down the wolf's cheeks. "I'm just as bad as he is. And I've hurt more people: Ryan yesterday, that minotaur last night, the many alarm clocks that mum has to keep buying, it's all my fault!"

Crellen stood up and said softly. "You can stop right there! You are not a monster, and you know why: because you feel remorse about what you've done. Your father molested you many times, and not once did he feel guilty about it. THAT is what a true monster is. Now that you've accepted that part of your past exists, chances are you won't hurt anyone anymore. The part of you that as been trying to be heard has been acknowledged: so it doesn't have to appear erratically anymore."

"But I feel so alone. I can't relate to anyone: I've killed someone, I've hurt people."

By know, Coach Crellen had moved around the desk to stand in front of the wolf. "You're not alone, Chris, I'll always be here." The bear squatted down in front of the wolf whilst he said this. "Come here," the coach pulled the wolf into a hug and Chris simply cried into the big man's chest.

Crellen picked the wolf up easily and turned so that he was sitting in Chris's chair and the lupine was leaning against him. They hugged for another five minutes before the brown stopped crying, and then they simply held each other.

"What am I doing!" the coach thought to himself, "I'm going to be in so much shit if I'm caught hugging a student. But I don't care. I love him like a son if not deeper."

Chris had slumped completely into the bear's chest, so he could feel the growing erection between Crellen's legs. They both stiffened simultaneously when they realised that fact, and the wolf jumped bodily away to find the bear looking ashamed.

"I'm sorry. You came looking for support and all you can find is another adult who wants to get into your pants."

Chris's mind was reeling. Crellen was gay too, and not only that; he wanted the wolf. His mind was processing this information slowly, and as he did, he came to the realisation that he wanted the coach as well. The bear wanted him, but he didn't force the wolf to comply, he was too gentle for that. Chris realised that he loved the coach more than any other male figure he knew: as a role model, as a true father and now as a possible lover. It made the wolf's heart swell with desire, and it was shown through his own growing bulge that was visible to the coach.

Crellen's breathing grew ragged and his eyes became tinted with lust when he saw that the wolf wanted him too. He checked the clock and saw that it was about ten minutes before school's start. Not enough time! He thought. The bear had a free session, Chris didn't. He got up, grabbed the phone on his desk and rang the office, saying "Please excuse Chris Bales from period one, he is having a conference with me: he's rather emotional at the moment."

"Oh, tell him I hope he gets better soon." The line came back.

"I'm sure he will." The bear grinned to himself as he put the phone back in its receiver.

He barely was able to turn around before Chris had kissed him on the muzzle. Once the initial shock was over it was returned passionately. Their tongues played for a while before coming up for breath. The wolf used this time to slowly unbutton the top of the bear's polo shirt. Crellen's paws quickly assisted in that before pulling the Chris's own t-shirt off. Crellen was a bear, and that meant he was naturally big around the waist, but all of it was pure muscle. His sculpted six-pack and pectorals made the wolf's mouth water, and he followed that urge to lick and suckle over the coach's nipples. The Crellen groaned and wrapped his arms tenderly around the wolf and allowed him to continue.

Chris followed his instincts and began to kiss over the bear's dark-chocolate furred chest and work his way downwards to the coach's crotch. The tight gym shorts perfectly outlined the meat and the wolf nuzzled into it lovingly. He felt a paw rub over his ears and murred to himself; encouraged by Crellen's moans. He hooked a finger into the waistband of the bear's shorts and pulled down, exposing an 8-inched and very thick cock. Chris groaned and almost blew his load just from the sight of it, but ventured out to lick the pre forming at its tip. The bear moaned softly again as his paw clenched on the lupine's head, scritching it slightly and showing his pleasure. Chris continued, devoid of thoughts for anything other the member in front of him. He took the head into his mouth, nursing it lovingly and sucking he pre out gently. The coach's hips bucked instinctively, shoving the meat in further by about an inch.

It didn't make Chris falter; it only spurred him on as he took more and more into his muzzle. It hit the back of his throat and he ignored his gag reflex, taking in yet more. His training had taught him to stop his gag reflex in order to not throw-up from over-exertion. He deep-throated the bear fully and Crellen could only moan his name gently, he could think about nothing else. Well, almost nothing.

The bear pulled Chris off of his cock, ordering "Stand up and turn around!" the wolf grinned and did so, exhibiting his rump nicely. Crellen pulled the wolf's pants down to expose Chris's tight rump to the air. The brown shivered at the cool air but did so again when he felt a warm, wet appendage slip into his tailhole. The wolf groaned and leant against the desk for support as his legs turned to jelly. The bear's tongue licked around and around, lubing up slowly. Crellen removed his muzzle from the boy's rear before suckling on one of his fingers and replacing his tongue with it. Chris almost climaxed yet again when the finger hit his prostate. The wolf held onto his load with all his might as another two fingers were inserted to stretch him out further, drilling into him. When the stretching was done, the bear removed his paw and sat in the spare chair, spitting into his hand and lubing up his cock further. Crellen motioned for Chris to come forward and when the wolf did so, picked him up to allow the lupine to straddle his lap, facing the coach.

They both kissed tenderly before they simultaneously reached down to line up the bear's shaft with Chris's hole. They both groaned into each other's muzzles as the head rimmed the puckered hole and gradually slipped in. The length pulsed, sending shockwaves throughout the Chris's body as he was slowly hilted; the initial pain of entry quickly giving way to pleasure thanks to Crellen's preparing. They were both gasping by the time the coach was fully in and they hugged tenderly whilst the bear pulled Chris up slowly, up to the head, and back down again. He allowed the wolf to set the pace and enjoyed the immense pleasure he was getting from the young, tight tailhole.

Chris was in nirvana. The heat radiating from the coach's cock filled his body and soul. He could only think of one thing and that was to pleasure this bear. He quickly gained speed, groaning when the plush pads of Crellen's paw wrapped around his leaking cock: now the wolf was humping for his own pleasure as much as he coach's and that spurred him on exponentially as he pumped frantically. Crellen himself has bucking against the strides of the wolf; trying to drive himself deeper. He groaned and removed the paw from Chris's ass to cover his mouth as he stifled a loud grunt that signalled his orgasm. Seed poured into the wolf's frame and Chris had to put a fist in his mouth so muffle his howl. Wolf spunk came spurting out, all over the coach's sweaty chest. Crellen quickly lowered his head and opened his maw, aiming the cock in order to gain some of the boy's cream. When he did, it only heightened his pleasure: to him the wolf tasted delicious. Their orgasms spent, the two lean on each other, panting and smiling blissfully.

They stayed like that for another five minutes before the coach pulled out, causing them both to groan. As soon as he was out Chris clenched his muscles to stop the leak. Crellen knelt behind the wolf and cleaned up his own seed from the younger fur's hole. He licked over the boy's thighs and up, re-entering his tongue and sucking cum out of Chris. The wolf groaned as he felt himself hardening again, but ignored it as Crellen brought him into a kiss, pushing the bear cum into Chris's mouth to taste. The lupine came to the decision that is wasn't that bad, and drank it happily. After the kiss, Chris knelt and cleaned the coach's cock, causing the bear to groan and begin to harden again. Though clean, they were both yet again hard and they panted in need. Crellen looked at the clock and sighed as there wasn't enough time. Pulling on his briefs and passing Chris his own; once they'd dressed that much Crellen sat down, sitting the wolf in his lap. The coach nuzzled into the boys back and sighed as his erection ground against Chris's rump. The wolf groaned and pulled the bear's paw around to his crotch, which the coach squeezed tenderly.

They both sat there in their underwear for the last five minutes of the period.

"I will always be here for you, Chris" Crellen whispered lovingly.

"And I for you," the wolf whispered back.


Blair had discovered a few things that day, particularly that period one, when he was on his way to talk to the coach about his insecurity and thoughts about his possible homosexuality;

One: the coach was gay.

Two: He himself really was gay.

Three: The one he thought he liked (now certain he liked) was gay.

And four: The one he liked was getting it from the coach.

Coming away from his peephole in the door, he sighed to himself and walked off, trying to ignore the raging hard on in his pants.