Tina's Story Chapter 29 I beg your forgiveness I

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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#10 of Tinas Story

Tina and Ray deplane at the city airport. The city is as cold and grey as Nassau was green and lush. They drag their way through the terminal, find their luggage, then shlepp to the car. Ray's aging Golf gets underway, with the last life the battery has to offer.

"Almost home." Ray declares "And time for a new battery. Maybe even a new car. Trade your Miata in for a minivan? He offers

Tina spins to attention

"Never..... That was the first gift you gave me ....I'll never give Binky up!" she declares with finality

"Binky?" "It has a name?

"When I was a little girl, I had a Binky, a little red blanket I took everywhere. When I saw the Miata, I thought of Binky. "

"That's all right, Hon" he reassures her "No one will ever take Binky. Not ever. Want to get something to eat?"

"Oh, oh, ohhhhhhh.......Olive Garden!" Tina points at the glowing green and red chain restaurant in a strip mall. Ray knows better than to deny raw, pregnant cravings, so he swings into the lot. As it is 3:30, it is not crowded at all...They are seated, and Tina begins to study the menu, though she has seen it a hundred times.....

"Mmmm what do I want tonight?" she thinks aloud....She finally decides on the 'Tour of Italy' chicken parm, fetuccini, and lasagna. Ray, having seen himself in the leopard briefs, decides on a Caesar salad. They order, and soon the breadsticks and bottomless salad bowl appear. Ray has soup, while Tina attacks the salad bowl, alternating between salad, and hunks of breadstick

"Thith ith GOOOD!! she declares, mouth half full.

Ray smiles; He enjoys seeing his pregnant wife enjoying herself, especially since it takes so little to keep her happy. Tina attacks her food with a vengeance, but she still has enough left for a late night snack. Both are full and happy as they turn the key in the front door. Ray lugs the suitcases to the bedroom, while Tina checks the answering machine....

BEEP! " Tina, this is Stan. Please call, I need to talk to you..."

Tina presses the button.

"That was odd"

"What, hon?" Ray emerges from the bedroom

"My dad. He never calls, but he said he needs to talk to me....It just seems strange...." Tina stood there, disturbed.

"Well, call him...."

Ray didn't have to ask twice. Tina dialed her parent's house. Her father picked up.


"Stan, it's Tina. Is something wrong?" she asked, nervously

"I need to talk to you....can I come over?"

"I don't know; I'm kinda tired. Can it wait?" she asked, hoping for a reprieve.

"I'd like to talk to you tonight...if I can."

"Alright. Come over." she says with resignation.

"Who was that?"

"Stan. he wants to talk. Now. "

Ray, sensative to the situation, makes an offer...

"Look, I can leave. I'll go down to the corner, have a beer. You and your dad talk..." Ray tells her. Tina kisses him as he grabs his hat..

"Thanks, Hon; that's sweet of you"

Ray kisses her back, then leaves. About forty five minutes later, Stan rings the bell. "

"Hey, Stan...come in" Tina welcomes Stan with a hug, and motions him in....

Stan kinda stands in the living room, unsure....

"Come on in the kitchen...I'll make coffee. Sit down. Stay." she mock orders

Tina busys herself making coffee, as Stan sits and fumbles. She brings their coffee, and sits down. She takes his hand....

"Stan, what is it?" she asks, sympathetically......

Stan sits there in silence for some time. He is still wearing the brown shirt and coveralls from work. Finally, with great effort, he speaks......

"Tina, I didn't adopt you....I am your real father....."

After one sentence, Stan slumps, exhausted.....Tina gives him a few minutes, then she lifts his chin with her finger. looking him directly in the eyes.....

"It's OK....you can tell me" she says with a soft and sympathetic look

Finally, Stan begins.....

"We...I did something that I need to fix tonight. .....When I first met your mom, we were just two pups, really. I was crazy in love with her...." Stan gets a far away look.....

"We...weren't ready for what happened. We....well, the first time.....your mother got pregnant. she....wasn't of age. " Ray bent his head, tears starting to form at the corner of his eye

"Your mother....didn't want to get me in trouble; she wanted me to be accepted by her family.So....she made up the story that a human had raped her. Back then, it was believable. And nobody cared what happened to a hybrid female. the police would never investigate....it all seemed harmless enough. I.....I went along. I.....was young....and scared. I went along. " Stan started to sob, taking several minutes to collect himself

"Then, the strangest thing happened. Your mother started to believe her own lie. She treated the story as real. And she began hating humans, justifying it based on the made up story...."

Tina just sat, in disbelief over what she was hearing....Stan continued...

"She......started to lose touch....with reality. A little at first, then more....."

Stan collapsed on the table, convulsed in sobs. Once he collected himself, She asked...

"Why, Stan? why tell me now?

Stan took some time to pull himself together....

"Because....you've met a fine man...a human. I didn't want you to keep that story....that lie in your mind. And I don't want that story passed down to the grandchildren. It's done! Over! you know the truth.... Our lives are winding down, but yours has just begun.....and Tina? Don't blame your mother. It's not anything that's in her control anymore. You know, it's crazy....I still love her. I always will. Can you...forgive?" he asked, plaintifully.....

Tina sits there, letting it all sink in. Slowly, she speaks...

"It was brave of you....but I need time. Thanks....dad......"

Tina hugged Stan, who grabbed his hat, and left.

When Ray arrived an hour later, he found Tina on the hammock, curled in a ball, wrapped in the fur blanket. He went out to check on her....At first, Ray stands in the corner of the balcony....waiting. Finally, Tina speaks

"Ray? Could you hold me?"

Ray picks Tina up in his arms, and holds her like an infant. He holds her like that for at least an hour, neither one speaking.....

"Wanna talk? Ray offers

Tina is not sure she wants to talk about it...but she does. She tells Ray what her father told her.

"And?" Ray continues....

"I don't know. How could someone tell their child an awful thing like that?"

Ray lets the question hang in the air. After a time, he begins....

"You know, it's tough to judge today what happened a long time ago. A hybrids life was different. Your mom and dad had a lot more to be scared about. I don't think we can understand how scared they must have been"

"But why continue the lie?"

"Lies, once unleashed seem to have a life of their own. It would have been very tough thing to confess to a lie that big....."

"Ray? What if I end up crazy like her?" she asks with big, tearful eyes

Ray holds her close

"First, she already was in the grips of this before she was your age....But if anything happened, I'd do just what your father is doing...standing by his wife, loving her and caring for her, difficult as that may be."

"I know you would" Tina seems comforted with that thought

"And tonight, you have a real father. You're the child of two people who loved each other...and you...very much. That has to be worth something. What does that Hybrid preacher say on Sunday morning TV?"

"We are all flawed dogs" Tina repeats from memory. On Sunday mornings, there is a TV preacher just for the hybrids. Ray and Tina sometimes watch, just for fun. "We are all flawed dogs" is his signature line.

"Take me to bed, please." Tina requests, in her best little girl voice.

Silently, gently, Ray picks her up and caries her to the bedroom

"Hold me tonight, Ray. Don't let go. "

Ray undresses Tina, and tucks her in. He lays down, and she rests her head on his chest, safe and warm in his arms.