Jamie Bockmann Bio

Story by tigerwriter93 on SoFurry

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Name: Jamie Bockmann

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Species: Anglo-Nubian Goat

Relationship Status: Single, uninterested

Occupation: Pro Wrestler

Personality: Jamie is what you might call your typical extrovert, being that he's quite outgoing and social. He seems to get along well with almost anyone...almost; there always seems to be an exception at some point. Much of his downfall tends to be his love for being in the spotlight and his cockyness, though this usually comes out whenever he wrestles or does anything competative.

Short Description: Jamie is a white goat with brown fur that covers most of his head and leaves a white line down the center of his face. He has short, grey horns and medium-length ear lops. His toes are just hooves, but he's plantigrade; he also has fingers, but his nails are as hard as his hooves. He is 6ft. 1in. and weighs at 182lbs. He has a muscular, athletic build, but not beefy.

Biography: Jamie was born and raised in a small town outside of Iowa City, IA. He went to elementary school, middle school, and high school there, but started living in Iowa City when he went to community college. He lived there for a time just working and saving up to move to Algona, where he would then begin his pro wrestling journey. He loved pro wrestling when he was a kid and would enjoy watching matches with his dad. His mom was quite entertained by them too when she caught glimpses of the TV, even though she herself wasn't a fan. He would play wrestle with his dad and his friends almost all the time, but it wasn't until middle school when he began to take up wrestling himself. Wrestling stuck with him all through high school, college, and, of course, beyond.

After college, he started training at the IPW training center. It was here where he earned the nickname "Kid Cobalt," due to his age at the time and surprising mild interest in chemistry. And so, the name stuck for his character in the ring. His ring outfit derived from this nickname as well: black briefs which have a light-blue, silver-trimmed fire pattern, and black wrist bands and kick pads that have a light-blue trim. When he's just training or practicing on the mat, he'll wear a simple pair of navy-blue briefs and knee pads or his old college wrestling singlet.

Because of his large wrestling background prior to joining IPW, his wrestling style is more technical, a mix of grappling and submission pins. However, he's been known to get a little crazy in the ring because he likes to mix in some punches, kicks, throws, and his finisher, "The Heartburn" (throws his opponent into a corner and performs a battering ram move on them), thus making him a brawler as well.

Many of his gym mates would want to go on to the larger circuits, like FWA. But for Jamie, he's happy with where he's at in the indie circuit. He loves the thrill of wrestling, whether he's throwing his gym mates around or being thrown by them. He knows he can handle them, no matter if they're bigger than him or faster than him; win or lose, all he asks is for a good match.

When he's not throwing down in the ring, he works part-time as a farm hand. He currently lives on his own in Algona, IA.