Avatar of Corruption 5: Enter Chastity Part 1

Story by Intrigue on SoFurry

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#7 of Avatar of Corruption

Intrigue has just barely managed to survive his first encounter with a demon and now the police are after the hapless demon dragon, flinging spells and swinging swords at him. The Demon Protection Society wants to question the possessed reptile for their own reasons, but Chastity the young, hotshot paladin is not about to let another case get snatched away from her by the feds. As she goes against the orders of her superiors to apprehend Intrigue, she sets in motion events that will shape both of them for years to come.

This starts the beginning of a trilogy focusing on the newest addition to the cast, Chastity. We got one kind of action in the first part here, a different kind at the end, and a little of the later kind and some plot development in the middle. I hope you guys enjoy.

Also, I've started a patreon if you'd like to support me and my writing. Thanks to Sofurry's outage, you can actually see the second part of this series tonight or tomorrow morning if you pledge a little to my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Intrigue

Part 2 of this trilogy will otherwise be up on the 17th assuming this site is working then.

A tan lemur with short pink hair and light pink rings coloring her massive fluffy tail sat at the bar. Painted black, the counter formed a massive square island in the middle of the restaurant's first room. Monitors hung overhead, the racket of several sports shows blending together with the chatter of the crowd.

Chastity cradled a glassful of cola in her furry white paw. A brown long coat rested over her shoulders, coattails trailing over the edge of her barstool. Glancing out over the dining room floor, she scanned the crowd of eager fans, families grabbing dinner, and end of the day workers. Her wand and sword pressed against her sides reassuringly. A simple black shirt covered her busty chest and a pair of jeans hid her toned legs. The badge in her coat pocket pressed reassuringly against her chest.

A grey and green iguana stepped through the Steakden's threshold. Chastity waved and Pearls nodded, walking towards the bar. Dressed in plain clothes, she wore a dark blue top under a black leather jacket and simple jeans. A small purse hung from her shoulder. The reptile sat in the empty seat beside her friend.

"Hey, Chaste," Pearls said. "Word going around is you and Chief Buster had a bit of an argument."

"Yeah," the young officer grumbled, sipping her drink. "He ordered us to ignore that demon sighting and wait for the DPS to handle it."

"You didn't like that?" the iguana prompted after a moment of silence.

"Of course not!" Chastity slammed her glass down. "The Paladin squad is supposed to deal with supernatural crime. The DPS takes care of things at the national level and should leave the state to us, but the director's got such a stick up her ass about demon persecution, we're not even allowed to handle a little fight."

"Didn't they only step in on that one incident?" Pearls asked, alarmed.

"This is just the beginning," she grumbled. "Mark my words, if we're not careful, it's gonna be the demons in charge of these investigations! How do you think that'll work out?"

"You aren't drinking, are you?" she eyed the dark liquid in her cup suspiciously.

"It's just soda," the lemur replied sullenly. "I ain't gonna stand for this meddling."

"Well, there isn't much you can do. The chief gave you your orders," Pearls said. She searched for some subject to derail the conversation. If it continued, the lemur could hatch some rash scheme.

"I only got sent home" she said. "That doesn't mean we can't go down there and investigate a little for ourselves."

A grimace crinkled the iguana's snout, her fears coming true. She rubbed her forehead, feeling the "Chastity migraine" settling in. The bartender came over and Pearl ordered a beer.

"What does Lieutenant Cupid think of your idea?"

Cupid ran the Paladin task force, a hard-faced Dalmatian veteran of the force. He could've risen to head a more prestigious department than the supernatural division, but he seemed content hunting monsters and wizards and ignoring the rank ladder. He acted like a father to his whole team. Even Pearl, a lowly patrolwoman, knew and respected the canine. Generally a by-the-book cop, he definitely wouldn't approve of Chastity investigating solo.

"Don't be stupid. I didn't tell him," she said. "Don't you see? This is your chance to get promoted. If we find-."

"You don't know what you're going to find!" the reptile snapped. If an idea took root in the lemur's head, almost no one could change her mind. Pearl needed to nip this reckless scheme in the bud. "It might be some uber-powerful dark lord or it could be some kid messing around. One stallion got turned into a horny mare and an alleyway took a few fireballs, but no one got hurt and the horse is back to normal. You need to let this go! Okay? Someone will handle it."

Blue eyes glared stubbornly. Pearl's heart sank in defeat. Chastity sighed and glanced away, taking another swig of sweet cola. "Maybe you're right..."

"You bet I am!" the iguana said, hoping her friend would listen for once. The lemur possessed a knack for telling people what they wanted to hear before following her own direction. "It'd be stupid to go alone anyway."

"Gee, thanks, Pearls," Chaste said. "I got the hint already, okay?"

"I hope you do," the iguana muttered under her breath. Louder, she asked. "So what are we eating?"

"I'm just gonna get an appetizer or two and head home."

Pearls glared at her.

"I swear that's all I'm gonna do!" Chaste raised her palm, the sincerest of expressions on her short muzzle. Seeing the watery haze of hurt in her eyes, the iguana felt guilty. "Scout's honor."

Intrigue stepped out of the public library, pulling his hood up. Winter's bite had softened enough for a small jacket to suffice, until the sun started setting. The nighttime chill blew in and pierced his thin clothes, hurrying the dragon along on his journey home.

Walking down the sloped cement path to the sidewalk, he rubbed his cold snout. No signs remained of his battle with the murderous, soul-eating demon three days prior. Lithy healed his wounds quick enough that his family never saw the bloody nose or black and blue mark on his jaw.

His head swiveled as he walked, feet stepping wide around corners and alleyways. The frightened, erratic beat of his heart pounded in his large ears, warm blood coursing through their veins. The dragon thought getting out of the house and seeing the town empty of any danger would help his nerves, but his imagination conjured visions of the hulking horned beast appearing around every corner or springing from any alley. Reading in the library, he'd lost himself in the books until a chill crept up his neck and he had to scan for danger.

The spirit sent feelings of sarcasm and paranoia, teasing him. Intrigue growled. "I wouldn't be this scared if it weren't for you!"

She withdrew her observations with a dejected hiss, hiding in his subconscious. With her silenced, he stomped forward. The anger simmered underneath his fear, waiting to boil up. Lithy finally triggered that eruption, but he knew the serpent could feel the resentment bubbling inside him over the last couple days. The furious shout should be no surprise, yet her wounded reaction spoke otherwise.

Deep down, Intri knew blaming Lithy for another demon's actions felt wrong. Even if that sick monster ripped his neck open and beat him to a bloody doll on the pavement. His tail swished in irritation, letting anger go risked allowing the terror to completely consume him.

Passing a vacant parking lot, the white sky faded quickly, gray clouds turning an ominous black. A quick jog up the hill ahead then a left turn further up and he'd be home.

Turning up the steep slope, he spotted movement at the edge of his vision. A pink-headed lemur in a dark brown coat followed him at a brisk walk. They exchanged suspicious glares, the lemur's blue eyes widening at the distinct arrow-shaped mark atop his snout.

"Hold it right there!" she shouted, fishing inside her coat.

Now what? Intrigue thought. He panicked and froze, unable to choose fight or flight.

The mammal brought out a shiny, golden shield. Intrigue grimaced, wondering what the policewoman wanted. Questions about the goat demon or perhaps the drunk herd of horses had caused more trouble? His tail swished nervously, the urge to flee growing. The horses started the fight and he only defended himself and defeated a crazy monster afterwards. Self-defense shouldn't land him in jail. He relaxed.

"Officer Chastity. I have some questions for you," she stopped in front of him, badge and palm up. "Where were you three days ago around six o'clock?"

Vocal cords tight with stress, he cleared his throat and steeled his nerves. "Over at the deli getting some food before a trio of horses jumped me for no reason."

"That's interesting. They said you attacked them," Chastity replied, narrowing her eyes.

Lying bastards! unaccustomed to deception, his surprise showed clear on his face. His mind raced for a clever answer. "They're lying bastards. Why would a skinny lizard like me attack them?"

Those cuts and bruises might've won some sympathy points, but the helpful spirit had fixed them. Intrigue cursed his luck.

"The damage around there looked a lot like magical fireballs, Mr. Dragon," the lemur stepped forward. Her boot stomped confidently against the cement, intense blue eyes glaring.

With a disgruntled whimper, Intri stepped back. Terrified thoughts of dark prison cells and his family's shocked and disapproving faces flashed through his head.

"I can't shoot fire! It was the goat!" he shouted.

"Sure, it was. Tell it to the boys downtown," Chastity reached out and grabbed his wrist.

A spark of energy traveled up Intri's arm. He groaned as burning pain filled his body and his muscles locked up. His eyes closed, head aching. Lithy hissed angrily in his mind. She recognized the magic, images of holy crosses shrouded in flickering orange flames spilled into her host's mind. The screams of creatures dying in pain and despair echoed in the dragon's ears.

Intrigue dropped to his knees as the paladin's magic assailed his body. The lemur grinned in satisfaction, the spell meant to reveal and weaken dark magic users.

Lithy's angry hisses built in volume inside his head becoming savage roars. Chastity's iron grip on his wrist loosened as the sounds ceased being only in his head, the rage and anguish pouring out of his mouth. She gasped in surprise before a blast of red light and shadowy mist launched her backwards. Her tail slammed onto the hard ground, bruising the base of her spine.


Wind buffeted Chastity in the face, her fur and coat whipped around fiercely. The dragon's glowing aura of darkness shook like a fierce, wavering fire. Dust and pebbles flew through the air. The lemur raised an arm, shielding her face from the small dust storm.

Intrigue jumped to his feet, clothing burning off his body, their ashes scattering in the gale. His hips slid outwards, his stomach hardened with muscles, and two pert round breasts bloomed on his chest. Squirming black liquid sloughed over her body, propping her breasts up as they formed a shiny black bra. Panties formed over her groin as well before the remaining material flowed to her four limbs becoming long gloves and stockings.

Small heeled shoes covered her feet. The pulsing red and black aura tightened around her, forming a red skirt over her waist and then a shirt and jacket covered her chest. Red diamond markings similar to Lithy's bands lit up across the black material.

Whipping about in the gale, her spiky hair grew longer. A band of black ribbon tied the locks up. The flickering aura died down, Intri's rustling outfit settling. Her eyes opened, shining bright red as she stared Chastity down.

"You're not taking us anywhere, paladin!" her voice echoed and distorted, a second, deeper tone overlapping Intri's normal female voice. Bitter rage overpowered the scared dragoness, Lithy seizing control of her trembling body.

Razor sharp black wings popped out of her back. They split into narrow, bladed tentacles and launched towards the cop.

Chastity blinked the grime out of her eyes, water spilling from her tear ducts. She caught the flash of movement and instinctively leapt aside. Two spears pierced the concrete next to her. The remaining limbs curved after her. With an agile handspring, she flipped backwards and avoided another two. She cartwheeled away, the last pair of tendrils chasing her. Her hand slipped, sending her tumbling to a stop. Her head rose and the spikes zoomed towards her, only to stop mere inches from her face.

She gasped and stood up, rubbing the dirt from her eyes as she stepped clear of Intri's range. The dragon drew her extra limbs back, wary of a projectile attack like Derriger's fireball spell. She stalked forward, tentacles hovering at her side as her furious blood-red gaze bore into the lemur.

Calming her breathing, Chastity reached inside her coat and drew her weapons. In her left hand, she gripped a short silver staff, white leather wrapped around the shaft. A sharp axe edge extended from the front of the wand, the hook on the opposite side and the circular, deep blue orb on top formed a vague cross shape. Her right arm hoisted a long, thin gleaming sword. White leather covered the handle with another blue gem centered in its cross guard. An unnatural white glow shrouded the pair of weapons.

The possessed dragoness neared her. Hissing, her tentacles whipped about in agitation. Chastity raised her sword, exhaling softly as she focused her energy. She fell into her fighting stance, sword in front, staff held back to cast a spell or score a surprise hit, feet spread and braced to parry or sidestep. Her heartbeat leapt into her throat as the vicious demon neared, its dark aura palpable in the air, pressing down like a weight. Her fur stood on end under her coat collar.

Intrigue's tentacles rushed past her sides, serpentine heads sprouted at their ends, fangs bared as they closed on the paladin from six different angles.

Chastity's sword arced through the air, too soon to strike any of the writhing snakes. A shining white screen of light formed in the space her blade cut through. The lemur stepped back as four of Intri's limbs slammed against the transparent barrier. The two lower limbs ducked underneath, she kicked one in the head and bashed the other with the sharp edge of her staff, scoring a deep cut in its flesh.

Rearing back in surprise, Lithy hissed. Black fluid dripped from the wounded tendril, while the holy barrier burned her skin. Smoke rose from Lithy's rubbery flesh as it melted away, drops of dark fluid boiling audibly against the cement. The glowing shield faded after a few seconds. She shook her slashed limb, sending demon blood flying towards the paladin's face. With another artful flick of her wrist, Chastity drew a shield between her face and the serpent's corruptive body fluid. The black splatter evaporated against the glowing screen.

All right, you can do this, the young officer thought. Just have to score one good hit.

She charged at the demonic spirit. With a roar, the herm spread her arms, the black material swelling out, a pair of large diamond-shaped heads formed over her hands, her wings and tertiary tentacles retracting into her back as Lithy focused her energy into the twin mouths, venom dripped from gleaming fangs as four extra eyes glowed red. Chastity raised her sword and crossed her staff along the blade, forming a large cross. She whispered a soft prayer and holy energy surged around her body, hardening into a protective sphere. Lithy pounced on the charging lemur, arms lashing out at the barrier. Her red and black aura pulsed from her body as they collided. A powerful gale blasted out around the two combatants, the crack of their impact splitting the air.

The serpent's fangs pierced Chastity's barrier, venom dripping onto her shoulders. Their mouths burned as the shadowy flesh pressed against the hot screen. The spells surface splintered, a web of cracks breaking across it. Chastity groaned, feeling the power inside her falter, the harmonious crackling of her failing shield cut out the humming surge of power it normally emitted. Her eyes widened in disbelief, a beast like that shouldn't be able to pierce her strongest spell!

Desperation replaced fear as she uncrossed her weapons. The spell broke... violently. The dragon howled in pain as shards of light energy exploded in her face, the clothing Lithy formed ripping apart, while their gloves exploded into shreds, serpent heads reduced to melting puddles on the ground.

The explosion burst through the lemur's eardrums, replacing all sound with a high-pitched ring. She swayed and groaned, dropping to one knee. Her stomach clenched, ready to throw up. Sweat beaded across her brow in addition to the wet venom soaking through her thick jacket.

Intrigue groaned. A powerful headache waking her up as the spirit's all-consuming rage faded. She recalled the furious attack as a vivid dream, rather than a memory.

Raising her head, she saw the pink lemur kneeling a few feet away. She rose to her feet, using her sword as a brace. The herm stood as well. The pair of combatants paused, hunched over, catching their breath. As they glared at each other, they took stock of the situation.

The dragon's clothes draped over her body in tatters, her heaving bosom visible under the shredded cloth. Small cuts covered her smooth skin, each one closing up slowly as Lithy used her remaining energy to heal them. They couldn't reform any tentacles, wings, or armor. Her headache faded as their mana emptied.

Chastity looked better off, heavy coat intact and both weapons at her side, though her grip slackened. Glowing red circles formed around her eyes as she stared at the half-naked dragon, her gaze wandering over her muscular body. She shook her head; a soft, white glow covering her as she resisted the heat flooding her body. Holding her sword and staff in one hand, she slipped her venom-drenched coat off. The mind-numbing liquid soaked through to her blouse and fur as well. Ripping the shirt open, buttons tore off and flew away, she shifted her weapons to her other hand, pulling her garments off her shoulder. Intrigue stared at the police officer, standing in the cold wearing nothing but jeans and a tight, pink bra.

The lemur swore. The clear fluid covered her arms. The teasing heat in her body urged her to touch it, lick it, rub her face in it, but she resisted. Bundling her blouse up, she dabbed at the wetness with the remaining dry sections of the fabric. No matter how she tried the venom refused to soak into the shirt, only seeping further into her skin. Swearing quietly, she tossed the white towel away and channeled her dwindling stores of magic into resisting the lust spell.

"Are we done?" Intri gasped, exhausted from the fight. The spectacle before her thwarted her efforts to steady her breathing.

She brandished her weapons. The dragon growled frustrated with her stubbornness. A faint red twinge still outlined her pupils and her cheeks filled with the same hot color. "You're not going anywhere. No demon's beaten me yet."

"I'm not a demon, just a dragon with an unruly body guest," she sighed. "Maybe get your facts straight next time, detective!"

"Don't care, you're still coming... with me," Chastity groaned, head spinning as the holy and profane powers struggled inside her. She stared at the flashes of pert round dragon flesh peeking out of the shredded top, feeling like she'd finished a night-long bender instead of a vicious fight. "Now, raise your shirt... your hands! And put your tail in the air!"

"What?" Intri deadpanned.

The lemur paused, a confused expression on her face. She pointed with her staff, glaring. "You heard me!"

She took a shaky, lurching step forward. Intri retreated the same distance, her muscles bruised and tired, but still capable of running. The spirit insisted they flee, but she ignored the spent being. If she ran, the paladin might give chase and in her current state, running with two sharp objects seemed pretty unhealthy. Engaging in another fight might lead to the same result, her tail lashed in frustration, only one option remained.

Her arms rose into the air. Chastity paused and stared suspiciously. Intri eyed the point of her sword with a worried expression. "Okay, I give up. Arrest me."

With shaky hands and blurred vision, the lemur managed to slide her sword safely into its sheathe. Pulling a pair of cuffs from her belt, she stepped towards the dragon, dropping her staff into its holster. Strong hands spun Intri around and pulled her arms behind her back, with a sharp click the hard metal rings locked around her wrists. Chastity placed a hand on the dragon's shoulder. Her head spun and she clung to her prisoner for support. "All right. I'm taking you in."

The dragon's ears shot up in alarm. The lemur shoved her forward. She stumbled to a stop and glanced back at the inebriated cop. "Maybe you should call a squad car."

Chastity groaned, face turning green. Intri straightened up; ready to sidestep if a torrent of sick came spilling at her. She recovered after a moment.

"Damn! That's some nasty stuff," she scratched at the soaked fur on her arm, spreading the venom around. Her unfocused eyes widened, staring at the warm goo covering her fingers.

The dragoness chose not to comment, instead thinking of an escape plan now that the weapons were sheathed. The lemur's dazed leering at her body provided a steady trickle of lust for Lithy to absorb. Not enough to cast any spells, unless they lingered on that street corner for a couple days. She'd need a bigger sampling to work some magic. With a quiet, nervous gulp, Intri steadied her nerves for a daring plan.

Her blurry vision realigned and Chastity noticed her prisoner standing stock-still. She stepped forward, arm raised to shove her forward. "Hey! Get moving!"

Large ears twitched, pinpointing the height and distance from her target. Intri whirled, tail stretched out for balance in place of her cuffed arms. She rushed forward, head down. The lemur braced for a painful collision. Warm lips latched onto her mouth, kissing forcefully.

A confused squeak vibrated in her throat. Her maw opened of its own accord and a thick wet tongue swirled inside of her mouth. The prisoner's half-covered, muscular body ground against her front. Their breasts pressed together, soft flesh smushing flat. Heart thundering in her chest, her addled brain failed to comprehend the buzz filling her body. She leaned into the kiss, tasting the inside of her prisoner's mouth.

Their muzzles nuzzled against each other, tongues licking over noses and cheeks when not lodged in the other's mouth. Chastity hugged the warm demon body against herself. Her belt buckle stabbed painfully into Intri's waist. Her heavy sword bounced against her thigh as she ground against the dragon's waist, feeling a peculiar hardness growing between the lizard's legs.

Lithy, a spirit of lust and frequent proponent of quick, meaningless hookups, hissed in disgust as the paladin undulated against her host's body. Intri ignored her, stunned at the success the maneuver achieved and without a plan now that Chastity's arms embraced her. A strong slap to the ass further paralyzed her terrified mind.

The lemur pulled away. The dragon braced herself, afraid she might regain her senses. She shoved Intrigue backwards. Her butt slammed against the hard cement. Whimpering, the dragon raised her head.

Chastity unbuckled her belt, fingers working furiously. Her weapons clanked against the ground as she tossed them away. Intri's eyebrows rose in alarm as she carelessly abandoned her only form of protection. Her boobs rose and fell as she gasped in desire. Shimmering red circles outlined her foggy pupils. The lemur knelt down, hands resting atop scaly thighs as she leaned in, licking the corners of her lips.

Intrigue pulled back, ears lowered shyly. Panic and confusion griped her as her plan careened off the rails. She called on Lithy's regenerating magic, but the spiteful snake denied her.

The lieutenant's phone rang and his tired paw slowly reached across the desk for it. With his team unable to proceed in their investigation without DPS supervision, he sat in his cramped office, waiting for their plane to arrive or a new case to come in.

"Yeah?" he answered, too exhausted for pleasantries.

"Lieutenant Cupid?" a worried, female voice asked. "This is Officer Pearl, Chastity's friend."

"Officer Pearl..." he repeated, connecting a face with the voice. "Yes, I remember you."

"I'm worried about Chastity," she said. "We meant up for dinner and she was saying something about investigating a case on her own."

"Oh, god," he sighed, rubbing his temples. Cupid glanced around his small office. Though not much, just four walls with large, shuttered windows, a couple filing cabinets and a desk, he looked forward to spending a few more years in it before retiring. "The head of the DPS is flying out here to oversee the case herself."

Stunned silence crackled over the line. "Why? This was just a little malicious misuse of magic right?"

"I'm not sure. They've basically told us nothing, just to sit and wait," Cupid replied. "I understand why Chastity is upset..."

The canine exhaled, hanging his head. A dress shirt and a long coat covered his shoulders. The short silver hair around his muzzle showed the first signs of age setting in. His spots retained their chocolate brown hue. Half-lidded, his blue eyes shone with weariness.

"Are you certain she's not at her apartment?" he asked.

"I got the machine when I called and threatened to tell you her plan over it if she didn't pick up," Pearls replied. "I'm not getting an answer when I call her cell either."

"I'll find her. Thanks for telling me," he hung up and heaved a third deep sigh.

Cupid took Chastity onto the team despite her stubborn attitude and her magical deficiency. The lemur possessed the drive to make it as a big city detective, but no one knew who to train someone with her specific aura. While stronger than any paladin he ever met, her effective range reached only a fraction beyond arm's length. Against creatures adapted to tear you apart with their bare hands or fling fire from twenty feet away, this became a serious disadvantage, but they worked together to counter it. Despite her stubbornness, she listened to and respected him, or he thought she did. If her lack of faith in him led her to getting eaten by a demon...

Sharp teeth nibbled the bottom of Intrigue's ears, erotic growls rumbling in Chastity's throat. Her tongue tickled sensitive flesh as she finished her delicate bites, leaving tingly, red skin. Her muzzle rubbed along the side of the dragon's neck as she lowered her head.

Cupid would never forgive himself.

He grabbed his heavy brown coat off the stand on his way out. The squad's desks sat in the large room outside, short cubicle walls providing each officer some privacy. Two of the six seats were occupied, the rest of the team sent home early due to the lack of work. Barns and Nobel raised their heads, curious eyes on their lieutenant.

"What's going on, boss?" Barns asked, the black and white badger struggling not to jump out of his seat. An eager, seasoned, yet still young officer, he hated resting on his laurels. He sensed his commander's urgency. Nobel, the grey wolf stayed in place, ears raised, though not quite sharing his partner's eagerness.

"I have to take care of something," Cupid said. "You stay here and greet the director if I'm not back in time."

"What's going on, chief?" Nobel asked, his gray ears lowering. The wolf looked ready to start whimpering. Though a fine officer, an encounter with a nasty ghost had terrified the burly canine. After a month off for counselling, he insisted on coming back. Cupid knew he needed more time away, but couldn't refuse an officer eager to work. He hoped the wolf regained his composure soon.

"Chastity's out looking for trouble," he replied heading for the door. The pair stood to follow him. He glanced back one hand on the knob. "No, I need you here. I can find her by myself. Tell Director Minerva I'm working on another case if she asks. Chastity caused enough trouble with her last time they meant, so let's do our best to avoid repeating that party."

They grumbled and nodded.

He avoided the elevator and took the stairwell to the station parking lot. Cupid walked towards his old, beat-up brown sedan. Small patches of rust ate at the machine's body, but he kept the important bits running. The determined, little car had carried him around the district for half his career.

Sliding into the driver's seat, he started it up, the engine clunking for a second before roaring to life. He adjusted the gear lever and pulled out, the ancient machine rolling onto the street.

Chastity would start near the scene of the crime and work outwards from there. They had the description of the supposed attacker, a young dragon not in their criminal database. Hopefully, they only just awakened their magic and the bit of chaos had been an accident. Cupid distrusted the horse's version of events, but hadn't gotten a chance to question the equine in person. They called in the report yesterday evening giving the squad only enough time to go over the crime scene. The canine planned on questioning the witness the next morning before the order to wait came in.

As he considered the case, he wondered why Minerva once again deigned to visit their backwater area. They'd met a handful of times, but only once on the canine's home turf. Cupid suspected there was something special about their dragon, but there weren't any clues to decipher this mystery.

He made good time, the evening traffic virtually nonexistent. Following the highway into the main road of town, he turned off towards the library. Cupid planned to swing down to the red brick building, park, and search near the crime scene, but he spotted his wayward charge at the next intersection.

Chastity knelt on the sidewalk, her familiar pink-banded tail stretched into the air like a flag. Another pair of legs emerged from under her tail, thrashing in distress.

Cupid pulled over to the curb. He leapt out of the driver's seat. Thinking the lemur had found and was in the process of subduing their suspect, he rushed forward.

His shoes collided with a mass of soft fabric. Stumbling, he stopped, looking at the trip hazard. Chastity's coat rested atop his feet, her belt and weapons strewn a few feet away alongside her shirt. A clear liquid stained both articles of clothing. Given a moment's pause, he recognized the lemur's motions not as the struggle to restrain a suspect, but insistent... pushes for attention.

Neither party noticed his presence. Chastity rubbed her head against her prisoner's chin, one hand insistently caressing a thigh. The dragon, a dead ringer for their suspect, kept her eyes closed, head tilted away from the lemur in distress.

Not much surprised the lieutenant, but this shocked him. First, a lust demon had managed to overpower his prize pupil's considerable magic resistance, second, that the succubus seemed completely overwhelmed by the smitten lemur's attentions.

Cupid cleared his throat. "Officer Chastity!"

She ignored him, paw curving around the dragon's leg and under her tail. The Dalmatian raised his voice. "Attention, cadet!"

She stiffened, ears rising in alarm. Jumping away from the poor succubus, Chastity turned to her boss and saluted. Her bra straps hung around her arms, her breasts stiff in the cold air. The lieutenant's eyes widened with embarrassment. Blushing, the lemur wrapped her long tail over her chest, hugging it tight. The telltale glow of a curse outlined her blue eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?"

She glanced around in confusion, not sure herself. The dragoness slowly stood up behind her. Cupid noticed the shredded remains of her clothing and concluded the two had fought. Thankfully, their surroundings remained undamaged; he had to credit Chastity for that at least.

"I was... interrogating the suspect?" she cringed, the saucy flavor of Intri's lips still fresh on her tongue. The haze in her mind faded, panic rescuing her.

"She's crazy! She just jumped me out of nowhere!" Intri exclaimed, twisting her upper body. Her arms ached, stuck behind her back and stiff from being crushed underneath their combined weight.

"Nice try," Cupid glared at her. He slipped off his coat and handed it to Chastity. She grabbed it and hurriedly slipped it on, shivering. The old dog stepped up to the dragon. "You're coming with us to answer some questions."

Intrigue grimaced. Ducking her head, she groaned in frustration. Her long bangs hid her face as her eyes turned red. A small serpent head leapt from her back, zooming straight at the approaching officer's neck.

The lieutenant's arm rose from his waist, a simple wooden wand in his paw. The tentacle's open mouth neared the end of the polished instrument as a bronze glow shimmered there. The ball of light rammed down its throat, tearing the soft rubber apart as it flew. Splatters of black flesh flew through the air, Intri's extra limb reduced to a stump. She winced, Lithy's pain dulled by the loose nature of their connection. The remains melted into her back.

"You're in enough trouble already. Let's not add to it."