Deep Space Relaxation Part 2

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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The continuing story of the Prospector crew. Things start to get a little tense here and there. But there's also some sexy stuff, too!

This story's part of a series, so check below the copyright stuff for navigation links!

Story and characters (c) AnubusKiren<=Previous | First | Next=>

The Prospector continued its long journey through the perilous realm of subspace, wrapped firmly in its protective realspace bubble. The steady rumble of the massive drive core nestled within the ship's heart permeated its hulking metal hull, creating an unceasing hum that only just managed to keep away the piercing ring of silence. In mere hours, it had become as a ghost ship; eerily-quiet, halls nearly motionless in the absence of a major job to perform. The hustle and bustle of the past month was gone, and the Prospector slept soundly for the first time in weeks.

Whirring centrifuges and beeping consoles kept Dr. Roxanne "Flora" Jenkins company as she filed away paperwork. Routine blood samples, diet tests, and general wellness checkups filled her previously empty schedule--procedures long overdue, in her opinion. Everything had been shifted aside to keep her team ready for emergencies down on the rock, which had thankfully been few and minor in scale. Every so often, someone would get an arm caught in an anchor rigging or smash their shin on a jagged outcrop, and the medbay would buzz with activity for a few hours. It had been only half-way through the dig when some of the doctors started flat-out begging the universe to give them work, even if it meant a broken wrist or punctured lung to fix.

"Morons." Flora rolled her eyes at the recollection. She leaned back in her seat, arms stretching high as she yawned. The sudden booms in productivity had indeed been far too few, and before she even knew it, they were dusting off again. Major corporations would have stuck an away team on that rock for another three months, with a prefab barracks and hydroponics bay to keep them housed and fed. Freelancers like Zeeva's team rarely got to finds like these before the big players, and as wonderful as the payout would be, it would take a long time for it to really materialize. Automated rigs were slow and imprecise, and they simply didn't have the manpower for a full-fledged outpost.

Not that she was complaining about off-time. A bonus would certainly not go unappreciated, either. The vulpine doctor kicked back and put her feet up on her desk, only to flinch as a metal paperweight clanked to the floor. Something shifted beneath her right scrub pants leg, and from the bottom emerged a long, slender vine. It felt around for the weight and, upon discovery, wrapped itself around the cubic object and crawled back up the doctor's thigh.

"Thank you, Roro." she covered the remainder of her yawn with a hand and retrieved the lost object. The flowers clustered around her ear twitched and shuffled, bringing a smile to her lips. Flora turned her attention to the viewport to her right, overlooking the patient beds across from her desk. The inky-black void of the realspace bubble offered little to the eyes, but she rose and approached the thick, blast-proof glass all the same. Unheard calls echoed through the void--psychic screams imperceptible to most mammals. Bone-chilling, but harmless all the same. The sound stirred her flowery companion to life and sent the deep blue petals shrinking back against her head.

"They can't get you." the doctor lowly commented. The flowers remained closed; the horrible wailing and haunting songs whispering through their minds brought violent shivers to the leafy green vines entwined around Flora's body. She steadied herself against the wall with one hand and shut her eyes tight, throwing up a mental wall between the flower creature's emotions and her own. It only worked half the time, but she'd learned a few tricks to keep herself safe from the panic attacks.

The hiss of a sliding metal door tugged the doctor's attention to the front of the medbay. XO Anders stood in the doorway, hands clasped behind his back. "Evening, doctor. Surprised you're still up."

"Just finishing up some scheduling before bed." Flora brushed down her sleeves, trying to smooth the uneven fur beneath. She turned to glance out the window once more, an idle hand moving up to try and coax some life into the petals around her ear. The ethereal wailing had ceased; real voices tended to drown it out. "What about you? Isn't it a little late for an old man to be wandering the halls?"

Anders stepped forward, allowing the door to slide shut behind him. His brow raised inquisitively, eyes focused on the closed-up flowers. "You alright?"

"It's that obvious, huh?"

"Roro makes it hard not to know."

Flora breathed out a sigh and patted the largest flower reassuringly. She avoided answering for a long moment, moving back to her desk and taking a seat once more. Emerald eyes drifted back to the darkened void outside. "Some things just don't filter out well when it's this quiet."

The wolf's gaze turned steely. "Should we be concerned?"

"No. It's not them. Roro can't tell the difference, though, and she scares easily." Flora leaned over to her left, where her coffee maker sat. She flicked a switch and took a deep breath as the scent of ground miracle bean water filled the air. "It's just subspace. Something about flying in a direction that technically doesn't exist in our dimension does weird things to telepathic creatures like her."

Anders held firm for a moment, then relaxed once more and brushed back his graying hair. His militaristic, interrogatory stare turned tired and apologetic. "Sorry, Roxxy. I just worry."

"I know. Coffee?" she grinned up at the older male as the all-important dispenser at her side pinged.

"Hell. Why not?"

Flora handed over the cup and set the machine to brew another. Slowly, the flowers around her ear began to open again, and the weight of her companion's fears lifted from her mind. "How's the bridge?"

"Quiet. Zeeva's left Atlas and Niira to keep us flying straight, and most of the bridge crew are getting some much-needed sleep." Anders sipped at his coffee. He dragged a seat over to the doctor's desk and settled down, back straight, posture tight. Just like a soldier. "A few more days like this and maybe, just maybe, my headache might go away."

"This ship feels abandoned. Everyone's so exhausted; most of the miners have spent the last couple days in bed or the mess hall."

"Can't blame 'em. Everyone's just sick of one another right now. It'll even out once we get to port."

The coffee maker pinged again. Flora took her cup, blew across the rim, and took a sip. The flowers clustered around her ear jittered energetically as the strong, bitter flavor electrified the nerves of her tongue. "I know. It's just weird, is all. Not used to it being so dead."

The grayed officer nodded and stared down into his drink. His lips parted cautiously, and he waited a moment to actually speak. "Does the captain know about you... hearing stuff?"

Flora answered with a shake of her head. She put her feet up again and downed a long sip of coffee. "She doesn't need to."

"It's kind of important, don't you think?"

"You know exactly how she'll react. 'Residual influence' this and 'infestation' that. I'd be back in quarantine for another week, where I'll do zero good for anyone." Roxanne's emerald gaze turned firm as it zeroed in on the wolf's brown eyes. "I'm fine, XO. We are fine."

Anders stared her down. His triangular ears flicked this way and that, and a compromising smile crossed his lips. "I trust you, Roxxy. Don't get me wrong."

"This isn't a military ship, even if Zeeva would love for it to be. No one 'has' to know anything." Flora leaned back, letting her head hang over the back of her chair. "And I trust you to not say anything."

"Lips are sealed."

"Thank you." the deep blue petals shuffled, and she managed to chuckle. "Roro's grateful, too. She likes you."

"If she continues to behave, we'll be good friends." Anders finished his coffee and set the cup down on the desk. "Don't work too hard, doctor."

"No promises." she waved him off as he headed out the door. The vixen opened her eyes and squinted to keep out the overbearing fluorescent lights up above. She listened to the telltale hiss of the sliding door--once, then agin, cutting off the quiet clank of Anders's feet along the metal floor.

<He won't tell, right?>

"He only wishes he was still a real officer." Flora verbally replied to the echo of Roro's unheard question. "He's loyal, but that works both ways in this case. He won't tell."

The petals nestled among dark brown hair slumped, as if in relief. <Are you sure it wasn't them?>

"Perfectly. You can relax."

<I don't want to go back. You know what they'll make me do.>

The doctor frowned. She felt for one of Roro's vines and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "Honey, I promise you, I'll keep you safe. I haven't led you astray yet, have I?"

An uncomfortable silence spaced out the plant's response. <No. But you don't know them like I do.>

"I know a disturbing amount already."

<No. You don't.>

The comment sent a shiver up Flora's spine, and this time she couldn't quite tell if it was her fear or the flower's. She downed her coffee, swallowing the precious black sustenance with a loud gulp and letting her eyes drift shut. "It'll be ok."

No verbal answer came, but a sense of relief told her all she needed to know. The vixen doctor collected the dirty cups and set them aside, then returned to her computer. Just five more minutes, and she'd go to bed. Probably.

A far-off whimper nagged at her, and Roro's vines trembled.

Energy finally returned to the Prospector as its three-day jump neared its end. A mere two hours remained before their arrival at New Luxor, and an adequately-refreshed crew buzzed about the corridors and mess hall, all excited to abandon the gray walls of their hulking home in space for something more vibrant. Already, drinks had been passed around, plans made, and high expectations set. The crew was called to the briefing room once more, where captain Zeeva hoped to drill some sense into their heads before departure.

"I know you're all very excited to get off the Prospector for a while. Believe me, I am, too." she gave her crew a wry grin. "But I want you all to temper that excitement with common sense. If you're going to drink, don't destroy your livers, and sleep on your sides. If you're going to gamble, bring only what you're willing to never see again. And if you're looking for... pleasurable company," her eyes zeroed in on a certain panda in the back, who quickly tried to shrink into the crowd. "Well... Same rules as gambling, really. And don't forget to stop by Dr. Jenkins's office before you depart, for your immuno-boosters."

"Yes, mom." XO Anders remarked from the side.

"Don't make me hit you." Zeeva silenced the crew's snickering with a glare. "I know I sound like a nag, but you'll thank me when you come back to work with money in your accounts and no new rashes between your thighs. And, you know, alive. ETA is approximately two hours, so be ready for realspace emergence at that time."

The crowd dispersed. Captain Zeeva pinched the bridge of her snout and turned to her lupine second-in-command. "So. Pregaming?"

"You know it." Anders grinned, bearing a pointed set of bright white teeth. He looked this way and that, and when the last crewmember departed the briefing room, he quietly remarked, "I've got a bottle of Tau Blu in my quarters."

"You son of a bitch." the reptilian captain's brows raised. "And you're just now telling me?"

"Been saving it for a rainy day. And I dare say, it's been pouring out since that last dig." he paused, then plainly added, "Money. It's... been pouring money, in case I didn't make that clear."

The pair shared a laugh and made their way from the briefing room. Zeeva's thick, scaly tail whipped back and forth in a way it rarely ever did. "Well, XO, you dodged a bullet by deciding to share with me. Especially after this haul."

"As if I'd tempt your wrath over a drink." Anders paused as they neared his quarters, glancing up and down the hall and furrowing his brows.

"What is it?"

"Think anyone'll say anything if they see us walk into my room together?"

"If they're smart like you, they'll know better."

The lupine ex-officer laughed and unlocked the door. He led Zeeva inside and shut the door behind them. His room was typical for a military man: neat, organized, old medals and uniforms hanging here and there. Pictures of old war buddies and family sat on his bedside console. The old wolf opened a locker at the foot of his bed. "Fuck it. We're old enough not to care at this point, right?" A bottle of bright blue liquid stood out among the odds and ends arranged neatly within the locker. Anders carefully lifted it from its nest of junk and nick nacks and read from the label: "Tau Blu, 2254. A good year."

"Was it?"

"Not particularly." he said, fetching a corkscrew from among the odds and ends in his locker. "But that's what they always say when you open an aged bottle of liquor, right?"

Zeeva found a chair and settled down, curling her tail around her ankle and slumping against the back rest. "I don't know. Is it an Earthling thing?"

"Yeah, I guess." the wolf paused and watched her for a moment. "Right, some sayings don't translate well, even when we're... wearing translators." He retrieved two glasses from his desk and uncorked the bottle. A sweet and spicy scent wafted from within, the bright blue liquor bubbling lightly as it was poured. "Haven't had a glass of this since the Blitz."

"Right. Your planet wasn't exactly paradise."

Anders snorted. He handed Zeeva her drink and corked the bottle, then savored the first sip of his glass. "It sure seemed like hell at the time. People like to say that weaponizing space made warfare more bloody. If anything, it cleaned it right up." The aging lupine stared straight ahead for a long moment. "How quickly they forget what a ground war looks like."

Zeeva sampled the drink in her hands. It was every bit as exotic as the name, and its scent held back no secrets; Tau Blu was an absolute delight to the tongue, satisfying sweet cravings and tantalizing the taste buds with a spicy zing. There wasn't another drink like it, particularly when it came to alcohol. The reptilian woman took another drink and let it settle on her tongue, eyes raising to face her executive officer. "Neither you nor Roxxy speak of it much."

"It was ugly. Nobody really wants to remember it. I was almost a fossil back then, too, and Roxxy..." he sighed heavily into his glass. "Just a kid out of med school, looking to fix the biggest wound she could find."

"You're both better for it." the captain insisted, brows firmly knitted. She tempered that sternness with a smile. "I won't hear any disagreements, either."

Anders mulled that over with another sip. A grin tugged at his tired features, and he held his glass in a toast. "I'll drink to that."

"And to long, profitable lives." Zeeva raised her own drink and let her shoulders slump. No more orders to bark, no more screens to read... Shore leave couldn't come soon enough. "I'm gonna get so fuckin' plastered. That's an Earthling saying, right?"

"The best one, as a matter of fact."

Two hours crawled by at a snail's pace. The excited buzz reached new heights as a long-awaited announcement boomed over the intercom. "All hands, please prepare for realspace emergence. Warp technician Niira, please report to the drive core."

Atlas kept the crew on alert for the remaining moments of the Prospector's long, silent trip beyond the edges of three-dimensional space. Soon, the telltale signs of emergence overtook the vessel: the deep, intense rumble as space unfolded around its hull; an overpowering sense of vertigo that brought any standing organic crew to their knees; and finally the satisfying 'boom' of their protective realspace bubble melding into local space in a controlled, destructive collapse. The Prospector glided on momentum for a kilometer, then blazed forward as its engines roared to life, adding the glow of its brilliant blue thrusters to the sea of stars surrounding it. Dead ahead, the tiny profile of a brightly-lit station could just be made out against a stunning, deep blue gas giant.

"Back to our home universe." A sufficiently-buzzed Ezekiel Anders slumped over in his seat. "We should've pregamed later. Post-emergence sickness doesn't mix well with inebriation."

"Don't be a baby." Captain Zeeva's half-hearted chiding was rather unconvincing when spoken in the same, sickened tone. The slightly-drunk skriivan woman stood and headed out toward the briefing room. "Take five, then get everyone together once we're docked. Atlas, get us a port."

"Acknowledged, captain." Atlas pinged from a nearby console. The dutiful AI set to work obtaining clearance for the Prospector to dock with the swiftly-approaching New Luxor Station. Their choice of location had been aptly nicknamed "Space Vegas" by many publications for its many casinos, luxury resorts, and bank accounts devastated each weekend. Gang violence and murder rates were about the only two statistics New Luxor didn't have on plain old Earth Vegas, thanks to rather liberal application of airlock executions for even first-time offenders. No businessman was about to let a bunch of gang-bangers and psychopaths ruin their glowing oasis of booze, gambling, and pleasurable company in the vast deadness of space.

Anders took a moment to compose himself, cautiously rising to his feet as his orientation in the universe settled with his body. Medical science had thus far found no physical harm in shielded subspace travel, but had similarly discovered nary a trace of a cure for the twisty-turns that the senses took when shifting back and forth between dimensions. Something about three-dimensional space being squeezed across lightyears of what was essentially flat non-space didn't sit well with organic perceptions, and though the vast majority of travellers overcame the sensation within moments, there were no signs of any emerging treatments. Only the selka, who thrived within subspace, saw any resistance to its effects.

"Take the helm, Atlas." Anders said, rubbing his forehead and switching on the ship-wide intercom. "All hands, assemble in the briefing room after docking. We're about ten minutes out from New Luxor. Medical personnel and crew still undergoing pre-disembark examination, proceed as normal. We'll keep you posted over the intercom."

Atlas pinged the XO's console. "New Luxor Station has authorized our docking at port seven."

"Thank you, Atlas. Take us in."

"I believe I may do more flying than you do, Mr. Anders."

"Ah, be quiet, toaster."

The bridge crew would be among the last to join the crowd of eager individuals in the briefing room. Anders sat back and watched New Luxor grow larger in the massive viewscreen set before the bridge. His eyes flicked across the various advertisements displayed on holographic billboards: Ships large and small, guns, recreational drugs, cosmetic surgery... Nothing was regulated in this part of space, including mining operations. He watched the other ships come and go as they approached their dock, catching sight of military vessels here and there--likely repurposed militia or bounty hunters. The old wolf momentarily pined for his glory days, for whatever they were worth.

Thrusters along the sides of the ship aligned the Prospector with the station's boarding platform, and the two metal hulks joined with a subtle clunk. A series of clicks and a faint shaking jostled the vessel as magnetic seals locked them in place.

"Docking successful. Equalizing interior pressure with exterior atmosphere."

"Thanks, Atlas."

"This toaster is happy to assist."

"Ah, you know I didn't mean that." Anders rose again and steadied himself. His emergence sickness was finally easing up. He addressed the bridge crew with his usual toothy grin. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Standard lockdown procedures apply. Atlas will maintain security, but let's not just leave the doors open when we leave." He wandered along the bridge's central walkway, casually glancing at various terminals as he went. "Kill the engines and maintain power to lights, living facilities, life support, and the AI core."

One by one, stations were powered down and vacated. Sections of the bridge packed up and headed for the briefing room as their systems went into standby. At long last, the Prospector would sleep, come to rest at the brightest station in the galaxy (or so said the brochure). Executive officer Anders was the last to leave. He turned to face the bridge once more and sucked down a deep sigh of relief.

"Lights." The corridor went dark.

"All idle crew members have gathered in the briefing room, but one." Atlas pinged at the door console beside Anders.

"Yep. I'm coming." the old wolf shut the door behind him and bid farewell to a long, tiring journey.

The Prospector's medical bay had been all but evacuated; white coats and stethoscopes hung along the rear wall, computers powered down, desks unmanned. Just about every last examination had been carried out, documented, and filed away. Only the slightest shuffling, the quietest sounds of hushed, heavy breaths came from the rearmost examination bed, where two figures competed for who could stuff the other's mouth with their tongue first.

"Dammit Lin..." Dr. Flora huffed between deep, muzzle-locking kisses. "I'm supposed to be--ahh--examining you..!"

"You are." the naughty panda tried to pull the doctor onto the bed with him, but only managed to tug her half-way into his lap. Firm hands squeezed the curvaceous hips hidden beneath Flora's labcoat. "Thoroughly, I might add."

The vixen's snow-white cheeks blazed with heat, and though she continued to protest, her hands insisted upon groping all over Lin's chest. A pleasured growl rumbled in her throat as his lips descended and attached to her neck, the firm suckling sending a chill up her spine. "W-We're disembarking soon!"

"Captain's announcement said forty-five minutes. You know how decon can be in these high-class stations."

"Can we... be that quick?"

"Fuck if I know." Lin smirked, mumbling his comment against her sensitive neck. "Let's find out."

The pair stumbled out of medbay and made for Flora's bedroom. No one was there to judge or to gawk, and thus there was not a soul onboard to notice Lin's lack of a shirt or pants. He was quite comfortable running around in his boxers, but Flora hurried along, cheeks flushed red, eyes set dead ahead on her doorway as they neared her quarters.

"I can't believe you." she huffed, clumsily unlocking the door with her thumb print. "Seducing me in the middle of--I mean, I--ugh! Fucking open!" She mashed her thumb into the scanner, and the door finally parted from the wall. Flora wasted no time pulling Lin into her room.

"Someone's eager." Lin's comment earned him a firm shove onto the bed, that cheeky grin remaining plastered on his lips until she stole them again. The two clumsily worked Flora out of her labcoat, and she had to pull away to tug her scrub top off. Lin could only sit on his hands to keep from reaching for those soft, plush breasts held up by a lacy black bra.

"It's your fault, you..." Roxxy groaned as she pushed down her scrub bottoms, her tail swishing swiftly in an arc behind her. Bright green eyes glared down at the panda, a mix of frustration and desire showing through that emerald gaze. "What am I gonna put down for my records now?"

"I dunno. What's your diagnosis, doctor?"

"Fuckable." Flora descended upon him, their furry bodies twisting around on the bed as they fought to determine who would top.

Lin's hands swiftly went to work on their first target; that bra had to go! Skilled fingers had it unclasped in a half-second, and he casually slid the straps down over her shoulders, bringing it just far enough to give his hands the room to slip under and give those fine bosoms a squeeze.

"Going for the goods early, huh?" Finally, an expression other than irritation crossed Flora's expression. That indecisive scowl--the one that screamed "I need to actually do some work, goddammit"--melted into a naughty grin, and she gave Lin a firm shove onto his back. "Don't mind if I do the same." The vixen descended and zeroed in on her lover's chest, her tongue slipping and flicking over a nipple.

"Gfff..." Oh, that one delicious weakness of his. Lin chomped down on his lower lip, but couldn't quite bite back the moan that followed. He decided to even the playing field by going for an ear, his teeth carefully grazing along the sensitive skin and fur of that twitching, flicking auditory organ. His eyes were drawn to a flash of blue as the flowers clustered around that ear squirmed and writhed. "I think Roro likes it, too."

"She does." Flora purred, her tongue switching to the other nipple and renewing Lin's whimpering.

"Does it ever get weird, fucking while sharing a body?"

"You're asking that NOW?" the vixen rose again, one hand on Lin's shoulder to keep him pinned, the other between his legs, groping for his throbbing shaft. "Just shut up and work those hips, bamboo-breath."

"That's racist." This time Lin surrendered the top and wiggled out of his boxers, biting back another moan as her deft fingers squeezed and stroked his needy maleness. With just a quick shuffling motion, she was straddling him, his cock surrounded by her warm, wet womanhood. The panda's back arched wide, hips bucking firmly upward, hands finding those soft breasts once again. The pair sang a duet of blissful pleasure as they fucked, moans joining together each time they reconnected at the hips. Their bodies pressed together as Flora leaned lower, soft breasts and firm chest meeting, heaving with labored breaths.

"Damn, doctor." Lin remarked between breaths. "You really needed your vitamin D, if you know what I--."

"Shut the FUCK UP." Flora couldn't quite summon the exhasperation to roll her eyes, her thighs squeezing tighter as she rolled and rocked her curvy hips. "Always with--" her sex clenched hard, "the stupid--" another firm clench, "fucking--" followed up with an insistent tug to his nipples, "JOKES!"

"I'm sorryyyyy!" Lin flinched even as he moaned, his tongue hanging comically from the side of his muzzle. God, those nubs tingled and yearned for another good pinch. He squeezed his vixen lover's hips and pushed up harder, practically bouncing her in his lap. This renewed eagerness seemed to make up for his poorly-timed joking, as Flora went right back to riding him. He could feel the telltale buildup of pressure in his loins, and his thrusts became shorter, more frantic as he neared the point of release.

Flora's nails dug into his shoulders as her muscles tightened. The pink fox clenched hard, milking every last tingle of sensation she could from her lover's throbbing shaft, her moans reaching a fever pitch as she rode out an intense climax. "If you're gonna cum, you'd better fucking do it!"

Never the one in need of such an invitation, Lin let loose his throbbing load. His hot seed flooded the vixen's tight passage, the room echoing with a duet of climactic cries! Bodies grinded together as muscles spasmed, moans stolen away by a deep, tongue-twisting kiss as they rode out the waves of blissful release, then fell still.

"Completely... unbelievable." Flora huffed against the panda's lips. "Compromising my integrity as a doctor."

"Doctors don't have to swear oaths anymore." Lin said with a smirk. "How much time do we have?"

Flora slapped at her bedstand until a holographic display popped up, showing the time as 14:47. "That didn't feel like only half-an-hour."

"Well, doc, if you don't mind me saying so," the panda rolled to the left, pushing Flora onto her back so that he could nestle in against her chest. Once there, he took full advantage of the plump softness of her breasts, pressing them together and resting his face between them for a long moment. "mmm, you've been pent up as hell since about half-way through the last job."

"Because you were down on the rock all day and night."

"Aww, I'm flattered. Not gonna ride anyone but me?"

Flora scoffed. "You're the only one on this ship with any game." She took a handful of his hair to yank his head up from between her tits. The vixen grinned at the redness in his cheeks. "For all your confidence, though, you're still a little bitch. My little bitch."

"Marry me."


Lin feigned heartbreak. "Fine, I'll marry Atlas. He understands me."

"Mmhmm." If only she knew. The vulpine doctor pulled herself out of bed and began to set out her outfit for the day. She fetched a dark blue sundress, strapless black bra with matching panties, and a pair of sandals from her closet. "As for your checkup, what little bit of doctoring I managed to do checked out just fine. I'll lose the paperwork somewhere. Wouldn't be the first time you distracted me from work."

"You're awful."

"You're awful!" Flora rolled her eyes and tapped at her bedside console. The screen briefly flickered with a shower reservation and number. She grabbed a bath robe and casually began to slip it on. "You're the one who... ugh!" Her cheeks flushed. "Go do your walk of shame. You're not getting a blanket for the hallway this time."

Lin breathed out an amused sigh and hopped off the bed. He grabbed his boxers and slipped them on, taking a good, long moment to ogle the flustered vixen as she busied herself with becoming presentable again. "Roxxy, Roxxy... You should know by now." He wandered past the fox and drew back his hand. "I don't feel shame."

Flora could have woken the dead with the loud yelp that jumped from her throat; the loud crack of Lin's palm landing flat against her ass did little to drown out the sound. She reeled around and reciprocated the gesture--right across his face. "You fucking prick! You're getting pegged next time, you hear me?!"

The panda could only laugh like an idiot as he stumbled out into the empty hall, leaving his furious, blushing lover to rub her now sore ass cheek and grumble.