The Life of Another - Chapter 36

Story by Jake Atkinson on SoFurry

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#40 of The Life of Another

Hi all,

There's still a few rough spots here and there but I really wanted to get this posted as I know it's already a bit late.

Also, I'm going to be busy with my new book so I intentionally ended this chapter gently. In other words, there's no cliff hanger. :) There's still gobs of story left to tell, I just wanted to take the immediate edge off so the wait for the next installment won't seem so long.

Speaking of the new book, I'm about 3300 words into it so far and the basic framework is built.

Oh, and Akipchu spontaneously submitted a drawing of Jay decked out in his favorite steam punk outfit in anticipation of the new story. Jay is the Arctic Fox from the anonymous submission in the sandbox folder. You can find his picture in the Fan Art section.

Thanks again everyone, you guys are awesome! ^^

The Life of Another - Chapter 36

© Jake Atkinson

P.O.V. - Roger

Typhon, I knew it!

"You uh, need a moment to yourself again?" Nick offered, his ears lowering in concern.

While grinding my teeth, I asked "Do you see any black in my aura? I'm trying something different this time."

"It's an electric-blue, smoky heatwave pattern. But there's no black like earlier."

"Then I think we're ok." I replied. "Just warn me if you see any black or if the lights start flickering."

Damn this new technique is hard. Mr. Forester made it sound so easy. 'Just let your emotions flow without acting on them.' Oh please! I'm so angry I feel like I could throw the refrigerator through a window! The lights may not be flickering but I don't know how much longer I can seethe like this without something happening.

However, my resolve to stick it out faltered when I realized Nick was visibly wincing away from me. So, with a concentrated effort, I balled up my rage and rushed it up and out through my crown chakra. My head already pounding from using the same technique only a few minutes earlier, I groaned at the renewed throbbing in my temples. "Sorry, I can only imagine how strong emotions like that must feel to an empath. My new counselor suggested just letting my emotions flow but uh, that's not going to work for me."

"I've been around angry people before Roger, I would've been ok." He took a breath and looked at me pitifully.

"Nick, I think it's time I drop the song and dance. Remember how I mentioned that someone was working against Thad, and how that person tried to help William escape?"

He nodded. "Sort of, you didn't really offer any details."

My ears folded apologetically. "Yeah, well, that someone was Eric."

Nick's head tilted in confusion. "I think I'm missing something here. Why would someone murder Thad so spectacularly and yet seek forgiveness from Eric? If anything, I would expect Eric to approve."

Hmm, I'm really going to have to walk a fine line here. Assuming Nick senses lying by feeling a person's stress, I can probably get away with pushing the truth to a certain extent. If I need to, I'll just spin any feelings of anxiety into a story about how the topic brings back hard memories.

I refocused on our meal and stirred my fork into the spaghetti as I began. "Eric believes in reincarnation so, in his mind, murdering someone like Thad doesn't really solve the problem. Thad would just reincarnate in a new time and place and be the same piece of sh... jerk... that he is now, ruining the lives of a whole new set of victims."

Nick perked an ear. "You weren't originally going to say _jerk_were you?"

Starting to relax, I managed a subdued smile. "Heh, even though I don't always succeed, I do try to shelter your virgin ears. Besides, I get mad at myself for all the cursing. It gives away my low class upbringing."

I flushed with embarrassment at the admission and the conversation paused awkwardly until Nick thought of something to say. "It's not your fault, you can't help the way you were raised." He lapped at his glass of water and then prodded me back on track. "Tell me more about Eric and Thad and all that."

Trying to maintain a casual mood, I chewed a mouthful of pasta before responding. "Eric had a particularly unique talent." I said as I set down my fork to rub momentarily at my throbbing head. "And he used it to help another, even more uniquely talented person, escape some very dire circumstances. That person was Typhon."

Nick inclined towards me. "We can go over this another time, maybe you should just lie down for awhile."

Waving off his concern dismissively, I replied "It's just a headache, and you deserve some answers. Uh, where were we?"

Looking less than convinced, he nonetheless leaned back. "You were saying that Eric rescued Typhon from some bad circumstances. And didn't you mention Typhon earlier when you thought Thad might have faked his own death?"

"Oh yeah, that's because Typhon and Eric had an agreement, that Typhon would leave Thad alone unless he went free. I think it's safe to assume that's why he's asking for forgiveness."

I could tell Nick was rolling over this new information in his mind and trying to fit it with what he already knew. After a moment's reflection, he asked "So Typhon killed Thad even though Eric didn't want him to, and you're connected to all of this through your online friendship with William, the cub that Thad ran over?"

Damn, it's getting hard to keep all these half-truths straight, and here comes another one! "This might seem off the subject but just bear with me a minute. You know how when people set up online accounts for games or forums they often don't use their real names? Like on Steam you'd probably be known as Super_Sexah_Coyote,_not _Nick Russell."

Nick laughed self-consciously. "I would never pick _that_name! But yeah, I know what you mean."

Grinning playfully, I continued. "Well it fits! Anyway, you probably also know that sometimes people take it a step further by pretending to be something they're not; like a Fox might pretend to be a Tiger or a guy might try to pass for a girl... that sort of thing."

He popped another zombie meatball in his mouth and talked around it. "Sure, so what are you getting at?"

I steeled myself. "So uh, bearing all that in mind... I'm Eric."

Nick sputtered and ended up swallowing the meatball whole. "What?!"

Breathing deeply, I tried to organize my thoughts. "Where to start? Uh, I guess I should tell you more about Typhon... and myself. See uh, before the accident I used to meditate, a lot. And I was really good at going out of body, which I'm told is pretty damn impressive because it's exceedingly difficult for most people, heh."

My attempt at levity fell flat. Nick just blinked his soft, trusting eyes and continued looking at me worriedly.

Anxious to mollify his concern, I quickly picked up my explanation. "And so when I'd go out of my body I'd end up in a plane of existence somewhere between the physical reality that we're in now and the spiritual reality that people go off to when they die. Like, if I did it right now, I could propel my consciousness to your parent's house and be there with them. They wouldn't know I was there, but I would be able to see and hear them, sort of like a ghost. And in all the times I did it, I was almost always alone in that plane. The only time I'd meet someone was right after they'd died. But before long they would always get distracted by some sort of light I couldn't see and drift off into another other realm. Then I met Typhon."

Nick rolled a meatball distractedly across his plate. "I'm a little lost. Are you saying that the two of you met in that middle plane?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly. "Exactly! Only when you're in that plane you aren't in a physical body, you're just pure consciousness. I know it sounds confusing but when you meet someone there, there's a sort of... instant knowing; an immediate exchange of true essence that transcends words or appearance. Like uh... having a dream where you meet your parents, only they're just cubs. They would look and act differently than you're used to but there would be something about them that would be instantly recognizable." Nick's head tipped to the side again and I worried that I was losing him. "Er, I guess I'm starting to sound pretty crazy huh?"

Smiling apologetically, Nick replied "Maybe a little. Are you sure you aren't just having a lucid dream when you do that?"

Feeling insulted, I huffed and looked away. "I suppose it could sound that way. But regardless of how you interpret it, that's how Typhon and I met. I was checking up on William, who was with Thad at the time, and suddenly I wasn't alone."

Nick shivered. "I don't even want to imagine what meeting someone like Typhon would feel like."

"Typhon was... something." I said, sparing him the scary details. "But he was just as surprised to meet me too. Over time I realized he was being held hostage, and he was forced to work for a group of people that Thad had hired to eliminate some of his competition."

"So Typhon was acting as a sort of deviant hitman?" Nick asked.

I nodded. "Albeit under duress. The poor guy was a wreck. He had issues with schizophrenia since his late teens and, as if that wasn't enough to deal with, somewhere in his mid-thirties his deviance started to kick in. Whenever he'd have a breakdown his consciousness would fling all over the world. And wherever he was, things like Thad's bad day would happen."

As I paused to finish the last of my spaghetti, Nick worked to piece it all together. "So you were looking in on William and bumped into Typhon, who was there to kill someone for Thad?" He asked rhetorically. "And through that encounter you and Typhon somehow became friends, only he sees you as a sort of avatar named Eric?"

"Woah hey!" I replied defensively. "It's not like we hung out and played Minecraft together! I didn't know what I was dealing with at the time and he genuinely needed help. You know how I react when I see someone in need. I wasn't friends with Steven but I didn't hesitate to jump into that stream last night. Someone had to help Typhon."

"Roger, he's a dangerous psychopath!" he said, rising from his chair. "What if he had a breakdown and attacked you?!"

My ears flattened and I shrank back from Nick, feeling ashamed for the deception, and for making him worry. "Ever since the accident I haven't been able to go out of body and, last I knew of him, he wasn't even living on this continent. And on top of that, he won't go near phones or the internet. He said they confuse his voices, whatever that means."

Still standing, Nick crossed his arms. "Are you feeling guilty because you can't help him anymore?"

"I guess." I responded, getting to my paws to clean up the dishes. "Nick, I really don't want to talk about all this now. Short version, the two of us couldn't communicate even if we wanted to. That chapter of my life is over. Look it's been a heck of a day, preceded by a hell of a week. Can't we just chill and watch a movie until the Fallout 4 party?"

P.O.V. - Nick

My curiosity and concern begged for more, but I decided not to press further. Instead, I fell quiet and wrestled with my conscience. Why won't he tell all this to the police? He must know they still haven't identified the cub that Thad ran over. William's family has probably been worried sick for years! At least they could finallyhave some closure. And besides that, what about Typhon? A psychotic killer with abilities like that can't be allowed to just run amok! If only I could convince Roger to come forward!

"I'm sorry." he said softly. "I know you're probably wondering about some of the gaps but, can we fill them in another time?"

"Sure," I replied reluctantly. "I just wish you'd go to the police. Typhon sounds like he could be really dangerous. And what about William's family? They deserve to know what happened."

Roger grew suddenly depressed. "William's parents were worthless shi... jerks. Hell, his mother used him to pay for her heroin habit. That's how he ended up with Thad in the first place. The only person in his life who really cared about him was me." He stared at the casserole dish between us. "Damn, I sure could use a beer tonight. Heh, can't imagine you'd know a place where a kid could score a six-pack."

I walked around the table and wrapped my arms around Roger. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring all this to the surface. Go curl up on the couch and I'll join you in a minute, right after I do up the dishes. And before you say anything, no, you can't help. Find something for us to watch on TV until it's time for the Fallout 4 party."

"So that's a no on the beer then?" he asked jokingly as he returned my hug.

Noticing a speck of spaghetti sauce on the side of his muzzle, I licked it off. "We'll have root beer at the party. If you want anything stronger than that you're going to have to wait about six years."

Roger sent an exciting thrill all the way to my toes by returning the lick with a nibble at my cheek ruff. "Ok, and thanks Nick."

With a final squeeze that lifted me off my paws, he gently set me down and padded to the living room.

While I was doing the dishes, I never heard the TV come on and half expected to find him asleep when I walked in. But once I arrived I found that, although his eyes were closed, he was still awake. "Don't tell me the TV is broken." I said sympathetically as I joined him on the sofa.

He put an arm over my shoulder and drew me close. "Decided a few quiet minutes alone would be nice but..." He nuzzled into the fur on my neck and inhaled deeply. "I'd rather be with you."

Roger's somber mood from earlier was rapidly giving way to a contented calm and I wasn't about to spoil things again. Instead I cuddled closer and rested my head on his chest. Hearing his heartbeat, feeling the weight of his arm around me, breathing his masculine Lupine scent, he was everything I imagined him to be whenever I was feeling lonely.

We lay there quietly for a time, his claws drawing idle designs across my shirt, until Roger broke the silence. "I uh, I'm sorry about not mentioning the moving idea sooner."

"Jim was pretty upset." I replied. "He'll be at the party, maybe you could talk with him?"

"Upset?" said Roger, genuinely surprised. "It was because of him that I decided to go through with the idea in the first place. He seemed so uncomfortable after he found out that I was gay, I figured I was doing him a favor." He sighed, his chest rising and falling against me. "People confuse me no end. Alright, I'll try to smooth things over at the party. That is, if he'll even talk to me."

My tail wagged gently against Roger's thigh. "I think he'll come around. He just needs a little time to warm up to the idea."

"I know." he replied, nuzzling at the fur between my ears. "When I see a potential problem, I work to solve it right then and there. But sometimes I can jump the gun, solving a problem that would go away on its own if I only had a little patience. It's just that Jim's had enough trouble lately, what with losing his girlfriend and all. Although personally I think he's better off without her. Dumping her longterm boyfriend just because she wants to hang out with a new crowd? That's cold. He deserves better! Hey, you know anyone that we could nudge him towards?"

"Well uh, I can't say I understand it, but last night he was getting kind of flirty with Amanda."

Roger groaned disapprovingly. "You mean that bitchy, loud Sand Fox with the Feline deviance? The one that was all up in my face the other night when I made the lights flicker?"

"I know, right?!" I said, echoing his disdain. "But I could feel it when they were squabbling last night. There's definitely a mutual attraction there."

"Tch!" Roger exhaled sharply, blowing ticklishly into my ear. "Breeders! I'll never understand their mating habits."

"Hey, you know how sensitive I am about my ears!" I chided playfully, rubbing my itchy ear at the underside of his muzzle.

Grinning mischievously, Roger tipped his head and nibbled at my ear. "Nom nom nom!"

"Ah! Stop it!" I squirmed theatrically as he hugged me to his chest.

Laughing, Roger finally relented. "But with their little, puppy-like flop at the tips they're just so irresistible! Nom nom..."

I descended into another squealing, writhing fit until my cellphone came to the rescue, breaking Roger's concentration.

**Beep Beep Be Deep**

"Your notification sound is the Kim Possible Kimmunicator alert?!" Roger teased.

"What?" I replied defensively. "I loved that cartoon when I was cub!"

Roger tried to mimic Kim's voice, his husky, deep tone cracking at the strain. "What's the sitch?"

I elbowed him playfully. "Hah, see? You watched it too! And be careful with those high notes, your voice still hasn't healed." There was a moment's silence as I tapped at the screen to retrieve the message. "Looks like the party is under way. You sure you're up for it?"

"Yeah, I've never played Fallout 4 before, or any of the earlier versions for that matter. So I was just planning on getting into one of those over-sized recliners, putting my paws up and watching you guys save the world. If that's alright?"

Unsure how to warn him without ruining the surprise, I hesitated. "Er uh, things might not go _quite_like you're hoping."

Roger squeezed me firmly against him again. "Niiiiick, what aren't you telling me?"

"Don't flex your arm so much, you'll pull out your stitches." I replied with concern, looking at the bandage wrapped around his forearm. "Steven gouged you pretty deeply."

Even though I couldn't see his face from my position, I knew by the way he was feeling that he must have been rolling his eyes sarcastically. "I'll be fine, now what's going on?"

"I can't tell you." I said teasingly. "It's a surprise."

Roger snuffled playfully into my ear again. "You've got two of these, and I've got all night!"

"Stop, stop!" I squealed, struggling against his grasp. "It's a big party, ok?!"

"Ugh!" he grunted with exasperation. "Parties have people! You know I'm not social! How big are we talking?"

"Well uh, originally it was just going to be me, David and Jim but word kind of got out and uh..."


"Well I don't know exactly."

Roger took a deep breath and brought his muzzle to rest on top of my head. "Like I could say no to you."