Introducing Echo the Drashophin

Story by AussieDragon on SoFurry

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Backstory/description to my alternate character Echo.

This story was written up by RuthofPern, and the ref sheet to this character was drawn up from this backstory.

If you would like one like this for your character, feel free to send him a message over one. :)

*Theme tune to Echo the dolphin ringtone*

'I really am going to have to find someone to change that. Those fecking pranksters at the office locked it in somehow...'

I stretched and yawned as I reached for the phone. "Hello? You of all people should know I only got home 2 hours ago."

"What no sleep on the job this time sexy?"

"I am not to paid to sleep with the clients Jools..."

"Oh contraire are. Just not with your eyes shut. Gather he was a feisty one then?"

"Submissive actually...but also frustrated as despite my best small talk and his negotiations, I have a feeling that he is going to lose out on the deal he was trying to cut at the dinner. Kept me going all night until I called it for fear of doing him some damage...he was only dripping clear by then anyhow."

"Ah I you all fucked out then?"

"If I was, would I still be high on your call lists?"

"True, true...He gave you a nine by the way. Probably as you say...the fuck up with the deal. I will still give you full rates though. $200 an hour."

"You'd better."

"Or what?"

"I sign up with one of the know I could even go independent..."

"Not for the rates we get for you...But that aside, got a bitch with an itch who wants something exotic to take the minds of her contacts. All female grouping from what she gathers, trying to beat her prices down on a new line of lingerie she has been developing. First timer through us, and wants something afterwards to make her ruin a pair."


"Otter...and that was one of her other stipulations. She has done well enough already that she owns one of those holt houses down by the river. You're it."

"Sounds like fun...Submissive then?"

"No idea...she didn't tick the boxes."

"What time and where?"

"Sixteen hundred at hers...Number seventeen Splash place. You will be driving her Aston to Moreton Bay, so make sure your car makes the best impression it can. With all we pay you, you really should get rid of the Baha Bug on Holly's you know."

"Maybe...kinda suits my image though."

"It doesn't suit the professional one though, does it? up for it?"

"When am I ever not? I will get a few more hours. This an all-nighter again, or just a meet, greet and de-stress?"

"You have a habit of keeping them on the she is prepared to keep you if you prove yourself. Name is Arale by the way. Got get some beauty sleep stud...and maybe I can sample you when you next slip by myself."

"In your dreams Jools, unless you want me to escort you!"

I hung up before he could reply, glancing at the screen's clock. 'Still time for a few more hours before a gym session to tighten myself up.'


"Shame your car doesn't match your profile." Arale said as she opened the door.

"Oh but it suits me though, Miss. Always fancied the sand and surf when I have some downtime. Don't think that my brain matches my image though...I assure you of that."

"I read your profile...What made someone with a double-doc in oceanography follow this line of work?"

"Circumstances...and well I like variety. I can always head that way in the future when some of my uni debt has gone."

"Or you find someone to settle with that can afford you as well I suppose...Oh don't look like wasn't a come on. In you come...table is booked at 17.30 and we are only 45 mins away. Let's see the goods...hang your tux in the dry closet and follow me."

She dropped her toweling gown, swinging her rudder as she showed off a body that really didn't need the services of someone like me...she could have picked up a film star from the streets of Hollywood with just a suggestive wink.

"You sure you want to start this way?" I asked, disrobing efficiently as instructed.

Her eyes wandered up and down my sleek figure for a minute, a slight lift of one lip portraying the few seconds they stopped upon my tightly sealed slit which was just within the shadow of my thighs.

"Trust me Echo...if you think that we could do anything like that before we left, I hired the wrong escort. I saw all your pics and I need to not be sweating and sore for this meet." She turned to the plunge pool, "Now lingerie is not just a female line and you get to model it!" She dived into the pool without another word.

'I'm going to kill Jools...' I thought as I followed her tail into the pool in a perfect dive that left just ripples to disturb the now silent atrium.


"Well that went well I think." Arale stated, "We certainly made an impact."

"Being honest Miss...How could we not have? I was standing there in the middle of a high class restaurant wearing nothing but a shirt and you new line for twenty minutes."

"I think for the next part of the night we can switch to Arale please...Did you find them comfortable?"

"I found them interesting...I will say that I am glad I am not an exhibitionist, as I fear that even though you have obviously designed them for aquatic two legs, there is no way that they would have hidden anything at all should they have been asked to."

"As it should be...after all, they are not designed for the public to view." She approached him after twisting a clasp on her dress, dropping it to the floor in a puddle before placing her paws on his chest. "As you can appreciate if your nose is reasonable sensitive, my own product hides little of my needs as well. I think it time you prove the main reason I have hired your services tonight."

A single manicured claw traced a line between my pecs and down to my midriff before circling the area where a less controlled male would now by showing all off. She paused for a second, a smile tracing her lips as with a snick of the waistband, she ruined her sample wares, and I shivered as the silky fabric slid down my tail and became hooked on my flukes. The claw dropped into the shadow of my thighs to find my slit, tracing it like I would a female needing a tease, before she slipped it inside to find my hidden treasure.

"Mmm...I see you do have control Echo...more so than I."

The claw withdrew, Arale bringing it up to her lips, her smile spreading a little further as the taste of salt tainted her dessert sweetened buds.

"But not that much control unless your personal hygiene is not up to scratch...which I highly doubt."

She looked around as if contemplating something for a moment, her tongue tracing her lips throughout.

"Follow...I think though I love water play, we shall begin the night in my bedroom and take it from there...You taste as good as I believe I do." She turned without another word and plunged in to the pool behind her.

I swallowed a few times, willing my state of readiness not to go beyond the leaking pre in my cavity, before I followed her tail for the second time that evening...


I surfaced in a different room to the one where Arale had fitted me earlier. My eyes were drawn first to the circular bed that dominated the centre of the room, the polished steel pole that ran floor to ceiling to one side of it, and then to open facilities to on the other. My client for the night was crouched over those very facilities, not shy as she relieved herself in full view without taking her panties off, her musk joining the scent of her arousal as she stood, shaking her body a little before walking across to me, leaving a trail of spots on the tile floor.

"You Echo are not to do that, at least not now..." She gestured towards the pole, "Now show me what you have."

I nodded, vowing that I would get Jools back. Though my tastes and abilities were varied, I really hoped that this hotter otter didn't want to take things beyond implying watersports.

I rolled my shoulders, loosening up a little before approaching the shining steel. Arale positioned herself on the edge of the bed closest to it, her legs spread and glistening as her panties left no room for my imagination.

So why me some may now be wondering. Well I certainly fit the exotic aspect of Arale's briefing being a Drashophin by species, or should I say accident of nature. A hybrid of dragon, shark and dolphin, with attributes of all three within my body.

Grey furred, with a white undercoat for the majority, my belly though is turquoise in hue. Who knew what the creationist Gods were up to when my father's seed was being mixed in my mother's womb that night. The turquoise runs from my neck line, down my pecs and abdomen and through my legs to my pelvic fins.

My head and body shape is of a slender dragon, though part of my delphinic side evidences itself in my forehead, which is prominent and contains a working ability to project sonar...though I have no blowhole. My eyes are turquoise and match my belly. My dragon side also shows with my white nose horn, and two slender S curved horns that project from the back of my head at a 45 degree angle.

I have no wings thank goodness...would ruin my ability to swim being honest. Instead my Dolphin heritage shows again here, granting me two dorsal fins attached to my shoulder blades, standing not vertical, but at 45 degree angles.

I flexed myself, my strong four digit hands gripping the pole as I lifted my own bodyweight with ease from the floor into horizontal brace position, testing the metal for flex as every muscle in my toned body showed for Arale to see. Not even a blush of pressure showed on the quick of my white claws or turquoise pads as I slowly began to rotate myself, never wavering as my legs and tail approached my client, showing all there was to be displayed.

Ah my is where my shark side comes in a bit more. Makes it a nightmare for my tailors, trust me, as that part of my anatomy is more suited to those that don't have to walk with the sensitivities of those on the land.

My pelvic fins are turquoise like my belly, as is my single anal one, though my anal fin has a grey spot on each side... Yes, with the exception of my fluke design, my tail is wholly shark like... complete with it's natural exits. I did mention that my reproductive slit was not between up front in the same way a mammal's is more usually, it is between my legs where a female's vagina is normally found. I again thank those who came up with me in the primordial mix that I didn't end up with claspers between my pelvic fins! Grey fur surrounds it rather than turquoise.

A hand extended, stopping my revolution as Arale's nose ventured in, her tongue licking up from the base of my vertical Dolphin tail flukes, across my tail hole which resides behind my anal fin, making me shudder and my slit swell as I try not to drop the pose before she sits back again, whiskers twitching as without a word, she gestured from me to continue.

My tail's spine has a second dorsal fin, vertical in nature and as grey as my main body fur, but with a two turquoise spots on each side of it, and the upper tail fluke has three spots on it, but not my lower.

I switched position, arching my back and gripping the pole higher up with my legs, before letting go and locking position above Arale's head, my knees straining a little as I let myself slide down to level with where her crotch was obviously in need. She nodded once, granting me the tacit permission I needed to bare my dragon's teeth and grip the sodden fabric covering it, tearing it off gently before extending my tongue and giving her the teasing tastes she had given me.

I only have so much self-control, and the acidic taint combining with her need let my final part show its self to her in all my glory from how I was hanging upsidedown.

She grinned, watching as the flexible light pink dolphin shaft snaked across the underside of my tail, wrapping itself around the steel of the pole, almost snakelike as I trailed pre in preparation from what I knew would be asked of me next. Some of my dragon also shows there, as instead of being totally smooth, I have a ridged nature to my phallus.

My balls as you can see are completely internal naturally, and when about to orgasm, swell slightly toward the base of my shaft.

"How much weight can you support?" Arale whispered breathily as I nipped at her clitoral hood.


"Then this is going to be the most unusual sixty -nine either of us have ever had to begin the night!"

She stood with that warning and slid herself down my belly, crotch lining up with my mouth as she began teasing the strings of pre that linked my tip to the pole by now, lips taking my tip into her mouth occasionally as my thigh muscles bulged under the strain.

"I think we both need to make this quick though...When your muscles give, slide to the floor and then cum...Oh...and clean me off afterwards. Your brief may have said that you prefer not to be marked...I however get off on it so let your bladder make me yours for the night when your balls have finished!"

I smiled as I attempted to ensure her pleasures were reached before then...Maybe I owed Jools something, not the other way around.