Flowers For Serath #3

Story by Aulden Stargazer on SoFurry

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#3 of Flowers For Serath

A process of meditation and a heartfelt decision lead to wonderful paths in life. Here is one of our tiger Seraths paths

Serath sits in meditation on the bank of the river overlooking the flowing water. His ears relaxed and tail still at his side. A light breeze blows across his fur that gives him a chill, he shakes it off as he has all others. Our tiger takes a deep breath as he takes in the sounds of the waves that lap over the rocks and the birds fishing for their meals out of the wide river. These sounds fill his ears and make his whiskers twitch. He sniffs at the river its algae fishy smell overwhelms his nose as he takes it all in and breathes another lungful of air. Today was not a great day. It was filled with anxiety and worry as he toiled tending a farmers field who was ill. He was passing through a small village a week ago and saw a sweat drenched otter collapse in his field under the hot summer sun. He rushed to his side and carried him back to his homestead it being about a mile away from where the farmer was working. Upon seeing this strange tiger carrying her husband his wife came out and helped him inside to tend to him. She thanked him for his generosity and asked if he needed a place to rest for the evening after saving her husbands life. She is most kind he thought. He stayed the night asking questions about their lives but revealing none of his own answers. They had lost their twin sons in a flood a year ago, the river had burst its banks and the town was still trying to recover. It was just the two of them. Being used to hot temperatures and the routines of farming serath decided to help this otter until he recovered from his ailment. He often did these random acts of kindness and generosity. His only need is a place to lay his head, a hearty meal to fill his stomach and tea to quiet his mind. All of which were in great supply. He does not require much, just enough to get by and that is all. This is why he is seated at the side of the riverbank this day. He is deciding if he should continue to help the otter family or continue on his way. He is not keen of staying in one place very long. He is a wanderer, traveler, runner. He goes as the sun rises and sleeps as it sets. Meditation helps him to decide the paths he takes in life. It gives him peace. He holds the pouch full of chamomile tea to his nose, taking a deep breath pausing for a moment as he let the vapor sit in his lungs. He notices a few fox cubs playing in the river splashing water at each other in the evening light. He smiles for a moment and laughs under his breath exhaling. Our tiger walks away for the river shore and after wishing them well and giving thanks for their kindness he says goodbye to the otter family. They were most thankful for his help and he blessed them in his traditional way. He must continue for that is his quest, to see what the future holds, help who he can and keep searching for the answers he is looking for. Until then he can not rest.